Xishan sanatorium, Kyoto, China.

It's November now, and it's getting colder.

It's nine o'clock in the morning.

After several days of gloomy weather, it finally cleared up.

In a courtyard near the lake in the southwest corner, the bald old man is playing with the old man with glasses again.

The old man with glasses frowned at the chessboard. After a long time, he lifted a piece and dropped it.

The bald old man looked at the chess piece for a while, then said with a smile: "you want to save Zhao from Wei Wei, but I don't want you to be happy."

Then he picked up a piece of chess and fell on the three lines of the old man with glasses, completely cutting off his way of life.

The old man with glasses raised his eyebrows and his face was full of fright.

Just as he hesitated, a little girl with a pigtail came out of the hall with a colorful painting in her hand.

"Grandfather, look at my beautiful painting."

The bald old man and the glasses old man both praised: "well, it's beautiful."

The little girl was jubilant, and then pointed to the chessboard and said, "grandfather, can I play this?"

Balding old man coax way: "this you can't play, when you grow up a little bit, grandfather will teach you again."

The little girl said, "but grandma said that gobang is for children to play."

Balding old man:.... "

Old man with glasses:

After the little girl left, the two old men calmly finished a game of Gobang, tea and chat.

The bald old man said, "Xiao Hua called me in the morning."

Glasses old man: "Oh, what did you say?"

The bald man said with a smile, "you talked to me about the doctor that week."

As soon as the old man with glasses saw the expression on his face, he knew that it must be interesting. He was interested in saying, "let's hear..."



Bozvana local time, 11 a.m.

On the road to francistown, a large SUV and an American patrol car are moving at a constant speed.

Zhou Wen and his party were on the bus.

The collection of conifer trees has been completed, but according to Zhou Wen's plan, the next step is to go all the way west to the Delta, and then return to francistown in the last week to finish the trimming and return home.

However, the plan failed to keep pace with the changes. Professor Wei Dongwei, who led the team in the early morning, called and said that the medical assistance would end early and return to China three days later.

The task prompts have been completed ahead of time.

After two months in boziwana, Zhou Wen was also a little tired and pleased to hear his speech.

After seeing the francistown logo, the two girls in the back seat were overjoyed.

Zhou Wenxiao said, "Yu Xiaohua."

Yu Xiaohua, who was lying on the window looking at the scenery along the way, said with a smile: "what's the matter, Mr. Zhou?"

Thank you Zhou Wencheng said sincerely.

Although he is not afraid of Lin Gaoxuan, but if it was not for Yu Xiaohua, the matter would not have ended like this, and when he returned to China, he would inevitably have trouble.

What's more, this matter has nothing to do with Yu Xiaohua. People are just helping.

Yu Xiaohua pursed his mouth and laughed, "you're welcome! It should be that I thank Mr. Zhou and thank you for your science popularization of biology these days, which has opened my eyes and made me have a different understanding of the world. "

Yu Xiaohua really admired Zhou Wen from the bottom of his heart. He knew everything about biology, and was good at quoting classics and using journal articles. His knowledge reserve was amazing.

It is modest to say that the Encyclopedia of biology is the living "Darwin".

"Teacher, how about taking us to the Amazon rainforest next time?"

"Rain forest, of course! But rainforests are dangerous. "

"Well, what are the dangers?"

"Crocodiles, poisonous snakes, piranhas, etc. Let's talk about poisonous snakes. The tropical rainforest in central and South America is a paradise for snakes to grow and multiply. There are more than 130 kinds of snakes living there, of which 21 kinds are highly poisonous, such as rattlesnakes, king cobras, golden ring snakes, Bungarus multicinctus, Agkistrodon halys, vipers... "

Both men and women, many people are afraid of two kinds of animals, one is without feet, the other is many feet.

Yu Xiaohua and Dong Wenying are no exception. They are all goose bumps when they smell speech.

"Why, teacher, don't say that."

"Ha ha, let's not talk about snakes. Let's talk about ants.

In the rainforest of Amazon, there is a giant ant that secretes a kind of toxin. If a person is bitten by it, it will hurt like a bullet. It is called bullet ant.

They are about 3 cm long and are one of the largest ant species in the world.

A bite from them won't die, but you'll never forget it for a lifetime, because the pain lasts 24 hours, just like being hit hard with a baseball bat. It's hard to bear... "Yu Xiaohua and Dong Wenying all the way listen to Zhou Wen's account of the strange rainforest plants and animals.

For example, poisonous cashew nuts, bomb trees, croton longxueensis, Queen of orchid "katlan", imperial parrot, spider monkey, blood sucking bat, vampire fish

Wei Dong, with the medical aid group, welcomed Zhou Wen and their return.

Although Zhou Wen and his colleagues did not make great achievements, they also visited most of boziwana in two months. They devoted themselves to health promotion every day, which was very hard.

In addition, boziwana TV station also carried out an interview and publicity, which can be said to be very successful.

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

"Hard work."

"Welcome back to the team..."

After some greetings, the team members dispersed, Zhou Wen and Wei Dong went to the office.

When he arrived at the office, Wei Dong poured a cup of tea for Zhou Wen himself and said with a smile: "how are things these days? Is everything going well?"

Zhou Wen nodded with a smile, "OK."

Wei Dong nodded, "who has highly praised your visit performance. In addition, the leaders above have heard of..."

Wei Dong explained some information with Zhou Wen.

Another is about Lin Gaoxuan.

Last night's incident has been reported to him. It is not only Lin Gaoxuan who will have bad luck, but also director Tang of his network. He may also be admonished.

It needs to be said here that although Lin Gaoxuan's father's position is "not high", the old generation's network is still there, and some people will give him face.

Of course, it also depends on the specific things.

And with this incident, face is certainly not worth the money.

Wei Dong and Zhou Wen talked about Lin Gaoxuan for two words, and then they both had a tacit understanding and didn't have a deep talk.

There's no accident with this guy. It must be abandoned.

Wei Dong is so cool to rub I hope that director Tang will be more perfect if he follows a piece of bad luck.

Zhou Wen's words are also very cool.

Lin Gaoxuan is a very dangerous person with no brain. However, he has a deep family background. If a person is killed by him, he will be stripped of his skin.

This kind of person is the best to kill with one stick.

The "killing" here naturally is not the elimination of the body, but the deprivation of the right to do whatever they want.

For people like Lin Gaoxuan, it is the most painful to have no arrogant capital.

It's like a person who has been used to luxuriant food and clothing, and suddenly becomes a poor man with a full meal. That psychological gap is more painful than death.

To tell you the truth, Zhou Wen would like to see him if he has a chance to return home.

A day at the city hospital in francistown.

The next morning we set out for Gaborone.

They stayed in Gaborone for another day, went through the formalities, and then boarded the plane back home.

Their plane landed at Kyoto International Airport at noon on Friday, November 8.

W Health Commission and leaders of relevant departments held a welcome ceremony at the airport.

After that, Zhou Wen and his wife decided to take the next flight back to Zhonghai.

But Yu Xiaohua came and said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou, I'll discuss something with you."

Zhou Wen said with a smile, "what's the matter?"

Yu Xiaohua said with a smile: "I know that you are not only a virus expert, but also a superb doctor, so I would like to ask you to take a look at my grandfather's body, OK?"

Zhou Wen has been away from home for more than two months. He is eager to return to Jiangzhou. However, when he thinks of Yu Xiaohua's help, he can't refuse. He says, "OK..."

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