Chapter 348

Liu Yan is currently using nearly 130000 Han troops to encircle the remnants of Yao Yizhong from four directions. In the west, there are 70000 step rides with Huan Wen as the main general and Xie an as the long history of the March, in the East, there are 40000 step rides led by Liu Yan, and above the Yellow River and Jishui are fleets.

Yao Yizhong's headquarters had long lost their spirit when they ran away. In addition, the food and fodder were really reduced. In addition, it was difficult to obtain water, and the morale fell to the bottom of the valley. There was no atmosphere of "mourning and winning". Instead, the soldiers became more and more desperate with the passage of time and the construction of fortifications by the Han army.

Seriously speaking, Yao Yizhong's 40000 troops are cavalry. If he really wants to fight hard, he can cause great damage. Don't think about breaking through. Two rivers block the way from north to south. There are walls that are difficult for cavalry to break through in the west, but there is hope to break through in the East, but breaking through from the East is still to be trapped.

Seeing that there is no hope of breaking through except trying hard to pull more people on the back, that is why Yao Yizhong wants to find a way back. Even the saying that Qiang and Han are actually the same ethnic group in the Shang Dynasty has been turned out.

To tell the truth, we should seriously calculate that human beings really originated in Africa and distributed all over the world after hundreds of thousands of years of migration and reproduction. In this way, there seems to be nothing wrong with saying that mankind is a common ethnic group.

The previous remarks appeared in the Western Han Dynasty. Both Huns and Han elites recognized that both sides were descendants of Yanhuang and Miao, so that the war between Han and Hungary was once interpreted as a national civil war.

There are many similar things in history. For example, ZhuYue and Zhuman are also considered to be of the same Miao origin as the Han people. The source of this view is the war between the Yellow Emperor and Chiyou, or the war between the Yan Emperor and the Yellow Emperor. The Hu people, barbarians and the like all fled and multiplied after the defeated lost their leadership.

Liu Yan had no evidence to prove whether or not who and who belong to the same ethnic group. Once again, he received Yao Yizhong's handwriting. When he saw similar remarks, he had to take them seriously.

When Yu Yi arrived, Liu Yan thought that Yu Yi was a well-read cultural man, and raised some questions.

"There will be disputes within the five clothes, and the appearance of the five clothes is the same as a stranger." Yu Yi likes Liu Yan to solve his doubts and tries his best to give the answer: "this is still the case for blood relatives in the near future, especially the two nationalities with blood feuds and no longer consistent culture, belief and identity."

Liu Yan was surprised. Unexpectedly, people at this time already have such opinions. No wonder the Yu family is worthy of being the first gate valve south of the Yangtze River? Yu's family heritage is certainly not general. They have educated a group of people who are able to write and fight, that is, the elite figures of Yu's family in terms of human and worldly sophistication. Some... Huh? lack.

Yu Yi Hui said that for political purposes, of course. The Qiang nationality is now the most populous race in the Central Plains. Whoever gets loyal will be even more powerful. It's hard to say whether Yao Yizhong wants to work for Liu Yan wholeheartedly, but even if there is a chance of one in ten thousand, Liu Yan will certainly add immeasurable help to the war in the Central Plains after he gets the help of the general leader of the Qiang nationality.

The next step for any regime that has unified the Central Plains must be to ensure that there is no shortage of jin'ou. It is inevitable to attack the south of the Yangtze River. Any territory that belongs to the "sacred and indispensable territory since ancient times" will be recovered. Regimes that do not do so will be stabbed by future generations, no matter where they have made any achievements, as long as jin'ou is not complete, The evaluation of history will not be much higher.

The military front displayed by the Han Army has shocked the world. It is no secret that Liu Yan will establish a country.

After the founding of the people's Republic of China, it can be imagined that there will be a crazy expansion period. That is the inevitability brought by politics. It is also the most vigorous period for the army after the founding of the country. It is unreasonable not to expand outward.

After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the Han army must have had a series of wars with the Shijie Zhao army, but Yu Yi did not think that the Shijie Zhao state could be destroyed in a short time. It was unlikely that the result would occur in a short time because of the alliance of the Han state, the ran Qin State and Murong Yan state. The income from expanding to the Central Plains was limited, and the possibility of Han Army transferring targets was not absent.

