Chapter 424

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
Sasuke's eyes were sealed. Naruto felt it was a pity.

According to the development of the original world, although Sasuke was confused for some time, he finally got away from hatred and found something to protect in his heart.

But the price is also quite expensive.

His favorite brother died in his own hands.

Now... Should it be different?

"Have you decided to seal his eyes?"

In the small meeting room, Naruto and qianshoufa sit together.

The attitude of thousand hands is very firm: "now he doesn't deserve to bear these eyes."

A thousand hands thought of a man and added, "he doesn't deserve this power unless he can grow up like a mirror."

Mirror, yuzhibo mirror.

The second generation Huoying is a close friend of the past and the only person recognized by the second generation Huoying in the yuzhibo family.

Naruto nodded.

In fact, his heart is a little empty. In the face of such a righteous and upright thousand hand gate, Naruto is a little ashamed of his shape.

In terms of consciousness, Naruto is a selfish person.

Protect your weaknesses and help your parents.

The pattern in the mind has really not reached the point of thinking about the world.

What's more embarrassing is... There was a misunderstanding that he wanted to unify the world and help him.

I don't know what would happen if I knew what was in his heart

"Sasuke, what's next? How are you going to... Teach him?"

"Well, I'm just curious. Just ask. After all, now that you're his teacher, I won't interfere."

A thousand hands picked up the teacup on the table.

The reincarnated body cannot really absorb the nutrition of food.

However, the sense of taste still exists, so qianshoufa will taste tea or eat ice cream from time to time.

Then the tea or ice cream that goes into the stomach is vaporized and excluded from the body, which is a waste to some extent.

"I let him go to the mercenary academy like everyone else."

"I'll look at him."

There was a trace of hesitation and complexity in the eyes of qianshoufei. After half a ring, he opened his mouth full of melancholy: "in the end, he is the last only child of the yuzhibo family. If I can, I don't want the yuzhibo family to really disappear from the world, so... I don't have the face to see the mirror again."

Naruto Niu drank a cup of hot tea.

He could see that he didn't say anything, but he still cared about the yuzhibo family.

That is, the proud and charming subject mentioned earlier.

"It's also a good choice to go to the mercenary college. After all, all the new skills we have developed can be learned there. For example, the last time we studied the combination of physical skills and sensory enchantment of the Japanese clan, I used it when I operated on them. The effect is very good."

The second generation of Huoying brightened up, "I also think it's very easy to use. I don't want to abuse Sasuke with that move. If I don't have this move, I'll be in trouble to deal with the writing wheel eye of the yuzhibo family."

They looked at each other and smiled, showing a cheap expression on their faces at the same time.

The thousand hands suddenly thought of something, "did you have any eyebrows about the integration of chakra decomposition array and dirt reincarnation proposed by you last time?"

The integration of chakra decomposition array and the reincarnated body of filthy soil is a topic that qianshoufanjian and Naruto are more concerned about.

For a long time, the body reincarnated by filthy soil has been an uncharged disposable battery.

It's useless after one use.

If it can be charged, it's a great good thing.

After all, even if the enemy's life is life, it's really a waste.

In addition, after the snow country reached cooperative relations with several major countries, there were fewer and fewer ninjas and mercenaries invading the snow country.

In this way, if one day no enemy dares to come back to the snow country, it will not be so easy to find a body reincarnated from filthy soil.

"I've been thinking about this, but the missing algorithm of chakra decomposition matrix is the biggest obstacle."

"Another point is that the chakra decomposition symbol array needs to be successful in the body of a living person, which is incompatible with the body reincarnated by filthy soil."

Thousand hands nodded: "if only my brother and sister-in-law were there, she must solve it again."

"The other two methods are also problems."

The other two methods, one is to extract the soul from the dirt and transfer it to the living body.

One is to artificially make a container that can hold the reincarnation of waste soil.

The former cannot be compatible with the living body because of the difference between the dead soul and the living soul.

The latter lacks a carrier that can carry the soul.

In short... There are many difficulties in solving the defects of the reincarnation of filthy soil.

"Raising the dead is a challenge to God's power, and the difficulty is normal."

Naruto casually comforted.

A thousand hands nodded approvingly.

"Another point, I think it is necessary to implement my proposal last time."

There are proposals every day. Naruto really doesn't know which one it is. He can only ask, "which proposal?"

Qianshoufanjian seriously said, "the essence of chakra is to extract the vitality and spiritual power from the body, so the life of Ninja is shorter than that of ordinary people."

"So I want to abolish the Ninja profession. Can't the spiritual network provide chakra? In that case, after the students learn how to refine chakra and use chakra, they are prohibited from using their own chakra in battle."

"Let the students use the chakra provided by the big snow mountain."

This proposal.

Naruto also thinks it's good.

At present, however, there is a problem to be solved, that is, the chakra synthesized by the big snow mountain has complex spiritual power, so the conversion efficiency of chakra is low when the recipient changes the nature of chakra when using it.

The solution has been thought of, that is to transport chakra from the snow mountain to the client, and then decompose chakra into pure vitality, so that students can use their spiritual strength to perfectly combine with this vitality.

In the final analysis, it is the bottleneck of chakra decomposition technology.

"This proposal is very good, but we have to wait until the bottleneck of chakra decomposition technology is solved."

A thousand hands scratched their head in embarrassment, "I'm in a hurry."

"But as long as I think that once this new career rises, the power will be completely in our hands, my heart can't be calm."

"Then we can fully control the war."

"Power will never be abused again! What a beautiful day it will be."

The more you say, the more you surge.

Naruto couldn't help pouring a basin of cool water: "but there is another thing to be solved first, that is, how does big snake pill block the bottom link of the spiritual network."

"If this problem is not solved, the power we control is a joke."

This basin of cold water had an excellent effect, and the surging thousand hands suddenly calmed down in the hot air.

"This problem is really serious."

But just hesitated for a while, the flame of excitement lit up again in the eyes of thousand hands, "but, boss, what kind of name should we give it for the new career?"

boss? Is this the station with big fat Pai?

But in the final analysis, qianshoufa is really close to Da Fei recently.

"The name... Think about it later."

Qianshoufei nodded seriously: "this is destined to go down in history. We really need to be careful."

Is it really that great?

Naruto didn't think so much.

After the nagging thousand hands left.

Naruto sat alone in the conference room.

It has been a month since gunny kissed him. During this time, gunny has changed back to the girl who was headache and lazy to die.

I really didn't mention kissing Naruto that day.

It seemed that suddenly there was no follow-up.

Just like gunny said, I just want to kiss him. I don't need to be responsible.

"Naruto Jun? I just saw the second generation of Huoying adults leave."

Hata walked into the house.

Naruto looked at Hata seriously. "Hata... I think I should tell you something."

Hatada came to Naruto, nodded and looked all ears.