Chapter 400

Two years ago... That is, eight years of Xiankang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, thirty years of Jianxing in the former Liang Dynasty, eight years of Jianwu in the later Zhao Dynasty, five years of founding the country on behalf of the state, and five years of Hanxing in the adult Han Dynasty.

Shi Hu built more than 40 Taiwan temples in Yecheng and two palaces in Luoyang and Chang'an. More than 400000 people participated in the work. He also wanted to build a way from Yexi to Xiang state, edict four counties in the south of the Yellow River to punish the southern armaments, and prepare for the West's military funds in the state, Shuozhou, Qinzhou and Yongzhou. Qingzhou, Jizhou and Yusu were preparing for the eastern expedition. They were two men in three men and three in five.

At that time, there were more than half a million soldiers and 170000 boatmans in the armies of various states and counties. One third of them drowned and swallowed by tigers and wolves. In addition, princes and shepherds competed for private interests, and the people lost their family property and were in great distress. In response to the resentment of the people, Li Hongshun, a Beiqiu man, claimed that his name was consistent with the prophecy, gathered party members and set up hundreds of officials. Thousands of people were killed after the incident.

Two years later, Shi Hu ordered the national conscription again. The armies of various states gathered more than one million people. His original intention was to send troops south to attack the small ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

The small imperial court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty bought Shijie and ordered Zhao LAN, the Taishi of the state of Zhao, to make him secretly say to Shi Hu, "white geese stop in the courtyard, which is a sign that the palace will be empty and empty, and it is not suitable to move south."

Shi Hu believed in Zhao LAN, so Shi Hu came to Xuanwu temple and held a grand military parade. Naturally, there was no shadow of going south. Among them, Yao Yizhong's part is the battle of Luoyin in Jinan County after he conquered Qingzhou Liu Yan from Jizhou.

At that time, most of the so-called million soldiers were gathered by the Hu people, of which the Jin people accounted for less than 20%. That is the lesson that the Hu people learned from the Jin room's wanton armed Hu people against being overthrown and controlled the number of Jin soldiers. Generally, the number of Jin soldiers is only between 20 and 30% of that of Hu people.

In November of the same year, Shi Hu built the Yellow River crossing bridge in lingchangjin, mining stones as piers, but after the stones were dropped, they were washed away by water, consuming more than 5 million labor, but the crossing bridge was not completed. The stone tiger gets angry, kills the craftsman and stops building.

There is no mistake. It takes more than 5 million labor to build a bridge, not more than 50000 people, not more than 5000 people, not to mention more than 500 people.

At the same time, Shi Hu also ordered the world to ask for beautiful women that year, and massively recruited more than 30000 female voters, divided into three classes. The crown prince and the kings issued orders to recruit nearly 10000 beautiful women. Each county tries its best to select beautiful women, often forcibly seizing people's wives and killing their husbands. In addition, the number of husbands committing suicide reaches more than 3000.

After the beauty who was forcibly recruited was sent to Yecheng, Shi Hu chose the grade in front of the hall. Because the emissary was capable, twelve people were granted marquis. As a result, people in various states and counties were killed and injured due to loss and rebellion. More than 50 people were sent to prison and killed because the local guards could not appease them. Dr. Jin Ziguang Lu, when serving Shi Hu, said frankly and strongly. Shi Hu was so angry that the brave dragon Tengzhong Lang broke him to death.

There have been many military operations, and each county, county and state will have "indicators", that is, the enlisted soldiers will send a car for every five people, two cattle, fifteen Dendrobium meters, ten silk, and those who are unprepared will be beheaded. It doesn't matter how the people support the Shijie state of Zhao, as long as the result.

It takes hundreds of thousands, millions, and even more than 5 million when it is the most exaggerated. It is estimated that the king of Hu will do such crazy things.

Maybe many people don't understand why Shi Hu didn't collapse the country by doing so, but in fact, Shijie Zhao has always been more like a multi tribal alliance than a country. Shijie Zhao is also on the verge of collapse all the time, but it continues to exist due to the cruelty and strength of the Jie nationality.

In this tribal alliance, the Jie nationality is dominant, with Qiang and di as the biggest accomplices, and a large number of miscellaneous Hu.

When there is a war, the miscellaneous Hu in Shijie Zhao state will be recruited in batches. The miscellaneous Hu is also willing to participate in the war. That is because participating in the war can carry out wanton looting. It is uncertain that a miscellaneous Hu can also become a big tribe. After all, whether it is the Jie nationality, the Qiang nationality, the di nationality, even the declining Xiongnu and the rising Xianbei.

