Chapter 326

What is the volume of the instrument? It is the general term for cutting advanced and backward, and it is also a great force that determines the direction of war.

The Han Army has the advanced nature of the powerful crossbow, which makes Yao Yi Zhong need to find ways to offset it, and also needs enough determination to pay for casualties.

The wooden shield that has been baked for a long time burns, but the arrows falling from the sky do not stop. As a result, even if the hands are baked by fire and the head is pressed down by the high temperature, the Qiang soldiers holding the shield dare not abandon the shield, because if they do not lose the shield, they may only be burned, but if they lose the shield, they will be shot dead by the arrows.

Of course, not everyone has enough will. Those areas that throw away the burning shield will be emptied in the next moment. It is an arrow that falls like a raindrop. The soldiers who lose the shield become dead from the arrow, and soon the body began to burn black.

Although there are still heavy casualties, the casualties of Qiang troops this time are much lighter than before, that is the value brought by equipment.

When the Qiang troops pushed into the range of the Han Army's bed crossbow and vehicle crossbow, the Han Army camp frequently heard a toothy sound, followed by the loud bang of bow strings. One thick crossbow and arrow were excited. They fell with a sharp sound, or hit the knife shield vehicle, or fell on the larger arrow blocking equipment, Most of them fell on the Qiang soldiers who formed a shield array, and naturally they had to fall into the air.

Every time a large crossbow hits the target, it will make a loud noise. The arrowhead penetrates the board. The moving knife and shield vehicles are lucky. Some knife and shield vehicles overturn directly after being shot.

The larger instruments are larger and heavier. After being hit, they are penetrated and brought up flying sawdust. However, this is only the case, which makes the Qiang soldiers hiding behind immediately give out bursts of cheers.

The infantry square array that was hit sounded a constant scream. When each thick crossbow fell and bursts of shields and sawdust flew, it must be a straight space cleared by the huge impact force. Within that gap were seven down and eight lying screaming wounded and bodies shot through by crossbows and arrows. At the next moment, those screams will stop, because there are dense arrows falling behind, ending their lives.

Among the 30000 Han troops, the number of bow and crossbow troops is enough to 12000. Counting the soldiers operating bed crossbows, crossbows and stone throwing carts, it is 15000, that is, half of the Han troops can be used in close combat.

There is no doubt that the long-range arms can also participate in close combat, but as long as the commander's brain is not bad, it is absolutely impossible to put these arms into the war of attrition. After all, whether crossbow soldiers, archers and engineers are special arms, the difficulty of training and the resources consumed are not much lower than a seemingly precious cavalry.

When the attacking Qiang troops entered 250 steps, they encountered the diffusion of bed crossbows and crossbows. The scene seemed very tragic. The actual number of bed crossbows and crossbows could not be compared with the crossbow men, resulting in limited casualties, which only shocked the psychology of the Qiang soldiers.

Yao Yizhong jumped out as the first echelon of the attack force. Every soldier has family members. Those family members are hostages, forcing those soldiers who are engaged in the attack to dare not escape even if they die. Otherwise, under the sky of arrows and thick crossbows, the number of casualties exceeds one floor. The army should have collapsed long ago.

The first batch of troops put into attack stopped when they were close to 200 steps. The people pushing the equipment vehicles were approaching each other, and gradually a wall composed of equipment was forming. Although the thick crossbows and ordinary crossbows shot by the Han army were still continuous, those huge vehicles continued to form the wall, and the Qiang soldiers hiding behind got the greatest protection.

"Succeeded?" Yao Yizhong noticed all the time. He saw that even if the Han army hit the crossbow and bed crossbow, the assembled wall still didn't collapse. He was overjoyed and said, "we should record Yin Bi's merits and write down great contributions!"

Yin Bi, a native of Jin Dynasty, joined the army in the recording room of the state of Zhao in Shijie. He was sent by Shi Hu to record Yao Yizhong's expedition. In order to resist the sharp bow and crossbow of the Han Army, Yao Yizhong gave such a seemingly stupid but absolutely effective suggestion.

Most of the time, the more stupid the method is, the more effective it is. The difference is whether you think of it or can't do it. The Han Army saw those towering wooden walls become barriers, and the rockets fired were opened by the people above, poured into the water and extinguished. Only thick crossbows and arrows can cause damage. The Han army officers in the front line couldn't help looking at each other.

"Damn it!" Si Hongzhuang said anxiously, "they happen to be out of range of the riprap truck!"

The range of the Han Army's riprap truck is only 180 steps, and the attacking Qiang troops are only close to 200 steps. Can the Han Army move the riprap truck forward? Of course, you can move the riprap truck, but it will disrupt the deployment of the arrow array. At the same time, it takes a certain time. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Who will know what will happen next.

