Since getting off the plane yesterday, Zhou Wen's biggest feeling is that the population of boziwana is really small.

As the second largest city, francistown has few pedestrians, just like those rural towns in Europe and America.

However, this phenomenon has changed in the hospital.

Compared with the top three hospitals in China, the city hospitals in francistown are more busy than the top three hospitals in China. As soon as they arrive at the gate of the hospital, ambulances with sirens come in and out one by one.

At the door of the building similar to the outpatient department, an endless stream of patients came for consultation.

It's like the whole of francistown is here.

"Wait in the car, don't get off first..." Wei Dong told the people to get off the bus with Zhou Wen and two who staff members.

They came to the administrative department of the hospital and explained the situation to the director of the hospital.

The supervisor's performance for their arrival was Ennnn, not too enthusiastic.

The reason is also very simple. Bozwana has a perfect social medical security system, and more than 20 of them have not played a role in relieving the local medical pressure. To some extent, they have also increased the administrative workload of the hospital.


Of course, they are sent by the who, and the director dare not neglect them too much.

Send someone to arrange their work.

Kaspa Tobias, in charge, led the crowd through the long Boulevard to the inpatient department.

When Zhou Wen saw the inpatient department of francistown municipal hospital, the whole person was shocked.

What did he see?

A large complex of buildings. It covers a very large area, and the visual inspection is larger than the whole Jiangzhou first people's hospital. It is full of lush trees and all kinds of flowers and plants. It looks like birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

Because the buildings in boziwana are generally no more than three stories, and the same is true of this complex. The two-story building design with a little more luxuriant trees will surpass the buildings.

So, this building complex looks like Ennn, the cemetery in the country.

"This is Inpatient department? "

"Yes! There are a lot of critically ill HIV patients here. "

When Zhou Wen heard the speech, he suddenly remembered that boziwana had the largest number of HIV infections in the world, and nearly half of the people in francistown were infected with AIDS and other opportunistic diseases. Even if only one tenth of the people were critically ill, it was still 7000 or tens of thousands.

In addition, the population of francistown is only 200000, which is not as large as a larger key town in China. There are no first, second, third and fourth hospitals, as well as various street clinics and black clinics. This is the only hospital in francistown, and all patients are here.

Therefore, it is natural to build such a large inpatient department.

Led by Tobias, they arrived at the inpatient department.

The rooms here are all for four, the environment is very good, all kinds of equipment are complete, including air conditioning, TV, and so on

In addition, the mental state of the patients here is different from those who are dying and depressed after getting AIDS in China. AIDS patients here are talking and laughing, and some are dancing in the corridor It doesn't matter at all. It's like a little cold in China.

He is.

In this regard, in addition to Zhou Wen's surprise, Wei Dong and the people of who are not surprised and calm.

Tobias then arranged work for the aid workers.

Mainly to do some testing work, as well as safety knowledge publicity and so on The bozwana people do not talk about it, and they don't like to wear a condom. I think it's troublesome.

Compared with those who are critically ill with direct contact with AIDS patients, this is relatively safe.

Just when Zhou Wen thought that he would spend three months in the hospital, a system prompt sounded in his ear.

Open the task panel and have a look.

[task: medical assistance (2)

note: go out, contact more people, learn more things, you will have more harvest.

Requirements: mobile patrol (no less than 100 hours)

reward:???? 】

Zhou Wen immediately closed the task panel and said, "Hello, Mr. Tobias. I want to take people to the countryside for mobile inspection. Can you lend me a patrol car?"

Tobias shook his head. "Nonono ~ it won't work. Just stay here. You don't need to do a mobile tour. "

Wei Dong also whispered: "we agreed last night? If you want to travel, you can go at any time after the arrangements are made here. As for the inspection, forget about it! "

Zhou Wen also whispered, "that Wei Group, the cryptococcosis vaccine I studied still needs some human tests, but some things are in China You know that. "

Seriously, Wei Dong didn't understand.

Virus testing can be done in China as well. There are various types of samples available for testing in the Institute of Chinese University P4 virus. There is no need to do any strange human test in boziwana.However, the core data of cryptococcosis vaccine has not been disclosed so far, and it may or may be necessary to conduct some tests that they do not understand.

After thinking about it, Wei Dong said, "OK..."

