Chaos and darkness mingle in the city of sin! Still day after day, bloody and cruel ugly things continue to be staged. This is the devil's paradise and the battlefield of militants.

At the moment, on the barren land in the west, under the eyes of the devil, this land has undergone earth shaking changes.

In just three months, a prosperous street has been erected in the barren Western District, which has become the most prosperous street in the western district.

A new force, the Wang family, appeared here, and settled in the largest Chamber of Commerce in Northern Xinjiang, the black gold chamber of Commerce, in this bustling street. It stayed in all kinds of commercial shops, forging workshops, banks and restaurants

In short, this street is gradually becoming prosperous and has attracted the attention of some people. Money is pouring into this street like a tide! Shops are springing up like mushrooms, which makes people dizzy.

Even some people who have nothing to do have calculated that in just three months, this street has been built with at least two million gold coins. What a horror! And began to talk about the builder. What kind of power is this person? With such a big hand, it's just throwing money at everything.

The people on this street have also benefited from this. The houses of all residents have been renovated for free. Those dilapidated and dirty bungalows have disappeared and replaced by neat houses, row by row, room by room, in order!

Of course, after the re integration, many new houses have been built through planning and arrangement. Everyone in sin city can choose to stay here on the premise that enough gold coins are spent.

Under the leadership of Xiang qiankan, the Wangs are marching towards the real estate industry! This is only the first step.

Such a move is naturally welcomed and supported by people who get free housing, and many people will benefit from it, move into new homes and get a new life.

The constant struggle in sin city also makes many people in urgent need of such a stable living environment. In a chaotic place like sin city, especially in a barren place like the Western District, most people are eager to get a decent and stable living place.

Therefore, Xiang qiankan's series of actions have attracted the support of many people. Nowadays, the economic interests between the people living in this street and the builders are closely linked.

Then Xiang qiankan launched a new policy! Build houses free of charge for those who join the Wang family. Are neat and sound Suites! The premise is to have enough strength to be selected by the Wang family and join the Wang family.

In this way, the Wang family has attracted many good players to join.

In just three months, under the excavation and screening of Xiang qiankan and others, another 15 people joined the Wang family. All these 15 people are at the level of martial arts. More importantly, these people are under the age of 30 and have unlimited potential.

Among them, there are six junior martial arts worshippers, six middle-level martial arts worshippers and three high-level martial arts worshippers. With the participation of these people, the strength of the Wang family has grown greatly, and seems to have become a big force.

Moreover, Xiang qiankan rented many stores to people who wanted to open stores here and helped them plan. In this way, the economic interests of relevant people are more closely linked.

In this street, the Wang family has become the overlord and the object of everyone's support.

This new force, the Wang family, is gradually being recognized and known by everyone.

Under the wrist of Xiang qiankan, the development speed of the Wang family has reached a terrible speed, which has become a favorite topic before and after tea.

A street made of two million gold coins has become a unique existence in the West.

Of course, there are interests, there are disputes.

With the emergence of interests, many jealous people and forces launched attacks and harassment against the Wang family.

However, fortunately, the strength of the Wang family is not what it used to be, and under the common resistance of the whole street, it has defeated the enemy again and again.

At the moment, inside the Wang family's mansion, a group of people were hurrying outside the mansion.

The first is madman. The one meter nine height stands out from the crowd.

"Grandma, those people with poisonous stings don't want to mix up and dare to make trouble. I have to pinch and explode their eggs today!" in front, the madman waved his fist and shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, those who see poisonous spikes beat me hard. Kill one. I'm a bitch. My fist doesn't eat dry food. Hahaha... I have to ask those little rabbits for mercy today!"

"Beat him!" after the madman's voice fell, seven or eight people hurriedly matched and roared loudly.

"I said madman, can you restrain yourself? Those people who were beaten by the blood wolf a few days ago were black and blue. If it weren't for the sudden appearance of Wang Wu, you would still have life to come back?!" Cheng liangbai looked at the madman and stood in the crowd together.

"Hey, elder martial brother Cheng, I'm not afraid to beat you! But to tell you the truth, the boss is really awesome! Tut tut tut...... I got a brother of Wang wuzhe this time. Look at those people of the blood wolf. Now they don't dare to offend us!" the madman threw his lips and snorted indifferently.

This led to a burst of laughter.

With a foothold in the city of sin, the battle continued.

Here, the madman seems to have come to heaven and is very excited every day! Especially with the help of cultivating resources and under the crazy battle, he has made rapid progress in the past three months. Now he has reached the ranks of the eighth level Lingwu, and his combat effectiveness is no less than that of the Ninth level Lingwu.

In every battle, no matter how powerful the other party is, the madman is always so enthusiastic. In every battle, the madman always rushes to the front, so he is admired by everyone.

The battle with the blood wolf team a few days ago made the madman almost lose his life.

Blood wolf team, it's the fifth of the eight forces in the western region. There are 18 people who respect martial arts! The battle that day was caused by the blood wolf team's attempt to occupy this street.

The battle was fierce and the madman nearly died. At the critical moment, a King Wu appeared suddenly. Zhang Hu, a little famous Wang Wu in the Western District! Claiming to be Wang Chen's brother, he saved the madman and helped repel the blood wolf.

Until this time, everyone knew that Wang Chen had made such a brother! The madman admired it. The boss is the boss. It's really extraordinary.

As for their recent enemy, the poison sting brigade, is the sixth largest force in the western region, and it is also a powerful existence.

"Hey, let's go and shoot those bastards in the poison sting brigade! They have fought with us six or seven times. Which Sting has benefited us? Hum, I don't believe we can defeat us! I still shoot them today! Our king's way is not that they can occupy us casually!" after sighing, the madman glanced and hummed.

