Chapter 21

Name:Supreme Naruto Author:shao gong
Naruto and Hata gather with Kakashi.

Dazna glanced at Naruto and muttered, "it's still a kid... And it's still a short white gourd..."

Dazna, an old man with a bag on his back and a wine bottle in his hand.

It looks like a drag.

But in fact, wine is to hide your inner fear.

Afraid of his secret being revealed, he released a nearly A-level task into a C-level task, thanks to his ability to think of it.

Naruto stared into dazna's eyes. Because he was unhappy, his voice became indifferent: "who do you say is short white gourd?"

Dazner's heart burst when he was stared at by these eyes.

Those eyes were full of ridicule and disdain.

And... A trace of hesitation.

It's like a person who knows his secret is hesitant to tell it.

Dazner was nervous and comforted himself. He was just a kid. He was probably too nervous and thought too much.

Naruto is indeed hesitating.

The mission of the kingdom of Bo involves an underground force led by Kado.

That force monopolized water transportation because of the inconvenient transportation in the country of Poland, and soaring ship prices in order to exploit the civilians of the country of Poland.

Dazna wanted to build a bridge to the outside world for the country of Bo, so as to avoid Kado's exploitation.

In a sense, dazna is a hero.


Both courage and thought are outstanding.

But the key thing is... Among cardo's men, there are two ninjas with combat effectiveness at the upper tolerance level.

Ghost people don't cut off again, and white with the special ice escape blood following limit of the family of snow.

Jiuwei's voice sounded in his ear: "kid, I feel the smell of fear in your soul... I'm curious about what makes you, a little madman who uses separation as a body bomb, afraid."

Naruto: "of course I'm afraid, because I'm afraid of death."

Jiuwei: "Oh? Doesn't that girl say it's just a C-level task?"

Naruto: "let's take it as my hunch... Teacher nine Lama, let's discuss. If there is a danger that I can't solve, I'll lend you some chakra?"

Jiuwei said sarcastically, "OK, but this time is up to me to evaluate. Anyway, you also call me a teacher, so I have to be closer to the teacher's responsibility, or everything depends on me. How can you grow up? Right?"

Sasuke: "Naruto, what are you doing with a sword? Can you use a sword?"

Sasuke has long experienced Naruto's fighting mode.

There are no rules at all, not like people who have been systematically trained.

So I was curious to see Naruto carrying a sword.

Naruto is currently 1.5 meters tall.

The sword has a total length of one meter, a hilt of 38.2 cm and a body of 61.8 cm.

In Naruto's words, the hilt is a little long

But the store manager told him that the handle was easier to grasp.

As for the truth... The store manager won't tell him because he was accidentally broken

Of course, the sword in this world is single edged.

As for the scabbard and body, according to Naruto's requirements, they are matte camouflage color, which is conducive to hiding.

Naruto: "not in the past, now learn."

Otherwise, the Muye sword skill in my head is not wasted

With Sasuke's interruption, Naruto's eyes shifted away from dazna.

Dazner took a sip of wine as if nothing had happened.

Kakashi: "now that we are all together, let's go."

Let's go?

I feel like I'm going on a road of no return

Naruto took a deep breath to calm his mood.

If you are timid and don't fight if you don't cut, what should you do if you face a stronger guy in the future?

So... Can't avoid.

There is no safe place in the world.

You can't place your expectations on your strength, but on your tenacious survival when you are weak.

So, with all kinds of feelings, they came out of wood leaves.

Today is a sunny day.

Kakashi: "don't be too nervous. Class C tasks won't encounter ninjas. Just come out and relax this task."

But no one catered to him.

Naruto: "teacher Kakashi, do you have a detonator on you?"

Kakashi's eyebrows jumped at the mention of the detonator.

The assessment of Naruto's use of detonator left him fresh in his memory.

Kakashi: what are you going to do, boy? I've said you're not allowed to use detonators like that

Naruto: "er... Just in case, hehe."

Kakashi: no

How many detonators will Shangren not carry?

Sasuke eagerly took out two.

Naruto took it and put it on his body. He felt comfortable all over.

Kakashi: Sasuke

Sasuke: "I saw that he was uneasy all over. Now he gave it to him. He seems to be much better."

Someone will calm down with a detonator?

Kakashi looked at Naruto. What made him speechless was that Naruto was really relieved.

Kakashi: "multiple shadow separation is a forbidden art. The main reason is not only that it consumes chakra, which can kill people. Another thing is that separation will also bring pain to the body after it is relieved of a heavy blow, so don't look at his self explosion, which is very natural and unrestrained..."

The implication is not to encourage Naruto's arrogance of death.

Sasuke and Hata heard this for the first time. They were worried about Naruto.

Naruto shrugged: "it's just less than half of the pain. It's not so terrible."

Half the pain, half the pain of being blown to pieces?

It won't be easy to think about it.

Sasuke shook his head, and Hata was more worried. He wanted to stop talking.

Kakashi: "In addition, there should be special explosion-proof scrolls or scrolls without chakra seal for the storage of detonating symbols, otherwise a person accidentally triggered by chakra will be blown into slag. Of course, unless you have money to buy that kind of exclusive detonating symbol, the detonating symbol has a higher safety factor and can be used for specific detonating methods, but... It seems to be in the middle because of its stronger power It can only be equipped with patience, but if you buy it outside, the price will double... "

Naruto: "er... It doesn't matter. I have explosion-proof scroll."

Then Naruto took out a red scroll from his head.

Kakashi's eyelids jumped: "how many detonators are there?"

Naruto: "ah? What did you say?"

Then, seeing that Kakashi meant to take away the scroll, Naruto directly used multiple shadows.

Three Narutos stand together.

It seems to be saying, guess which is the noumenon.

Kakashi: "forget it, pay attention to yourself..."

Separate release.

Kakashi instantly appeared behind Naruto and grabbed the scroll in Naruto's hand.

Naruto: "shit! You cheat!"

Kakashi: "as captain, I can't watch you die."

Kakashi was about to put the scroll in his pocket, "huh?"

This touch.

Looking back at Naruto, his eyelids jumped and said, "are you separated?"

Naruto: "Er? What are you talking about? I really don't understand..."

Kakashi hit it with a punch.

"Bang!" the separation is lifted.

At the same time, the scroll that Kakashi grabbed disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing: "