Chapter 412

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
Naruto's space voyage has yielded a lot.

First, in this world, the planet with life is actually alive!

Second, the living planet will actively devour the intruder's chakra.

So... The planet they live on is no exception.

In the conference room supported by 12 columns on the 12th floor of the Daxue Mountain Research Institute, Naruto looked outside along the window with round ice mirrors.

Also here are the backbone of the big snow mountain Research Institute, all those who have four-star ID cards.

Qianshoufeijian, Guni girls, Dafei, and young fields.

"Unexpectedly, there is still life outside the world." little gunny listened to Naruto's narration and raised infinite longing in his eyes, "I really want to have a look."

Goony rolled his eyes and poured a basin of cold water: "go there? You will be directly killed by the world. You haven't heard Naruto say that the world doesn't welcome outsiders, and even take the initiative to frame them."

After hearing this, qianshoufa was silent all the time.

His face was grave.

Many times I wanted to talk and stopped until Naruto looked over, "if you have anything to say, just say it."

A thousand hands finally opened their mouth and said, "then our world... Is also alive?"

This question stunned everyone.

Then they looked at Naruto together.

Naruto smiled and said, "if he lives, he must hate us thieves."

Little gunny didn't understand, but asked, "thief?"

Naruto's hand raised a ball of fire and burned in the palm of his hand. Then the flame went out and turned into a water ball in an instant, and then the water ball froze.

"Power is not a gift from the world."

"Long, long ago, an outsider came to the world. She planted a tree to extract the power of the planet in the world. That tree..."

Naruto talked about the big barrel wood family.

The crowd was stunned.

Qianshoufanjian listened carefully. When Naruto finished speaking, he put forward his own idea: "although chakra has existed since then, it may not be leaked from the divine tree."

Naruto looked at qianshoufanjian and said, "tell me what you think."

The thousand hands said seriously, "well... It should and may be given by the world."

"Because there are outsiders invading our world, in order not to give power to each other, and then give it to us, let us use this power against the invaders?"

This idea... Is a little interesting.

Naruto smiled: "if that's the case, I can relax a lot."

Little gunny echoed: "it must be like that. After all, the world gave birth to us, then we are the children of the world. How can a mother and a child have a hostile relationship?"

Does this make sense?

Even if it works, it doesn't work for Naruto.

After all... In a sense, he is also an outsider.

And there was a strange sleeping egg in his soul.

In the nine tail seal space, the cute little fox, who changed his name to Xiao Jiu, said, "the reason why I lose my memory is because those worlds devour my chakra?"

Naruto replied, "yes, but it doesn't matter. I've made a backup of your memory. When the time comes, I'll pass it on to you."

Well, it's also mixed with Naruto's dark plan.

However, what Naruto doesn't understand is that Jiuwei refused.

"I don't want it. Don't you say it? She's her, I'm me, I'm unique."

Naruto hesitated and said, "after all, it's your past memory. There are many valuable fox students' experience... You don't want l?"

Jiuwei skillfully lit his little head and said happily, "didn't you say that I existed long ago in ancient times? The longer I lived, the more boring I was. If those memories don't want to be, I want to start over!"


It doesn't matter if you start over... So... Will my plan fail soon

Naruto wasted a lot of brain cells for that plan.

Is that the eunuch?

Naruto feels suddenly good.

Or... Jiuwei doesn't have amnesia?

I don't think so. He named Jiuwei Xiaojiu... Would the past nine lamas accept the name Xiaojiu?

But... Jiuwei's integrity is worrying.

Xiao Jiuwei stared at Naruto strangely: "what's the matter with you? Why do you look worried?"

Naruto took a deep breath, "ah... Thinking about something."

There is trust between people and foxes, right?

Naruto doesn't believe it.

The high-level meeting of Daxue Mountain Research Institute is in progress.

"Well, I've finished what I've seen this time. Now it's up to you to report."

"In the two months since I left, how has the base developed? And have more students joined the mercenary college?"

Then Naruto looked at qianshoufanjian. Most of the things about the mercenary college were handed over to qianshoufanjian.

Qianshoufei shook his head coldly and said, "there are fewer and fewer students who have bought back in the past month. According to the news from Mo, the underground exchange is not very stable recently."

Not very stable? By the way, before leaving, the organization has launched a plan for underground exchanges.

Thinking of this, Naruto thought of the clown emperor.

The clown emperor is also on the hunt. I don't know if it's okay now.

Anyway, he is also the nominal vice president of the clown emperor.

"I'll find a way to understand the situation later. What about other things?"

Little gunny raised his hand and said, "the pharmacist said that our living body has been successfully cultivated, but we haven't agreed to transplant because you're not here."

"It should be sealed now, brother Naruto. We're waiting for you to operate on us."

Goony, have they been successfully bred in vivo? That's good news.

"OK, I'll arrange the operation as soon as possible."

Little gunny nodded happily, "uh huh, we have a big surprise for you when the transplantation is successful."

Naruto was stunned, "surprise?"

Little gunny nodded again and again, "yes, surprise, but I won't tell you now."

Naruto looked at big Guni and Guni, and the two girls laughed.

This is something to do.

"Well, I'm looking forward to your surprise."

Then we talked about the snow country.

The number of ninjas invading the snow country has decreased recently. At the same time, the major countries have also sent diplomats to negotiate to trade virtual reality film technology.

"Boss, do we want to trade with them?"

Naruto pondered and asked, "what does Fenghua Xiaoxue say?"

Dafei replied, "she said that technology is yours. I totally listen to you."

Completely listen to him?

What a great trust.

Naruto believes that major countries put a lot of pressure on Fenghua Xiaoxue.

"I mean... It can be traded."

"But we don't trade technology, we only provide products."

Naruto's mouth pursed and tilted slightly.

Those who are familiar with Naruto can see that most of them have come up with a bad idea to trap people.

When everything was finished, Naruto took Hata's little hand and said, "what's the matter? You don't say a word?"

Hata looked up at Naruto, "I... I don't want to return to the mercenary guild."

Hata doesn't want to return to the mercenary guild? Is it that Hata doesn't get along well with those people?

But from Jiuwei's memory, hatada got along well with those girls?

"Are they swollen? They make you unhappy?"

Hata shook his head, then bravely looked up at Naruto's face and said, "Hata wants to stay with Naruto Jun all the time and never want to leave Naruto Jun again."