Wang family road is the street where the Wang family residence is located and the name of the street controlled by the Wang family now! Xiang qiankan named it.

Led by the madman, a group of more than ten people went to the place where the poison stab Brigade made trouble.

Almost all of these more than ten people are martial artists, so the madman is in the ranks of spiritual martial artists, but he is not timid at all.

"Madman, it's still like this! However, it's better to deal with the stingers!" Ke'er groaned sadly as he looked at the madmen leaving behind.

Poisonous sting is their biggest opponent in the past month. Although their strength is not much better than the Wang family, they often make trouble.

"Well, how are the stingers! Hey, the rest of the forces in the West are ready to move recently! The top forces are also staring at us, and it will be more and more difficult next! Our strength is still too poor!" Zilan sighed with more worry in her eyes.

"I don't know when the bad guy can come back. He should be able to hold here when he comes back and his brother of Wang wuzhe!" Ke'er looked at the distance and sighed with a trace of concern in his eyes.

"Why, miss that bad guy? I remember someone said he hated that bad guy the most..." seeing Ke'er like this, Zilan showed a trace of ridicule!

"Hum, who... Who missed him! Sister Zilan missed the bad guy. Yesterday, I heard someone sigh that the bad guy hasn't come back and his face is full of concern!" said Zilan. Ke'er's face was slightly red, and then he fought back reluctantly.

For a moment, two people started to quarrel in the mansion.


At the same time, in the fire sect of Dali empire.

"Boy, don't you go to the sin city? I heard that the medieval place will be opened next month. Otherwise, our teachers and disciples will join in the fun?" on a vacant lot in the back mountain of the flaming fire sect, a dirty old man took a broken bottle of wine gourd and asked after sipping it.

"Elder martial brothers, they have gone. I don't need to go. Moreover, I will go to Heihai city in two days!" a very strong man with a height of two meters said faintly in front of the old man.

The voice fell, a light drink, the steps flickered under his feet, and in the twinkling of an eye he came to a boulder and leaned slightly.


In an instant, a huge rock the size of a hill fell apart and set off dust all over the sky.

"Hei hei, close to the mountain, you have been trained to perfection. Should this have the power of advanced martial arts? Very good!" seeing this scene, the essence flashed past the old man's eyes, showing a trace of satisfaction.

"However, your brother has been making a lot of trouble in the past six months. He killed the second and third young masters of the Yao family in the one-year battle of xingchenzong, tut tut... It is said that he killed several older generation members of the Yao family and the Luo family. And the Yao family... Well, the Yao family in Xiling city of Tianfeng kingdom was destroyed, and then forced the top martial arts worshipers into a mess in Qingfeng city, The news has spread now!

Tut tut... It's really amazing. I said this boy was promising at the beginning. Now if so, it seems that Xingchen sect has not gone in vain.

Now the boy is in the sin city. Maybe he can see the young boy in the medieval place this time. Don't worry about his strength? Otherwise, let's take care of him? Take him to destroy the Luo family. Anyway, now I know that the Luo family is your enemy! "

After sighing, the old man flashed a teasing look in his eyes and looked at the tall man to continue asking.

"Xiao Chen?" hearing the old man's words, the tall man bowed his head and pondered.

A moment later, he took a deep breath: "he has really grown up a lot. My Wang family men are all indomitable! He has the ability to take care of himself, so I don't need to go. The Luo family will be destroyed sooner or later, and Xiaochen will be destroyed by himself. He won't like you to help him. He wants to do it by himself. I'll just go with him then."

"Are you really so relieved? You should know how dangerous the medieval land is! I don't know what will happen at that time. The boy is still a martial artist and his strength is too poor! We at least had some care in the past." the old man sighed.

"Danger? The young eagles spread their wings and danced in the air. Without sharpening, where did the eagles hit the sky? He needs to face some things by himself!" Wang Yan sighed. Although he loves his brother very much, now it's time for Wang Chen to have a good experience. Only when you grow up in the wind and rain can you smile under the rainbow.

"What if he was hurt or killed?" the old man asked with a wry smile.

"Hurt him? Who dares to hurt him? I'll kill who! Help Xiaochen come back a hundred times!" the man's face was cold and snorted.

"You boy! What's the use of saying these words here..." the old man can't cry or laugh. This guy is always so overbearing, which has inherited a lot from him.

"Help me inform elder martial brothers that when they meet Xiaochen, they should take care of him more. Tell him that the Wang family man should go up against the wind. The eight winds don't move. His heart is like a rock and his will is like steel! Dabi in Beijiang, I'll wait for him here!" the man took a deep breath and said in a deep voice after hesitating.

"You boy, forget it, if you don't pull it, my old man will go around!" seeing that no matter how tempting, the man is unwilling to go to the sin city. The old man curled his lips: "go to Heihai City yourself! Improve your strength as soon as possible! Damn... I'll see what the boy has grown up to!"

Said Wang Chen, the old man flashed a light in his eyes and his face was excited.

"Don't make up your mind about him!" when you see the old man, the man added coldly, "I said you are qualified to be his master."

"Bastard, am I that kind of person? If you want to beat him, I'll take him away when you pay attention to Qingfeng city!" the old man shouted with a depressed face. Why did you take this guy as an apprentice? He was depressed.

Watching the old man leave and stand where he is, the strong man's eyes are a little erratic. Where is the cold and serious look just now: "father, do you see? Xiaochen has grown up. He is not the crying little guy at the beginning! He is reforming the majesty of our Wang family!"

Then take a deep breath: "Xiao Chen, have a good experience. My Wang family man is not afraid of bleeding and has no cowards. Brother is waiting for you here. Let's go to destroy Luo's house together!"