Chapter 352

Before, Liu Yan was in a state of "not high but not low". If he wanted to marry gaomen, he was despised by people. If he wanted to marry a small family, even if he was willing, the majority would oppose it.

With the increasing territory under Liu Yan's rule, for the sake of the imminent founding of the people's Republic of China, he can't marry out of his own preferences.

The so-called king has no family affairs. Everything will involve or affect the country. Whether it is out of political significance or for marriage with other countries, there is too much emphasis on what kind of women the king should accept.

The king's wife can blow the pillow wind, which alone has a far-reaching impact. Let's talk about the emotional problems of getting along day and night. Many times, others say that dry saliva may not be able to achieve the goal, but the king's woman is not sure which inadvertently can determine the king's choice of something.

Beauty is loved by everyone in the world. After all, everyone has the heart to love beauty. It has long been said in the book of songs that a fair lady and a gentleman love beauty, so it is not a gentleman who also loves beauty.

Identity to a certain height, it is very easy to want beautiful women. There may be a large number of beautiful women jumping on your fingers. Similarly, rich people can attract bees and butterflies no matter what they look like. It can't be blamed on beautiful women. Men like beauty and women like materials.

In the past, the Ministry of Han seemed a little windy and misty. After the end of the first world war with the Qiang army, the Ministry of Han showed its strength to the world.

Under the rule of Liu Yan, all the people who learned of the front-line success report, regardless of their previous mentality, knew that our side had won the victory by defeating the crowd, and that their morale and pride were rising slowly. Combined with the official deliberate publicity, they immediately had a sense of security as the people of a powerful country.

Don't underestimate the security of the people in a country.

Generally speaking, social stability is conducive to the people's acceptance of rule, and can make the people have a sense of belonging to the country. When the country encounters difficulties, it has more basis of unity.

At a young age, if you feel safe, you will have more hope. If you don't worry about sudden accidents, your plans will be destroyed, and the stable development of people's hearts will naturally come up.

The stability and unity of a country are more important than anything. A united country and a country with a mess of sand are definitely in a state of heaven and earth.

Now, from the perspective of frequent wars in any country, it can not be regarded as stability, so the people's confidence in the country is extremely important, which is reflected in the victory or defeat of foreign wars. It must be full of confidence to continuously win foreign wars, and people are panic when foreign wars fail.

On Liu Yan's way to zone 1 of huang1 Island, he can find that people everywhere have escaped from their previous fears or worries. In addition to celebrating the victory of the war, a frenzy is spreading.

The people are crazy about the war. Every family with relatives participating in the war is looking forward to what rewards their relatives will receive.

Of course, we can't lack the worry that our relatives have died in battle, but in fact, because of the Han army pension system, the worry is not out of fear that our relatives have died in war and our families have lost their pillars. There is not only the uneasiness that relatives may die into God, but also an inexplicable sense of pride. Each of them can pat their chest and say that their family has done their duty for the king and the country.

Seriously speaking, because of the complex structure of the Han Dynasty, in fact, there are far more single people than people with families. After each war, public sacrifices and incense and blood food for the dead are held by the government. The starting point for recognizing this way is that many of the dead have no relatives.

The news about the founding of the people's Republic of China has spread all over Liu Yanzhi, and it is not a secret to keep temporarily in Linzi. This has caused a phenomenon. People who can move freely have made plans for the future. They will go to District 1 of huang1 island to attend the memorial ceremony for the dead, and then go to Linzi to see if they can have the opportunity to settle down.

The origin of the population under Liu Yan's rule is doomed to one thing, that is, most people will be fixed in a certain area, and only those with titles can move freely.

There are actually many ways to get a title, not just joining the army and getting meritorious service on the battlefield. As a country, Lao can also get the title if he makes more contributions, but it is more difficult. Making contributions to the country in some fields, such as technology or science, can also obtain titles.

