Chapter 2760

The temple suddenly fell into a strange silence!

There was a sad look on everyone's face at the moment.

How glorious was the nine cities alliance? How powerful?

Even, this was more than a year ago.

At that time, the nine cities alliance was absolutely huge. In the battlefield, the water people didn't know who didn't know? Speaking of the nine cities alliance, how many people don't respect it?

But all this has changed now.

Moreover, this change was more than a year ago.

The emergence of the Wang family broke everything in the nine city alliance.

The nine city alliance, known as the cloud of strong men, first lost the dry city and shocked the battlefield. But even then, no one thought what would happen.

Because of the strength of the nine city alliance, because the nine city alliance is a long heritage standing in the battlefield for thousands of years.

Tigers still have time to nap.

It can only be said that it was a mistake to be taken by the suddenly emerged Wang family, and it can only be said that it was careless.

No one thought how the Wang family, which seemed to emerge out of thin air, could do.

No one thinks that the Wang family will threaten the nine city alliance.

If someone said that at that time, it would only be regarded as a big joke.

However, things change.

Who could have thought that such a seemingly impossible joke had become a real thing?

While everyone was waiting for the Wang family to be hit by the nine city alliance, the Wang family took action one after another.

A shocking thing happened. Overnight, it was destroyed by the Wang family and generally connected to the three cities!

This is a miracle.

This time, the whole battlefield was in an uproar.

Only then did everyone realize that the Wangs were not good.

Everyone realized that the nine cities alliance was in trouble.

At that time, the nine cities alliance became a joke. The nine cities alliance suffered a great humiliation.

It was such a blow that the whole behemoth of the nine city alliance fell down, although it would not die. However, he was also seriously injured.

For the next year or so, it was a torment for the nine cities alliance.

From Paradise Island to hell, is that all?

Who would have thought that the nine cities alliance, which had unlimited scenery more than a year ago, has fallen into a shortage of employment now?

The strong are like clouds, which has become the past.

Now, it is extremely empty. So far, Licheng and Yangcheng have fallen again because no one is available.

This makes everyone have to be silent.

What should they say?

This is the fact before them.

Think of this side, it is a dead silence.

"Damn it."

I don't know how long I was silent. The angry old man was also evacuated and cursed fiercely.

"What about the people? What about those who went to dry city?"

Then another old man asked fiercely.

He is the ancestor of Licheng.

He was also in a rage when Licheng and Yangcheng fell.

How could it be so embarrassing if it wasn't for taking the dry city and destroying the Wang family?

It is to eat dry city in one breath that leads to the current situation. For the Wang family, this time the nine cities alliance can be described as a big fight.

They not only took out the people of Ruicheng, but also the people of Licheng and Yangcheng, and all the people in the city. Even Sunda city is out of people.

They are to ensure that everything is safe and to win the Wang family completely.

Unexpectedly, such determination actually hurt them and let the Wang family seize the opportunity.

Now the old man is angry. What about those who go to dry city?

Qiancheng is an empty city. What are these people doing?

Didn't they come back?

If these people come back, where might something happen to Licheng and Yangcheng?

"They... They didn't contact!"

Hearing the old man's roar, the middle-aged man who spoke before said with a bitter face.


The words of the middle-aged man made the silent Temple seem like a frying pan.

Can't contact? What the hell happened?


As if they were aware of something, several old people changed their looks at the same time.

"Damn it, we were fooled!"

With a roar, the head of the old man was almost furious.

"The Wang family, it's the Wang family's conspiracy!"

"Asshole, we got caught."

"It's the people of the four families, the four holy places and the demon clan! These bastards still helped the Wang family. They still did it. It must be them."

Several old people can't calm down.

The loss of Yangcheng and Licheng has been a great blow to the nine city alliance.

Now, another bad news came.

The last news I received yesterday was that those who went to Qiancheng had returned to support Ruicheng, and then said they would go straight to Licheng.

But now I haven't received the slightest news. What is it if there is not an accident?

Before, their hearts were attracted by Licheng and Yangcheng. Now they suddenly realize that the crisis is coming.

