Chapter 181

The intensity of the war in the Han Dynasty is not high. Most of the fighting scale is thousands, and tens of thousands are rare.

There are 30000 garrisons in Duchang city? In that case, the battle of Duchang should be the most time that the Han ministry was established to face the enemy.

Liu Yan was originally excited and full of expectation, but when he learned that the enemy had fought internally, he didn't know why the passion dissipated.

On the third day of arriving at Duchang City, riprap trucks constantly bombarded a city wall. Amid the sound of collapse, they watched the hastily repaired city wall tilt and fall, and noticed that they saw some wood?

Yes, there is wood in the fallen wall! It's like some columns, beams or something. You can even see door panels.

"Hollow?" Liu Yan was stunned for a moment: "it took three days before it hit?"

In Shijie, the state of Zhao did not pay attention to urban defense. It is estimated that it has long become a "popular". It is really rare to see cities that pay attention to urban defense. Most of them look broken, and even most of them have wall gaps.

When Liu Yan led the army to the foot of Duchang City, he was still feeling that the city guard of the city was finally like something. He also asked whether Jin people served as the city guard.

What happened now? There is a wall section that is hollow!

"Scattered, boom!" Liu Yan took a strange: "look for a relatively new place and go to the right place."

The result was quite embarrassing. The walls that looked very new were basically just like goods. They roared for three days to understand such a situation.

After the east wall was blasted, several other walls were blasted in turn. In less than seven days, Duchang became a city with loopholes in defense.

"Something's wrong, very wrong!" Lu Yi frowned and said, "in the past seven days, the Garrison has not made any counterattack!"

Duchang city was surrounded by Liu Yan's order according to the old tradition of encircling the three que. The east side is the main attack direction, and the other two sides are mainly building fortifications and digging trenches.

"Is there really 30000 defenders in the city?" Li Kuang is a military marquis. He can attend the main meeting. After listening carefully for a long time, he found that the meeting was not as high-end as he thought. It seemed that it was a little... How to say? It's boring.

LV Yi's eyes lit up: "yes... Is there really 30000 garrison in the city?"

The commander of the scouting camp began to sweat on his forehead. He stood up and saluted, saying, "his duty is guaranteed by his life. The garrison in the city has never left the city since it shrank!"

"Is the smoke in the city right?" Liu Yan motioned to the commander of the scouting camp to sit down and said, "identify cooking smoke every day and look at a lot. Has anyone noticed the time of cooking smoke?"

It's not difficult to tell how long it takes to cook a meal and how long the cooking smoke should be. It's just that before, they only focused on the quantity of cooking smoke and didn't pay attention to the existence time of cooking smoke.

"Your meaning is..." Lv Yi widened his eyes: "there is no food in the city?"

It seems that only one explanation can make sense, that is, cooking smoke is completely bluffing. The morale of the defenders in the city is extremely low because of food shortage. Otherwise, why didn't they fight back a little from beginning to end?

Don't say anything. Liu Yan decided to attack tomorrow.

The next day, the Hanbu military camp in the east of Duchang city became busier than usual, and even cooking smoke rose earlier than usual. Experienced people should know that the contact war is today as soon as they see it.

Amid the roar of war drums, the barracks' gate opened after dinner, and a very neat sound of steps first appeared. A team of warriors walked out of the gate and went straight to the outside of the archery range of Duchang city wall.

There is still no reaction on the wall of Duchang City, which gives people a strange feeling penetrating into the bones.

"...." Liu Yan, who personally supervised the war, kept frowning and assumed the posture of attacking the city. The garrison in Duchang was still like this. What was the reason why they cautiously bombarded so many days with stone catapults?

All the combat troops that should be in place are in place. Finally, there are more people on the wall, which is still something wrong.

"People... A little less?" LV Yi obviously did not understand the situation: "how many waves did you shoot first?"

Liu Yan nodded and ordered: "the bed crossbow has three wheels and the bow has six wheels."

Naturally, someone will convey Liu Yan's order, which is conveyed in flag language, and then the war drum will be sounded.

Pieces of sour bow string banging began to appear with the sound of bangs. A dark cloud rose from the ground of the arrow array composed of archers, made a sharp sound of breaking the air and rushed to the city wall. In an instant, the collision sound between arrowheads and objects began.

"Something's really wrong. The strength of the Garrison's bow and arrow counterattack is too low." Liu Yan looked at the city: "the number has not increased."

About half an hour later, the shooting of long-range weapons was over. Liu Yan ordered the tribal forces to advance. They would enter through the gap of the collapsed city wall.

