Chapter 3373

Looking at the sealing dragon coffin that surfaced in front of him, Wang Chen's mood was undoubtedly uneasy at this moment.

In the Dragon coffin, how's Han Yuxuan now?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen was a little nervous.

GUI Hun Dan, can you wake Han Yuxuan up?

Take a deep breath and Wang Chen tries to calm himself down.


Thinking of this, Wang Chen pinched out the seal in his hand and opened the sealed dragon coffin!


As the sealed dragon coffin opened, Wang Chen saw Han Yuxuan lying quietly in the sealed dragon coffin.

White clothes are like snow and skin is like coagulated fat. Even though I don't know how many times I have seen the person in front of me, Wang Chen still has an amazing feeling.

"Haven't you woken up yet?"

Looking at Han Yuxuan in his deep sleep, Wang Chen frowned.

Guihun pill should have been absorbed, but Han Yuxuan seems

"Breathing seems to be more even, and the breath of life is also more rich. Obviously, guihun pill is useful!"

Squinting and observing for a moment, Wang Chen murmured to himself.

This time I saw Han Yuxuan again. It's better than the last time. I don't know how much.

The last time he opened the Dragon coffin, Han Yuxuan was already in danger.

And now? Now, the situation is better. I don't know how much. At least, Wang Chen can be sure that Han Yuxuan is safe for the time being.

The injury must not have healed, but Han Yuxuan won't have any problems in a short time.

"The medicine effect is absorbed. Should she regain some consciousness? At least, a short awakening should be possible! Guihun pill has helped her temporarily stabilize the residual souls in her body and is gathering the spirits. Why hasn't she responded yet?"

Soon, looking at Han Yuxuan lying there quietly at this time, Wang Chen couldn't help frowning.

Although Han Yuxuan's situation has improved, the effect does not seem to meet expectations!

Is it that the energy of guihundan has not been fully absorbed? Or, the effect has not been fully brought into play?

Wang Chen's heart inevitably gave birth to a trace of doubt.

According to the truth, after guihun pill has been swallowed for seven days, it should be to restore some consciousness! But now


When Wang Chen looked at Han Yuxuan and fell into silence, suddenly, a light hum came from his ear, which made Wang Chen's body shake.

"You... Are you awake?"

Looking at Han Yuxuan in the sealed dragon coffin, Wang Chen widened his eyes. The voice trembled a little.

Yes, isn't that Han Yuxuan's voice? After the light hum, Wang Chen looked into the Dragon coffin. He was surprised to see that Han Yuxuan, who was still sleeping, had his eyelashes trembling slightly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Chen only felt as if he were suffocating.

Carefully looking at Han Yuxuan, Wang Chen at this moment seems to be looking at a work of art. He was afraid to disturb Han Yuxuan.

Such silence lasted as long as ten thousand years.

When Wang Chen almost felt suffocated, Han Yuxuan's eyes finally opened slowly.

"Where... Is this?"

The voice is weak. If you don't listen carefully, you can't hear Han Yuxuan talking at all.

Fortunately, the environment at this moment is very quiet. Fortunately, Wang Chen's attention is all on Han Yuxuan.

So he heard it.

"Seal the Dragon coffin! Your spirit has been badly hurt and seriously injured. I'll seal the Dragon coffin to hang your life temporarily!"

Hearing Han Yuxuan's words, Wang Chen hurriedly said.

The voice is very soft and dare not speak loudly for fear of frightening Han Yuxuan.

"Seal the Dragon coffin? Originally, I'm not dead!"

Hearing Wang Chen's words, he gasped slightly. Han Yuxuan looked at Wang Chen.

His face is pale and weak. Han Yuxuan at this moment gives people a feeling of extreme weakness.

Looking at Wang Chen's eyes, there are some complications.

Wang Chen saved himself?

What happened before? Yes! Before, he resisted Qi ao's attack. Such a serious injury was stabilized by Wang Chen? How much did Wang Chen pay?

Why did he save himself? He owed Wang Chen all this. Help him block the next blow, just give him back what he owes. That's all.

But now, why did he

Thinking of this, Han Yuxuan's face also became complicated.


With the rotation of his mind and the change of his mood, he was weak and only felt a wave of fatigue, which made Han Yuxuan snort in pain.

"You're not dead! You won't die! Soon, I'll be able to recover you completely. Now, don't talk. You need to rest! This dragon coffin can protect you temporarily. After a while, I'll recover you with a yin-yang coffin!"

Feeling Han Yuxuan's emotional fluctuation and seeing Han Yuxuan's painful look, Wang Chen clapped in his heart and hurriedly said.

"In fact, you don't have to..."

Hearing Wang Chen's words, Han Yuxuan sighed: "I know you need to pay a lot to save me. You don't have to do that!"

Han Yuxuan continued.

"I said! I won't let anything happen to you! Listen to me, now, you need to rest!"

Seeing Han Yuxuan holding his breath and saying so many words, his face became more and more pale, and Wang Chen frowned.

