Chapter 50

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
Eight door dunjia opens for the tenth second.

Naruto found that his body gradually adapted to the current situation and became less uncomfortable.

The vision becomes clearer and does not feel dazzling.

The hearing is still sensitive, but the sound drops relatively.

Smell... Still unbearable

Didn't you flush the toilet?

Naruto really looked carefully, and finally found that it was not the toilet. It turned out that there was a rotten apple in the corner.

Tie the rotten apples in your pocket, sprinkle some washing powder on the floor tiles, and clean them again.

Smell is also within the tolerable range.

Tactile slightly unaccustomed, but can also be forcibly ignored.

It's like being bitten by a mosquito. As long as you have strong willpower, you can scratch it without your hands.

Then Naruto began to test other changes after opening the eight doors.

The enhancement of strength and speed is more intuitive in terms of explosive power.

For example, punching is faster.

In terms of chakra, the extraction speed is faster and the output is also large.

In a word, Naruto found that the first of the eight dunjia is a good auxiliary ninja.

Naruto came out of the bathroom.

The light in the room is brighter, but the ability of pupil adjustment is also strong, just a little uncomfortable.

Naruto's sight swept around the room.

At this time, the room has been cleaned much cleaner than when I came back.

The dust on the surface is almost wiped.

But Naruto smelled some strange smell.

Naruto ordered the separation: "you two go and pick up the bed for me."

The bed was moved up. Naruto saw the culprit, a smelly sock of Naruto in the past.

It's all hairy

Naruto looked at the corner of the sock's mouth and said, "throw me the sock. You don't have to come back after throwing the sock. Just lift the separation."

With a strong sense of smell, Naruto has found rotten fruit stones and half a box of smelly yogurt.

After cleaning up all the biochemical sources, Naruto felt that the house was finally a place for people to stay.

Out of the room, the sun is shining outside.

Naruto is ready, and covers his eyes slightly with his hands to avoid direct sunlight and give his eyes a time to adjust.

Then Naruto found that his vision became so far and clear.

Jump on the roof and come to the relatively tallest building nearby. When you look at it, you feel that you have a panoramic view of the world.

I can't help but open up a lot.

More than that, he found that the insects that had flown very fast slowed down slightly under his sight.

And you can clearly see the plush texture on the insect.

For a while, Naruto found that he liked eight door dunjia.

"I don't know what it feels like to open the second door..."

However, at the thought that the opening condition of the second door is a load of 750 kg, Naruto's heart can't help beating drums.

And the third door weighs 1000 kg

That's a ton! Is it what people can achieve?

Xiao Li?

"Xiao Li is not a man, he is a beautiful wood leaf blue beast..."

If you remember correctly, Xiao Li opened the fifth door when he fought me ero in the middle tolerance exam

Although it was almost abandoned by future generations, this is the gap between red fruit and fruit!

The ancients did not deceive me.

After the eight door dunjia reached the fourth door, his requirements for weight-bearing were not recorded.

Perhaps the theoretical value has exceeded the limit of the human body and is an impossible value, so it is not recorded.

In other words, after opening the fifth door, the damage to the body is inevitable.

Standing high for a while, Naruto finally thought of something.

How long have you kept the first door open

Come out of the toilet, clean the room... Stand in a daze on the tower

already! Half an hour!

Can the eight door dunjia be opened for so long?

Will not cause damage to the body!

Naruto immediately closed the first door.

A feeling of weakness followed.

But it's not as bad as expected. To be exact, this feeling of weakness can't even be accumulated by using 800 parts.

Are you different from ordinary people?

The blood of the whirlpool family is indeed different from ordinary people.

However, after thinking for a moment, Naruto came to the most reasonable conclusion that his body did not consume much, so the damage to his body was small.

If you open the first door and use extreme body techniques like Biao Lianhua, you will definitely become a dog when you run out.

After understanding the reason, Naruto was very happy. He found that the eight door dunjia can be used as an auxiliary ninja.

Take a deep breath, fresh oxygen flows into the lungs, and Naruto feels that he is sublimated.

That is the satisfaction of strength improvement.

It's also the joy of being rewarded for your efforts.

At this time, Naruto, who had been released before, came a message.

It seems that the uncle of the store manager is in a hurry to find him.

Without hesitation, Naruto rushed directly to the Ninja store of the store manager's uncle.

The shop manager uncle taught him casting without reservation. He can be regarded as a real master.

Shifu has something to do. I can't help you.

"Ding Ling Ling..."

Push open the wooden door and the familiar door bell rings.

As like as two peas, the next thing he asked was to be two beautiful looking girls who had the same color.


Both of them have short hair, one pink and one blue hair, and one bangs is left and one right.

Are these... The two clerks the store manager said he wanted to find last time?

Naruto remembered that when the store manager handled the membership card for him, he said that although this card cannot be discounted, it can experience absolutely high-quality service in the future.

So... This high-quality service

When Naruto stood at the door thinking foolishly, the store manager came over and said, "Yo, Naruto, you're here, faster than I thought. It seems that you've got a good harvest in this task."

Naruto recovered: "ah... Fortunately... It's a little improved..."

The store manager asked the two clerks to do their own business, turned to Naruto and said, "look at your energetic appearance. How much weight do you have now?"

Naruto's eyes were taken back from the two clerks. "Not much. Just adapted to 50% of the weight, 510kg."

The corner of the store manager's mouth twitched, and Naruto's progress refreshed his cognition of Naruto again.

The store manager noticed that Naruto was looking at the two clerks, so he said with a smile: "how about my clerks? The quality of my clerks is still very high? Twin sisters are not often found. Do you want me to introduce you?"

"Pink hair is called yinggu spring, and water blue hair is called yinggu summer."

While introducing the store manager, two clever girls in the distance also nodded to Naruto with a smile.

Naruto instantly blushed and hurriedly introduced himself: "my name is vortex Naruto."

Then, without waiting for the store manager to run the train again, he went straight to the point and said, "master store manager, I was separated. Just now I told me you were looking for me. What's the matter?"

When it comes to business, the store manager is also serious. He mysteriously signals Naruto to talk with him in the room.

The store manager's expression was very serious: "well... It's like this. My daughter's birthday is coming. I want to make a sword for her and use the live steel you deposited with me."

The store manager's daughter? The store manager has a daughter? Such a wretched uncle is not a bachelor?

I make complaints about myself.

He replied, "then you can use it? What do you want me to do? Oh! I see. You want to give me advice while casting a sword for your daughter, don't you?"

"When I was away, the store manager thought of me. I was so moved to tell the truth."

Store Manager: "

To tell the truth, the store manager was also moved. He just wanted to ask for the opinions of the owner of the live steel. Although the live steel was deposited in his hands, and he is now a master of Naruto in name and substance, he thought it was better to ask for instructions. After all, the live steel is very precious

However, Naruto magnificently ignored the key points in his words and understood that he wanted to guide Naruto

How hard it is not to take live steel as one thing

Naruto: "master store manager? Why don't you speak? I'm wrong?"

The store manager replied: "ah... No... You're right..."

"Then we'll start casting swords next month. Now most of the materials haven't been shipped."