The cold winter is gradually far away, and the cold wind that has ravaged the wailing plain for a winter gradually stops at this time.

The biting cold wind turns into a cool spring wind, which blows across the earth and all things spring.

The originally bare and slightly dead Yinfeng valley began to show vitality gradually, and the dead tree branches began to burst out strong vitality, showing some fresh green buds and blooming slowly.

Winter has gone, and spring has finally come into people's sight with brisk steps.

The sky was tiny. On the hidden open space in Yinfeng Valley, the young man sat in the barrel with his eyes closed and his face trembling, bearing the bitter cold water, absorbing the power of stars and suffering unimaginable pain.

Finally, with the last breath of cold in the barrel pouring into the body, as the body reached a saturation point, the boy slowly opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath of turbid air, opened his eyes, stood up and jumped out of the barrel.

"Boy, it's good. It's on the right track!" Ling Zhan said with satisfaction as he looked at the boy out of the barrel.

This young man is naturally Wang Chen. With the understanding of the quenching body of stars, Wang Chen gradually adapted to such practice. Although the pain is inevitable, he can still persist under that strong will, and there are no dangers and mistakes. Everything went well.

Hearing Ling Zhan's words, Wang Chen showed a smile and seemed powerless! After each practice, the feeling of pain and weakness is still very clear, but it is much better than at the beginning.

The body emits a faint fishy smell, which is the impurity excluded from the body.

One day's cultivation results are remarkable, and the effect of star quenching is remarkable! From these excluded impurities can be seen! These things are the filth in the body. How can ordinary body refining methods eliminate these impurities so easily? Even if you can, you have to practice to a certain extent?

For such a result, Wang Chen is naturally quite satisfied.

For more than half a month, it has been more than half a month to cultivate star quenching. Wang Chen can obviously feel that his physical strength has improved a lot, which is too strong compared with the original.

The most direct manifestation is that the degree of physical defense has reached 4000 kg, which has directly increased by 500 kg compared with the original 3500 kg.

In other words, even if the second-order Zhenwu attacks Wang Chen with all his strength, it can't cause any damage to him.

If you say that the real damage, under the consumption of power, the real damage that the fourth level Zhenwu can cause, Wang Chen will not have any fear, which is the most direct embodiment.

On the other hand, with the improvement of physical strength, his strength is also improving. The strength of ordinary level five Zhenwu is about 7000 kg, while Wang Chen's strength is about 8000 kg! With the strengthening of his body, his strength has improved a lot compared with that more than half a month ago. Now it has reached the level of 8300 kg, surpassing the general power of level 6 Zhenwu.

All this is the most intuitive harvest, which also makes Wang Chen confident.

At the same time, Wang Chen is thinner now than he was more than half a month ago, but this weight loss makes Wang Chen look stronger and full of explosive power.

This is the firmness after excluding body impurities, which is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Look at the cold water in the bucket behind him and show a smile. This is the way Ling Zhan came up with. At the beginning of cultivating the stars to quench the body and absorb the power of the real Yang stars. In order to prevent the first time out of control, in case, Wang Chen is required to practice in the wooden bucket every time, and the clear water in the wooden bucket is naturally added with the water of the cold pool, which is convenient to control the power of the stars and ease the pain of Wang Chen's body.

In this case, it has played a real effect.

"Well, you boy, go clean it! Wait and practice. You'll enter the inner door from tomorrow, but you don't have so much time to practice!" he pondered for a moment and looked at Wang Chen's trance, Ling Zhan reminded.

With the passage of more than half a month, Xingchen sect will return to the normal track and enter the normal cultivation stage tomorrow.

Then, Wang Chen will directly enter the inner door!

With the restoration of Xingchen sect's cultivation, in these two days, people came back again and again, and Xingchen sect became lively again.

With the arrival of the new year, the outer gate also ushered in a group of new personnel. After seeing off Wang Chen, the top players of the outer gate, the injection of new members. This time, the number of new members reached as many as 50, which immediately made the outer gate seem more heated and noisy.

There are a lot of new members this year, more than in previous years! In previous years, the number of new members was generally 20 or 30. Obviously, this year, the number of new members has doubled, and Xingchen sect has opened the road to rise. This can be seen from the number of new members.

