Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Zhou Wen was experimenting in the laboratory when he received Wu Yan’s call. 

At first, he was somewhat suspicious. It was possible that the mentally retarded woman, Lin Jiayi, did not manage to vent her anger through her professor fully, so she purposely wanted to find fault with him today. She had even hidden his pipette, which slowed down his experiment’s progress severely. She was genuinely childish beyond comprehension. 

If not for the sake of her being a woman, he would have sought revenge some time ago. Therefore, after finding out Wu Yan’s identity, Zhou Wen was overjoyed in his heart! Soon afterward, he came up with an idea, so he pulled his phone away on purpose and took a glance before saying, “Hey, why can’t I hear anything… Hello? Hello?”

While he was speaking, he put his phone on speaker. 

“Hello, can you hear me?”

“Hmm, hmm, hmm. I can hear you now. Please speak.”

“Here’s the situation, Student Zhou. We wish to offer you the position of full-time laboratory technician in our PCR Team of the laboratory department.”

“Which hospital did you say that you’re from again?”

“The First People’s Hospital attached to Jiangzhou University.”

Lin Jiayi, who was performing an electron microscope observation, immediately stopped her task and eavesdropped on Zhou Wen’s conversation attentively when she heard that the call came from the First People’s Hospital in the Jiangzhou District. 

On the other hand, two more people had also stopped working on their tasks as well. They were Yang Yudong and Gu Hongyu.

The Jiangzhou District was a powerful first-tier city. Unsurprisingly, many people were fighting very hard to get employed in the First People’s Hospital there. Most failed, so for them to actually headhunt an undergraduate like student Zhou Wen seemed a little fishy. 

Zhou Wen chuckled and said, “Stop joking, you. How can your First People’s Hospital possibly engage a small character like me?”

Wu Yan did not try to correct his wrong choice of the word ‘engage’. They had already meant to ’employ’ him. She chuckled and replied, “I’m not joking. If you don’t believe me, you can come to our hospital now and sign your employment contract.”

“Huh… You’re for real, huh?” Zhou Wen had a look of joy and surprise in his expression. He was not feigning it, of course. He was genuinely happy. 

Wu Yan said smilingly, “Yes, this is real. I’m on your campus now. Let’s discuss this in person if it’s fine with you? Coincidentally, I have two questions that I wish to consult you on.”

Zhou Wen smiled and answered promptly, “Sure, where are you now? I’ll come over and meet you.”

“I’m in Xiao Ai’s Cafe…”

Zhou Wen hung up the call and realized that the ambiance in the laboratory felt rather strange. Yang Yudong and Gu Hongyun were both staring fixedly at him. 

He was shocked for a moment as he wanted to use this to trigger Lin Jiayi into a rage. Meanwhile, he failed to consider the feelings of both these people. 

Yang Yudong let out a gentle cough to break the deathly silence in the air. He laughed and asked, “Hey, why did the hospital call you?”

There was no reason why he should conceal this matter. Therefore, Zhou Wen chuckled and said, “I extracted a few DNA samples earlier. The hospital’s laboratory department used it and said that it produced good results, so they wish to employ me to do it for them in the hospital now.”

“Are you talking about the white mouse’s DNA?”


Yang Yudong and Gu Hongyu were staring at him in bewilderment upon hearing that. 

It was their first time learning that a student could be headhunted just because of a good sample of DNA extraction. Moreover, it was an institution like the First People’s Hospital. Did their leader knock his head or something?

Or did Zhou Wen possess a hidden connection to them that granted him such a privilege?

Lin Jiayi took the opportunity to speak up in a jealous tone, “What’s there to be happy about? So what if it’s the First People’s Hospital? It’s just a laboratory technician position. It’s considered impressive for them to offer a monthly salary of 3000 RMB at most. It’s not even enough to pay the rent there.”

Zhou Wen could not be bothered about the b*tch. He was preparing to leave when his phone rang again. He took it out and glanced to see that Shi Lei was calling him. 

Upon answering, Shi Lei chuckled and said, “The hospital just called you, right?”

“Hmm, how did you know?” Zhou Wen had just asked the question but soon came to a realization. “Oh, oh, oh, oh, I see.”

Wu Yan must have thought that Shi Lei extracted the DNA, so she called him instead. 

Shi Lei answered smilingly, “You’re considered free from your struggle now. You have a promising future. Remember to buy us dinner later.”

“No issue with buying dinner, but I’m not even close to having a promising future. It’s just a minor laboratory technician role. How much will I get paid, huh? And what’s there to free me from my struggle?” asked Zhou Wen while he walked to the door. 

Shi Lei replied curiously, “Huh, did the lady not mention bring up the terms of employment with you yet?”

Zhou Wen stopped and said, “No, she didn’t mention the terms of employment. Why?”

Zhou Wen picked up a clue from Shi Lei’s tone of speech, so he used his old trick again. He moved the phone away ever so slightly from his ear, and then his thumb accidentally turned his phone on speaker. 

