Chapter 2732

Lost land.

As if aware of something, Wang Chen felt suffocation.

Wang Chen hasn't met the current situation.

Similar situation, Wang Chen met! At least, Wang Chen encountered a similar situation when he returned from the sea eye core and appeared next to the holy spring in the demon world.

However, the situation at that time, the danger was in the open. The fog has terrible lethality.

However, that time, Wang Chen and Zhentian insisted.

And now?

Today, the crisis has not occurred.

This is the biggest crisis.

The danger hidden in the dark is the real danger. How could Wang Chen not know this?

Looking at the continuous fog around, Wang Chen's face became ugly.

At the moment, he seemed to be trapped in an endless sea of fog.

If this goes on, Wang Chen can't even imagine what danger he will encounter.

"How could this happen..."

Soon, Wang Chen realized the more serious problem.

With the fog all around, after the whole person was shrouded in it, Wang Chen felt that the fog slowly entered his body along his pores.

The speed is slow and almost imperceptible.

Especially before, when the fog was not so strong, Wang Chen still couldn't notice it.

Now, with the dense fog, Wang Chen finally noticed it.

This awareness surprised Wang Chen.

If only these mists enter his body, Wang Chen may not care too much.

However, Wang Chen noticed that after these mists entered his body, they even began to devour his energy. Moreover, with the swallowing of energy, these mists become more powerful.

Every minute, every second, the speed of these vapors swallowing energy seems to be increasing.

A little makes a lot. If it goes on like this, Wang Chen's energy will fall into endless loss. The final result will be that Wang Chen will become a lost dog due to the loss of energy.


Feeling this, Wang Chen couldn't help scolding.

The situation seems worse than expected.

"Get out of here!"

With a cold hum, Wang Chen's face was unprecedented cold.

Since he was aware of this situation, Wang Chen naturally couldn't let it continue.

Such a passive situation must be changed.


With Wang Chen's cold hum, the vitality in his body began to work.

The Emperor Dragon decided to move around, and the endless chaotic force seemed to surge up half of the sea.

Devour, devour, devour again.

If you are an ordinary warrior, you may get into endless trouble at the moment. Because these mists seem to have life and are very difficult to expel. However, Wang Chen is different.

The extraordinary power of chaos doomed Wang Chen to be different from ordinary people.

The power of chaos can devour everything in the world, which is the beginning of all things. No matter how strange the fog is, it can't escape the evolution of chaos. At this time, the power of chaos can naturally show the most powerful side.

Wow, wow

The endless power of chaos also showed a ferocious side under the urging of Wang Chen.

Nenglian in the small world of Dantian was mobilized by Wang Chen.

Fight back.

Phagocytosis, anti phagocytosis.

Wang Chen's body is now a magnificent battlefield, in fierce battle.

"You must leave here as soon as possible!"

Until the situation in the body was gradually controlled, and the power of chaos finally completely prevailed, Wang Chen frowned and murmured to himself.

The crisis was discovered and temporarily contained. However, the situation has not changed.

As long as the deep fog, Wang Chen will fall into an extremely embarrassing situation. All he can do is resist passively.

Get out of this foggy area.

Perhaps, only in this way can we get rid of the current situation.

Unfortunately, the current situation, where is so good to leave?

Looking around, Wang Chen's face was very gloomy.

Unexpectedly, just escaped from a tiger's den and now fell into a wolf's nest.

"Come out!"

Take a deep breath, Wang Chen said expressionless.

As Wang Chen's voice fell, a figure flashed past and appeared in front of Wang Chen.

King of Medicine! Yes, at the moment, Wang Chen summoned the king of medicine.

Want to leave on your own? Not impossible. But it's too difficult.

Even the direction can't be identified clearly. If Wang Chen depends on himself, the most likely situation is that he will fall into the boundless fog, completely trapped in this lost place and finally can't leave.

The possibility of leaving is too small.

The king of medicine is the best existence. At this time, Wang Chen will not put down such an existence and choose adventure.

Stay in this dense fog for more than one second, and Wang Chen may be in danger.

Wang Chen thought of the situation two days ago.