Seeing that the plan is effective, the morale of the Qiang army is greatly boosted. They are waiting for follow-up orders from the rear.

Liu Yan, who is located in the position of the Chinese army, was slightly stunned to see the scene ahead. Even if Yao Yizhong set up a wooden wall that can be used as a barrier, the two sides are still 200 steps apart. The Qiang troops have not advanced to a distance where they can shoot each other. Are you so excited?

In fact, the wooden wall erected by the Qiang troops is not long, especially the wall of the combination of knife and shield vehicles is not high, but their appearance is extremely important for the change of the mentality of the soldiers of the two armies. The most obvious is that the Qiang people are not so afraid of the bow and crossbow of the Han Army and become more agile in their work.

Fighting a war is always morale. The party with high morale will have enough confidence to do anything, and the party with low morale will be timid in doing anything.

Si Hongzhuang looked at the strong crossbow men in front of him. He could find that those strong crossbow men had some hesitation. It was to stimulate the confusion that they couldn't confirm whether they hit the target after the strong crossbow shot out.

The Han Army did not stop shooting arrows at all. Soldiers with strong crossbows kept listening to the command and pulling the trigger, while some auxiliary soldiers with arrow boxes kept shuttling back and forth to supply crossbows and arrows.

If you take it seriously, the powerful crossbow soldiers on the Han side consume an amazing amount of crossbows and arrows every quarter of an hour. From the dawn of the sky to this moment, that is, two quarters of an hour, 40000 crossbows and arrows have been fired. Many powerful crossbows have broken down because of frequent shooting, frequent winch twisting, and more powerful crossbows with broken or loosened bowstrings, resulting in the need to replace new powerful crossbows.

The Qiang army has no one to calculate how many arrows the Han Army has in reserve. Just because they haven't heard that the Han Army lacks arrows, everyone who knows the inside story is shocked by the productivity behind the Han army.

Just when the sky arrows were still shooting, the huge wall combined began to move forward slowly, but it only moved forward for about one step and stopped, because some local instruments collapsed.

"No way to push?" Huyansheng said angrily, "if it collapses, use any method to secure the equipment!"

Yao Yizhong looked as if he was closing his eyes and refreshing himself. When he reopened his experience, he whispered, "no, they are not allowed to move forward!"

"Lord?" Huyansheng was puzzled and said, "how can our troops continue..." before he finished his words, he was interrupted by Yin Bi.

"The Han Army has a riprap truck." Yin Bi frowned and said, "their riprap truck has a maximum range of 180 steps and can launch stone bombs weighing about 20 kilograms."

There was nothing wrong with Yin Bi's joining the army. In the past, this kind of official position was not qualified to speak at important military meetings, but because the previous suggestions were effective, Yao Yizhong was especially allowed to speak. He frowned and thought. After a while, he continued, "our equipment can be fired by bed crossbows, but stone bullets... Absolutely not."

In fact, when the Qiang people pushed the huge wooden wall, the Han army was shocked. Most people didn't consider that the moving of the huge thing would only be a "beautiful thing" of the riprap truck, but were surprised by the natural fear of the huge thing.

"What a pity!" Ji Chang is really a pity on his face: "if you move forward ten steps, it will become a pile of sawdust."

At this time, the top level of the Han Army needs to consider whether to let the riprap truck move forward?

Without waiting for the high-level of the Han Army to make up their mind and listen to the sound of the trotting of war horses, there was a new move by the Qiang army.

The dusty fog in the sky was brought by a large number of cavalry moving. I don't know how many cavalry are moving in the unclear fog. The only thing that can be confirmed is that they ran to one of the Gongwei camps of the Han army.

"Jun Shang?" Ji Chang was slightly surprised and asked, "is it..."

Without waiting for Ji Chang to finish, Liu Yan cut off: "no matter what Yao Yizhong wants to do, even if it is forced to rush to the camp, we have only one way to deal with it."

Ji Chang is opposed to complete passive defense, but he never quarrels with Liu Yan. He can only be quiet.

In the dusty smoke, some large instruments pulled by animal power are moving. They are pulled by animal power, but they are much faster than human power.

"It really confused the Han army." Yao Yizhong was excited at this moment and shouted: "let them as soon as possible!"

Yao Yizhong's reason for judging that the Han army was ignorant was that the Han Army didn't shoot at the dust as before. If it had to be the Han army before, it didn't care whether it could see or not. Anyway, it was just shooting.

On the other side, sang Yu asked Liu Yan, "Sir, why don't you shoot?"

"Always let the enemy have hope." Liu Yan was still smiling at this time, and he looked confident: "since they want to get the wall against the arrow, get it for them."

Ji Chang, who responded, also smiled and reminded the confused sang Yu: "our riprap truck is not fixed and can't move. Don't forget those oil cans."

Sang Yu reacted with a dumbfounded smile.