Chapter 263

The horse's hooves gallop, and the dust and smoke rise. With three thousand knights and nearly ten thousand war horses, they stepped straight towards more than two thousand people who were suddenly flustered by the enemy.

There is no doubt that the three thousand cavalry were the Han Army led by Huan Wen, and the panic soldiers came from the hands gathered by Niu Du.

The state of Zhao in Shijie allowed private soldiers and did not restrict them. It was equal to how many private soldiers could be raised purely based on personal strength. But one thing is very strict, that is, once Shi Hu orders, people with private soldiers must lead soldiers to obey the orders, or wait for encirclement and suppression.

It must also be noted that before 342, The state of Zhao in Shijie ordered that only the Hu people (including miscellaneous Hu people) would be recruited among the people. Generally, the Jin people were not qualified to be drawn into the army, and the Jin people could only join the Qi Huo army to participate in the war; after AD 342, the recruitment of Shi Hu counted the Jin people into the central system, and what's more, it changed from one out of ten or one out of five to one out of three or three out of five.

Shi Hu ordered the national conscription at the beginning of A.D. 342. After conscription, the States and counties stayed in place and needed an order to move to the designated place. The fact is that the States and counties ordered have enough troops, which is at least 25 times larger than usual.

Niu Du sent the troops as bait. More than 2000 people are from Jin and zahu. Their training level is worrying. They have armour and equipment... Don't mention it.

The roaring hoofs were loud. Huan Wen was in front of the charge. His body was shaking with the bumps of the war horse, and the horse chopping knife in his hand had crossed out to the side.

In front of the stone tablet, Zhao Jun was fleeing at random. No one thought of using flesh and blood to stop the cavalry charging at high speed.

Huan Wen was the first to kill in, followed by the rushing sudden cavalry. The rest of the light cavalry and auxiliary riders inserted from the two wings. More than 3000 cavalry and nearly 10000 horses flooded the Zhao army in Shijie.

Without resistance, it would be a one-sided massacre.

When it comes to slaughter, it's because it's not useful to raise your hands and surrender in the face of cavalry charging at high speed. After all, cavalry won't stop for a drop, or even lose speed by changing the direction of their horses.

After one chisel, he wiped out most of the Shijie Zhao army only twice. After finishing this, Huan Wen didn't want to stay in the battlefield at all. He ordered to move eastward and was ready to defeat the Shijie Zhao army in the east when morale was strong.

When the cavalry left, the lucky Shijie Zhao Jun looked at the far away Han army with a dull face, and many people cried with a "wow".

What Huan Wen needs is defeat, not total annihilation. He just needed to see with his own eyes what the cavalry of the Han army was like. After a group charge, he had a more intuitive impression.

"Yuanzi, we have a time difference of about two quarters of an hour."


Out of the sight of the enemy's defeated soldiers, Huan Wen ordered the whole army to stop. They needed to replace their standby horses and started again soon. However, the marching speed was not full gallop. It was a kind of warm-up running for the horses and a knight on the horse's back.

During the March, Han knights would supplement water or food, that is, directly on horseback.

"How much did you lose just now and how many achievements did you have?"

"The whole army is intact. The result of the war should be about 1000 casualties of the enemy."

Huan Wen smiled with satisfaction. No damage is a part. The most important thing is that the army can be like arms and fingers.

Shijie Zhao Jun wanted to design a trap. Huan Wen led his army into the trap. He thought that even if the Han Army led by him was in the trap, Shijie Zhao Jun didn't have a good mouth to swallow, and Shijie Zhao Jun would collapse his teeth instead.

It's not blind self-confidence, it's a comparison of forces, combined with some other things to confirm. The most direct judgment is that as long as you don't lose your mind, you can break through on the plain terrain.

Niu Du did not receive the news that the bait troops were defeated. When he saw the Han Army, his first judgment was that the Han Army did not attack the bait troops, but came directly to them.

"Light the wolf smoke!"

What is wolf smoke? In fact, it is the firewood burned by Populus euphratica, red willow, Apocynum venetum, Achnatherum splendens, Baici, camel grass, licorice, dry reed, Haloxylon ammodendron and other things. You can also add wolf dung or horse dung. Wolf dung burns like sheep felt, and the smoke is light brown. Horse dung burns like hay, but its color is lighter than wolf dung. In addition, it must be mentioned that the number of wolves, carnivores, has never been large, whether in the grassland or the Central Plains, and their feces are not difficult to collect.

The thick wolf smoke shown as light brown slowly floated into the sky. If the line of sight was not blocked, it could be clearly seen even 20 or 30 miles away.

