Chapter 2895

Qiancheng, Wang's residence, in the study.


A chess piece landed on the chessboard.

"Kill the dragon!"

Sun Yifan smiled slightly at the corners of his mouth.

White chess was slaughtered a dragon on the chessboard!

"It seems that we are going to win this game, aren't we?"

Sun Yifan sat alone and muttered.

The smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed more and more.

"Gu family! This is just the beginning!"

Looking at the chessboard, sun Yifan narrowed his eyes.

The destruction of the Gu family is only the beginning. However, sun Yifan knows how important this beginning is.

This means that the Wang family has passed the most difficult moment, and now it's time for them to fight back.

If this head is opened, it is tantamount to killing a dragon! Strike while the iron is hot. In this case, white chess will be defeated!

What else is there to jump about in the camp of the nine cities alliance?

Now, the holy mountain is caught in civil strife and can't get out in a short time. The Gu family is destroyed, and the nine city alliance has no great threat. Yinshan Yujia? It's just not a climate.

The sky killing alliance is a big threat, but they haven't completely entered the game, have they?

There is no eternal enemy or eternal friend in the world! There are only eternal interests.

How long can the heaven killing alliance stand on the side of the nine cities alliance?

At present, their alliance for killing heaven has explained a lot of things without decisively entering the game.

If sun Yifan pushes again

"Heaven killing Alliance... Ha ha..."

Sun Yifan drew a sneer from the corners of his mouth.

"Soon! It's time to use the hidden guys. They can't bear it anymore?!"

As if he thought of something, the essence in sun Yifan's eyes flickered faintly.

The Wang family has only immediate strength?


The Wang family still has strength!

Perhaps many are not the strength of the Wang family itself, but those people have common interests and common enemies with the Wang family. They have been tied to a thread.

Will those people sit and wait?

"Home owner, go straight to Licheng and Yangcheng. It's time to start here!"

Taking a deep breath, sun Yifan stretched out: "let those people act! Yinshan, it's been quiet for too long. It's time for turbulence!"

Sun Yifan said expressionless.


As sun Yifan's voice fell, a middle-aged man standing behind him immediately responded.

"Well, what's the news outside?"

After the middle-aged man left, sun Yifan inquired into the empty room.

It's like talking to yourself and who you're talking to.


As sun Yifan's voice fell, a wave came.

Soon, a figure appeared in front of sun Yifan: "the nine city alliance has fought a big battle, has felt the threat, and is shrinking the lineup!"

The figure in front of sun Yifan said.

This is the Wang family shadow guard and the most mysterious force.

"Hmm! Nine cities alliance? Hehe... It's not a climate. These old guys don't react slowly. It seems that they are afraid of being beaten, isn't it? Good!"

Hearing Ying Wei's words, sun Yifan smiled.

At the beginning, the nine cities alliance was how arrogant, how arrogant, how lofty and how arrogant.


Aren't you still silent?

Their anger is worthless to sun Yifan.

"Let them shrink, if they don't shrink, how can we get the maximum benefits! They don't shrink enough, give them a fire!"

Sun Yifan bowed his head and pondered, and the cold light twinkled in his eyes.

After a pause, sun Yifan took a deep breath and continued: "in this way, contact the four families, the four holy places, and the demon clan, give them pressure! Give me a hard hold on the nine city alliance, there can be friction, but don't fight, just let the nine city alliance tighten up!"

Sun Yifan showed a sneer.

Now, it is not the time to completely destroy the nine cities alliance.

The Dragon chopping Pavilion is not suitable for coming out of the mountain yet, is it? As long as the nine cities alliance is not destroyed, the beheading Dragon Pavilion will not come out of the mountain. At least, the beheading Dragon Pavilion cannot make a complete shot. Sun Yifan is confident! Not to mention elder Qiu Quan?

If the nine cities alliance keeps it, the interests are the greatest.

"In addition..."

After thinking about it, sun Yifan said: "it's time for the shadow guard to move! Tell us the people in the nine cities alliance to take action tonight! Well... It's almost OK to take action tonight. Give me a hard move these days! While keeping yourself, you can make as much trouble as you can. You're not afraid of big trouble, just afraid of small trouble, which makes the nine cities alliance panic!"

Sun Yifan's eyes are getting colder and colder!

On the one hand, the four families, the four holy places and the three forces of the demon family put on a posture, which made the nine city alliance nervous. On the other hand, the internal destruction made the nine city alliance in a mess.

Under such circumstances, what strength does the nine cities alliance have to pay attention to things outside? They're afraid they can't care about it, right?

In this way, it makes enough space for the orcs and Wang Chen.

Especially Wang Chen.

They have gone straight to Cangcheng.

Through the transmission array, we will arrive at Cangcheng soon!

