Chapter 200

The enemy focused on attacking the camp next to the glue? That's what Liu Yan wants!

The camp is not small. It is close to the river bed. If you want, you can start building a floating bridge connecting the two banks at any time. Originally, the bridge was built to attract the enemy to attack. Unexpectedly, the enemy took the camp as the main attack object before it was used.

Think so? The Han side of Xiami has long been on the defensive. As long as the sub city and camp are still in the hands of the Han side, the main city of Xiami can not be regarded as an isolated city.

The art of war has repeatedly stressed the importance of "hitting its soft ribs". The Yao family has a higher degree of Sinicization than other Hu people. How can Yao LAN and Yao Jing who have received Sinicization education forget this?

For the Yao army led by the Yao brothers and the Qingzhou army led by Liu Zheng, it is inevitable to attack Xiami's main city and sub city. However, the main city and sub city have perfect wall fortifications, so it will be more difficult to attack. Looking at the barracks with only wooden fences and several lines of defense arranged against horses, it seems easier to attack.

War is about logistics and morale. As long as we can capture the camp, the morale of the Han people will be lower. After testing the main city and sub city of MI, the coalition forces should have a clear choice after finding it difficult to bite. Obviously, the local battlefield of the camp where hand-to-hand combat occurs will become the main target.

The camp is built on the edge of glue. One side is a waterway. It's not impossible to attack, but at least it needs boats. The Allied forces have brought craftsmen, but craftsmen who can make land-based instruments do not mean they know how to build water boats. After all, everything is about expertise in technology.

Apart from a waterway on one side, the north side of the camp was dug into potholes, and then some water sources were introduced. The terrain in the North formed a pothole terrain. It was clear that it was difficult to set up an array. The only directions the coalition can attack are the West and the south, and these two directions are obviously deliberately left, which is destined to strengthen the fortifications in the two positions.

Yao Jing stayed to deal with the main city of Xiami. The intensity of the war was not as strong as at the beginning, but Yao's army was still sending troops to test and harass.

Yao LAN personally reinforced the troops to approach the Hanbu camp on the West Bank of glue. When they arrived, it happened that the Hanbu garrison was fighting back.

"Send out cavalry!" A cruel smile appeared on Yao Lan's face: "a group of things who don't know how to live or die dare to leave their camp and pursue?"

In fact, the Han soldiers who went out of the camp to pursue were already retreating when they found that the enemy had reinforcements, but the disabled soldiers on the attacking side found that they had reinforcements. As soon as their morale was boosted and their morale was boosted, they dared to summon up the courage to bite some of the Han soldiers who pursued.

When the roaring hoofs sounded, about 2000 Yao cavalry ran into the battlefield. When the hoofs crossed, they did not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves. Everyone in the way became meat and mud under the trampling of the hoofs.

Killed some of your own disabled soldiers? Yao LAN won't care about that. He personally sounded the horn of charging and ordered the cavalry to rush to the camp.

Obviously, there was panic in the Han part of the camp. Some fast runners wanted to withdraw to the camp. Some spearmen and archers were ordered to organize defense. Naturally, it seemed a little chaotic when the camp gate entered and went out.

"Bastard!" Xi Qianjian pointed to the slave soldiers who had warned for many times and still blocked the gate and shouted, "shoot an arrow!"

In fact, they didn't kill many people, but their own side really cleared the field by shooting arrows. The slave soldiers blocking the gate had to retreat to both sides honestly after being taught by blood.

"It's late." Xi Qian Jiantong was very angry. Seeing the enemy cavalry rushing to the camp quickly, he had to issue a new command: "the spearmen stand up their spears by relying on the wooden fence; the archers are ready!"

Commands not only rely on roaring, but also flag language. Otherwise, in a noisy battlefield, just roaring can't send commands far.

An ordinary man can sprint eight to nine meters per second. Do you know how fast a qualified war horse can sprint at full speed? The horse's full forward rush for a second is about 15 to 16 meters!

The Yao cavalry who rushed to the camp was still four or five hundred meters away, but they had rushed to the front of their eyes in less than 30 breaths (about 30 seconds).

Yao cavalry are obviously good riders. Only a few of them hit obstacles such as resisting horses. Most of them crossed over and formed a torrent to rush up.


The command was issued, but the arrows fired in the first round seemed sparse, causing extremely limited damage to the charging Yao cavalry.

The arrows became denser in the second round. The archers in the camp stabilized and began to follow the command to release arrows in turn.

The archers of the camp garrison stopped after only five rounds of shooting. Yao's cavalry had already approached. If they shot again, they would cause accidental injuries and had to stop.

Spears were erected in some positions of the camp, but not in some positions. Xi Qianjian Tong is glad that the horse resistance arranged at the Yuanmen position played a role. Only a dozen seemingly elite Yao cavalry turned around seven times and were blocked by the square array formed by spearmen when they lost their maximum speed.

