Chapter 578

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
Seal the cave of monsters.

To be exact, it should be the interior of an active volcano.

Naruto flew to the top floor with aster and looked down.

Centered on the sealed altar, the hot magma kept bubbling.

At the same time, many connected stone pillars were shattered and collapsed because of the painful neighing of the magic dragon.

"Aster, come and inject your strength into the spiral pill in my hand."

On Naruto's hand, a fist sized spiral pill is formed with the bell as the center.

Why use spiral pills? Why add a bell.

Naruto is not very clear. According to the development of the original world, the demon was hit by this move.

Naturally, there is no reason not to use Naruto.

Aster raised his hand uncertainly and Naruto encouraged, "it doesn't matter. Although this bell can seal your power, now you can completely rush out of this seal and inject power into it."

For Naruto's words, aster chose to believe.

Inject the witch's unique power into the spiral pill.

For a time, the spiral pill was shrouded in a layer of purple.

"More! It's not enough!"

The spiral pellet expands again.

Naruto raised his hand and injected chakra into the spiral pill.

The spiral pill rose from the size of the washbasin to the size of the wheel, then climbed all the way, and soon became as big as a house.

The purple light was in full bloom, and the Naruto suddenly slapped his wings behind him. Naruto fell from the sky with aster in his arms.

Straight through the hole in the altar!

The purple spiral pill combined with the power of Aster witch is unimpeded in the monster's body.

"Naruto! Attack that thing!"

"That's the guy's heart!"

Naruto is a purple crystal 100 meters below his body.

Naruto did not hesitate to listen to aster and pressed the spiral Pill on it.

With a loud noise.

"Ding! Creak, creak!"

The crystal seems to be glass, cracking several lines, "ping!"! Burst.

The body of the magic dragon is violently twisted.

The preserved egg in Naruto warned: "don't touch the crystal! Don't cut the body of the magic dragon! The will of the world has come! Now escape!"

Naruto did not feel the will of the world.

However, there was no doubt about the preserved egg.

After hearing the instructions of preserved egg, Xun Dun accelerated to the extreme, and Naruto rushed out with aster!

After the monsters died, the magma boiled inexplicably.

The pillars connected to each other on the magma collapsed one after another.

The first to fall into the magma is the altar in the center.

The magic dragon also burst at this moment, and its body fell into magma.

Naruto and aster have flown to the top of the volcano.

Looking back, I just saw what was happening now.

Is the magma that devours the body of the magic dragon controlled by the will of the world?

The Naruto held the Aster in his arms with both hands and made a move. The grass pheasant sword bombarded the closed crater on the top floor.

Naruto followed.

Opened the way with a grass pheasant sword and rushed out of the volcano.

Soon, not long.

The boiling magma finally burst out of the crater.

This active volcano erupted!

Feeling the explosion of the volcano, hatada quickly called Naruto.

Spiritual network.

"Naruto Jun! Are you okay?"

Naruto replied, "I'm fine. I'm not hurt. The demon has been killed. Where are you?"

Hearing that celebrities are all right, hatada's heart was finally relieved.

He replied, "I'm still following your orders... Beat my brother."

Still beating?

Naruto glanced at the map.

At this time, the position of the young field is 60 kilometers away from here.

Suningci was chased and cut 60 kilometers by Xiaotian?

Tut, this brother-in-law is really miserable.

"So... Is ri Ningci all right now?"

Xiaotian hurriedly replied, "it's no big deal. It's just a flesh wound. Well... There's a slight burn... I've been chasing them with Huodun."


By the way, there's another Sakai.

"Well, give them some tough moves, and then give them a chance to run for their lives."

After hatada agreed, Naruto hung up.

Naruto flew away from the volcano with aster and finally landed on a stone mountain seven or eight kilometers away.

"Naruto... You... Put me down."

Naruto put aster on the ground.

The aster is walking at this time.

Naruto found a pair of shoes for aster in the system warehouse.

Aster blushed and put on his shoes, "thank you."

Naruto smiled politely, "it's a small matter. What are you going to do next? Monsters have been eliminated. Is this witch's job over?"

Aster thought, "although this monster has been destroyed, what if there are others? So I plan to continue to be a witch."

"Also, I want to pass on the power of witches to the next generation."

The witch's face was slightly red. "Naruto... Would you like to borrow my strength?"

Pass on the power of witches to the next generation. Would you like to borrow my power?

The power of the next generation... Shouldn't it be

Hiss... Naruto took a deep breath.

Aster is a very symbol of growth.

They are also very similar to Xiaotian. They stand together and say that both sisters can do.

One is a princess with black hair.

One is a white haired princess.

Or sisters.

If we can marry together

Naruto's uncontrolled imagination began.

Inside, Naruto said to the preserved egg, "this aster... Does she have the will of the world?"

Skin protein gave Naruto a look.

As soon as you pout your ass, I know what kind of shit you shit.

"As long as it is the living creature of the world, it can become the carrier of the will of the world."

"The witch is the best carrier of the world's will."

"So, sister flowers or something, you'd better not think about it."

Is that right?

Naruto felt a little lost.

Retorted: "isn't it? If all can become the carrier of the world's will, can't the fledgling field?"

The preserved egg said sarcastically, "did you think of this question?"

"I thought I knew."

"You're right, not even the fledgling field."

Seeing that Naruto's expression changed greatly, the preserved egg's conversation turned.

"But it is not absolute. As long as you are not found by the will of the world, you can have monkeys with anyone."

"But if the will of the world finds out..."

"Then wait for the disaster to come."

"You need to know about big barrel muhui Yeji."

Big tube muhui Yeji, a woman bound by her son Ko.


"So... To be safe, take down the world anyway?"

"Then when I take it... Aster..."

Naruto's eyes suddenly brightened.

Aster is so similar to Hatfield.

It makes Naruto think crooked involuntarily.

The preserved egg replied, "aren't you? You didn't have such a lust for women in the past?"

The preserved egg's expression became serious, "isn't it that the will of the world has been found?"

"And bring you together?"

Naruto was nervous about what the preserved egg said.

The preserved egg shook his head: "it may or may not be. You should be favored by the world when you stand on the side of the world's will this time. Maybe your good luck may rise sharply."

"Unfortunately, I can't touch the rules in this regard. I can't help you see if it's good luck."

Naruto was relieved to hear this.

Seeing that Naruto didn't speak for a long time, aster couldn't help asking, "Naruto, don't you like me?"

Naruto opened his mouth and didn't know how.

Aster summoned up courage and looked at Naruto's eyes affectionately: "but aster likes you."

Boom! This moment was like a bolt from the blue.

Meanwhile, Dai Tu suddenly applied for a call.

Naruto didn't answer because his brain was numb.

Then bring soil to Naruto.

System prompt: "received a message with soil."

System prompt: "this message is a four-star permission message, which will be broadcast automatically according to the rules."

The system broadcast: "Naruto! Sanwei was captured by Zilai!"