Even if it's fast enough, it'll take action tonight.

At that time, the gloomy family can only despair!


Hearing sun Yifan's arrangement, Yingwei was stunned, and then showed a sneer.

"By the way, the news came from the Dragon chopping Pavilion. The other side was angry. But elder Qiu Quan tried to deal with it. However, they will send 15 people this time! In addition, the third childe seems to have arrived. The target home owner!"

The shadow guard seemed to think of something, added.

"Beheading the Dragon Pavilion? Hehe... A group of guys who want to set up a memorial archway after being a bitch!"

Hearing Ying Wei's words, sun Yifan smiled.

The result is normal, isn't it?

Dragon chopping pavilion? Just a hypocrite. No big deal.

Since ancient times, those who have achieved great things have been informal! However, they are too hypocrites. Want fame, want status, want everything. Where is there such a good thing in this world? They can't take all the good things.

Are they hypocrites? Good! They want fame? Good! Then give it to them.

These things, the Wang family can not.

The Wang family is destined to take a different path.

Today's Wang family needs to grow. What they need to do is step on the sea of corpses and blood to the top.

Name calling? It's nothing. The Wangs don't care.

History is always written by winners, isn't it? The Wang family now has this capital to fight.

Beheading the Dragon Pavilion is a hypocrite, which is a good thing. Sun Yifan is really afraid of beheading the Dragon Pavilion. He is a real villain. If so, the Wang family can't even persist until now.

It's good now.

"They want fame! We give it to them! Let people take action, keep blowing, blow the Dragon chopping pavilion to heaven, and I want them to be saints!"

Sun Yifan mused.

In fact, the Wang family has been doing this all the time, secretly.

Now, more needs to be done.

Not afraid to find the Dragon Pavilion.

What if they find out? Can't someone sing them a hymn?

But the consequences

The higher you hold, the harder you fall.

It is extremely cold at high altitude.

If you don't hold the Dragon chopping pavilion to heaven, how can he be floating? How can he be cruel enough to fall down at that time?

"As for the fifteen people sent by the Dragon chopping Pavilion... What did elder Qiu Quan say?"

Sun Yifan mused.

This is the only trouble. Even the third childe has no trouble with these people.

The third childe has his pride, which Sun Yifan can see.

Sun Yifan is not an ordinary person. He knows the third childe too well through what materials.

It's hard for people like the third childe to fight against their Wang family.

He must want to catch Wang Chen?

After all, Wang Chen is his key.

If you want to deal with the Wang family, the third childe won't wait until now.

The fifteen people sent by the Dragon chopping Pavilion will deal with the Wang family. This is the real threat.

The third childe naturally has Wang Chen to deal with it.

With Wang Chen's current strength, naturally there is no need to worry too much!

Wang Chen may not be able to beat the third childe, but can't he escape?

Therefore, what sun Yifan needs to worry about is only the 15 people on the side of the Dragon Pavilion.

Qiu Quan, have you made any arrangements?

The last time, the Dragon chopping Pavilion sent ten people, which Qiu Quan secretly asked others to solve. These people didn't even have time to arrive in Qiancheng to join the battlefield! It's pathetic.

This is Qiu Quan's first gift to the Wang family.

What about now?

What are Qiu Quan's plans this time?

"Elder Qiu said that there are their people inside. Don't worry. Let them enter the nine cities alliance. They will become a help when necessary. It's difficult for them to achieve great things in a short time!"

The shadow guard mused.

"Hmm? Is that right?"

Hearing Ying Wei's words, sun Yifan nodded slightly!

"Yes, then look again! You can deal with these things!"

Sun Yifan mused!

The means have been used.

Next, we'll see the big play, won't we?

"Gloomy mountain! Ha ha..."

Looking at the chessboard, sun Yifan leaked a sneer from the corners of his mouth.

The next step is Yinshan Yujia.

I don't know what kind of details this family had ten thousand years ago?

No matter how much information he has, sun Yifan will beat him down.


Thinking of this, sun Yifan exhaled.

"Since the wind is coming, it will come more violently!"

Sun Yifan murmured thoughtfully, "Lin Cheng? Hehe... It's not so easy for you to eat it! It's not so easy for the master to forget hatred. Many of you shot the master at the beginning? Remember for the moment, and leave it to the master to settle one by one. Of course, before that, how much energy you have, how much energy I will squeeze! Hehe..."

Sun Yifan seemed to think of something interesting and smiled.

It was not until a long time later that sun Yifan stretched his waist that he walked slowly outside the study.

It's time for the Wang family to move.

By the way, there are Xingchen sect and Xingyue family hiding in the dark.

Are these people impatient?

It's time to let them out.

Now that it's lively, it's more lively, isn't it?

At this moment, sun Yifan's strategizing and the scene has been completely taken over by him!