Chapter 496

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
Naruto's hand pressed on the head of the yunnincun ninja.

Because this man is not dead, no soul is absorbed by Naruto.

Naruto can only try to connect with this person with spiritual links.

No response.

This is also expected.

After all, spiritual links can only be established with the approval of the other party.

Then Naruto used the art of reification.

The domineering spiritual art does not need the other party's consent. It directly attacks the other party's soul world with its violent strength and finds the other party's original soul.

There is no spiritual soul, floating lightly in the soul world.

Naruto's spirit touches the other person's soul.

Like other attributes, Naruto knows that when part of the opponent's soul power is swallowed by him.


A clear sound came from the depths of Naruto's soul world.

Very light, but for Naruto, it's like a bolt from the blue!

In the seal space of Jiuwei, outside the Jiuwei cage, a crack suddenly broke on the white giant egg!

Naruto's consciousness sank into the world.

Xiao Jiu looked at the cage curiously, "eh? There's a crack in the stone!"

Naruto also stared at the crack, "this is not a stone, this is an egg!"

They waited for a long time, but there was no change except a crack in the egg.

Nine, left, etc., and then wait for something to make complaints about it.

Naruto's face turned black.

God TM's stillbirth! It can't be a stillbirth!

Naruto has been looking forward to the day when the eggs hatch.

After all, because of this egg Naruto, it can fuse other people's blood and follow the limit.

"It should be that there are not enough blood boundaries for fusion."

Naruto's consciousness retreated from the soul world and walked into another coffin.

Devour again!

This is the fastest escape!

The giant egg swallowed up part of the soul of the other party, and the golden thread on the aperture on the giant egg formed an intermittent circle.

No response?

Naruto and Jiuwei stared at the egg together.

Just when Naruto was about to be disappointed, "creak!"!

There is a crack in the big egg again!

Wait! There's no sound!

Naruto fusion third person! Who can devour chakra!

This time there were no cracks, but the two cracks grew a little longer.

But in fact, even if it becomes longer, it is still a little small for this huge egg.

It's gone?

Jiuwei couldn't help saying, "look at me. I'm so worried. Naruto, why don't you go up and hit me."


Naruto listened to white nine tail one eye, "I want to hit you."

Jiuwei didn't answer back, but stared at the crack above: "but it's hard to look at."

"Why don't you turn that egg around and don't let the crack hit me?"

Naruto was stunned. What's the problem?


Naruto didn't dare to touch the egg in front of him. Nine years' obligation told him that he couldn't help the chicken break its shell.

Otherwise, the chick is easy to die.

Xiao Jiu stared at the two small cracks: "I did it if you weren't born!"

Then nine tails really stretched out from the gap of the cage and grabbed it.

What are you doing? Will it turn the sky?

Just when Naruto was going to scold Jiuwei, a color of silk thread floated out of the giant egg.

To the nine tails.

This scene... Is so familiar!

Nine tail looked at the furry thing, subconsciously planned to pat it with his claws, "what's this?"

Naruto didn't answer.

Then the hands composed of nine tail chakras are lifted together with white silk thread.

Then, like a pumping pipe, Nine Tailed chakra was "Zizi" pumped into the giant egg!

Feeling the passage of chakra, Jiuwei quickly withdrew his hand, but he couldn't get rid of those white silk threads at all.

"Naruto! What is this!"

Naruto blinked.

As the giant egg continued to devour, the nine tails, which had recovered a lot, shrank again.

"Naruto! Help me cut this thing off! This thing is eating me!"

Naruto really wants to say that if he doesn't die, he won't die.

Had it not been for Jiuwei's active provocation, the giant egg might... Not have swallowed Jiuwei?

Well, after all, the big egg used to be called mother Jiuwei.

"Naruto! Help me quickly!"

Xiao Jiu wailed, and the Naruto looked back at the egg.

After swallowing so much chakra, is this egg going to hatch?

Naruto is looking forward to it.

The result is that Naruto never expected!

The two cracks on the big egg... Grow again! Healed!

What is this?

I thought it was about to hatch. Did one go back?

What operation is this!

When the crack on the eggshell was completely dead, the white silk thread wrapped around Jiuwei was taken back.

Xiao Jiu's figure was pathetic and returned to the way he had just returned from outer space.

Small, skin and bone.

"Naruto! I hate you..."

Nine tails lie on the ground with no love on their face, staring at the giant egg fiercely.

Naruto also hurts.

"Why do you hate me? If you hadn't provoked it, I might be fusing several kinds of blood in a few days, and the egg would hatch."

"Now, I don't know what year and month..."

"Well, the crack has healed, and you have achieved your wish. Don't tangle."

Jiuwei said weakly, "I'd rather continue to tangle..."

Then he couldn't help complaining, "what the hell is this thing?"

Naruto didn't answer, because Naruto didn't know.

The giant egg failed to hatch, and there was no movement. The idea of Naruto could only retreat from the nine tail seal space.

"Mr. Naruto... Mr. Kakashi..."

Naruto stood up and looked at the only unopened coffin. He hesitated and said, "it's good to close it like this."

"Don't you think Kakashi is with us now?"

Hatada bit his lower lip, "but... The uncle said that the seal of the coffin just makes people enter a deep sleep state, and can't go on hunger strike like the corpse coffin... Teacher Kakashi can't stay inside... He will starve to death."

Uncle? Are you talking about beiliuhu?

Naruto looked at Bei Liuhu with eyes, and Bei Liuhu was also looking at him.

Seeing Naruto looking at himself, he quickly lowered his head.

"Wait a little longer. It's not urgent anyway. It'll be a while and a half..."

Naruto perfunctorily said that he really didn't want to see Kakashi.

Although Kakashi left the village to look for him, he was moved by his self styled heart of stone.

But Naruto knows that the more this is, the less calm Kakashi will be when he sees him.

There will be no shortage of beatings.

And... Electric shock!

Thinking of the fear of being dominated by Kakashi's electric shock every day when he was in Muye, Naruto couldn't help shivering.

HMM... we can't release Kaka now. At least we'll wait until he learns how to escape.

"I'll send these four people to the flying section."

At the same time, in the barren mountains of the land.

Feiduan hammer sat on the ground dejected and muttered: "it was clearly agreed to give me the hearts of four people..."

"Bullying people..."

"What a bully..."

The little flying mouse fell asleep in the flying section's pocket. There was no Naruto to dominate. This little guy was almost like an ordinary hamster.

Feiduan took a look at the little guy sleeping sweetly in his pocket and continued to complain: "sleep! Sleep! Sleep! You know to sleep all day! Are you a pig?"

I don't know when Naruto appeared behind the missile and shouted, "who do you say is a pig?"