Chapter 246

The list is not too long. There are 27 families in different places.

Liu Yan shook the list, took a deep breath, and said with a livid face, "a bunch of garbage that can't accomplish anything but fail!", He was not completely scolding the people on the list. A larger part was scolding the small ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty and roaring: "they fled south of the Yangtze River in a panic. Lao Tzu stood in front of Zhu Hu and resisted Zhu Hu. They still want bad things!"

What should I say? Zhao Lin made it clear that after they got the order, they would raise things, destroy and harass everywhere. But the Han Dynasty is fighting with the state of Zhao in Shijie. Once there is war everywhere in the rear, will the war in front still be fought!

Ji Chang and others didn't come until the back. Zhao Lin's letter turned round, and the list was always held by Liu Yan.

"Your Majesty." Ji Chang's face was gloomy: "this is trouble!"

Liu Yan did not intend to publish the list for the time being. The 27 families in the list are scattered. In addition, these families are large and small, and some even began to play some important roles for the Han Dynasty.

Twenty seven companies are listed in the list, so how many are not listed?

"Mr. Gong Tao has been operating in Qingzhou for more than ten years. Didn't we expect such a situation?" Cai you said slowly, "we expected such a situation and have made arrangements."

The Han ministry has cleaned the interior with thunder more than once, and the surveillance of some families has never been relaxed. It has always been known that the small ~ Dynasty ~ court or Murong Xianbei of the Eastern Jin Dynasty may have people in Qingzhou, but they don't know who or whose families are spies of all parties. It's difficult to start without evidence.

Cleaning with evidence is inevitable. Cleaning without evidence will only cause panic. The Han Dynasty is now facing a big war. It can not be cleaned up vigorously. It can only be captured at a fixed point and quickly, but this is not so easy.

"Tai'an, you go back and preside over the arrest." Tai'an shouted by Liu Yan is Ji Chang's calligraphy. He had to ask, "try to control the impact."

Ji Chang stood up and saluted silently. Then he didn't procrastinate. He left step by step.

"Ha ha!" Liu Yan looked angry and helpless: "Xiao ~ Chao ~ Ting... Really..."

In other words, how could they escape to the south of the Yangtze River, which is enough to show that the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is no longer suitable as a ruling class and should be swept into the garbage heap of history.

If Liu Yan only hated those people in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, at least he didn't have a strong idea of how to kill them. Now, he can see clearly that whenever he has a chance, he must destroy it, and destroy it all together with those aristocratic families!

How to deal with those internal people, in addition to those on the list, and dig out more spies, that is Ji Chang's business.

Liu Yan soon turned the topic to the upcoming war.

The destruction of Deng Heng's headquarters in Taishan county and the attempt to intercept and kill the Shijie Zhao army in Yuzhou failed, which indicates that there will be at least 70000 enemy troops in the West.

In addition to the west, sun Fudu has been gathering troops in Jizhou and Wang Luan in Xuzhou.

After investigation, the number of Zhao troops in Shijie in Jizhou has gathered to 70000. In addition, there is the headquarters of sun Fudu, general Longxiang. It is about 20000 cavalry and more than 50000 infantry. It is difficult to explore the composition of the army carefully. It is preliminarily judged that it is about 30000 County soldiers, and the rest are private soldiers of families and tribes; The total number of troops under the command of Wang Luan, the left guard General of Xuzhou, is 100000. The military composition on this side is relatively simple. After all, Xuzhou has always been one of the bridgeheads for the invasion of the state of Zhao in Shijie into the Eastern Jin Dynasty, that is, there are at least 60000 county and county soldiers among the 110000, and the number of cavalry is up to 40000.

"Then there are at least 250000 enemy troops around us." Liu Yan was knocking at the edge of the sand table and said solemnly, "this is not all."

In fact, they learned from ran min's sources that Shi Hu has appointed Yao Yizhong as the metropolitan governor, and Yao Yizhong will command the army to be responsible for the expedition of Qingzhou.

Yao Yizhong is the general leader of the Qiang nationality. He came to take charge of the expedition of Qingzhou. It is impossible to come alone. He will certainly bring the Qiang army.

The war situation has escalated again and again, and the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty is preparing to make trouble secretly. It can be said that the Han ministry has reached the stage of life and death, which is why Liu Yan is so angry!

In any case, the resistance of the Han Dynasty to Shijie Zhao was good for the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, which really makes people wonder how the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was prepared to do that.

In fact, it is not difficult to figure out who made Liu Yan raise the Han flag, which is already related to the competition for the position of zhengshuo for the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. For Sima royal family and those aristocratic families shrinking south of the Yangtze River, they are so embarrassed that they only have the name of zhengshuo. If they lose the name of zhengshuo, they will be nothing. Therefore, they prefer the defeat of the Han Dynasty and let them face the millions of troops of the state of Zhao in Shijie. Maybe they will eventually die in the hands of the state of Zhao in Shijie, but they think it is much better than being replaced by the "remaining evils of the former Han Dynasty".