The water war of the state of Zhao in Shijie is not good. The repeated Southern expeditions can only achieve some results, but it is difficult to destroy the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty in one war, but the Han Army has a huge fleet and water war skills.

Looking at the performance of the Han Army in the Central Plains battlefield, combined with Liu Yan's unknown fleet, Yu Yi worried that the Han Army's southward expansion would not be unreasonable.

Sang Yu, who had been quietly drinking tea, looked coldly at Yu Yi.

Liu Yan may not have thought much, or he may have thought of not caring, but sang Yu can't let Yu Yi interfere in his party's decision.

Yu Yi was swept away by sang Yu's cold eyes and smiled awkwardly. What else can he do? He just looked at Liu Yan's reaction.

"It's great to say that all ethnic groups in the world have the same origin." Liu Yan was not ill. He touched his chin and nodded with satisfaction: "this statement must be publicized."

How did the Han nationality come into being? It doesn't just refer to blood, but also refers to people's sense of identity. Let a person who is not Han believe that he is an authentic Han. Whoever says he is not Han will work hard with others and be willing to fight and bleed for the great cause of Han. This is the achievement!

Liu Yan's statement has absolute details. Some Han people may not be able to talk about shopping today, but there is no need to be afraid of anyone when talking about the height of culture. Who can master culture can take the initiative, coupled with the necessary force as the backing, say who is Han, that is Han!

Sang Yu also reacted, smiled and looked at Yu Yi with a stunned face, raised his tea lamp and took a sip.

They were talking while drinking tea here. Yao Yizhong was eating horse meat in the open air.

Although he was in a hurry to break through the encirclement and was forced to constantly discard anything that could be discarded along the way without being slowed down, it is absolutely unreasonable to say that Yao Yizhong didn't even have a tent, but he had to put his foot in order to show that he shared weal and woe with the soldiers.

Yao Yizhong sat cross legged in the middle of a circle surrounded by tribal leaders, leaders and generals. He just introduced the situation, including the news that he had sent three handwritten letters to Liu Yan and didn't get a reply.

"Patriarch, are they going to kill us all?" Bailuo was a tribal leader, holding more than 5000 horses among the disabled soldiers. His face was ferocious: "it's useless to work hard as soon as possible without waiting for them to build fortifications."

Yao Yizhong looked at the others.

Now is a time to express their views. Whether they are numbly accepting the fate given by others, or stand up and work hard to pull some cushions, there is really not much time left for them. After all, the food has bottomed out, and they have begun to kill horses and eat meat. Killing horses is not a small thing for the Hu people. It has nothing to do with the value of war horses. It is the worst situation for the Hu people to kill their companions to eat meat.

"Don't they understand what the patriarch means?" There are those who want to work hard, and there are those who want ants to survive. Fu Ying belongs to the latter. He said expressionless: "don't Liu Yan know what help our support will be to his hegemony?"

Yao Yizhong's cheek twitched for a moment, and he had a killing intention for Fu Ying in his heart. He didn't want to kill Fu Ying because he was a capitulationist. Those words implied that his clan leader was unstable in the Qiang nationality.

No nation wants losers to be its own leaders, but Yao Yizhong has just experienced an unprecedented defeat. To say that his position as the leader of the Qiang nationality is still as stable as a rock is to deceive himself and others. Maybe when the news of their defeat spread elsewhere, someone has set an eye on the throne of the general leader.

"Are we at the end of our tether?" The first star is one of these people who have less troops. He said eagerly, "why don't... Don't exaggerate the conditions of the patriarch and lower your requirements?"

Yao Yizhong has put forward many seemingly outrageous requirements, but compared with the benefits of millions of Qiang people, those conditions are not too much at all.

People with enough IQ know that the more outrageous the conditions are, the greater the hope of surrender. People with worrying IQ can't count. And this is the gap between people.

Soon the discussion became noisy. During this period, Yao Yizhong just listened quietly. He needed to distinguish what his team was divided into, who were trustworthy, who needed to be on guard or killed quickly.

Generally speaking, the people who want to work hard and surrender are half and half. Trying hard doesn't mean they don't want to surrender, and trying to surrender is not a complete loss of courage. The complexity of things has never been as simple as one plus one equals two.