Wang Ji rode on a tall horse and narrowed his eyes to see the rising wolf smoke. Only one stick represented that Niu Du was attacked by the Han Army, and the bait force was in an unknown state.

About 4000 cavalry stayed behind Wang Ji. They were light cavalry with messy clothes. Don't just look at the clothes. It depends on the cavalry's physique and mental state. Careful observation will find that each one is strong and fierce. They are Shi Zun's private soldiers and warriors selected from various families or tribes.



Wang Ji was thinking about a problem. Whether Huan Wen jumped directly at Niu Du or not, it represented that the Han Army found an ambush. However, the Han Army knew that there was a trap and came in. What does that mean.

It must be said that Wang Ji's cavalry was not included in the combat power at first. He led the army behind him.

Shi Zun's private soldiers were about 4000 infantry. This army was the first army Shi Zun invested in and was also discovered by the Han army. The four thousand light cavalry brought behind Wang Ji stayed thirty miles away from the battlefield. They rushed to the scouts overnight. The cat was in the mountains. According to the truth, it was not found.

"Lord, shall we march?"


For Wang Ji, the goods at Niu Du level will die when they die. It doesn't matter even if another private army belonging to Shi Zun is destroyed. They will hide until they think there is an opportunity. As for what time has come, it has the final say of Wang Ji.

"I heard that the Deng family is separating?"

"Return to the Lord, yes."


I will address the Lord and represent the Wang family.

The Deng family in the dialogue refers to the family of Deng Heng. Deng Heng was defeated and punished by Shi Hu. Those people in the family were basically dismissed from office, and even old accounts were calculated. It seems that separation is a last resort, but almost all Jin people to a certain extent will not look in a simple direction.

"We paid much attention and noticed that the Deng family entered the customs, but also the Deng family went south. One of the branches went south and disappeared after crossing the Yellow River."

"Hehe, I must have gone to join Liu Yancheng."

The Wang family also began to make preparations. Almost every big family was making preparations, and what should have been done before. For example, the people of the same clan were divided into several families to take refuge in Shijie Zhao state, Murong Yan state, Tuoba Dai state, Zhang Liang state and Sima 1 jin state. Now there are two more forces that may need investment, ran min, who entered Guanzhong to form a separatist regime, and Liu Yan, who has the strength to occupy Qingzhou.

They were talking. About an hour or so, the previous wolf smoke had long disappeared, but in another direction, two bunches of wolf smoke were lit, but the color was red.

Wang was still talking and laughing, but he was obviously stunned when he saw the red wolf smoke, and then whispered, "impossible?"

Wolf smoke, or red. Red is usually set as emergency. Obviously, the 4000 step horse belonging to Shi Zun thinks he has encountered the most dangerous situation?

What happened?


Huan Wen and 3000 cavalry easily defeated Niu Du's private army again. They almost didn't stay and left the battlefield.

After leaving the battlefield, Huan Wen met yuan Qiao who had left the team before.

Yuan Qiao gave Huanwen a happy news that another enemy was moving here. In other words, Huan Wen's desired goal has been achieved. They can rest for about an hour, and then they should choose to face the enemy and fight again.

At half-time, Huan Wen seemed extremely excited and told yuan Qiao that commanding the Han Army and the Jin army were completely different.

"You know what? When Wen gives an order, the troops will respond quickly. In particular, the sudden riding under his command is both efficient and resolute!"

Yuan Qiao is very happy for Huan Wen. Maybe he should be happy for himself? They are now grasshoppers on a rope. It is not easy to leave the Han Dynasty, so it is very important to have a relatively pleasant stay in the Han Dynasty.

Huan Wen, who was excited, was a terrible man. He was talking all the way. Yuan Qiao was listening, and another enemy appeared in the visual field. Huan Wen left. Leaving yuan Qiao, who had a good chat just now, he laughed and ordered people to ride and turn over.

"Soldiers, move, let's kill the enemy again!"


If a mob or a miscellaneous army, neat promise won't make Huan Wen feel anything, but neat promised him an elite army, which he saw with his own eyes and commanded personally, and easily slaughtered two powerful tiger and wolf divisions of the enemy!

Obey orders and have high combat power. Any commander will like such an army. Huan Wen has led the army more than once, but for the first time, he has hope for combat. He really liked the army he led, not only because the army was good at fighting, but also because he saw other things, which could be perceived only by personally participating and feeling.

[uncle Yan must have the same mind, otherwise he won't be so peaceful in communication.] Huan Wen's mouth hooked up. He turned to look at Yuan Qiao standing with his horse, narrowed his eyes and thought: [uncle Yan and I are a natural alliance, no matter where we are. But we should divide our priorities and don't mess up the articles of association.]