Chapter 322

Is it true that the wood is thrown into the river to cause blockage, and then the buoyancy of the wood is used to set up a floating bridge with nailed boards? You can say yes or no. It's not that simple.

In the uncomplicated direction, the erection of a floating bridge really needs the buoyancy from wood, which can be carried by a boat or boat. The problem is that Yao Yizhong didn't have enough boats or boats to block the river. He took so much effort to blame one purpose, that is, not to let the ships of the Han Army affect the army's crossing.

Imagine that the river is full of floating wood, and even some river sections have inflammables such as hay placed on the wood. Why? There is nothing wrong, just for the convenience of blocking and arson.

The erection of any floating bridge will not be simple, and the casualties in the project can not be avoided, especially for those who are not good at water, but the engineering casualties necessary for a military target are nothing. It should be said that blocking the river with floating debris and erecting a sufficiently exaggerated pontoon with nailed boards will pay far more casualties than building a pontoon with a boat as a foothold, which will reduce the casualties of Yao Yizhong's men.

"Still haven't found the Han Army's ships?"

"Yes, Lord."

"The Han Army didn't stop us from crossing the river?"

"At present, no similar situation has been found."

Yao Yizhong really confirmed that the Han army was really waiting for the Qiang army to cross the river, and it was too obvious.

There are 23 river crossing points set up by the Qiang army, which are divided into several river sections and set up floating bridges. When they set up the floating bridge in the middle of the river, according to previous intelligence, the Han Army has strong crossbows with enough range to block, but the Han Army didn't do so. The Han Army watched the Qiang army do business and didn't respond at all.

Of course, there are Han troops on the South Bank of the Yellow River, but what are those Han troops doing? They were watching along the Bank of the river, but they didn't find a line of defense. This phenomenon was so abnormal that Yao Yizhong was so nervous that he always felt that the Han Army had dug a huge pit waiting for them to jump in.

If the Han Army blocked the Qiang army and caused casualties to the Qiang army in the industry, even major casualties would not surprise Yao Yizhong, and even he took it for granted.

On the contrary, it was the Han Army that did nothing that made Yao Yizhong extremely uneasy, which came from his worry and fear of the unknown situation.

"Is there any sign of wanton mobilization of the Han army?"

"Temporarily... Not found."

Yao Yizhong frowned as quickly as the cauliflower vine. He wanted to stop crossing the river, but he couldn't make a decision.

Didn't part of the Qiang army disappear before? About 50000 Qiang troops actually took a detour to the direction of Sizhou, crossing the bridge there to the South Bank of the Yellow River. After they met with sun Fudu's troops, the two armies approached the Han Army in Dongping county.

Yao Yizhong's information shows that there are nearly 30000 Han troops in Dongping county. The leader is a leader of the gate valve who defected to the Han from the south of the Yangtze River. He is the Huan family. The original clan leader was Huanwen.

According to the military system of the Han Army, Huan Wen's headquarters, as a partial general, will only have 10000 War soldiers. In this way, the remaining 20000 Han army should be second-line troops such as auxiliary troops, subordinate troops and new attached troops.

In addition to Huan Wen's presence in Dongping County, near Jishui, there was also Wang Pu, who was a school captain. He led five thousand Han troops and the same number of second-line troops, 30 miles north of Huan Wen's headquarters. The detective riding and detailed work of Zhao Jun in Shijie could not find out what the Han army was doing, but only knew that it was a large-scale construction project on the edge of Jishui.

Yao Yizhong's request to sun Fudu is to let the friendly forces on the front line of Dongping County pose enough threat to the Han Army and lead the Han Army forces here, so that they can't rush north along the Yellow River.

In addition to sun Fudu, Yao Yizhong also sent people to Yuzhou to ask Liu Kai and Lu Yong to cooperate as the governor of ten counties and six foreigners and the champion general, which is also a sufficient threat to the Han Army and does not allow the Han Army in the direction of Yuzhou to have the opportunity to go North.

Liu Kai and Lu Yong were both generals after the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty surrendered to Shijie Zhao. After their surrender, they were retained by Shijie Zhao as their original official posts. At present, one is the governor of Yuzhou and the other is the governor of Yuzhou.

Yao Yizhong has enough identity and rights to use the resources he wants, and everything can serve the Qiang army to cross the river.

In fact, since 50000 Qiang troops under Yao Yizhong can cross the Yellow River from Sizhou, it indicates that more Qiang troops can cross the river from Sizhou, not necessarily from the Yellow River section along Qingzhou.