"So..." Yuan Qiao was already in Xiancheng. He said with a broad face: "it's not surprising that the characteristics of Hu people will carry men, women, old and young together, so we often encounter tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops."

Xu Zheng knew from the beginning that the state of Zhao in Shijie was a strange country, but no one in a normal country would be so crazy. He pulled the corners of his mouth and said disdainfully, "hundreds of thousands of people can really fight, not even three of them."

As a pioneer, Si Hongzhuang marched very fast. When he raided within thirty miles of Puyang, he divided into 30 teams to attack the enemies who had no time to gather because of the sudden attack. After breaking up the enemies, he was dealt with by the reinforcements who followed him.

In just two hours, the Han Army wiped out more than 3000 achievements and captured nearly 20000.

Naturally, the prisoners have to be sent back. After counting, the old and weak women and children are the majority, so there will be a dialogue between Yuan Qiao and Xu Zheng.

"Maybe you can call for help?" Yuan Qiao found that the vanguard was divided into parts and the effect of four attacks was very good. At the same time, the intelligence transmitted by Si Hongzhuang to the back showed that the enemy was suddenly attacked and in chaos: "there are large and small groups of enemy troops coming to help."

"If we can frighten the enemy away from the white horse, it is naturally feasible." Xu was looking at the map. He pointed out the position of the white horse and said, "suddenly, Sun Fu was blocked by us in juancheng. The enemy in the battlefield will be in disorder if they lose command."

With the exception of juancheng and linqiu, the number of Han troops who directly intruded was actually small, only close to 50000. It's actually a little risky for them to attack forward. It's natural that they can raid and win Puyang. It's right not to annihilate a large number of unresponsive enemy troops, or create a favorable situation for the next battle.

Just a little rest for less than two quarters of an hour, Xu Zheng left yuan Qiao in Xiancheng. He continued to move forward with his follow-up troops.

The war can not be said to break out suddenly. It can only be said that the "habit" of more than a year has been changed. It is normal for the passive side to not respond. After all, one side has a plan and the other side is purely passive.

When Shi Xuan received a large number of Han troops coming to the city in Puyang, it was almost evening. Before that, he sent Li Tu's leader to meet the enemy first, and then sent reinforcements again and again. The number of Zhao troops in Shijie who rushed to the battlefield had exceeded 80000.

Liang Du met with Li Tu in Baima. He was relieved to see Li Tu coming. It was just because the situation was too chaotic and the news from the front was too miscellaneous to judge.

"So there are traces of the Han Army everywhere?" Li Tu looked very calm. He looked at drawing a simple map. His main focus was not Puyang, but the line to the east of Xiancheng: "there was no news from sun Fudu?"

Liang Du shook his head directly: "not only is there no news back from the front, but no one has returned from the express ride sent by the humble post."

"The Han army is very sharp!" Li Tu finally had a cautious look: "it seems that the Han army is out in full force. Only in this way can we completely separate us from sun Fudu's headquarters and be able to eat sun Fudu's headquarters in a short time."

Liang ducai doesn't care what Sun Fu does. What he attaches importance to is what they do.

"Simple!" Li Tu raised his hand and ordered Puyang. He said in a solemn voice, "I personally led the army forward. I will fight first anyway."

If Liang Du has any opinion, he can only say that he has no opinion. He says that after Li Tu goes to war, he will guard the white horse and consolidate Li Tu's future.

If you count the number of people, the Zhao army in Shijie has always been the dominant side. The Han army often fought more than 100000 Zhao army with less than 50000 troops, but the number of people is only the number of people.

The soldiers and horses led by Li Tu are very different from the previous Shijie Zhao army. They are not a miscellaneous army temporarily put together by the local government, nor are they like the whole family of Qiang or di nationality. In addition to 30000 Jie cavalry, the rest of the troops he brought are young men of all nationalities.

The white horse is more than 60 miles away from Puyang, and the whole journey is still flat terrain. Li Tu is not worried about being ambushed. After all, in this terrain, the enemy can see his own side, and his own side must see the other side. Even if the Han army wants to dig a pit on a large scale, the Tibetans don't have enough time, and fewer Tibetans can't work.

It is difficult to use any tricks in the battlefield with flat terrain. Some are that both sides put forward their formations for a decent war. Xu Zheng was reported by the scouts that at least 60000 enemy troops came flat. He immediately knew that it was time to let his scattered and attacking troops withdraw, and the next thing was the big regiment.

"There's no one left here. Let's retreat ten miles back!" Xu Zheng was riding a horse a mile away from the south of Puyang City. He looked at the flag of Shijie Zhao army floating at the head of Puyang City: "see whether the enemy entered the city or chased it."

