Chapter 265

In troubled times, influence depends on fighting rather than speaking. Although Liu Yan led the army to win several times, he really doesn't have much prestige because the rise time is too short.

For those who want to speculate, Liu Yan is not a good choice. They will pay attention to those who really understand the situation under Liu Yan, such as Deng Heng who takes his own defeat as a human favor, Wang Ji who is aware of a trace of real information, and others who really understand what power Liu Yan has.

"It's going to fight!" Zhai bin is a hybrid. It seems that there is nothing wrong with his yellow skin, but his hooked nose and blue eyes have some white characteristics. He shouted to Wang Luan from a distance: "hurry to respond!"

Wang Luan should consider whether he should not hear or respectfully respond. His choice was to respond respectfully, and then, as Zhai bin wished, sent new troops as support.

Zhai Bin's domineering was not revealed for a moment, but became extremely arrogant when he came to the main camp of the Xuzhou army.

Wang Luan regarded Zhai Bin's domineering and arrogance as a threat. That was Shi Hu's recklessness after making a decision, and this was the most worrying point for Wang Luan.

The fight has begun. Huan Wen runs in front of all the cavalry again. The first collision between the cavalry of the two armies is that Huan Wen sweeps out the horse in his hand.

Liu Yan gave Huanwen 3000 cavalry. In less than half a month, there were only 1600 left. The losses of light riders and auxiliary riders were heavy, and there were about 700 left.

To put it bluntly, the sudden cavalry is a branch of the army that exists specifically to rush into the array. At the moment when the cavalry on both sides collide with each other, the sound of horses' hoofs is mixed with screams, horses' neighing and stuffy hum. Almost every moment, knights fall off their horses, and then they are trampled into a broken body by staggered horses.

"He can handle it. Let's go to the flank and wait for direct combat or intercept enemy reinforcements."

Qian Jiantong was the commander of the cavalry sent to support Huan Wen. He didn't like Huan Wen, not because he felt the threat of status, but because Huan Wen didn't regard the soldiers as robes and as a tool for making achievements.

Cavalry! Although the cavalry in the Central Plains has become worthless, who doesn't cherish it carefully? Huanwen is just a cavalry that doesn't belong to him. He doesn't take the loss seriously. No matter how many achievements, a good elite cavalry went out for a walk and lost about half of it? Whatever you think is not your own thing, don't cherish it.

How many cavalry are there in the Han Dynasty? Lost 1400 at once, that is the knight who has worked hard to accumulate in the past four years!

Shijie Zhao Jun indeed sent a new army. Qian Jiantong took a look at the battle field and the banners in the direction of the main camp. The main camp didn't give any instructions.


"Woo woo..."

Thanks to the flat terrain, the barracks of the two armies also leave enough space, or they can't accommodate nearly 30000 cavalry to fight.

"Jun Shang, Huan Wen can't support it."

"He didn't ask for help, did he?"

Liu Yan maintained enough plain heart. Even if the war situation was developing towards the decisive stage, he showed the confidence that a commander-in-chief should have, and would not be excited or flustered because of the temporary change of situation.

In fact, Huan Wen felt that he could still insist, especially when the two thousand soldiers joined the war and involved some troops of the Zhao army in Shijie. He thought he could rely on the elite in his hand to chisel through again.

Two thousand Wang Ji indicated that the soldiers who had returned were really participating in the war. They stood in the position of the Han ministry against the original friendly forces. The man who led two thousand troops is called Wang Yong. He is the direct son of Wang Ji's brothers. He was ordered to go to Liu Yan first. He is not only a bet of the Wang family, but also an observer.

Wang Yong is twenty-four this year. His martial arts are OK, but the children of the aristocratic family have no shortage of education. He did not know that Huan Wen did not inform Liu Yan of the situation. The reason why he joined the war was to show his sense of existence. And he proved successful.

"Well?" Liu Yan obviously noticed that the soldiers had joined the war and was surprised: "Huan Wen still has a set."

In fact, Wang Yong's participation in the war really played some roles, not only involving some Shijie Zhao Jun, but also causing confusion and confusion.

Martial arts people will have their own judgment, and it will not be difficult to find what "taste" is on each other. Shijie Zhao Jun found that Wang Yong's Qingqi has the same temperament as himself almost at the first moment. After the two sides started fighting, there was definitely more than one Shijie. Zhao Jun was a little depressed, that is, he surrendered and immediately beat himself in turn. What benefits did the Han Army give to the former friendly forces? It was worth the former friendly forces working so hard.

"Who is commanding the troops?"

"I don't know for the time being."

Liu Yan will ask, it is found that the surrender is not a random rush. The route and timing may not be correct, but it can show the judgment ability of being born in the battlefield. As long as such officers are trained, they can be used as leaders along the way, but it's hard to say how much merit they can build or how much responsibility they can undertake.

Of course, the main camp of Zhao Jun in Shijie also found that situation. Wang Luan was a little stunned, but Zhai bin had different feelings.

