Chapter 135

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
"Brother... Brother..."

Brother, there are friendly names between relatives, and there are names of antagonism, ridicule or contempt.

There are also polite names between two people who are not very familiar.

Today, Naruto heard a new name.

It seems that my stomach has been broken for a week. The name of constipation

However, no matter how ugly the elder brother's cry is and how many emotions are under pressure, Naruto is very happy to listen to it.

Pretending to be an elder, he carried his hands on his back and nodded happily: "xiaoningzi, come on, brother Naruto, look after you."

Naruto brother of God TM! Naruto wool is a brother!

Ning Ci's face became more red, and the green veins on his face jumped one by one.

Resisting the impulse to fight Naruto, he walked around Naruto to the field.

At the same time, I love Luo and Naruto just passed by. I love Luo is stepping up and walking back. Brother Naruto can hear it very clearly.

"Bang!" the cork of the sand gourd sprayed out.

He wanted to try to kill Naruto again, but surprisingly, the shouhe in his body didn't take the opportunity to lobby to help him kill because of his anger today, but discouraged with a sigh: "forget it, don't annoy that boy. There is Jiuwei's family. It really annoyed that guy. You really have to explain here this time."

This is the first time I have seen such a painting style of shouhe.

The unwilling and unhindered voice is like an old man with a candle in the wind. It is calm and full of kindness.

I love Luo silent for a long time, the heart is more and more complex.

He knew that shouhe was just afraid that his death would affect him

However, the words of persuasion unexpectedly did not make him disgusted.

He replied: "I won't do it today because of your face..."

I love Luo. Now I understand shouhe's feeling when he sees Jiuwei.

I can't fight... I'm tired

The cork floated back and plugged the sand gourd again.

I love Luo shrugged his nose and sniffed. Today, the blood smell of the sand gourd is a little light

Ah... It was washed by rain once... Surprisingly, he found that the bloody taste of sand was also good.

But as a killing weapon, is there any other value after defeat?

Thinking of this, I love some confused and lonely

"I love you..."

A familiar voice sounded.

I love Luo looked up at the past, is preparing to participate in the competition hand Ju, is also his sister.

He didn't reply. He turned his attention to the stone steps again and continued to walk up. They passed by.

Bow to stop and look at the young figure of I love Luo. This is the first time she has seen me love Luo defeated and such I love Luo for the first time.

At this time, I love Luo. She feels a little different, like... A helpless child

However, without waiting for her to carefully experience the different mood from the past, Naruto's cheap smiling face came together.

"Sorry, rixiangning was annoyed by me, so this game..."

"In fact, I'd better surrender as soon as possible."

Naruto is telling the truth, but it sounds humiliating when he bows.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Naruto and said, "I will win this game, I..."

Before the last half of the sentence was uttered, Naruto had passed her by and waved his hands and said, "then come on, I'm not optimistic about you."

Don't look at me? You watch me?

Big fire

The consciousness of the bowing man pressed on the iron fan on her back. Now she had an impulse to blow the arrogant guy away.

"Contestants bow, please enter as soon as possible!"

In the referee's cry, he turned his head with a cold bow and walked towards the field.

On the stand, Naruto walked all the way. When passing the audience, there was no cheering for the triumphant hero, only a neat white eye.

"What a lucky boy. He happened to catch the rain."

"Alas... Luck is also a kind of strength..."

"But thank God, if it hadn't rained, I don't know when this boring game would be going on."

"Look at that guy's complacency. He won only after bad luck. Can't he keep a low profile?"

"Alas... Shit luck can't be envied. You have the ability to go down and fight?"

"Do I buy salted fish and let me play the game? Is there something wrong with your head or my head?"

The sound of chaos is ringing in my ears. At this time, Naruto doesn't like eight door dunjia

Because after hearing enhancement, the sounds that could not be heard become particularly clear.

I'm getting old.

Forget it, what does that say? The more excellent people are, the more likely they are to attract envy around them.

They are just jealous of themselves

In this way, all those unpleasant words turned into applause under Naruto's special filter.

Walking to the top of the stand, Hata bumped and ran over. Her fingertips poked together in front of her chest. She was full of worship and said, "Naruto Jun, Sasuke Jun said that you caused the rain. Is it true?"

Nest grass! Have you finally met Bole?

Naruto was suddenly a little excited.

The depressed mood immediately relaxed.

Compared with those irrelevant people, hatada's praise is the most precious.

For a time, the waist straightened a lot.

Demure nodded and said, "ah, that rain was summoned by me with some small hands."

Hata's eyes worship more. "Naruto Jun, you can really summon rain. Can you summon snow? I like watching snow."

Naruto's eyes turned into Doudou's eyes, blinked a few times, looked up uncertain and looked up at the sky.

The current season... Seems to be summer

It's still a long way from winter

Snow in summer?

Hata, why don't you tell me to pick a star for you to play with?

Then he replied honestly, "if it's winter... I can try."

In other words, I can't do it in summer

However, Xiaotian was not disappointed at all. Instead, his eyes became brighter and said in surprise, "when winter comes, don't I think I can see snow when I see it?"

Naruto's Doudou blinked and nodded: "ah, in theory... But when do you usually want to see snow in Xiaotian..."

Asked this sentence, the original intention was to secretly write it down in a small book, and then wait until winter to surprise the young field.

But Hata's words made him despair.

"When... I want to see it when I'm happy, because snowflakes are so beautiful, you know? Every snowflake is different."

Naruto heard this and understood why Hata liked to watch snow, because white eyes have microscopic ability.


Hata's fingers poked each other in front of her chest and continued: "I also want to see snow when I'm sad... Because the snow is so beautiful, it can make me forget unhappy things quickly..."

When you are happy, you want to see

I want to see it when I'm unhappy

Hata, do humans have any other emotions besides happiness and unhappiness?

These two emotions include all emotions, right?

In other words, you want to see snow every day all winter, don't you

Naruto feels like he's going to kneel

I can't do it!