The two guys, Xiang qiankan and madman, surprised Wang Chen. Recently, they have rarely been seen.

During this period of time, these two guys also seem to know that entering the inner door has ushered in new challenges, so they practice very hard.

In addition to occasionally coming to disturb for a period of time at night, it rarely appears during the day or Wang Chen's cultivation.

Especially the madman, he was worried that this guy would disturb, but to Wang Chen's surprise, this guy even appeared less than Xiang qiankan.

It is said that this guy recently rushed directly into the depths of Yin Feng Valley, began to cultivate assiduously at the edge of the junction with wailing plain, entered a crazy battle, and returned with a bloody smell every day.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen took a deep breath, flashed a determined look in his eyes, and his whole body exuded a strong fighting spirit again.

Others are also working hard. Naturally, he can't put down his cultivation.

His feet worked hard and swept towards the pool in the distance. After cleaning, he put on clean clothes and felt the warmth. Wang Chen immediately invested in the next stage of cultivation.

Now, with Wang Chen's cultivation of star quenching body entering a good situation, and with his more and more understanding of the structure of the body, Wang Chen also gradually began to try to cultivate dark strength under the guidance of Ling Zhan.

Every muscle of the whole body should cooperate properly, and the strength control reaches a very high level. At the moment of attacking the target, it suddenly exerts its force, and the Zhenyuan force cooperates with it, and the force directly bursts into the interior of the attacking target and destroys it from the inside.

These, now Wang Chen can barely do, can be regarded as qualified.

But perhaps because of his strength, the power of his dark strength is really small, which makes people cry and laugh.

Wang Chen was not worried about this. He knew that he should take his time. It is obviously impossible to go to heaven in one step.

There are four years left! There are still four years before the original agreement with Ling Zhan. Four years later, he left for Luo's house in Tianfeng city. In these four years, he still has enough practice time and many opportunities.

Throughout the day, Wang Chen kept practicing like a machine until late at night.

Under such cultivation, Wang Chen's daily cultivation time is even accurate to one minute. There is no greater error, step by step, and complete each step in strict accordance with Ling Zhan's requirements.

After practicing every day, Wang Chen seems to have been drained of all his strength. As long as he lies in bed, he will fall asleep for the first time. Such sleep quality is even better than that in ordinary days.

It was not until the next day that Wang Chen woke up!

He rubbed his hazy eyes and jumped up subconsciously, ready to freshen up and practice.

Then I thought that today was the time to enter the inner door. Suddenly, a bitter smile appeared on my face. Body shape.

Finally, it's time for him to enter the inner door. It took four months to enter the inner gate. This is just a starting point. Core disciples, pro disciples and strength improvement. There are more things waiting for him to complete in the inner gate.

The outer door finally took a deep look at the room where he has lived for nearly half a year. After today, this side will no longer belong to him, and the inner door is where he belongs. Thinking of this, I showed a trace of reluctance.

Then he took a deep breath and saw that it was still early. There was still some distance from the scheduled time. Wang Chen groomed and swept away at the foot of the mountain again.

Even this little time, he is not willing to give up, and will seize this little time to do more cultivation.

Of course, the cultivation he needs is naturally star quenching.

In that open space, Wang Chen practiced for three hours. He felt that his body had almost reached a saturation point before he stopped.

Look at the sky. It's almost time. I didn't stay much. I swept to the edge of the pool and cleaned it. Then I swept towards the sect.

Just back to Xingchen sect, more than 100 people have gathered in the square outside the gate.

This year, the number of external members has reached more than 340, which has grown a lot.

"Boss, why are you here now? Fat man and I didn't see you just now. Don't tell me you're still practicing today!" and the next moment, two figures in the distance quickly approached Wang Chen. When they came to Wang Chen, the madman shouted, an incredible look.

These two people are naturally madmen and Xiang qiankan.

"It's still early, so I went out to practice!" Wang Chen said with a smile.

"God, boss, are you human! What day is it today? But you can't rest when you enter the inner door! Pervert, you're too pervert!" the madman yelled and attracted the attention of many people.

Xiang qiankan on one side could not cry or laugh. He looked at Wang Chen. Such crazy cultivation really made them ashamed and surprised.