"I believe you're a ghost. You're a bad old woman and a bad girl."

Zhou Wen make complaints about it.

As we all know, HIV is a highly variable virus, when a part of the virus mutated, the antibody produced before will be invalid to them, and because of this, it is impossible to develop a vaccine.

Secondly, the target of HIV attack is the immune system, and the traditional vaccine is to mobilize the human immune system to produce antibodies, while HIV continues to invade the immune system, the corresponding antibody response is also weakened.

In addition, HIV can be hidden in immune cells such as cd4-t lymphocytes, and the corresponding anti HIV drugs can't act on it, so HIV can't be eliminated by antiviral drugs. After stopping the drug, HIV in these cells can still replicate again.

And any anti HIV drugs in the world can not fundamentally kill HIV, can only inhibit the replication or reproduction of these viruses in the body, so far aids can not be cured.

The high priest was not sure about Zhou Wen's reaction. He stood up and said, "please follow me."

Zhou Wen followed the high priest out of the house, around the thick woods behind the house, came to a river, along the river downstream to the West.

The high priest may be old and walks slowly, but Zhou Wen accidentally finds that the leopard has been following them, making his back chilly.

After walking about 500 meters, they came to a small wooden house.

On the steps of the wooden house sat a black child, probably of white descent, who was about seven or eight years old, peeling nuts and eating.

Seeing the high priest, the child stood up and bowed respectfully to her. Then he ran into the room and cried, "Mom, priest maum is here."

Soon a black woman came out of the house with a baby in her arms.

The black woman came up and said respectfully, "priest Maugham, how did you come here? If you need to ask Kaka to come and call me! "

Zhou Wen learned from the chat that "KaKa" is the leopard.

The high priest grinned and walked into the house with a stick on his head.

Zhou Wen followed him into the room, while the black women and children followed in turn.

As for the black bodyguards, they stayed outside.

The black woman gave Chou Wen a cup of tea, which, like the high priest's, smelled bitter gall, astringent and smelly.

Zhou Wen didn't have the courage to drink it.

Pointing to the woman, the high priest said to Zhou Wen, "she nearly died of AIDS three years ago. I saved her life. I don't believe you can ask her."

Zhou Wen:

God has been working mysteriously for a long time. It turns out that she is looking for a trust to prove her words. For a time, she is a little disappointed.

The black woman said with gratitude, "yes! I had already been sentenced to death by the hospital. It was the high priest Maugham who saved my life... "

Listening to the black women there repeatedly said the high priest's good words, thanks for helping her cure AIDS, Zhou Wen felt a little funny.

The high priest did not understand that HIV itself is not lethal, its principle is to attack the immune cells of the human body, leading to the human body infected with other diseases and death.

High priest: don't you believe it

Zhou Wen hesitated and said, "yes, I really don't believe it."

High priest: "but it's true."

Zhou Wen: "there is no evidence to prove it."

The high priest said, "Mari is the evidence."

Zhou Wen speculates that Marley should be a black woman.

The high priest did not wait for Zhou Wen to speak, and then said, "Marli and her three children once had AIDS. I saved them! There should be their case records at the hospital. You don't believe you can check them. "

Zhou Wen opened his eyes and looked at Mari. What he didn't expect was that the black woman did not have AIDS. In addition, the baby swaddling behind her and the children sitting on the steps did not have AIDS.

Of course, that doesn't mean anything.

"Hospital cases Seriously, I still don't believe it. "

The high priest thought for a while. Finally, he took out a bag from the bright robe, carefully poured out a little brown powder into the bag and handed it to Zhou Wen, "you can take it back to do an experiment, or whatever you like."

Zhou Wen took the bag. "OK, I'll go back and do an experiment."

Although he still has a lot of doubts in his heart, it doesn't matter until the results come out.

The high priest nodded and did not keep him.

After Zhou Wen returned to the experimental base, Li Feng and they had completed the publicity.

At this time, it was already more than five o'clock in the afternoon, so I simply stayed in the hotel in Hangji city.

Hotels in the city are very cheap. A double room in a middle class hotel costs about 300 PRA a night, equivalent to about 200 yuan.

The clinical test of a targeted drug is very cumbersome for ordinary people.But for Zhou wenlai, it's very simple to do a toxicological test first, make sure there is no poison, and then find an AIDS patient tomorrow and give each other a needle to know.

What, do you need to apply for a human test?

That's domestic. We don't need it here. We'll get it for 100 yuan.

After dinner, Zhou Wen made a test box and left it there to let the computer run slowly.

The test box will be compared with the poison storehouse in the toxicology detection system item by item, which takes more than 8 hours.

Zhou Wen went to play.


One night later, Zhou Wen got up the next morning and found that the toxicology test had ended and was non-toxic.

