Zhou Wen cheated Zheng Jun.

There is no German neurotoxin at all, and he has no way to verify which neurotoxin in Huang Xiaomei.

We should know that except for more than 200 kinds of poisons in the drug and poison detection system of the detection group, any other poison needs to be tested and identified separately.

For example, tetrodotoxin is not included in the drug poison screening system. If you suspect that you have tetrodotoxin, you need to compare and identify it separately.

Doctors need to compare the contact before, such as whether they ate puffer fish before, and the symptoms after poisoning to rescue.

That's why it's best to take a snake to the hospital after being bitten by a poisonous snake.

It's not a joke.

Only when you see a snake can the doctor know what kind of poison you have in it, and then he can take the right medicine for the first time.

What Huang Xiaomei contains is a kind of unknown poison. He doesn't even know what ingredients are. How can he verify that ability.

But there was no way. Zhenshi's eye clearly told him that Huang Xiaomei died of neurotoxin.

Look at the corrosion on her nerve plexus. The dose should be very large. The person who poisons must kill her.

So try it anyway.

The first people's Hospital, morgue.

Hearing that he wanted to do an autopsy for his wife, Shao Wende firmly disagreed and refused to sign the consent form for autopsy.

"Why an autopsy? I don't agree! " Shao Wende was very emotional.

Plainclothes police advised: "Mr. Shao, we suspect that your wife died of poisoning, she needs further anatomical identification."

While the police speak here, Zhou Wen, standing beside him, has been observing Shao Wende's expression.

When hearing the word "poisoning", Shao Wende's pupil in his eyes shrank obviously. This is a manifestation of fear.

Shao Wende emotional said: "the hospital has not been tested, which has what poisoning ah. You are clearly not looking for trouble, deliberately troubling us

Then Shao Wende began to wail.

"Mr. Shao, we are also responsible for the dead. We hope to find out the cause of her death. Please cooperate with us."

"No, I don't agree with you to dissect my wife unless you provide evidence."

Seeing that Shao Wende was unwilling to sign no matter how persuasive, JC stopped caring about him after many times of ineffective persuasion and communication.

If an abnormal death is suspected to be a case, compulsory autopsy will be issued to the family members, which will inform you when and where the autopsy will be carried out. Whether you arrive or not will not affect the autopsy.

Therefore, if Shao Wende does not sign, it does not affect the anatomy.

After that, Huang Xiaomei's body was transferred to the city's Criminal Police Force mortuary, and Zhou Wen followed him.

Soon the forensic medicine came.

His surname is Qin.

A middle-aged uncle in his forties, however, is not greasy. He wears a pair of black frame glasses and looks gentle and looks like a scholar.

Zhou Wen and Qin FA Yi introduced the situation of the dead in detail, and then proposed that the anatomy should be dominated by themselves.

"This is not in accordance with the regulations," Qin said! You can just watch and ask for anything

"Qin FA Yi, listen to me. This neurotoxin adsorbs on the nerve plexus. It's very troublesome. You can't intercept it."

"So..." Forensic Qin hesitated and asked, "have you ever done human medical anatomy?"

Zhou Wen said with a smile: "I am engaged in prion research, and prions generally only exist in the human brain, you said I did not dissect?"

"Oh, yes! All right Qin FA Yi readily agreed and became Zhou Wen's anatomic assistant.

After wearing protective clothing, masks, masks and gloves, dissection begins.


"Gei ~"

after Zhou Wen received the scalpel, his hands operated like a phantom.

After cutting the clothes, a V-shaped incision was made quickly from the sternocleidomastoid muscles on both sides to the middle of the breastplate, and then a Y-shaped incision was made from the V-shaped downward fold point to the umbilicus.

The Y-shaped incision can fully expose the whole body visceral cavity, which is conducive to comprehensive exploration. It is the most commonly used anatomical incision in forensic anatomy.

However, there was no accident in the anatomy technique of Zhou Wenhui's forensics, Qin and his two disciples. What they were surprised at was Zhou Wen's speed.

It felt like having done hundreds of autopsies, fluent enough to be unbelievable.

Forensic Qin and his two apprentices soon became dull.

Looking at Zhou Wen's anatomy is more like watching an art performance.


With the help of the eye of true vision, Zhou Wen successfully intercepted more than ten samples containing toxin from Huang Xiaomei's plexus.

The next work of stitching was handed over to Qin and his apprentices.

Zhou Wen went to the forensic laboratory to extract the toxin.We have all the equipment we need here.

The process of toxin extraction is very smooth, but the experimental results are not ideal.

Although the dose of the neurotoxin that killed Huang Xiaomei is very large, the toxin that can be extracted after being dispersed in the nerve plexus of the whole body is very weak, even a mouse can not be poisoned.