A high-level test made Yao Yizhong feel cool. Although there is no proverb of "people's hearts are scattered, it's hard to take the team", it doesn't mean that Yao Yizhong is stupid and doesn't understand a similar truth.

"I have made a decision." Yao Yizhong's quiet sentence made the debaters stop and look over. He stood up slowly, looked in the direction of Liu Yan's flag, saw that the lights were bright, listened to the songs and laughter, took back his sight and looked around the people, Plain said: "at dawn, I will personally go to see Liu Yan. If I am killed during the introduction, you will fight hard. If I am imprisoned, you can resist, try your best to kill more Han troops and then surrender. If I can come back, we will surrender unconditionally."

A burst of amazement was exhaled. Everyone had their own understanding. In a moment, the expressions on all faces were wonderful enough.

How to put it? There may be luck in what a person has achieved, but there must be a reason for his success.

Yao Yizhong's performance now is worthy of his status. He has arranged almost all the actions that Liu Yan can take to deal with it. What's more, he has the courage and will to personally verify Liu Yan's tolerance.

Of course, Liu Yan never guessed that Yao Yizhong would come with only one person carrying his flag, so that it was bright the next day. Liu Yan was stunned when he got the news after washing.

"Repeat." Liu Yan actually heard it clearly. He was shocked, so he felt incredible. He listened again, and the next sentence was, "it's worthy of Yao Yizhong."

Yes, Yao Yizhong came. He was wearing a casual Confucian robe often worn by scholars, not a military uniform. He hung a war sword at his waist and rode around on a high horse. He seemed to slowly approach the gate of the Han Army camp. When the Han sergeant on duty was confused or ecstatic about the next step, he reported his name, title and official position and told his intention.

"All the soldiers on duty have to record demerits. They didn't shoot over directly." Sang Yu is a long history of marching and has the responsibility to manage the discipline of the army. What he said was also the duty of the sentry. Obviously, those soldiers really neglected their duty. He looked at Liu Yan with a solemn face and asked, "do you want to see him?"

Liu Yan thought a lot, including whether Yao Yizhong thought he was abnormal and whether Wu Yong wanted to set up a game to kill himself under a completely unfavorable situation. Looking at sang Yu, he nodded and said, "our war with the Qiang nationality does not belong to the war of gentlemen, but it has lost its bearing."

Of course, I want to see you, but not Liu Yan. It is the Han Army that takes Yao Yizhong to the Chinese army. The necessary protective actions are properly prepared, and then takes Yao Yizhong to the big tent to meet Liu Yan.

Doing so much preparation has nothing to do with whether Liu Yan is afraid of death. In order to show his courage and Wu Yong, if he doesn't do any preparation, he can only be said to be an idiot. As a leader, if he doesn't pay attention to his own safety, what will his subordinates think, and what guarantee should the country have? There are too many ways to show his courage and self-confidence, but that's not the case.

Yao Yizhong was brought into the tent alone, and another Qiang warrior carrying the flag was left outside the tent. After entering the camp, he first saw the civil and military forces on the left and right sides, as well as the armored men and crossbow men waiting in battle. The main position was empty.

But for some reason, Yu Yi is also in the camp. He is arranged in the corner on one side of the curtain. At the moment, he is looking at Yao Yizhong with a scanning eye.

To say, Yao Yizhong is not like a savage hu man. Naturally, he is not bookish, but he looks heroic and majestic. He has always had a reputation for integrity. He seems to have maintained a relatively good reputation all the time. He is by no means a villain at first sight.

Yao Yizhong was prepared to be watched, whether maliciously or ridiculed. He immediately frowned when he saw the emptiness of the throne. Although he came with his will to die, he didn't get Liu Yan's respect and his heart was full of anger.

Liu Yan's absence is not for the purpose of humiliation. He has other more important things to deal with, such as Jizhou war report and the latest news from Yecheng.

Yao Yizhong didn't wait too long. He stood there and closed his eyes for less than half an hour. He opened his eyes again when he heard a sound of footsteps. A young and tall man came out of the back tent and walked straight to the main seat to sit down.

There is no doubt that the visitor is Liu Yan. At the moment, with a full smile on his face, he first said "sit down" to those saluting subordinates, and finally looked at Yao Yizhong