Shi Lei’s chuckle was heard coming from the phone’s speaker before he said, “It includes six insurances and a housing fund allowance. The monthly salary is about 5000 to 7000 RMB. Moreover, there’s room for promotion judging from the woman’s tone. It really is quite impressive.”

Upon hearing Shi Lei’s words, Gu Hongyun could not stop herself from saying, “A laboratory technician can make that much money, huh? That’s rather impossible, right?”

Yang Yudong continued the topic of conversation by adding, “It’s possible! A laboratory technician is different from a doctor. There’s no bonus or commission for medication prescription. A lab technician solely depends on a fixed salary. Moreover, this is the First People’s Hospital in Jiangzhou District. It’s normal for the starting salary to be slightly higher than the usual market rate.”

Gu Hongyun stopped speaking after that. However, Lin Jiayi’s face had turned green in rage for a moment and then pale in the next. 

Jealousy gave her reperfusion arrhythmias. Jealousy gave her disseminated intravascular coagulation!

“Alright, thank you, Brother Lei. I’ll treat you to a meal after the interview later. You can choose the location.” Zhou Wen made small talk before he hung up. 

His peripheral vision swept past Lin Jiayi, and he realized that she had already turned her head aside. He could not see her expression, but he bet it would be interesting. 

Zhou Wen made peace now, so he did not bother to provoke her anymore. A good man would never fight against a woman. He bid farewell to Yang Yudong and Gu Hongyun and then left the laboratory. 

Xiao Ai’s Cafe was open in the Jiangzhou University’s campus. Its location was in a courtyard facing the lake. 

Despite its small size, red flowers and lush green trees adorned the long corridor with a calm lake in sight. Even though it would not be described as a scenic landscape, it was considered a rather exquisite and elegant ambiance. It was filled with the graceful bearing of the south of the Yangtze River. 

All sorts of objects with intricate workmanship could be seen around the cafe. One would be so fond of these items to the point where it would be difficult to put down. There were also many small luxurious goods that appeared plain yet were extremely valuable amongst the owner’s private collection. 

When Zhou Wen arrived, Wu Yan was admiring a green jade Bixi statue with intricate workmanship. 

She was dressed in a pink, long trench coat and a black ruffle-collared shirt underneath. She wore an orange-yellow checkered short skirt and black pantyhose. Her legs were long and straight. 

She looked like a wise woman with a quiet and graceful bearing, judging by her overall appearance. 

“Hello, are you Wu Yan?”

“Hmm, that’s me. You’re Zhou Wen?”

“That’s me.”

“Pleasure to meet you.”

They shook hands and made a simple introduction to one another. Then, they took a seat on the stone bench that lined the long corridor by the lake.

Zhou Wen said smilingly, “Not many people know about this cafe.”

Wu Yan smiled through her pursed lips as she replied, “I was a graduate from Jiangzhou University.”

Zhou Wen responded in astonishment, “Oh, really? Which school were you from?”

To which Wu Yan replied, “Batch 17 of the pharmacy faculty; I’m your senior.”

Just then, their drinks were served. “You told me to order anything, so I ordered a mocha for you.”

“Thank you…” Zhou Wen picked up the coffee served by the waitress, who was also a student at the university, and took a sip before he said, “No wonder you know Jiangzhou University so well.”

“It is a given. Otherwise, why would I come looking for you on the campus without a clue?”

Wu Yan chuckled and continued to speak, “What I’m doing is considered as promoting my personal interest under the guise of solving a problem for my company. I seized the opportunity to come back to visit my alma mater.” 

Zhou Wen could not help but laugh at her remarks. 

Meanwhile, Wu Yan picked up the cup of coffee and took a sip. She pursed her lips together to savor the coffee’s tastiness and then said, “Hey, I’m just going to ask two questions following the standard operating procedure. If there’s no issue, you’ll be able to head over tomorrow to carry out the usual employment procedures.”

Zhou Wen nodded and replied, “Hmm, please go ahead.”

“Very well. The white mouse’s DNA samples were sent to our hospital’s laboratory department from Jiangzhou University on the 20th of March and the 10th of April… Did you extract it?”

Zhou Wen answered, “Yes.”

Wu Yan continued, “Are you sure? You will need to do it later; you see…”

Frankly, Wu Yan would not need to ask this question if it was Shi Lei in his place. Yet, Zhou Wen was just an undergraduate student. He had probably only recently started with hands-on experiments. How was he capable of extracting the DNA of such a high concentration level then?

Through the electrophoresis analysis, the amplification number of the DNA extracted by Zhou Wen was 120% higher than the amplification number of the DNA extracted by the average person. It was simply unimaginable. 

The higher was the amplification number of the DNA, the better results, naturally. 

Zhou Wen nodded. “I’m sure.”

Wu Yan felt a weight on her chest was lifted when she saw Zhou Wen nod his head. She smiled and added, “There’s one more question from me. How did you do it? Of course, it’s fine if you don’t wish to answer that. This question is purely to satisfy my own curiosity.”

Zhou Wen chuckled and replied, “I won’t answer it then…”