Chapter 176

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
The next morning, Naruto came to the hospital with breath.

Yesterday... He didn't sleep again

Because a part went wrong, he went to the suburban stove in the middle of the night to build another one.

"Naruto, good morning."

Fengjian Huayue was surprised to see the Naruto who came so early today. On weekdays, Naruto can't see his Lord before 8 o'clock.

"Good morning." Naruto threw a scroll and complained; "I haven't slept yet. Here are the prosthetics of the three girls. Go and install them. I'll go to the office to make up my sleep."

Naruto huffed to his office.

In the wind, Huayue took a scroll and looked at Naruto's back with a sweet smile.

Quietly followed him, and then after Naruto closed the door, helped him turn over the sign hanging on the door. The sign said, "please don't disturb."

Then he left the hospital with the scroll.

When Naruto got up, it was already afternoon. In fact, he felt he could sleep until night, but the master came to him.

"What's up, sister gangshou?"

The master stared and said angrily, "you seem to have forgotten that I am still your master. When are you going to accept my training?"

As soon as Naruto heard about Guan's cultivation, he immediately came to the spirit and said with a smile: "how can I forget? I was too busy watching the master's compendium a while ago."

The master raised his eyebrows. "Come on, do you have time tomorrow?"

Naruto was about to answer, when he suddenly thought that 32 prosthetics had not been done well

He was busy for most of the day yesterday

32, at least a week

Naruto looked up and wanted to say something. He saw the master looking at him with contempt.

That look is nothing more than whether I am busy or you are busy.

Wait for me? Funny

Naruto scratched his head with a smile.

The master said, "your business is also a business, so I won't say much, but you should arrange the time yourself. You should report to me from 1:00 to 8:00 every afternoon from tomorrow."

"I'll tell you some basic knowledge about sealing. When you can learn by yourself, you can be transferred to the sealing class for a while."

"Seal technique and medical Ninja are inextricably linked. It's very helpful for you to study hard."

Learn sealing? This is to prepare for learning Yin seal.

Then learn the Yin seal, you can learn the art of Baihao, and you can grow your hair at that time!

Naruto naturally likes this learning plan.

Immediately replied: "OK! It's all arranged by my sister!"

The master nodded with satisfaction, and then suddenly thought of something: "by the way, I also said that you learned a very dangerous instant body skill. Show me."

Naruto tilted his mouth and muttered in his heart that he is really a big mouth since he came... The master will not and won't let him continue to use this move

In that case, you'll have to use it secretly in the future.

Wind attribute chakra fills the whole body, compression, explosion! Storm wound!

Naruto disappeared and reappeared in another part of the office.

Then fold back to the original position.

The speed was very fast, and the turbulent airflow rolled the papers on the table all over the room.

The master praised: "it's a good instant body skill..."

Before he finished, he saw a blood mark on Naruto's hand.

Naruto quietly put his hand behind his back, and then the corner of his mouth opened again.

You can't hide this. You can't put your head in your crotch.

When the master saw the blood, he shook his body and continued, "it's really dangerous."

"You use it again. This time you don't have to move. I'll feel the changes in your body."

He held Naruto's hand in his hand.

Naruto was worried and said, "sister gangshou, your phobia..."

The master shook his head: "it's all right. Don't move. Worry about me."

Naruto stopped and said, "did you tell you about the treatment of phobia I said?"

The master nodded.

Naruto hehe smiled: "then this time it's time to be treated. Sister gangshou, you have to be stronger."

Then he warned: "and protect your hand with chakra. In a moment, my body will be full of chakra with wind attribute, which is very dangerous."

Master Yi Yan gathered chakra on his hand.

Naruto no longer hesitated, and chakra of wind attribute spread all over his body.

At this time, chakra was relatively calm.


Naruto's wind attribute chakra is compressed into a wind blade.

The wind blade cut on the master's chakra and made a sharp sound.

This reminds Naruto of the last fight with Sasuke.

But the shrill sound at that time was many times stronger than this.

Then came the explosion.

How does it break out without moving?

Naruto thought about it and found a solution.

Then the compressed blade continues to compress, and the sharp sound increases. After the blade is compressed to the extreme, it suddenly rises and breaks!

The wind blade breaks out and becomes a smaller wind blade.

The master timely increased the chakra on his hand before he was injured.

"Sister gangshou, that's it. Do you feel anything?"

The master took a breath, then nodded seriously and replied, "I feel like you are a monster. Who taught you to let the wind blade explode to accelerate?"

I've asked this question myself.

Obviously, he couldn't answer shouhe, so Naruto pulled the name of the creator of instant body technique to himself and said shamelessly, "I thought of it myself."

The admiration on the master's face turned into surprise and commented, "madman."

Naruto was worried, "sister gangshou, you won't stop me from using this Ninja like that fool from me?"

The master turned his eyes. This means that if she doesn't let Naruto use this ninja, she is a fool?

But seriously, the master of compendium really means not to be used by Naruto.

But I didn't succeed in persuading myself. I'm a little bored when I talk about it.

After thinking about it, he said, "it seems that I'm going to change your cultivation course. Let's learn the rune array in advance. I think I should teach you another usage of Yang attribute chakra, strange power."

"I heard that Fengjian Huayue said you wanted to learn this."

Strange force? I think Naruto took the road of medical ninja for this move.

Because the store manager told him that this move can nourish the body and enhance the strength, which is very tempting for Naruto who wants to improve his strength and open eight doors.

But then... His hair was gone

Compared with eight doors, he is more persistent now.

Naruto nodded and replied, "I really want to, but does this move have anything to do with my instant body skill?"

The Master explained: "the principle of strange power is that the Yang attribute chakra resonates with the body, so as to burst out power. It is similar to your instant body skill. If you learn it... It should be very helpful for you to control this move."

"It can also reduce the possibility of your injury."

What else? Well, let's delay the mission of saving hair for a while.

Compared with healing, it is obviously more reliable to fundamentally control the injury.

The master continued, "if you learn strange power, it will consume a lot of physical energy, and your recipe needs to be changed."

"What do you eat every day now?"

Naruto thought about it and wanted to take out a list from the storage tolerance in his right hand.

In fact, he doesn't know what to eat every day. He eats in spring and summer.

The master accidentally looked at Naruto holding the list and asked, "do you have a recipe? Let me see."

Then I watched it for five minutes

The master's face is black

Handed the recipe back: "don't change it."

Don't you have to change it? Is it too good!

According to this list, I'm afraid it doesn't take hundreds of thousands of Liang a week!

Are those two girls so rich? If so rich, how could it be the little girl sitting in the ruins crying!

The master suddenly had an impulse to report it.

"Naruto, do you always eat according to this menu?"

Naruto thought about it and turned out five lists from the storage tolerance. "This is before."

The master looked at it with a black face. It was very nutritious.

In contrast, the master feels that he eats pig food every day

But seriously... Porpoise does eat with her every day

Naruto was worried and said, "is my diet OK? If there is a problem, I'll go back and change it as you want."

The master said with a black face, "then go and buy a bag of pig feed and mix it with water."

Naruto blinked: "ah?"

The master rolled his eyes and left.

Why does Naruto buy a bag of pig feed? Pig feed is very nutritious? Would you like to tell Xia?

Jiuwei mocked: "your IQ is offline again? It's obviously mocking you."

Naruto did not understand and replied, "why ridicule me?"

Nine tail turned his mouth: "you'd better buy a bag of pig feed to supplement your brain."