Chapter 318

Sometimes what some people lack is a trace of luck. Lucky or bad people, they may change their life destiny and change the course of history because of a gust of wind or a stone.

Huan Wen felt very lucky. It was an ordinary task. He was persistent enough to seize the opportunity. He picked up a military merit that others could not envy. He became one of the few generals in the Han Army, and the title of the 20th Lord jumped to the doctor.

The position of a general in the Han army system is not low, and even an official position that can command 10000 troops. Above it are Zhonglang generals and some miscellaneous names or special generals. Then there are the generals of the four towns, and up there are the generals of the four expeditions. The generals of the fourth expedition go up, that is, riding generals, champion generals, senior generals and Taiwei.

At present, the Han ministry has not been established, and a considerable number of positions are actually vacant. Take Xu Zheng as an example. Although he is the No. 1 military man in the Han army below Liu Yan, his identity is just Zhonglang general. No one holds the positions of four towns, four expeditions and three generals.

Liu Yan's founding of the country is a matter of iron nails. The difference is when. Everyone knows this very well. If anyone wants to have a high position after the country is established, what merit has become the key.

After awarding the rank and then the rank, Huan Wen received his direct subordinate army, which was a 10000 step field army.

The field troops of the Han army were the so-called main combat troops. The sources of troops were all actual combat soldiers, but not everyone crowded in.

After the handover of the troops, Huan Wen was ordered to advance westward as a leading force. Their marching method was to take a boat by infantry, and the cavalry along the Wenshui line, with the destination being Dongping county.

The Han army went out after Ma Qiu's death. It was only a day apart. The posture was to take advantage of Ma Qiu's death and Shijie Zhao army's loss of command.

According to the Scout's report, Zhao Jun of Shijie in Dongping county was already retreating that day. How many Shijie Zhao Jun would be caught in this attack by the Han Army depends entirely on whether the action is fast or not.

"Zhao Jun's organizational strength is not strong. As long as we move fast enough, we will be able to bite a big bite!" Huan Wen is still in a state of excitement: "Ben will take the cavalry as the guide, and Chang Shi will lead the infantry to follow up."

Naturally, Xie an won't have any opinions. He just needs a certain reminder: "when Ma Qiu dies, sun Fudu will take over the command. He is also a strong general in Zhao Jun."

Huan Wen didn't care so much at this time. What he wanted was to arrive at Dongping county quickly. He just nodded, waved and rode away with the cavalry.

At this stage, it is almost the theme to seize Dongping County earlier than planned, stabilize the western front along juyeze, and then turn around and focus on Yao Yizhong's fight along the Yellow River.

Huan Wen and Xie an did not know that Xu Zheng had entered Lujun with the Han Army in the direction of Xuzhou.

Xu Zheng's Han Army easily entered Lujun all the way, almost winning most of the territory without encountering any enemy. It was only along Rencheng county that he fought with Shijie Zhao army, but the fighting intensity was not large.

Juyeze is very wide. It is located in the upper reaches of Surabaya water system. It connects several surrounding counties and becomes the central hub of the huge water network.

The troops in the North who are not good at water warfare have always had a headache over the terrain of juyeze. On the contrary, the troops in the South who are good at water warfare will take advantage of this terrain.

The Han army is not an army in the traditional sense. For them, whether it is riding war, infantry war, water war or sea war, there is no big difference. It is just what kind of troops to invest.

There are two routes of Han troops to the West. Considering that the thaw of the Yellow River will soon be completed, the investigation along the Yellow River is also in full swing.

One thing that can be confirmed so far is that Yao Yizhong does not have a water army, but the number is not huge.

The navy in Yao Yizhong's hand was the result of Shi Hu's extensive collection of craftsmen. It was originally intended to be used in the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Before it could be used, Qingzhou was occupied by Liu Yan's army.

Xingyuan moved to fenggao because it needed to solve the Maqiu regiment on the western line first. Once Maqiu died, it would force the Shijie Zhao army to retreat, which was tantamount to a temporary loss of threat. In that way, things in the west of Yanzhou no longer need Liu Yan's personal attention, but he has to pay attention to the trend of Yao Yizhong.

Liu Yan moved the Xingyuan again by moving it near the Dongping mausoleum in Jinan County, which is located in the middle reaches of the Jishui river. Hundreds of miles north is the Yellow River, just facing Qinghe County and Pingyuan County, where Yao Yizhong's Qiang army is located.