The short words seemed to exhaust Han Yuxuan's strength. Cold sweat had already seeped out of his pale face. This makes Wang Chen feel distressed.

"Now, I will seal your acupoints and orifices with a secret skill. You will enter deep sleep again. This time, you won't wait too long!"

Then, taking a deep breath, Wang Chen said directly without giving Han Yuxuan a chance to speak.

Han Yuxuan is awake! This let Wang Chen breathe out a breath, and his heart was undoubtedly excited.

However, this also made Wang Chen's heart more and more uneasy.

People, that's it, isn't it? In the face of success, people who have success in front of them often have more worries.

Just like Wang Chen now.

Han Yuxuan woke up, but Wang Chen was more worried.

Now that things have developed, Wang Chen will never allow Han Yuxuan to do anything again. A little accident can't be tolerated!

At this time, Wang Chen needs to be more careful.

Guihun pill only temporarily makes Han Yuxuan better. But the real recovery? Even the soul returning pill is difficult to do.

We must use Yin and Yang coffins.

Therefore, before sacrificing the yin-yang coffin, Wang Chen needs to do a lot of things.

For example, let Han Yuxuan stay asleep as much as possible, and let Han Yuxuan reduce energy loss as much as possible

Now, the set of runes that Wang Chen wants to display is a set of runes from the medicine king, which can seal Han Yuxuan's soul and acupoint orifices, let Han Yuxuan enter a sleeping state and best protect Han Yuxuan!

"I see..."

Hearing Wang Chen's words, Han Yuxuan looked at Wang Chen with complex eyes. Then, he smiled and whispered.

At this moment, her voice was very soft.

The smile at this moment is perhaps Han Yuxuan's happiest smile in recent years.

It seems that at this moment, Han Yuxuan returned to the original Tianfeng city. It seems that she and he at this moment were young! How long have you not felt this feeling? It is so strange, but it is so warm!

Han Yuxuan nodded gently and slowly closed his eyes with a sweet smile.

Originally, happiness is so simple. Han Yuxuan is happy at this moment.

Perhaps, at this moment, let Han Yuxuan die, she is willing, no regrets!

Watching Han Yuxuan close his eyes and the smile around her mouth, Wang Chen's heart couldn't help jumping. There was a feeling of pain spreading.

Wang Chen can guess Han Yuxuan's feelings.

Originally, her request is just so simple?

But... Now it's not what it was

This makes Wang Chen inevitably produce a slight fluctuation.

Fortunately, soon, Wang Chen pressed down the complex emotion!

His hands quickly squeezed out the seal, and Wang Chen's palms quickly swam through some important holes on Han Yuxuan.


When Wang Chen's palm fell on Han Yuxuan's last hole, he injected his own energy and printed the rune seal. At the same time, he only listened to Wang Chen's deep voice.


In this light hum, I vaguely saw a wave of light passing on Han Yuxuan's body, and then didn't enter Han Yuxuan's body.

With this layer of light printed into Han Yuxuan's body, Han Yuxuan gradually breathed evenly and fell into a deep sleep again!

"Don't worry, this time, I won't let you wait too long!"

Looking at Han Yuxuan who once again fell asleep, Wang Chen murmured softly.

"Yin Yang coffin? It should fall into my hands soon!"

Turning around and looking at the quiet earth vein behind him, a trace of pure light flashed in Wang Chen's eyes.

Once the earth vein is integrated into the heaven and earth world, Wang Chen can gradually control it.

The yin-yang coffin can't escape Wang Chen's palm.

Now, what we need to wait for is the news of Yaowang!

Thinking of this, Wang Chen's mouth also showed a smile.;

Everything is changing for the better.

"It's time to recover from the injury and energy! The energy loss is not small! Now I'm very weak!"

After sinking the sealed dragon coffin into the core of the world again, Wang Chen narrowed his eyes and whispered to himself.

Wang Chen has almost no time to breathe since he escaped from the corpse King sect and entered the world of heaven and earth.

Now, it's time to rest!

Especially after learning that Han Yuxuan has recovered well and the earth vein has been suppressed, the medicine king is helping the earth vein to integrate!

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen doesn't need to worry and think about anything.

All he needs to do is practice, recover, and even improve.

Especially enhance strength!

Within the body of the dead king, with the help of the essence of the veins, two successive exercises have enabled Wang Chen to enter the later stage of the three heavenly heavens.

Now, if you take tianken Chuanghua pill, you must be able to rush into the four heaven of God.

Under such circumstances, Wang Chen naturally wants to fight for more seconds! Because Wang Chen knew what kind of enemies were standing in front of him.

Those people are so powerful that Wang Chen can't deal with them at all. He needs more powerful strength!

"It's time to start!"

Thinking of the road ahead of him, Wang Chen's face gradually became solemn!

The voice fell. Wang Chen sat cross legged directly and entered the cultivation in the core of the heaven and earth world!