Liu Yan has been looking at the map in his mind. As usual, the number of red points is not small, but the activity of those "red points" is too low.

The tribal armed forces, as the vanguard force, poured in from several wall gaps successively, and the resistance of Duchang garrison appeared, which was intercepted by some soldiers without uniform.

From the map in Liu Yan's mind, there are also "red dots" gathered in the city. The number seems to be normal.

"The enemy has a strong will to resist." Liu Yan looked at LV Yi and said, "will they understand that it is difficult to defend against the broken walls everywhere and intend to fight in the streets with us?"

LV Yi blinked and thought, "street warfare? It means fighting in the city regardless of the city wall?"

This is the generation gap brought about by the times. In terms of cold weapon thinking, the general situation is to carry out the city wall defense war. Once the city wall is lost, it is equal to the loss of the city. Otherwise, why is the city wall lost every attack and defense war? If you can't regain the control of the city wall, it is equal to the fall of the city?

Without seeing it with his own eyes, of course, Liu Yan can't really know what's going on in the city. He can only roughly see from the map in his mind that under the attack of system soldiers, the garrison just lasted less than five minutes and collapsed... So collapsed!

"Let the second batch of troops attack!"

The huge war drum was sounded again. Li Kuang took a deep breath and poured into the city with his troops from the gap. He saw that the ground was full of all kinds of people, and strangely found some strange bodies on the corner of the city at the gap.

How to put it? Those bodies are not fresh. It seems that they should have died for some time, and the number is not small.

Entering the city is like entering a huge grave. A stench can't be ignored. People can't help but bend down and vomit when they smell it.

In an instant, many people in the second batch of siege troops changed their faces. They were too familiar with the smell. There was no data. No one picked up the bodies. Only after they were put for a long time could there be such a strong smell of corpses. Usually, if there is such a smell of corpses, it means the spread of various diseases, and there is likely to be an infectious plague.

"What, what?!" Liu Yan blew his hair as soon as he heard it: "plague?"

On the side of Duchang City, it seems that everything is unreasonable and is beginning to become reasonable? That is the spread of disease!

"Sir, withdraw troops, withdraw troops immediately!" LV Yi's face turned blue: "the attacking forces need to be isolated, all isolated!"

Li Kuang turned blue with his face. If he was isolated, he must be one. He has seen what isolation is like. No matter whether he is ill or not, as long as he is isolated, he has little possibility of survival.

"No, seriously!" Liu Yan didn't say anything. He looked up the map in his mind strangely. With more and more troops attacking and dispersing, there are not few active enemies in the city. Nothing is the appearance of a plague city. He asked, "are there any prisoners of war?"

LV Yi tried his best to stabilize and advised: "Sir, there are only 3000 tribal armed forces and 1000 War soldiers in isolation. I'm afraid if it's late..."

"There are prisoners of war, there are prisoners of war!" Li Kuang was so excited that he couldn't respect LV Yi. He was the leader of the March. To know that being isolated was tantamount to death. He couldn't even pay tribute and ran out.

Liu Yan's face was covered with frost. He raised his hand to stop LV Yi from speaking down, indicating that he needed to be quiet.

Isolation, of course, is to isolate. The loss of three thousand soldiers doesn't matter. That is, the one thousand soldiers will hurt Liu Yan for a long time. His heart is heavy. There is no population on the east peninsula of mountain 1. Once the epidemic plague breaks out again, what will happen if the Han ministry invades Qingzhou in order to occupy a no man's land?

Of course, the prisoners of war were not brought here. Li Kuang came to report after being interrogated in person. He almost cursed and swore. Yizheng solemnly told Liu Yan that there was no plague in Duchang City, but

"Infighting four times?" Liu Yan had to be stunned: "so many?"

The prisoners of war were still brought here, but after brushing and washing their skin was rotten, they changed into shame clothes and brought them here.

According to the prisoner's own confession, he was a bit of an identity. He was the leader of the garrison at a level similar to the marquis. When asked why there were so many internal strife, he said: "it was originally for the official position of Beihai sheriff, and then for food."

Liu Yan and LV Yi looked at each other for a moment: "

In short, Shijie Zhao Guo's strange regime style made those people fight the law of the jungle and intend to win a real boss. It happened that they burned most of their food during the fight, resulting in that some powerful forces now have a lot of food, while others are extremely short of food. They didn't stop the fight until the Han army was under pressure, However, the situation of water and fire has long been unable to change.

For example, Liu Yan should be very happy to encounter such an opponent who can fight among himself in a state of war, but he really felt speechless.

"Are we too weak to be taken seriously?" Liu Yan was extremely gloomy: "is that right? It must be so!"