Chapter 146

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
In this battle, Naruto is rowing

Inoue lumaru is paddling

But is it just these three people?

No, Muye was on a high electric pole. A pigeon fell there and looked at a man below motionless.

The man has a pineapple like head. It is said to be a pineapple. The main reason is that there are layers of bandages wrapped around his head. His hair is squeezed into a pinch of hair in the middle by the bandage, and then spread out from the middle, just like the leaves on a pineapple. Unfortunately... It's not green.

On the man's face, the gauze wrapped the whole forehead, together with the right eye and the right half of his face. The sun is so big, isn't he hot?

The pigeon on the pole tilted its head and glanced at the man's clothes.

The right half of the body is covered like a monk's frame, black, covering the whole right arm.

It can be seen from the outline that his right arm should be hung with gauze.

It's like the position where the arm is broken and fixed.

At this time, Yang Guo thought of the memory of Yang Guo, not from Tucao Dao, make complaints about the old man's aunt.

But the pigeon didn't look for long. The guy with the pineapple head suddenly looked up and spit out a needle from his mouth.

The speed was extremely fast. The next moment, with a "bang!" sound, the pigeon was shot out.

Naruto's spiritual shared vision is over.

Jiuwei, who shared vision with Naruto, said, "this person gives me a bad feeling."

Naruto sat outside the cage, his right elbow clung to his thigh, his wrist dragging his crooked head and said, "you feel very right, because that guy is very dangerous to us."

Can it not be dangerous? The gauze in the right eye is filled with water stop. Other gods write wheel eyes.

If you remember correctly on the whole arm of your right hand, there should be ten more.

At the same time, primary cells were transplanted into the right half of the body.

Therefore, wooden Dun can also be used.

Whether it is writing wheel eyes or wooden Dun, he is very restrained from tailing animals.

It's strange that Jiuwei can feel good.

"Teacher jiulama, I don't quite understand one thing, that is, why are you controlled by the writing wheel eye of the yuzhibo family?"

You mean tailed animals. Naruto used the generic term "you" in order not to let the word with the word beast irritate Jiuwei.

Nine tails lie down in the cage, close their eyes and say, "do you know again?"

This sentence is known again and contains a lot of content. Not long ago, Sasuke failed to use the writing wheel eye for Naruto.

However, Naruto still believes that the writing wheel eye is restrained from the tail beast, which shows that the meaning in Naruto's words is not the ordinary writing wheel eye, but the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye which is more advanced than the ordinary gouyu writing wheel eye.

Naruto didn't answer, waiting for Jiuwei's reply.

Jiuwei opened his eyes and glanced at Naruto. Perhaps he was too lazy to ask, he told him directly: "it's a long, long story to tell... I also listened to an old man."

old man? Six?

Naruto concentrated. If it was said by liudao, the so-called story may be the truth.

Jiuwei continued: "he said that there was no chakra in the world a long time ago. Later, a woman picked the fruit from a divine tree, and chakra has been in the world since then."

Jiuwei glanced at Naruto again: "does it sound like bullshit?"

Naruto replied, "there are a lot of nonsense in the world."

Jiuwei's eyes widened: "for example?"

Naruto smiled and said, "for example, the nine Lama teacher likes dessert."

Jiuwei rolled his eyes, closed his eyes again, and took action to show that he was too lazy to talk to Naruto.

Naruto urged, "you haven't said why you write wheel eyes to restrain you."

Jiuwei Aojiao came up and continued not to answer.

Naruto pointed out the pros and cons and said, "this is very important, because we are likely to meet so many people with special writing wheel eyes, so we want to know about it and think of countermeasures."

Jiuwei opened his eyes again and said helplessly, "what countermeasures can you come up with? You said that there are a lot of nonsense in the world. Write lunyan has restraint against me. This is one of them."

Naruto frowned and said, "if an apple is thrown into the sky, it will fall to the ground. Because of gravity, I can hear the dog cry because I have ears. Everything must have a reason?"

Jiuwei was stunned. He felt that Naruto's first sentence seemed reasonable, but the second sentence, you can hear the dog barking

Well... I won't find fault. I'm a fox, not a dog.

In addition, you can hear me not because you have ears, but because of the existence of spiritual links.

Jiuwei finally said, "it's true, because the woman who picked the fruit ate the fruit and grew a special eye. That eye has the ability to control chakra, and the source of writing wheel eye is that eye."