The previous time, Cai you was responsible for counting the number of meritorious people in the Han Dynasty. There were more than 20000, and more than 90% of them obtained the status of meritorious people on the battlefield.

In fact, the meritorious people in the Han Dynasty are those who have at least a civil title, which means that more than 20000 people have become emerging aristocrats. This is not a few figures. The accumulated land, wealth and slaves that need to be rewarded are astronomical figures. Fortunately, there is no shortage of Han during the expansion period.

"This time, it's time for those above level 7 to be honored?"

"Return to you, not yet known."

Liu Yan has arrived at zone 1 of Huangdao, where he has too many memories.

It was so difficult at the beginning that I was forced to move overseas islands many times. I don't know how many times I went back and forth.

Once Huangdao District 1 was considered to be a temporary administrative center, and the Yingling hall chose this place.

Thanks to his previous consideration, Liu Yan also had a place to stay after arriving in zone 1 of huang1 Island, so he didn't need to live in a tent.

It was a previously built residence called the East Palace (not the prince's East Palace). In fact, it was just a manor. It was built in the northeast of zone 1 of huang1 island. It was built close to the mountain. You can see the distant sea view and have a very wide view of the inland. The only disadvantage is that the sea breeze is too strong.

The Ministry of Han adopted the twenty grade Baron system, and there was a threshold for each rank.

If you capture an enemy's head, you can become a first-class public officer. The threshold for obtaining the first rank of Gongshi here is actually lowered. If the pre-Qin army needed to kill the enemy's armor (officers) to obtain the title, the Han soldiers could obtain the title as long as they killed any enemy. It would lower the threshold. Liu Yan desperately needed a group of emerging vested interests.

On the contrary, because the acquisition conditions of the first level of public title are lowered, the threshold of the second level of created title is raised.

After the original soldiers of the pre-Qin army became civil servants, as long as they accumulated enough times of large and small wars, they could get the promotion of the title and become the second-class superior among the twenty knights.

On the Han Army's side, Gongshi wanted to become an officer who needed to kill an enemy, and then participated in at least one battle level war and five small battles below the battle level.

It can be called the battle level. It must be that the enemy and our sides use more than 50000 troops, and a war with more than 100000 people can be called a battle.

In fact, not during the period of chaos, there will not be too many battles between the two sides with more than 50000 people, and the number of battles between the two sides with more than 100000 people is even less. It is normal to have a border friction between dozens and hundreds of people, and it is rare to have a big friction between thousands of people.

Fortunately for those who want to make achievements, they live in the autumn of troubled times and are on the side of implementing the 20th rank system. In particular, Liu Yan's credit statistics here must be rewarded for meritorious service unless it is a mistake.

"The titles of the commanders, long histories and Deputy generals in several local battlefields will certainly be promoted." Liu Yan's credit to anyone is actually quite good in his heart. He can't know everyone's promotion. The promotion of some people has long been set, but he can't say it. He had to ask, "how are the arrangements for the fiefdom?"

After the World War II, giving rewards based on merit is the cornerstone of a country. Every time, we even have to look for one or more models and examples, but we can't look for too many people.

What Liu Yan means is that this time, there will be one senior civil and military, and then find some people with special achievements from the bottom, and launch a publicity machine to let everyone know what kind of service they have had.

The so-called fiefdoms are not fiefdoms. Fiefdoms are a reward that only has tax rights, such as the number of families in a certain title in the Sui and Tang Dynasties.

After very long and serious thinking, Liu Yan confirmed that he would not take out the land to engage in "Feudalism", at least not until the scope of rule reached the limit.

Each Empire has its own maximum actual control range, beyond which it will be out of reach. It usually depends on how long the army can arrive. Generally, the position that the army can arrive within three months is ideal. Even if it arrives after more than three months, the cauliflower is cold.

The largest ruling area of the Empire was called "extreme wall". When facing the extreme wall of the Empire, the Western Han Dynasty and the Eastern Han Dynasty adopted the strategy of setting up capital protectors, which was also handled in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but the Sui and Tang Dynasties created a policy of Jimi Prefecture.