Yao Yizhong's choice to cross the Yellow River along Qingzhou is nothing more than a starting point from a military point of view, which not only causes multiple attacks, but also plays a role in implicating the army that Liu Yan can manually mobilize.

Seriously, Yao Yizhong really got the goal he wanted. He involved Liu Yan himself along the Yellow River, which was beneficial and harmless to Shijie Zhao Jun in other directions.

Next, Yao Yizhong believes that if Liu Yan mobilizes enough troops along the Yellow River, there will be fewer Han troops in both Si Zhou direction and Yu Zhou direction. The better development is to prevent the Han army from continuing to expand, and even the Zhao army in Shijie can counter attack.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Liu Yan only mobilized 30000 Han troops along the Yellow River, so that Yao Yizhong didn't know whether it was good or bad.

By July 14, when the traditional ghost gate was opened, the Han Army had no blocking action, and the Qiang army working on the Yellow River had built many floating bridges to connect the south bank.

Of course, there is no saying that the ghost gate is open at present, that is to say, the Zhongyuan Festival has not become a festival, which will not appear until the Northern Wei Dynasty. The Northern Wei Dynasty was a social environment in which the rulers were extremely Buddhist. Buddhism held a Yulan basin Festival. Since then, there has been a saying that the ghost gate was open.

The first batch of Qiang troops to cross the river without any obstruction were about 10000 cavalry and 40000 infantry. After they arrived at the South Bank of the Yellow River, they carefully began to build camps along the coast and showed enough caution.

On the other hand, they always pay attention to the command center of the Han army of the Qiang army, that is, Liu Yan Xingyuan of Dongping mausoleum. Their attitude towards the Qiang army finally crossing the river is slightly strange, not worried but happy.

"The widest terrain from the Yellow River to Jishui is no more than 100 miles, and the narrowest terrain is only less than 20 miles." Ji Chang said in an uplifting tone, "this terrain will become a decisive place for us to fight with the Qiang army!"

Yes, the Yellow River and Jishui are close neighbors. They are not connected, but just across each other. Jishui is also connected to the Bohai Sea and directly to daze.

There is nothing wrong with Wang Pu and his troops being close to Jishui, but whether they are stationed or building large-scale projects, they are only used to confuse people. The real location of the Han Army's Daxing project is the Chenzi river near daze, where a dense dock has been built. It is arranged by Liu Yan for "violent soldiers", and a large number of ships have been added to the production sequence, The calculation time will come out in the near future.

In fact, the "Chen" of Chenzi River should be a "Chen" plus a "melon", reading "g" ū”, Its length is very long. It is directly connected to Puyang in the West and turns down from the Yellow River on the edge of Puyang. It is a tributary of the Yellow River. To its East, it re enters the Yellow River from Linyi, with a total length of more than 500 Li.

To put it bluntly, it's not that Liu Yan didn't prepare the fleet to enter the Yellow River, but it's not the river channel transferred from the sea to the Yellow River as Yao Yizhong and others want. Who let Liu Yan have the means against the sky, right?

The long and narrow terrain between the Yellow River and Jishui is really suitable for the location of war. It is for the Han army who wants to block the back road of the Qiang army. Precisely because of this, why did the Han Army stop the Qiang army from crossing the river? They were eager for Yao Yizhong to cross the Yellow River and enter the preset narrow and long battlefield as soon as possible.

"Yao Yizhong didn't understand what we wanted to do. He was cautious enough and just let 50000 steps ride in early." Ji Chang actually admired Yao Yizhong's prudence. If others could cross the river, it would be urgent and he would like to invest all his troops at one time. He asked, "do we send troops to fight it?"

Doing nothing will only make Yao Yizhong more hesitant, and may even make Yao Yizhong stand still. If the Qiang army retreats, it will cause disaster for the north line war of the Han army.

Liu Yan asked, "how many troops are appropriate?"

This is a big problem. Too many Han troops can't be transferred, too few will cause unnecessary losses, and they can't really drive the Qiang Army crossing the river back to the south bank.

"That's right..." Ji Chang thought for a while and asked, "order Xu Zheng and Huan Wen to take the initiative?"

Liu Yan nodded approval.

Xu Zheng was the main general of the Han Army in Yuzhou. He was facing the Resistance Army of Shijie Zhao state in Yuzhou. The number of Yuzhou defense forces was very objective, reaching more than 200000. As for who they were, it can only be said that except for 40000 or 50000 soldiers in counties and counties, the rest were temporarily pieced together.