Two days ago, in the deep underground, Wang Chen was able to recover by practicing in the underground space without being attacked by the thick fog. Now, perhaps, the underground world is the best place to go.

"Damn it, how could it be this damn place. Asshole, you... How did you come here?!"

Without waiting for Wang Chen to speak, the medicine king who appeared in the thick fog was trampled on his tail and jumped up at once.

Looking at the fog around, the medicine King's pupils suddenly contracted.

It seemed that he saw what he feared most.

"Leave, damn it, get out of here. Boy, you can only wait to die if you continue to stay here!"

After the cry, looking at Wang Chen, the medicine king said in a hurry.

"Do you know this place? Array? Or..."

The reaction of the medicine king made Wang Chen pick his eyebrows and couldn't help asking.

"It's not an array. Array? Hum, the array can't reach this level. Boy, this is just the beginning. One hour, at most, will encounter more terrible things. Come with me!"

Take a deep breath and the medicine king said with an ugly face.

Then, without even giving Wang Chen a chance to speak, he took Wang Chen and rushed into the underground world.


Cold, endless cold.

Under this dense fog area, Wang Chen felt endless cold.

Seems to be the opposite of the ordinary underground world? This is like a cold world.

Wang Chen was even more shocked that in this underground world, layers of fog gradually appeared at the moment, and layers of ice began to condense.


Looking at this scene, Wang Chen widened his eyes.

It seems that he knows why the medicine King reacted just now.

The underground world is no better than the above.

It's bitterly cold. Such a temperature is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

Even, Rao is Wang Chen. He can't help feeling his blood coagulate.

There was a vast expanse of white around, which made Wang Chen frown.

The situation is terrible.

"Bastard, it's this place. You stepped into this area. Fortunately, you didn't go too deep. Otherwise, I can't save you, and we'll have to wait to die!"

Wang Chen was secretly surprised, but the medicine king was very ugly.

With Wang Chen, as if in the underground world, around the maze, his body twinkles and changes direction.

It seems that he is familiar with this situation. Although he keeps changing direction, the medicine king doesn't hesitate at all.

Moreover, with the progress, Wang Chen gradually found that the temperature was rising. That biting cold is disappearing.

The surrounding white is fading.

It seems that they gradually left that area?

This made Wang Chen look at the medicine King around him, and his eyes became unusual again.

It seems that this little guy has something to hide from himself?

Thinking of this, Wang Chen had more doubts in her heart.

But now is obviously not the time to ask.

What Wang Chen can do is to follow the medicine king and break through quickly.

Hoo Hoo

In the dark world, I don't know how long it has been moving forward. Finally, when the cold completely disappeared and everything returned to calm, the medicine King stopped.

Returning to the ground again, Wang Chen and the medicine king could not help sitting on the ground and gasping.

Looking ahead, hundreds of meters away, there is the trend of thick fog.

The fog is getting stronger and stronger.

The river that Wang Chen knew hundreds of meters ago and passed today seems to have become a barrier.

On one side of the river, there is thick fog, and on this side of the river, everything is normal.

Such a strange scene appeared between heaven and earth.


After gasping for breath, he waited until it completely subsided and looked at Wang Chen. The drug king couldn't help scolding his ugly face.

He has lingering palpitations.

"What do you know? Tell me!"

Listening to Yaowang's words, Wang Chen frowned and turned to ask.

The medicine King obviously knows this place. The doubts in Wang Chen's heart need to be solved.

He doesn't like the feeling.

Especially after Wu Qingxue and Nanhai venerable.

Wu Qingxue and Nanhai Zun have too many things to hide from Wang Chen. They seem to know everything, but they haven't told Wang Chen.

This has made Wang Chen very uncomfortable.

Now, it's the medicine King's turn.

And this is not the first time.

There are many things that Wang Chen doesn't know about the medicine king.

Even, it can be said that the medicine king has a criminal record.

At least, the matter of King jiuxucan was concealed once?

This time, Wang Chen doesn't want to continue to be unclear.

He stared at the king of medicine and waited for his answer.

Maybe you will know some amazing news from the medicine king?

At least, Wang Chen can be sure.

The medicine king should know where this is.