Thinking of this side, several people are almost crazy.

"Bad... Bad..."

And in the midst of the rage of these people, a young man hurried in from the door.

Hoo Hoo

Out of breath, the man looked at everyone: "it's over, we're over... It's all over. The army going to Qiancheng was ambushed. Almost all fell, and we're completely over this time..."

After saying this, the young man seemed to have been evacuated, sat down on the ground and cried.

The sky is falling!

Yes, for this young man, the moment he received the news, he felt that the sky had fallen.

Before that, the bad news just came.

Yangcheng and Licheng fell one after another, which has put the nine city alliance into a desperate situation.

But now, I have received this even greater bad news. It's not a collapse. What is it?

You know, the loss of Licheng and Yangcheng is not even the worst result. They still have the ability to get it back.

Because those who go to Qiancheng are the real army. Licheng and Yangcheng fell just because they were taken advantage of by the Wang family.

As long as this army returns, it will be able to sweep Licheng and Yangcheng.

Licheng and Yangcheng can also return to the nine city alliance.

Even, they can sweep the Wang family.

Because there is the support of the beheading Dragon Pavilion.

But now?

Now at the moment of receiving the news, the young man collapsed.

The last hope has been destroyed.

This time, it collapsed.

During the collapse, the man cried loudly.

Nine cities alliance, has it really come to a desperate situation?


The news brought by the young man exploded in the temple as if it were thunder.


Everyone changes color.

His face was pale, and the spirits of the people shook.

In particular, several ancestors realized the bad before.

But who would have thought that the news came so quickly?



One of the elders, even under the news, shook his body and suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood in his roar.

"Lao Zu..."

"East wasteland ancestor!"

This time, with the sudden vomiting of blood by the ancestors of Donghuang, the venue fell into complete chaos.

"What did you say, asshole? Say it again?!"

"What's the matter with this news? Is it true?"

Some people held the ancestor of Donghuang, while others shouted angrily at the young man sitting on the ground crying.

"It's true! This news is true. It's from my father. He... He also fell! On the way to Ruicheng, they were ambushed. It's the four families, the four holy places, and the demon clan. They ambushed my father and them in the canyon. Suddenly, they lost a lot and fell into a hard battle. I don't know where the Wang family came from The strong were invited to some place. My father almost destroyed the whole army, and only a few people escaped. My father died in the war... My ancestors, they all fell! "

Facing the question, the young man reluctantly stopped crying and said sadly.

Relatives, friends... They all fell.

"Damn... Asshole..."

"Wang family... You deceive people too much..."

"Wang family, asshole..."

When it was confirmed, everyone present roared.

Everyone's face was pale and their eyes were red.

The last hope was dashed.

Everyone just feels forced into a desperate situation. At the moment, these people present only feel that they are standing on the edge of the cliff.

Wang family

This time, the Wang family was really a Jedi counterattack.

What Licheng, what Yangcheng... This is not the key.

This ambush is the biggest stroke of the Wang family. Wang family, this is to completely break up the nine city alliance.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help feeling that the sky was dark.

Even though the dawn blooms and the morning comes, it seems like endless darkness over the nine city alliance.

Cold, ruthlessly wrapped and swept the nine cities alliance.

"No... it's impossible! How could it be! How could they be the four families, the four holy places and the demon clan... Didn't they go to Licheng and Yangcheng? How could they appear there? What happened?"

However, in this despair, soon, an old man shouted reluctantly.

The fall of Licheng and Yangcheng must have been shot by the four families, four holy places and demons in the eyes of the people of the nine cities alliance.

The Wangs don't have this ability.

Even if they take advantage of the weakness, the Wang family does not have this ability.

Because almost all the strength of the Wang family appeared in Ruicheng. The nine cities alliance knows this very well!

Otherwise, how could they be taken advantage of.

Licheng and Yangcheng can only be made by four families, four holy places and demons.

However, the sudden events now made the old man aware of more serious things.

It seems that the Wangs didn't do the things in Licheng and Yangcheng? Not four families, four holy places and demons?

What the hell is going on?

For a moment, the old man's face became more and more pale.