After Xingyuan was properly placed, Liu Yan took people north and personally came to the Yellow River.

At this time, the Yellow River does not seem too muddy. It should be said that the water of the Yellow River is still relatively clear. Well, it's not a tongue twister, that is, the Yellow River is not called the Yellow River now, it's called the river.

The water of the Yellow River became extremely turbid after serious soil erosion in the Northwest Plateau. Before that, the most turbid river was Jingshui, which was recorded as "Jingshui is a stone and its mud is a bucket".

The Yellow River seen by Liu Yanguan is covered with ice dregs all over the river, which may be due to the different relationship between the river sections. The rolling river does not seem turbulent.

The river course of the Yellow River is wide and narrow. In special times, you can even drive your horse across the riverbed directly, but most of the time, you can only wait for the freezing period without a boat.

"Shijie's navy is now on the line of the Duma river." Sang Yu wrapped his cloak and seemed to feel cold. He tightened his collar and said, "there should be nearly a thousand boats?"

It was not a day or two for the state of Zhao in Shijie to attack the south of the Yangtze River. The time point for Shi Hu to recruit craftsmen could pass a long time ago. It was after he conspired with Li Chenghan to carve up the south of the Yangtze River that he was really crazy about building boats.

The last time the Han army attacked Qi County, it was located on the South Bank of the Yellow River and rescued a large number of craftsmen forcibly recruited by stone tigers. That time, it also captured nearly 300 inland river ships, but they were only a group of ships built in the later period of the state of Zhao in Shijie, and the previous ships were sent to the North Bank of the Yellow River.

Shi Hu did not let the fleet go south to the Yangtze River in history. Behind the ships built, they fell into the hands of Murong Yan state. After Murong Yan state got the warship there, one part was brought back to Youzhou, and the other part was cut off as firewood. Instead, it treated the craftsmen who had not been tortured by Shijie Zhao state, which complemented the craftsmen system behind Murong Yan state.

Liu Yan asked, "how many people can cross the river with their transport capacity at one time?"

The northern army is not good at water, but it won't have any problems just crossing the river by boat. The Yellow River is too long. As long as it wants to always seize the opportunity to cross the river, the Han Army knows where the fleet of Shijie Zhao state is, but it doesn't mean it can keep an eye on it all the time.

Yao Yizhong's order is to capture Liu Yan of Qingzhou, which indicates that it will be an offensive war, so how many people can be transported by the water army of Zhao state in Shijie has become the key.

"I'm not sure." Sang Yu finished telling the truth and said with a smile, "your meaning is to let the Qiang army cross the river?"

Liu Yanping responded: "that depends on Yao Yizhong."

The reality is that compared with taking the initiative to fight over the Yellow River, the Han Army still expects Yao Yizhong to fully fulfill Shi Hu's orders and let the Qiang army cross the river to fight, not the Han Army cross the river to attack.

But I don't know if Yao Yizhong knows that the Han warships are sharp? I think it should be clear.

Is Yao Yizhong loyal to Shi Hu? No one knows this except Yao Yizhong himself. The traditional sphere of influence of the Qiang nationality, that is, the northwest, is being ravaged by the Liang state of Zhang. At this time, as the commander of the Qiang nationality, Yao Yizhong had to lead his army to approach Qingzhou. What a tangled thing.

Liu Yan doesn't know what Yao Yizhong is doing at present, but he can guess that the Qiang army needs enough food.

Jizhou has been a big state since the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is a real big state in terms of population and arable land. This did not change even in the Cao Wei and Western Jin Dynasties, that is, shile caused a certain degree of damage after occupying the Central Plains, but then recovered.

At present, the state of Zhao in Shijie is wantonly recruiting troops. Considering that Shijie's national policy is to turn the central plains into a horse ranch, the whole agricultural system in the Central Plains has actually become extremely fragile.

Shi Hu not only wantonly recruited soldiers, but also widely collected food and grass. The phenomenon caused by this was that people everywhere fled wantonly. Those who did not escape could only commit suicide if they could not pay taxes.

"So we come to the conclusion that it is difficult for Yao Yizhong to collect enough food and grass." Sang Yu just gave a lot of information about Jizhou. Who let the Sang family have many relatives and friends in Jizhou. He said easily, "Yao Yizhong's right choice is to wait for Qiu Gaoma to enter the army again."