A large number of cavalry rushed to the camp, resulting in collision and horse hiss everywhere. Naturally, there will be no lack of human screams.

Looking from the overall situation, in front of the camp with a diameter of more than 1000 meters, too many horses' hoofs trampled on it, and there was a collision everywhere. Horse hiss and Howling became the most common voice on the battlefield.

Yao LAN couldn't see what was happening in front of him through the dust and smoke. She heard the sound of "Wuwu... Wuwu!" The sound of the horn immediately frowned: "blow the horn and let the cavalry retreat."

Obviously, the Yao cavalry had a simple communication through the horn. The cavalry who rushed to the camp were blocked and could not attack.

Xi Qian Jiantong was also unable to check the war situation. He could only judge from the noisy and miscellaneous voices. Before he could make a prediction, after the sound of two horns, the rolling sound of Horseshoes went away.

The smoke composed of dust was dissipated by the wind, and the front end of the camp was in a mess. Lying horses and the bodies of the war dead could be seen everywhere, especially the wounded and Howling patients.

The cavalry rushed to the camp, which not only seemed powerful, but also caused a lot of damage. Some of the horses were destroyed, but the body left in the spikes also played a role.

"Treat the wounded, rearrange the horse resistance and tidy up the wooden fence!" Xi Qianjian was panting. A series of orders had just been issued. When he heard the trumpet sounded again, his expression was stiff. He revised the military order: "auxiliary soldiers carry the wounded down and prepare for the war!"

How could Yao LAN give the garrison of the camp time to rearrange? When his cavalry withdrew, he waved his army to attack again, and nearly 5000 infantry were already charging with chaotic footsteps.

"Hiss!!!" It wasn't a toothache that made this sound. Yao LAN listened to it and counted the casualties: "lost about 400 horses?"

After a visual inspection, the Yao family should have lost nearly 400 horses, but it's hard to say how much damage it caused to the Han garrison in the camp. It's estimated that there should be nearly 600? That's one to two.

Originally, if the cavalry could rush into the camp, they would be able to rush left and right. Maybe they could break through several lines of defense at one time and squeeze the space of the Han camp. They didn't attack and were blocked. That's the result.

Yao LAN is distressed, but isn't war like this? Like a gambler, don't miss any chance. The difference is to win or lose. He thought he had more chips than Liu Yan and continued to bet once.

Five thousand Yao family soldiers shouted to charge, and another five thousand were gathered as the second echelon. Yao LAN made up his mind to show what an offensive is like fire. He didn't intend to leave the garrison with a moment's breathing time.

The charging Yao family army was soon blocked by the archers of the garrison. The continuous arrow array coverage was encountered by the Yao family army for the first time. The falling soldiers made Yao Lan's gums ache from a distance.

"You can learn this way of archery." Yao Lan's gums hurt more: "strictly order them not to retreat!"

The unbroken arrow rain is too frightening. It is far more disgusting than the intermittent arrow array coverage. At least it can make people breathe.

In fact, the arrows of band shooting are really not so dense. The victory is that they will not be interrupted, which will put more psychological pressure on the party attacked by the arrow array. It is a kind of visual stimulation that companions fall all the time, which makes people fear when they listen to the constant screams.

"The rise of Han should not be allowed." Yao LAN doesn't understand: "Liu Yancai has been developing for four years. If you give him another four years, what will it look like?"

Wang Teng, who came from behind, nodded: "the attack of Xiami's main city and sub city was not smooth, especially Liu Zheng, who launched the strong attack, suffered heavy casualties."

"I will write to my uncle and raise some reinforcements if possible." Yao Lan said very seriously: "there is only a part of Liu Yan's army here. I haven't forgotten that there is a partial division."

"It's time to pay attention!" Wang Teng said with a smile, "Liu Zheng is also mobilizing reinforcements. I think he also believes that Liu Yan must be eliminated in Xiami."

In the front, the Yao family army, who was strictly forbidden to retreat, finally rushed up at the risk of great casualties. After the first batch of troops arrived near the stronghold and began hand to hand combat, the second batch of 5000 people also launched an assault under the sound of horns.

"How many troops does Liu Yan have?" Yao LAN narrowed her eyes: "fifty thousand? One hundred thousand?"

Wang Teng frowned and didn't speak.

"No matter how many troops Liu Yan has?" Yao LAN has full confidence: "as long as the momentum of the Yao family is still there, we can gather miscellaneous Hu and Jin slave soldiers anytime and anywhere, and his army will never be more than ours!"

Wang Teng "ha ha" smiled. As the general leader of the Qiang nationality, the Yao family has such an inside story, or it should be said that as long as Yao Yizhong does not fall, they can really gather the army anytime and anywhere.

Not only the Yao family, but also the Fu family, especially the stone tablet ruling the Central Plains. This is the so-called general trend.