Chapter 166

The number of cavalry in houzhao territory of the Han Dynasty has been strengthened again and again. Almost when Liu Yan has a firm foothold in liao1 East narrow peninsula, the number of cavalry in houzhao has approached 2000.

There are only about one thousand cavalry of two thousand, which can be regarded as cavalry. The rest are actually horse teams. Again, the cavalry is 100 from beginning to end. It is not unwilling to increase, it is impossible to increase.

A large number of cavalry approached Laishan. Everyone along the way could only close the city gate or stronghold gate, with doubt and fear in their eyes, and watch the cavalry crossing the road because of the dust and smoke raised by horse hoofs.

More people wonder whether the Han Dynasty has given up Changguang county and Dongmou county? How could so many troops suddenly appear.

When the infantry appeared, doubt and fear turned into fear. The No. 2 and No. 3 figures of each family were basically trembling, and they were looking at each other.

"Han did not give up the two counties!"

"We were fooled!"

Donglai academy danced happily recently and gathered many families to carve up Changguang county and Dongmou County abandoned by the Han Dynasty, but that was based on the premise that the Han Dynasty really wanted to give up the two counties.

To be serious, the Han's raids on Changguang county and Dongmou county took place six months ago. At that time, who didn't know the strength of the Han's military front.

Most people believe that the premise of Donglai academy is that the Han Dynasty evacuated after sweeping the two counties, and there seems to be nothing under construction.

"Send... Send someone to Laishan!"

What was it like when the army crossed the border? It was a kind of atmosphere full of killing. Another army of about 3000 stepped on neat steps. The sound of footsteps seemed to be the world beating war drums. Anyone would be afraid to see it.

Yes, it took Liu Yan a month to increase the number of system soldiers to 3000, which were 2000 armour soldiers, 500 spearmen and 500 archers.

In fact, only 3000 troops can be replenished again and again, which is already an extremely rebellious existence. Liu Yan does not need to deliberately gather too many other troops. He can start fighting only with soldiers who operate siege equipment.

However, Liu Yan already knows one thing. When he has the opportunity, it is right to experience more things trained by the Ministry. He can't rely on system soldiers forever.

When the cavalry of the Han Dynasty arrived at the foot of Laishan mountain, they pursued the families who scattered and wanted to go back at the first time. Most of them chose to force them to surrender. If they did not surrender, they would kill them if they could catch them.

The mountain head of Donglai academy, that is, Mr. Gong Tao, can see what is happening below from the mountain. He can see the Han cavalry chasing the scattered families everywhere, and his face becomes extremely complex.

"It's really cruel!" Mr. Gong Tao found that he didn't understand the Han Dynasty: "they don't seem to have any concerns at all?"

Wang Yu has seen Liu Yan on both sides. To tell the truth, he doesn't have a strong impression. He is only worried that the Wang family will be on Liu Yan's Revenge list? That seems possible. After all, he is a proud disciple of Mr. Gong Tao. Besides not participating in various discussions on partition recently, the Wang family seems to have basically violated the requirements of the Han Dynasty?

"Come on, let's go down!" Mr. Gong Tao thinks everything can be saved. After all, Donglai academy is only in series, but it has not really launched an attack on the Han Dynasty.

Wang Yu was rather hesitant. After thinking about it, he could only obediently follow the master behind him.

When the cavalry of the Han Dynasty came to the foot of Laishan mountain, they were only trying to chase those scattered guys. It was true that they had not launched an attack on Donglai Academy.

In other words, how many families or what did they represent on the top of the mountain just now? The cavalry in charge of pursuing stopped one group after another, and most of them surrendered, because there were too many. In the face of some guys who did not surrender and kept talking nonsense, the cavalry could only kill them.

I don't know why. Mr. Gong Tao took the people halfway back to the mountain. On the way, Wang Yu directly found a reason to run alone.

In fact, it's quite simple. That's because the follow-up infantry troops of the Han Dynasty have been pulled out. It turns out that Mr. Gong Tao is confident that the Han Dynasty will not attack Donglai Academy. However, seeing that some infantry troops have been pulled out, he doubts his judgment.

When the infantry army came, it was very direct to surround the courtyard at the foot of the mountain. Several open roads were blocked by the cavalry. The situation was very bad for Donglai Academy.

"It seems so?" When Liu Yan arrived, the courtyard at the foot of the mountain had been surrounded. Naturally, he also saw the captured family members: "pick out those in Changguang county and Dongmou county."

Li Kuang, who was in charge of taking care of the prisoners, immediately said, "promise!"

Li Kuang was originally a member of many families in Changguang County, but he was attacked by the Hu people last time and became a member of the Han Dynasty for a long time.