"We have taken up the banner of national righteousness, which must lead to some differences in the small ~ Dynasty ~ court." LV Yi's face was complicated: "maybe it is because of this that the reaction of the small ~ court ~ court will be so great."

In short, Liu Yanliang's Han flag did affect the ruling position of Sima royal family, not only the competition in zhengshuo, but also the ideological differences within the aristocratic family.

On the one hand, Liu Yan displayed the Han flag to win the support of the Jin people in the Central Plains. On the other hand, he wanted to win the defection of some aristocratic families south of the Yangtze River? After all, although the strong man died, his influence still exists. Otherwise, there would not be so many Hu people competing to establish the country and call the country Han.

Cai you hesitated and said, "the original plan was to attack the enemy troops in Xuzhou with the Yangzhou garrison of Xiao ~ Chao ~ ting. I'm afraid that Xiao ~ Chao ~ Ting let so many families cause trouble within us..."

"Still act according to the original plan, just..." Liu Yan said coldly, "if you succeed in defeating Wang Luan's headquarters, it depends on the two situations. Either drive the defeated army of Shijie south, or destroy the Jin army."

We must teach a profound lesson to the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It is certainly impossible before we solve the stone tablet Zhao Jun on three sides, but it may be possible to eat a large army as long as we make a detailed plan.

It's already obvious. If Zhao Lin hadn't made a mistake, the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty would have used the Han Dynasty to launch a conspiracy. At that time, whether Liu Yan carried Shijie Zhao Jun or not, as long as the conspiracy was launched, Shijie Zhao would continue to target the Han Dynasty, which was equivalent to the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty winning more time.

Liu Yan met the two brothers of the Zhao family behind and talked briefly. In fact, Liu Yan was talking and the two brothers were listening.

"Charter you two to join the army, starting with the team rate."

Naturally, the two brothers are very happy. They know the truth. Although the position of team rate is not high, it is a very special case to start from the team rate. Many people who are better off than their families join the army from small soldiers.

Next, the Han Dynasty needed to do a lot of things. In addition to preparing for war, it also set up a bureau for the Jin army.

The hot summer will soon pass. Autumn has always been the main cutting season, but the Han Department can't wait for autumn. We must start before the enemy is fully prepared.

"We don't have the trouble of autumn harvest. Next, we don't lack food."

In fact, there is another advantage against the sky, that is, with the establishment of urban centers, grain and fodder do not need long-distance transportation at all.

"The enemy troops in Yuzhou and Sizhou stopped in place. We can't stretch the front too long and attack through Yanzhou."

"Attacking the enemy in Xuzhou with the Jin army is a major event in the next stage."

"Only 30000 Jin troops from Yangzhou can be dispatched."

"What a procrastination..."

Liu Yan's next target is the enemy in Xuzhou, which needs to cross Yanzhou to attack the west, and attacking Jizhou is a direct threat to the Kinki of the state of Zhao in Shijie.

One day, Liu Yan was reading ran min's handwritten letter, and Ji Chang's news about internal cleaning also came.

"What!?" Liu Yan looked stunned: "Zhao Lin committed suicide?"

Zhao Lin held a family meeting after the two brothers of the Zhao family left. He announced that he would pass the position of the head of the clan to his eldest son Zhao Wen. He also arranged for the old and new families to kill themselves by leaving a book.

Liu Yanzhi was so stunned. It was about Zhao Lin's suicide note. It talked about the dilemma of loyalty and righteousness. He was loyal to the small ~ Dynasty ~ court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, but he thought he could not lose the great national righteousness.

Nowadays, ordinary people do not have the concept of national righteousness, but some aristocratic families do. If you look at it like this, the ancestors of the Zhao family must have been rich?

Zhao Lin's incident said a big problem. At least Liu Yan raised the Han flag and achieved some desired goals, which not only made more people turn to the Han ministry.

"The Han flag can make people return to their hearts. Whether it can become a trend depends on whether we can stand firm." Sang Yu is telling a fact: "at present, there are many people waiting to see. If we can defeat the Hu people one after another, there will be war smoke everywhere in Shijie Zhao state."

Liu Yan handed ran min's letter to Sang Yu.

Sang Yu looked at it very seriously, with a surprise on his face, but he was also skeptical: "is Xiucheng Hou going to start?"

No mistake. It seems that history has been greatly changed by Liu Yan. Originally, Shi Hu crazy persecuted Jin people in history. Although it led to Jin people's trouble, it is not too large in scale. In addition, it was soon extinguished. In addition to civil incidents, it is difficult to judge what the higher status Jin people think in their hearts, but these higher status Jin people are patient unless they are forced to death... Even forced to death.

"Yes, ran min made an appointment with me. If we beat Yao Yizhong, he would raise an issue."

"If we beat Yao Yizhong?"

That's what ran Min said, so Liu Yan's defeat of Yao Yizhong is the premise.

We can't blame ran min. Liu Yan knows that ran min dares to write such a letter by himself, which is both the handle and the determination.


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