Of course, Huanwen is facing the headquarters of sun Fudu and the Qiang army separated by Yao Yizhong. The small-scale fighting between the two sides has not stopped. Generally speaking, it is in a stalemate.

After all, Liu Yan still has to transfer troops from other places. After all, Yao Yizhong's troops are really huge. When and where to transfer troops, there are many things to pay attention to.

Later, they agreed to send cavalry from Jinan county to harass the Qiang army that had crossed the Yellow River. The number of cavalry sent was only 3000.

The number of three thousand cavalry of the Han army was really small, but their dispatch made Yao Yizhong a little relieved.

Yao Yizhong has not yet understood Liu Yan... Or what the Han people think. It's not surprising that Yao Yizhong. The Hu people have always ignored mountains and rivers. Even if they pay attention to them, they are only part of the battlefield.

That's what the cultural heritage is doomed to. Unlike Chinese civilization, Hu people do not have their own words, or even can't carry history. Some are compiled into songs and sung from generation to generation. What can be inherited can be imagined.

The Qiang nationality has absorbed many commands of Chinese civilization, but how long have they risen? The bearing of culture can not be absorbed by one or two generations, which requires the attention of several generations.

The Han cavalry who attacked the camp on the Bank of the Yellow River 3000 years ago moved very frequently. From the beginning, they directly approached the camp of the Qiang army, forcing Yao Yizhong to send cavalry to fight.

They are all light cavalry, and everyone is cautious enough. Once the light cavalry are cautious about each other, it is a time-consuming war in catching up with each other.

The news of the battle made Yao Yizhong's generals and schools all the way more certain of the previous speculation that Liu Yan was seriously short of troops.

Later, the military information in the direction of Dongping county and Yuzhou was successively transmitted to Yao Yizhong.

"The Han troops on both sides launched an attack." Huyansheng looked quite excited: "Liu Yan is eager to send troops north?"

War has always been a fog, not only do not know each other's intentions, but also do not know each other's troop mobilization. For Yao Yizhong's army, they didn't know Liu Yan's intention was true. Although they didn't know the mobilization of the Han army like the back of their hands, they could still know the state of the large-scale mobilization of the Han army.

"What exactly does Liu Yan want to do?" Yao Yizhong's confusion did not decrease much, but became more and more intense: "if they are urgent, shouldn't they try their best to prevent us from crossing the river?"

That is the contradiction between intelligence and reality. What Liu Yan should do is to try his best to prevent the Qiang army from crossing the river, but Liu Yan didn't do that. That doesn't seem to be a choice for a commander in chief who lacks troops.

"Anyway, we have crossed the river!" Huyansheng couldn't understand what Yao Yizhong was worried about. He said eagerly, "we were going to cross the river. Only by crossing the river can we fight with the Han Army!"

Yao Yizhong looked at huyansheng silently and said coldly, "I am the coach."

Huyansheng's face stiffened and smiled.

Yao Yizhong certainly knew that he should cross the river no matter what. Only by crossing the river can he fight with the Han Army, and only by fighting can he win or lose. The problem is that there are too many doubts in his heart. He always feels that there is something wrong everywhere, but he can't find out where there is any trap.

Huyansheng is right. No matter what doubts Yao Yizhong has, he can't stop. After riding 50000 steps across the river, Yao Yizhong adds 30000 cavalry to the South Bank of the Yellow River.

After Yao Yizhong sent 30000 cavalry to cross the river, the 30000 Qiang light cavalry were not used as a defensive force. As soon as they crossed the river, they were divided into three routes. 10000 troops were sent to the west, East and south respectively, posing as if they wanted to walk around the surrounding area.

Cavalry may not be able to March long distances, but the short-distance March within a hundred miles is still very fast. 30000 Qiang cavalry can walk around in less than a day.

Liu Yan, who learned of Yao Yizhong's new news, had only a smile on his face at that time.

"Yao Yizhong is really a cautious person!" Ji Chang said with some emotion. He narrowed his eyes behind him and asked, "they can't find any ambush. Should they rest assured to transfer the rest of the troops to the South Bank of the Yellow River?"

... split... Cut... Line

Recently, the work and rest time and update time are completely disordered. Fight at night and resume two chapters tomorrow. The first chapter is seven o'clock and the second chapter is at night at the latest.

Finally, ask for recommended tickets.