It is precisely because Li Kuang used to be the head of a family that he can know more about Changguang county. Who is in Dongmou county? Li Kuang can ask paoze who is familiar with Dongmou county to help.

At the time of differentiation, an interesting scene happened. People who knew Li Kuang began to beg for mercy, talking about local feelings, but just because they knew each other, who didn't know who? It's a very funny thing to talk about local love. In the autumn of troubled times, we only care about ourselves, or we won't be in such a loose situation as now.

Li Kuang didn't put on a face of refusing people thousands of miles away. He smiled happily to everyone. He didn't threaten or promise anything. He mainly didn't know how Liu Yan would deal with these people and what attitude should he take? Just be happy, but just stand idly by.

It is Chen Jiaju who cooperates with Li Kuang.

Chen Jiaju was the head of a small family in Dongmou county. At first, he resolutely followed the Han Dynasty to long island. Facts have proved that he will be reused. Although he made a merit, he has become one of the few military princes?

Resolute position leads to high and low positions, which has always been the case. Others have similar credit, but their is not as decisive as Chen Jiaju. As a result, Chen Jiaju is a military Marquis, and others are not.

Many people surrendered, accounting for 70% of the people who came to Donglai Academy for negotiation. About 25% were killed, and less than half of the successful fugitives.

The families who came to Donglai academy accounted for about 40% of Qingzhou. Merging is a strong force, so they don't believe that the Han ministry will kill them. It was not until some people were taken out and knelt on the ground. Most people were just surprised at how the Han ministry would torture. Still, no one believed that the Han ministry would kill. Until the "cut", the light of the knife flashed and the separation of the body and the head, they woke everyone up.

"They take my benefits, the benefits I give, and then plot my estate, it's my estate!" Liu Yan did not have a ferocious face, but with a mockery: "eat my benefits and plan my industry. Damn it!"

Not many people had their heads cut off. There were only seven people. It just really startled all the captured people.

Li Chun and Wang Xiao are standing on Liu Yan's side. They have obvious happiness on their faces. When they look at each other, they can see vigilance from each other's eyes.

Do you know why Liu Yan knows that Donglai college is holding a meeting here? It was Li Chun and Wang Xiao who revealed it one after another.

"Some of you have also benefited from me." Liu Yan looked at the patriarchs surrounded by the Oracle, "ha ha" smiled a few times and said, "maybe... I should put you to death, too?"

Immediately someone collapsed on the ground, and the crotch was instantly wet.

Hanbu has been selling salt in large quantities, which can be said to be the kind of sale that no one refuses. There is no shortage of sales of salt in any era. After all, people don't need other goods, but salt must be eaten. The price of salt in the Han Dynasty is fair. Who doesn't buy it if they can buy it?

"But... Our goods are paid... Paid for." The guy who spoke stuttered a little. He looked at Liu Yan carefully and said, "it's a fair deal... Deal."

"That's right." Liu Yan didn't seem to be such a strict leader. At least he didn't learn to be unreasonable. He nodded his head: "so he's still alive, isn't he?"

According to Liu Yan's meaning, these guys should all be killed. It's not wrong to kill anyone. Who makes them want to plot the Han ministry? But LV Yi gave a perhaps better opinion.

LV Yi's opinion is that killing is too cheap and too simple. It's better to get enough benefits from these guys, and maybe absorb some, which will help in the next battle.

Liu Yan agreed. This expedition may lead to a full-scale war in Qingzhou. It's natural to take advantage of it. It's like having come to Donglai Academy. You can leave time for the guy named Gong Tao to escape.

Yes, Liu Yan didn't attack the courtyard at the foot of the mountain. He was just waiting for the guy named Mr. Gong Tao to escape.

Qingzhou needs chaos, but it can't be Liu Yanqin's automatic hand to cause unrest. It's not a face for Shijie, but an inevitable low-key.

If Mr. Gong Tao has the ability to gather 40% of Qingzhou's families, he will have enough contacts to disturb the whole Qingzhou. It is in Liu Yan's interests for him to start the chaos in Qingzhou and bring enough allies to attack Liu Yan.

Don't forget that Liu Yan doesn't have much time to waste. It's impossible to attack one after another. It can only be a decisive battle as soon as possible.

Liu Yan is eager to fight a decisive battle at the beginning. Therefore, he is willing to stay somewhere, give his opponent time, and then have a siege.

At this moment, LV Yi is at a loss. What gives Liu Yan so much information, is willing to be surrounded, and is willing to fight a battle with less and more?

Without it, Liu Yan has 3000 soldiers who can "resurrect" continuously. What he needs is to build a camp with enough defense, build enough barracks, and then... Ha ha!