In addition, the existing neurotoxin can not be detected by others, and only one person can not detect the neurotoxin.

That is to say, Zhou Wen is fighting against a "hypothetical neurotoxin".

Zhou Wen has been working for 72 hours, exploring the molecular structure of thousands of nerve drugs through the eye of true vision, and finding out the suspected drugs for comparison.

I want to find out the neurotoxin in Huang Xiaomei by this "needle in the river" method.

But obviously, looking for a needle in a river is no better than looking for a needle in a haystack.

When the comparison failed again, he couldn't help frowning: "sh * it!"

Forensic Qin just came in and asked, "what's wrong with Zhou Suo?"

Zhou Wen shook his head.

Qin forensic medicine hesitated to say: "can you remember wrong?"

What Qin and French doctors refer to is Zhou Wenyi's affirmation that this is a neurotoxin from Germany. He has a way to verify it. The criminal investigation team believed his "ghost words" and conducted an autopsy.

I didn't know it would be the result now.

Of course, Zhou Wen couldn't admit, "no! Huang Xiaomei is definitely in some kind of neurotoxin to become this way. "

After a pause, Zhou Wen asked, "how's the JC investigation going? Have you found anything suspicious?"

Doctor Qin pushed the black frame on the bridge of his nose and said, "this is what I want to tell you.

According to the survey, Huang Xiaomei was a full-time housewife before her death, and her main job was to take care of two children at home, so her social scope was relatively small.

in addition, her friends reported that Huang Xiaomei was gentle and kind-hearted, and did not offend people.

So it's not likely that they will kill each other. "

After a pause, Mr. Qin said, "the other is her husband.

This man and his wife, Huang Xiaomei, are on the contrary. They are engaged in foreign trade business. They usually have a wide range of social contacts. They run around all the year round, and their contact with people is quite complicated. "

Zhou Wen's eyes brightened, "do foreign trade?"

Naturally, forensic Qin understood what Zhou Wen meant, "yes! On this point, J side also carried out a detailed investigation.

But for the time being, nothing has been discovered.

Shao Wende and his wife seem to have a good relationship, at least in the eyes of friends and relatives, they look very happy

At this time, Lin Zhiyong, who is in charge of the case, came in, followed by two team members.

"Good team Lin." The doctor Qin called.

Lin Zhiyong nodded and then asked, "how about Zhou Suo? Have you found anything?"

"Not yet."

Lin Zhiyong said: "the leader has just spoken. If there is no doubt, let's close the case as soon as possible. There's Shao Wenhua and Shao Wenhua

Hearing this, Zhou Wen said in a hurry: "how can this be done! I tell you Lin team, Huang Xiaomei was definitely poisoned, and Shao Wende, her husband, is the most suspect. Once the body is cremated, he will never be convicted again! "

Lin Zhiyong was depressed.

Just for the sake of Zhou Wen's words, the criminal police team has been making 24-hour rounds in recent days, secretly visiting and investigating more than 200 person times, wasting countless police force, and finding nothing.

He was scolded by the leaders above.

But for Zhou Wen's brick family, Lin Zhiyong would have been furious.

Lin Zhiyong had no choice but to say that Huang Xiaomei was poisoned. You have to show some evidence. Otherwise, how can we carry out our work? It is impossible for us to arrest and interrogate Shao Wende on the basis of your words. It is also unrealistic. "

Zhou Wenmei frowned deeply.

The knowledge of Pathology, biochemistry and biological immunology kept spinning in my mind, and compared with the symptoms of Huang Xiaomei's poisoning, trying to find a breakthrough point in the vast amount of data and information.

Lin Zhiyong waited for three minutes. Seeing that he was slow to speak, he nodded with Qin and turned around and left with two team members.

"Zhou Suo? Lin, they're gone Forensic medicine Qin reminded me.

But Zhou Wen was still silent.

Qin FA Yi looked at Zhou Wen carefully and found that he seemed to be completely immersed in his own thinking.

It seemed that the forensic medicine Qin understood something, and his face soon showed a look of shock.

He once heard from his teacher that this kind of thinking similar to "Enlightenment" can only happen under extremely rare circumstances.

When they break through the shackles, they will enter a "selfless" state.

The people who can achieve this state are all at the top level in the professional field.In order to prevent people from disturbing Zhou Wen at this time, Qin FA doctor asked his two disciples to hold their breath and guard at the door of the laboratory.

Zhou Wen has been standing there all the time, his face is suddenly frowned, and then suddenly realized.

Time passes by.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours

When it was getting dark outside, Zhou Wen finally recovered from his deep meditation.

Go straight to the sterile table and start cultivating the new botulinum.

Two hours later, Zhou compared the new botulinum with the neurotoxin extracted from Huang Xiaomei.

The coincidence rate was 99.99%

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