There should be more than 10000 defenders in Puyang City. If the enemy in Yanjin direction doesn't come to help immediately, in fact, the Han army won't attack the city without a single attack. Otherwise, half of the enemy will come or retreat.

When Li Tu led the army to approach the Han army for 20 Li, he began to order to slow down. He wanted to see what the chief General of the Han Army did. When he learned that the Han army retreated ten li to the southeast of Pucheng and began to camp, he deliberately said loudly to the left and right: "I often heard that the Han army was brave, offensive like fire, eager for war, but I didn't expect to withdraw first."

To save face, there was naturally a burst of "ha ha" laughter. Someone had to laugh at the Han Army's lack of seed.

Boost morale, that's what the first army generals should do. Even if they open their eyes and tell lies, the soldiers can just believe it. Li Tu and Shijie generals are doing that.

When the Han army retreated and camped, Li Tu didn't have to be too considerate of the feet of the horses and the physical strength of the soldiers. He ordered 10000 cavalry to go ahead quickly, and the headquarters also accelerated the speed.

Ten miles southeast of Puyang, Xu Zheng paid close attention to the enemy's movements. He learned that about 10000 enemy cavalry went ahead and asked his generals: "I would like to give this enemy a head-on blow. Who is willing to lead the troops to fight?"

Zhong Xing immediately stepped out of the line and said in a loud voice, "the end will be willing to go!"

"Good!" Xu Zheng took one out of the token basket on the table and threw it to Zhong Xing: "take a total of 7000 Turks and 3000 bows to make the enemy know that the Han army is powerful."

Therefore, we can't take the characters randomly. Most of them are related to the name. Xing has the meaning of "Y ú Congtong", which means to work together. That's how Zhong Xing's words come from.

Zhong Xing caught the arrow and said loudly, "promise!", The man stood where he was, and he had to listen to the extent to which Xu Zheng was going to fight.

"If the enemy is engaged, destroy the most enemy in the shortest time with the most ferocious posture." Xu Zheng glanced at the corner of his mouth and said angrily, "if the enemy headquarters accelerates, don't hesitate to return immediately."

At this moment, Zhong Xing answered "promise" again and saluted away very quickly.

Soon, seven thousand Tu riders and three thousand bow riders left the half built camp and ran to the West with the roaring sound of horses' hoofs.

Ten thousand Han Army and ten thousand Shijie Zhao army saw each other five miles southwest of Puyang. After the Han Army found Shijie Zhao army, it did not change its direction. It continued to advance at a slow speed. It seemed that Shijie Zhao army slowed down a little, but accelerated quickly.

If you stand at the city head in the west of Puyang, you can clearly see that the two cavalry are pointing at each other. They all rush up fiercely. When they are close to each other for about three miles, the cavalry of the Han army is first divided into two, and then Shijie Zhao army also makes corresponding actions.

"The troopers followed me in a frontal assault." In fact, Zhong Xing's voice can't spread far. What he needs is that the flag bearer and trumpeter close to him remind the whole army with flags and horns. With the swing of the flag and the sound of the bleak horn, he shouted: "the Han army is powerful!"

Unfortunately, the sudden cavalry is buried in controlling the horse to rush forward without making a sound response, which is not beautiful.

In contrast, Zhao Jun in Shijie roared. Although he listened to the mess and shouted everything, he seemed to have a great momentum.

The first to fight was not the opposing cavalry, but the bow cavalry of the Han army.

The Han Army's bow riding really only can run and shoot. Their original intention is to detour on the side and shoot arrows on the side when the sudden cavalry and the enemy rush each other, but before that, either they need to get rid of the chasing enemy, or they can only drag the enemy to "fly a kite" and slowly grind to death.

The Hu people are good at riding and shooting, but they take a horn bow. The range of the horn bow is short, and the power is not very good. The leading Hu Qi holds his breath, bites the reins, and makes a bow to shoot posture. When the Han Army's bow is 100 steps away from them, it has been the first to shoot arrows.

The three thousand archers shot arrows at the same time and controlled the direction of the horses to change direction slightly. The first wave of arrow rain did not fall, and when the direction of the horses changed, it was the second and third wave of arrow rain.

What Puyang garrison saw was that the Han Army's shooting was fast and urgent, and there was no gap with the above. The cavalry who wanted to ride and shoot rushed to the position where the arrow rain fell. In an instant, there were people's screams and horses' moans, and people turned upside down.

... split... Cut... Line

If you have a hangover and sleep at night, you can only make a big chapter.