At present, it is the first ten days of spring, and there will be at least half a year in autumn. For such a long time, if neither side has the desire to cross the river, it will be inevitable to face each other across a river hundreds of meters wide.

"Yao Yizhong may wait so long?" LV Yi seemed to be afraid of the cold and trembled constantly when he spoke: "autumn is a small half year, which is not in line with Yao Yizhong's starting point to go back to the northwest."

Sang Yu smiled and said, "there are special circumstances, which is also the reason why general Xingyuan moved to Dongping mausoleum."

what do you mean? Yao Yizhong was just caught off guard and solved Liu Yan with the most rapid attitude.

It's still the old routine. The last time the shaft moved forward was to attract Ma Qiu. When the whole step was halfway through, Ma Qiu was killed by Huan Wen. This time Liu Yan moved the Xingyuan again, which was a big action. Yao Yizhong's war experience for half his life could not be ignored.

Why did Liu Yan come to the Yellow River? It's also to show your sense of existence! Although there are only about 3000 guards around him, there are not few troops hidden around him. If Yao Yizhong fights to cross the river with ice dregs, the Han army will dare to eat happily.

"Wait and see." Ji Chang, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly made a sound. He pointed to the other side of the Yellow River. There was a team of people there, which looked a little vague from a distance: "will Yao Yizhong come to check the news in person?"

It will be a very interesting thing. Liu Yan deliberately planned it, but Yao Yizhong planned it temporarily. They all had the intention to induce the other party to send troops to cross the river.

"But I think too much." Liu Yan doesn't mean that the person on the other side can't be Yao Yizhong. He means that the ships of the Han Army don't appear in the Yellow River, and unlike Shijie, Zhao Jun's navy can be easily mobilized from the Duma river. He took the binoculars from his attendants and saw that there were nearly a hundred people on the other side: "what does Yao Yizhong look like?"

Liu Yan's sentence knocked people down. None of them had seen Yao Yizhong with their own eyes. Some rumors just said that Yao Yizhong was dignified, but he had no obvious characteristics.

In fact, there is Yao Yizhong among the people on the other side. At this moment, he is also looking at the other side and guessing whether there is Liu Yan.

"Father?" Yao Yisheng, only 12, was slightly confused: "those people opposite are the Han army?"

Yao Yizhong has a lot of sons. It's impossible to be close to each other. The Qiang nationality has received too much Chinese culture, including the legitimate and common people of a family. He focuses on cultivating those legitimate sons.

In fact, Qiang is also a member of Yanhuang Miao people in terms of blood inheritance. The difference is that they have been separated from the Central Plains culture for a long time and gradually assimilated by some Hu people in rongdina. Therefore, it is very depressing to distinguish ethnic groups by blood origin, or it is true to look at cultural identity. There can be no obvious difference in natural appearance.

Yao Yizhong doesn't know that Ma Qiu has died, let alone that the Han Army has made a large-scale westward advance. He will know whether the Han Army appears on the South Bank of the Yellow River or what Liu Yan deliberately made.

There are a large number of Qiang people gathered along the Yellow River in Qingzhou. New Qiang tribes are moving all the time, and a large number of miscellaneous Hu are moving with them. It is good and bad for Yao Yizhong.

Yao Yizhong may have a certain loyalty to Shi Hu. Otherwise, it is clear that his nest is being ravaged by Zhang's cool country. It is also someone who advised Shi Hu to be afraid, and he is still making a great deal of preparations to invade Qingzhou.

As a matter of fact, Shi Hu was so obvious that he almost clearly showed his fear of the growth of Qiang and Di, but both Yao Yizhong and Fu Hong showed obedience. In some ways, the reaction of Yao Yizhong and Fu Hong is also one of the reasons why Shi Hu is more crazy.

"It's the Han army." Yao Yizhong can't really see it at all. He can only see a vague figure. He narrowed his eyes and whispered, "only when we eliminate them can we have a chance to go back to the northwest."

Perhaps Liu Yan was too obvious. Yao Yizhong knew what was going on at the moment when the Han army appeared on the South Bank of the Yellow River.

For Yao Yizhong, the emergence of the Han army is a trouble. It all depends on Shi Hu, not from the actual pressure of the Han army. It is equal to Liu Yan's battle. Yao Yizhong's no action will make Shi Hu, who is far away in Yecheng, know that he will have a new action.

Yao Yizhong on the North Bank of the Yellow River said, "it's terrible."

Liu Yan on the South Bank of the Yellow River said, "it's very interesting."