[Wang Ji... He should have done this!?] Wang Luan was shocked. He was more stunned. He didn't know whether it was anger or fear. His hand was shaking all the time and thought: [the situation has deteriorated to this point. Is there anything I don't know?]

They are the core of the family. No one knows what to do in the current situation, but Wang Ji is too big and obvious!

At that moment, Wang Luan was not thinking about how to deal with the ongoing war. He was thinking about why Wang Ji did so obviously, which was almost ignored.

Zhai bin is from Ding Ling. It's not long since he took refuge in Shijie Zhao. It's absolutely nonsense to say what sense of belonging he has to Shijie Zhao. He had his own understanding of the surrender of troops against the enemy, that is, he felt that the state of Zhao in Shijie was indeed seriously going downhill. What he doesn't know is that the Central Plains aristocratic family is like this bird. It can be loyal one moment and stab in the back the next.

It may be that Wang Luan and Zhai bin didn't find anything. It was obviously an interception war, but the scale has become somewhat large because of the repeated increase of troops.

"Lord, the gate of the Han army is wide open, and a infantry army appears!"

Wang Luan looked back and saw a large number of Han soldiers pouring out of the gate from a distance. It was roughly judged that the number would not be less than 8000.

The Han soldiers who left the Yuanmen gate did not advance towards the battlefield from the beginning. They formed an array at the edge of the camp and waited for the formation of an array before slowly advancing in the sound of war drums.

On the battlefield of riding war, Liu Yan even sent infantry. Is there no cavalry in his hand?

Look at how the soldiers of the Han Army are arrayed. The two columns outside are big swordsmen wearing heavy armor and holding broadswords. The third column is heavy shield soldiers holding tower shields. From the fourth column to the seventh column are gunmen holding long guns, from the seventh column to the eleventh column are archers, and from the twelfth column to the sixteenth column are strong crossbow soldiers.

The whole military array is a circle, that is, it is composed of circles. It is not a vertical column. The core position is the bow and crossbow soldiers.

"Unfortunately, we don't have a van, otherwise..." Liu Yan didn't have a pity expression on his face. Instead, he looked a little excited. He first signaled the nest car to descend, and then said, "I didn't expect the decisive battle to come like this. I should play my own role, and then Tai'an (Jichang) will command the overall situation."

Ji Chang respectfully replied: "promise!"

Sang Yu looked at Cai you, and they smiled at each other.

As an outsider, Yuan Qiao held his breath and said, "I'm willing to join the army for you."

"Very good." Liu Yan smiled with satisfaction, nodded to Yuan Qiao and promised happily: "Uncle Yan, you will be proud of today's choice two."

Yuan Qiao tried hard to be happy, but his smile seemed stiff. He was waiting for Liu Yan to look away from himself. With a wry smile, he thought: [it's forced to stay at all. I'm afraid refusing to wait is missing.]

Don't mention yuan Qiao's wishful thinking. If Liu Yan can't do it, Ji Chang, Cai you, sang Yu and other people will do it. What does a scribe do? In addition to giving advice and suggestions, the necessary dirty work also needs to be done, which is not only to maintain the authority of the loyal object, but also to cut off possible threats. So, once the loyal object opens his mouth and is rejected by the recruiter, it must be secretly removed.

After getting off the nest car, Liu Yan began to prepare for the war. He didn't mean the army, but he needed to dress up.

There were already a large number of cavalry waiting near Yuanmen. When Yuan Qiao followed him, his eyes widened and his face was full of shock.

The two thousand heavy riders stopped quietly beside the yuan gate. If you pay attention, you will find that there are two different styles of heavy riders, one wearing bright light armor and the other a fish scale armor. The two kinds of heavy riding weapons are also different. For example, the heavy riding of fish scale armor has only two kinds of weapons, namely long halberd and ring head sabre.

The heavy riding of fish scale armor is a system reward. They are arranged at the front of the military array, followed by 1600 tiger Ben army.

Li Tan was stunned when he saw the emergence of new heavy riders. He could find that the 400 new heavy riders had a characteristic, a temperament belonging to the forbidden guards. He insisted that they were tough and had an indescribable firm will.

Liu Yan, who has changed his clothes, is tall and has the best Wusun horse. It gives people a full sense of oppression, not to mention the temperament in the face of war.

The war situation outside has changed. Huan Wen, who first entered the combat state, including the light cavalry of demobilized soldiers, is close to the verge of collapse. It can only be supported by Qian Jiantong's rescue.

Huan Wen had to break through and withdraw from the battlefield. After receiving reinforcements, he insisted.

After the Han Army had infantry formation, Wang Luan also sent troops again. His choice was for the infantry to deal with the infantry. Looking at the cavalry cruising from the military camp, it was highly possible to continue to invest more belligerent troops.

Maybe... Today is the time to win or lose in Xuzhou battlefield?