Wei Dong then explained the situation with two who staff members. Of course, the who people also hoped that they would go to the countryside for treatment.

Since they have offered to help, they are naturally willing to help.

Convinced by who staff, Tobias finally agreed.

In addition, in order to ensure their personal safety The public order in boziwana is very good because almost the whole country is religious. Everyone is kind, simple, open and Lazy.

Wei Dong told Zhou Wen.

But think about it. The salary is high and the welfare is good. The government also has big villas. Every day, they work ten to four. After work, they say "do it.".

Such a life, who and he also go to crime?

However, the bandits from South Africa and Zimba next door often come to commit crimes. In case of emergency, they are still equipped with two security personnel. The one with the gun.

Then Zhou Wen went to the entourage to pick someone to go with him for a visit.

Everyone thought that they were going to have a sightseeing tour, and they were scrambling to go.

Zhou Wen selected three people, Li Feng, Dong Wenying and Lu Weizhi.

Then Wei Dong gave him another person, Yu Xiaohua.

At 9:30 a.m., with the security guide, a total of eight people set out in a fully equipped American patrol car.

"Pay attention to safety. Go early and return early. Don't spend the night outside."

"Yes! Don't worry... "

A group of people drove northwest along the main road in francistown This is close to the border line of Bojin, facing east, it is easy to meet Zimba bandits.

Today, the weather is very good, the temperature is suitable, the wind is sunny, and the scenery is endless.

Along the way, I saw scattered families, including ordinary bungalows and European style country villas, neat, surrounded by flowers and trees in front of the door and behind the house, as well as cars.

It's not the same concept as the African people who are dressed in animal skins, live in thatched houses and chase lions and tigers with sharp wooden spears in their hands.

They stopped at the door of one of the houses.

The hostess and children in the room came out after hearing the news.

And "old Wang next door" and the dog came.

Including the dog, their skin is dark black, black purple, at night walk in front of you do not speak, absolutely can not find the kind.

After knowing their origin and purpose, the hostess told them frankly that she was living with AIDS and her two daughters were HIV carriers.

There is also the old Wang next door, who is also living with HIV.

According to "Lao Wang", his HIV was transmitted to him by this woman named evilina. From a drink.

Of course, Lao Wang didn't hate her at all, and even was proud of having the same virus as Evelina, which is a witness of their love A strange idea.

Then in the continuous communication, I learned a more astonishing thing.

Evelina and the husband and wife of Wang next door are both HIV carriers and lovers The two families have been living together friendly for seven or eight years.


This is not common in Europe and America It's really open.

Zhou Wen couldn't stand it. They didn't ask who passed it to whom in the beginning.

Li Feng and Lu Weizhi took blood, while Dong Wenying and Yu Xiaohua gave them drugs, and then explained their physiological safety knowledge.

After working hard for more than an hour, the people continued to go on the road.

Before noon, they arrived at a town called sebiney, 50 kilometers northwest.

According to official records, there are about 12000 people living here, but the medical conditions here are much worse than those in francistown.

In a settlement north of the city, they saw a group of people holding a funeral.

After understanding, the dead died of cryptococcal meningitis caused by AIDS.

After the funeral, Zhou Wen and his wife gave them sexual health education.

But the onlookers were not interested in it. The condoms they got were given directly to the children, and the children were playing bubbles with condoms Soon everyone pulled several big bubbles made of condoms in their hands.

Although helpless, but Zhou Wen and they continue to work.

And give people who are willing to have blood tests tested, and give free drugs to those who are diagnosed.

Just as they were talking about it, a Prado passed by slowly. Soon the car backed up again. The window of the co pilot was lowered. There were two young men, a woman and a man.

"Hello, are you Chinese?" the young man on the copilot yelled in ChineseZhou Wen nodded and said, "yes!"

Prado youth looked at the condom balloon on the child's hand and said with a smile, "don't waste your mind. Tell you, it's useless."

Zhou Wen: "propaganda may not work, but it is certainly useless without publicity."

Prado youth lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "when I came to boziwana in 2005, the HIV infection rate was 30%.

14 years later, many international medical teams come to publicize health knowledge every year. As a result, the infection rate has risen instead of falling, and now it is over 40%.

I don't think it will be long before the infection rate will exceed 50%. "

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