The policy of Jimi Prefecture is not difficult to understand. It is nothing more than that a place nominally belongs to the territory, but it is actually a state of autonomy. In general, Jimi Prefecture is a state in which the central government appoints strong local people as the supreme governor and seals who, what and what official positions, but how to govern is actually beyond the control of the central government.

In fact, Jimi Prefecture's policy is very cunning. It can be understood as turning a place into a "sacred and indivisible land". When it is out of reach, it reserves the right to sovereignty. When it has enough ability, it can talk about "since ancient times".

Therefore, the word "since ancient times" is very good, and it will be complete with "sacred and indivisible land". The meaning of a paragraph is "I don't have the strength to bear it now. No matter how you toss around somewhere, that place belongs to me at least in name". Well... Nominally!

Occupying a pit is a very meaningful invention. It's like a stick. It likes to say that the whole universe belongs to them. When the stick really rises, it's not sure that the universe really belongs to them.

There will be a number of middle barons this time. Xu Zheng will be promoted to level 8, Ji Chang will be promoted to level 7, LV Tai, Huan Wen and sang Yu will be promoted to level 6, and LV Yi, xie'an, Cai you, Li Tan, Li Kuang, Tian Shuo and Zhang Shi will be promoted to level 5.

The first to the third of the twenty ranks are lower ranks, the fourth to the eighth are middle ranks, the ninth to the fourteenth are higher ranks, and the fifteenth to the nineteenth are xianjue. The marquis in Guannei can only be regarded as xianjue, so Marquis che (changed to marquis in the Western Han Dynasty) can only be regarded as superior.

The number of people who won the title of no more than the fourth level was nearly 200. They were all middle-level officers in the army.

The title of hairpin curl at the third level was won by more than 700 people, who came from middle and lower level officers of the army.

The titles created at the second level are more than 2000. They are grass-roots officers such as team rate and length, and some soldiers who are lucky enough to kill each other's officers.

Ji Chang has been making relevant reward calculations. According to the first level of public title, he can get one hectare of land, one house and one servant, that is, at least more than 20000 hectare of land, more than 20000 houses and more than 20000 official slaves. The Title Treatment from the second level to the eighth level increases with each level, and then the Title Value of each level is also reflected in social status.

For example, some corvee can be exempted after the third rank is not changed, which is why Liu Yan thinks twice and cannot abolish corvee. After all, it has become something to abolish corvee after the 20th rank system.

Another example is the title of the fifth level doctor. People with this title can participate in the political affairs of a county. After all, in the princes of the spring and Autumn period, there were three levels under the monarch: Minister, doctor and scholar. At that time, the doctor was equivalent to a minister of the state, and the doctors of some small princes were even the civil affairs or military managers of the country. Therefore, the title of doctor has obvious political significance.

The rest are no longer expressed one by one. It only needs that each level of the 20th rank has its treatment and social status. In this way, the country seems to have a special group. They will also become the cornerstone of the country, and the 20th Baron is that anyone can participate, even slaves can establish merit to change their destiny. Moreover, the state also has a set of rules of order outside the law.

Liu Yan will personally preside over the promotion ceremony of some people, mainly to find some people who can be used as models and examples, not for the senior executives who won the highest title this time. Of course, he did this for publicity needs. Qualified leaders always need to grasp something that can play a role in the morale of the people of the country, and set an example again and again to cultivate the spirit of the country and the nation.

It's not difficult for rulers to find a special example. It's really a great thing to have nature. If not, you can create one.

The truth is that the publicity in general countries is false and beautifying, but don't care about the details. As long as it can play an encouraging role in the good side, the goal is achieved.

In fact, heroes with shortcomings and imperfections are more likely to be accepted. Those without shortcomings are called saints. Saints should not exist in the world. They are too far away from ordinary people.