He didn't have an accident.

If the high priest gave him a package of poison, it would be strange. Can't you want to poison him?

After breakfast, he went to the test car to make a tube of injection, and then went to the nearby red light district to find a young lady with HIV. After communicating with each other, he gave her 200 PRA, and finally injected the drug into her body.

To tell you the truth, Zhou Wen really didn't have any hope.

The reason why we still need to test is that a scientific researcher respects science. Even if he knows that it is impossible, he should speak with facts instead of relying on his own mouth.

When the drug injection into the young lady's body, Zhou Wen immediately opened the eyes of true vision and observed carefully.

He soon found a shocking fact that when those drug molecules penetrated into Miss's blood, the HIV virus contained in Miss's blood vessel was quickly killed.

"How could it be?"

It has always been Zhou Wen who shocked others. At this moment, Zhou Wen was shocked by the medicine given by the high priest.

Then there was a more shocking scene.

He found that some drugs actually penetrated into the immune cells and killed the HIV inside.

"This This It's impossible! "

Zhou Wen looked at it carefully. The virus in the black lady's immune cells was indeed "killed" a lot.

But do not know is the dose is not enough or what reason, HIV has not been completely eliminated, still left a part of the body in miss.

But even so, Zhou Wen is also stunned to see, such curative effect, has been very great, than the vast majority of anti AIDS drugs on the market are much stronger.

Zhou Wen couldn't think of it.

How can a witch doctor solve the problem that many scientific academies in the world have not solved?

"Is it Has the high priest been possessed by aliens

Zhou Wen stared at the black lady for a long time. He didn't get up and leave until he saw that she was ready to run.

Li Feng and his wife have packed their bags and are waiting for Zhou Wen in the parking lot of the hotel. Seeing him come and ask, "teacher, are you going now?"

Zhou Wen: "I don't leave today. I have something to do. You can do a tour around here."

"Well, I see, teacher."

Zhou Wen nodded and left in a big jeep.

Ten minutes later, Zhou wenlai arrived at the thatched hut where the high priest lived.

As if he knew that Zhou Wen would come, the high priest of Mau was sitting under a pear tree in front of the door, gently pushing the big cat with his left hand.

Hearing the sound of the car's engine, the cat opened a pair of blue pupils. After seeing Zhou Wen getting out of the car, she lowered her head and continued to sleep.

Zhou Wen came to the point and said: "the HIV virus really has obvious killing effect."

Hearing the speech, the high priest had a happy smile on his face.

Zhou Wen didn't understand: "can you tell me why?"

Casually ran into an old woman is actually a high priest, and the other side can treat HIV, and also give him drugs. It all sounds like a coincidence.

The high priest said, "you are the 37th medical team I have met since I came to bozvana.

When I told them that I could cure AIDS, most of the 36 medical teams in front of me thought I was whimsical, and a small part thought I was a liar.

Only two people want to believe me. "

Zhou Wen: "and then

High priest: "I gave them medicine, but since then, they have never come again. They should have thrown away the medicine I gave them. So it's not a coincidence. "

Zhou Wen heard the speech and did not speak for a long time.

Indeed, a little more rational people should not believe the words of the high priest.

If it is not because he has a real eye and can directly see the effect of the drug, if it is replaced by ordinary people, even if they have the intention to do experiments, there is no such condition.

Then this medicine, may never have a chance to see the sun again.

"You said that after you came to bozvana, where were you before?"

"Hemab."Zhou wenleng was surprised and said, "what, hemab? Is it the secret magic base of hemab, the West African Center of magic power

The high priest gave a smile even worse than crying: "what secret magic base? It has long been a commercial base. They have made hemab a mysterious tourist base for tourists from all over the world, just like Shaolin Temple in China

Zhou Wen:

"What else do you want to know?" the high priest said

Zhou Wen: "OK! Can you tell me why you left hemab? What's more, according to the information, the high priests there can make your soldiers bulletproof and invisible by communicating with the devil. Is this true or false? "

High priest: I don't know if there is a devil. If there is, I believe it is another form of energy that we don't know. But I certainly can't communicate with the devil.

Bulletproof and stealth capabilities are real.

Many years ago, the high priest of Carmela had a mysterious and unpredictable power. She made a kind of potion, which can withstand the bullet of assault rifle at close range without being penetrated by fire and water

Zhou Wen was surprised: "impossible! How can the flesh resist the bullets of assault rifles? At close range, the powerful kinetic energy of rifle bullets may directly tear our bodies apart! "

High priest: "if you don't believe me, there's no way! There are some things that you don't see with your own eyes. It's unbelievable. Even if you see it with your own eyes, you may not believe it! "

Zhou Wen thought of the drugs that can invade immune cells to kill the virus, but for a time, he didn't know what to say.