"Let's say that chakra's existence arises from her, and that eye is her eye, which will naturally be restrained by her."

"If you ask me why again, I can't answer."

"After all, in my opinion, this is unreasonable."

Naruto nodded and concluded, "so, because you are the embodiment of chakra, you are restrained by the writing wheel eye."

Jiuwei added: "not only am I restrained, anyone with chakra will be restrained, and even if there is no chakra, anyone alive will be restrained. Those audiences who are in illusion are the best proof."

Then he asked, "now that you know what you want to know, do you have countermeasures?"

This was a mockery, but I didn't expect Naruto to nod seriously.

He replied, "I did think of a few. Since his eyes are restrained from you, just let him not open his eyes soon?"

"For example, tear gas, if the effect is not significant, you can also use a powerful tear gas."

"Another example is strong acid. I think the eye is only an eye. If it is an eye, it will be useless to meet aqua regia that can melt gold."

"For example, poisons, volatile poisons and poisons added to strong acids are also a good match."

"Or you can try the strong light, the whole magnesium lamp and other things to shine on his face to see if he can open his eyes to the sun."

"And you can hide from him."

Strong acid, poison, strong acid plus poison, strong light... Hide.

Nine tails blinked, and finally said with a smile, "I can really think of a way..."

Naruto continued to think, but... Which should be used to treat Tuan Zang?

I feel like I still use insurance

At this time, the battle outside was almost over.

Because the big snake pill used filthy soil to reincarnate, it summoned the first and second generations of fire shadow.

Then the ghost sealed it up.

A pigeon looked at the roof of the grandstand from a distance. The colored glass and green tile eaves and teeth pecked high. There were two teachers and disciples in the four purple fire array.

And the puppet bodies of the first and second generations.

After the three generations of fire shadow sealed it with corpses and ghosts and sealed it into the belly of the God of death... These two people even got into their own hands.

Because the mask of releasing the ghost is in his hand.

What attributes will the soul devouring the generation of fire shadow fuse? Should it be wood attribute?

Wood is the combination of water and soil. When the water attribute is available, find a chance to melt the soil attribute after ice Dun is proficient.

What about the second generation of Huoying?

The second generation of fire shadow can't hide. I don't know what can be integrated, but according to past experience, it should be only a single attribute.

Three generations of fire shadow have no blood inheritance limit... Fusion is also one of the five basic attributes.

In the belly of death... There are four generations of fire shadow... What will the four generations of fire shadow do?

Fusion? In any case, it is also the father of this body. Melting seems too cruel

Let it disappear in heaven and earth? What about the other half and nine tails sealed in the souls of the four generations of fire shadow?

Or is it that the four generations of filthy soil are reincarnated by learning filthy soil reincarnation, and then the nine tails are taken back and lifted?

In addition to the souls of the four generations of fire shadow, how big are the hands of snake pill in the belly of death

How to deal with this and trade with big snake pill? What's the deal? Redeem Sasuke? Hehe

It seems to be an interesting idea

Naruto is looking forward to the future.

Maybe one day he will cry in front of Sasuke and say, "little Sasuke, your uncle Naruto has redeemed you..."

The picture is so strong... I can't think about it. My eyes are hot.

But speaking of Sasuke... Naruto just checked Sasuke's body. He didn't have the spell mark left by big snake pill

So... When is the big snake pill going to start?

Before you get back? Or after?

If big snake pill finds Sasuke's hand disabled, will it change his mind?

But I don't think we'll grab it now, do we?

Thinking of this, Naruto carefully looked around, and the ice wall was not strongly attacked... I think big snake pill should not start now.

At the same time, outside the ice wall, a small snake with a pair of sharp fangs circled the field. It wanted to enter the field... But it couldn't find an entrance

I don't know how many times around, the little snake was angry, opened his mouth and bit an ice wall.

Then he shivered, and the ice reached his teeth

The tongue licks the teeth again... No, the cold on the teeth is too cold, and the tongue is frozen

For a time, the little snake was so sad

It just wants to go in and find a chance to bite... Originally thought it was a simple task... I didn't expect it to be so difficult

Inside the ice wall, Huayue's body swished in the wind. After enduring it for a long time, she finally said, "Naruto... Can you raise the temperature? It's a little cold..."

Naruto then recovered from his stupor: "ah? What did you say?"