The high priest continued, "and invisibility, too. I saw the high priest Carmela invisible in front of me when I was a child. I couldn't see her at all."

Zhou Wen: "can it be a cover up?"

High priest: "no, like the invisible man in the movie, Carmela can walk freely and pick up objects."

Zhou Wen: "what about the principle?"

High priest: "I don't understand that."

Zhou Wen: "that's a cover up."

High priest: "it's not a cover up, it's really invisible Well, all these abilities have been lost with the disappearance of the high priest Carmela. I can't prove it. Maybe it's a cover up

After a pause, the high priest said, "as for why we left hemab, the high priest of Kamala suddenly disappeared 30 years ago, and there were fierce conflicts within the tribe, and many people died I followed my people to many countries and finally came to bozvana. "

After listening to the words of the high priest, Zhou Wenyi did not know what to say.

The warm wind blowing from the south plain sweeps the pear trees in front of the door, making a "Shalala" sound.

The big cat on the ground turned over, strong and powerful limbs to make a stretching posture, what eye bamboo stool Zhou Wen, continue to sleep.

Zhou Wen's brain can not help but emerge a picture of a skinned cat, dressed in a wooden frame, baking, golden oil dripping on the top of the campfire, making a "zilala" crisp sound.

At this time, the big cat with closed eyes suddenly turned over and sat up, and ran into its cabin.

Zhou Wen laughed in his heart and then said, "OK, I know! The efficacy has been initially proved, but further experiments are needed But those don't matter, mainly the formula.

I think the high priest Maugham's efforts to promote AIDS prescriptions should be to treat more people. "

The high priest's smile was even worse than crying. "Why do you have this idea?"

Zhou Wen: "er Isn't it? "

The high priest said, "I can't even save myself. What can I do to save others?"

"What do you mean?" Zhou wenleng for a moment, and then remembered that he had not seen the monk high priest.

He opened his eyes at once.

[Name: maum mathil rakutu, Ali Manana, rajonali, mamanpianina.

Gender: androgynous.

Age: 45.

Witch doctor: profession.

Physical condition: senility (stage III).

Mental state: severe insomnia and mental decline.

Mood: a strange state of hyperactivity that cannot be described by words. 】


Zhou Wenxian saw long names trying to make complaints about the world, but he was shocked when he saw the following gender.

Although it is possible for abnormal fertilized eggs to develop into yin and Yang people, the probability is very, very small, less than one in a million, and there are no real cases in the world.

The so-called yin-yang people in the news reports, 99% of which are just gimmicks, are basically playing female hormones. After developing the chest part characteristics, they claim to be androgynous.

He didn't expect to see a real yin-yang person.He was also surprised by the age below.

"45 years old?"

After seeing the following physical condition, Zhou Wen understood immediately.

Premature senility No wonder people in their 40s look like octogenarians in their 70s and 80s.

But the high priest is good. According to the medical literature, many patients with premature senility can't live to be 20 years old.

Some teenagers are bald, wrinkled skin, teeth fall off, covered with age spots, like an 80 year old man.

Zhou Wen didn't expect that there would be so many strange cases in this high priest.

However, it is not too strange for the high priest to suffer from this disease. It is a kind of disease caused by chromosome abnormality, and the high priest is hermaphroditism, so there are such complications.

As Zhou Wen hesitated, the high priest said, "I have a very rare disease that needs to be treated in the United States, and it costs a lot of money."

"It's money." Hearing the words of the high priest, Zhou Wen was relieved.

Things that can be solved with money are not things.

I'm afraid she'll make some weird demands.

Then the two men talked in detail.



Okavango Delta.

On the beautiful prairie, a line of luxury wedding dress motorcade is taking pictures, and there are two helicopters in the sky. The luxurious momentum can be seen at a glance, and the snow-white wedding dress with the green prairie is more beautiful.

Soon they came to a bird habitat and stopped to take pictures.

The plump groom, with big toad glasses on his face, was sitting in the back of the SUV, with a thick cigar in his mouth, looking at the beautiful bride in the camera shot not far away, with a smile on his lips.

Just then, a lump of white bird droppings fell from the sky, just on the bridegroom's sunglasses, and the splashed bird droppings fell on the groom's forehead, nose tip and lip corner.

The groom immediately removed the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, revealing a typical Eastern European face, about 60 years old.

Seeing the bird droppings on the sunglasses, the groom's face showed a disgusting expression, and immediately threw the sunglasses on the floor of the carriage, and swore in Russian.

Then he took a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his forehead and nose.

Then he picked up his cigar and continued to smoke.

The groom didn't notice that just as he smoked his cigar, the white bird droppings from the corners of his lips were also brought into his mouth

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