Chapter 1418

But now, the wanton anti thief Mr. Yin, the most unthinkable thing in his life, happened in front of him. It was really not acting.

A young but steady Saint ape and a hot girl golden ape, unexpectedly, for a young friar with unknown origin, they put down their eternal hatred from fate and joined hands... Against him in front of him.

For the first time in his life, Mr. Yin was filled with joy, excitement, excitement and a touch of happiness when others dealt with him. He was not a masochist, but at this moment he enjoyed being abused by the two little monkeys.

"Cough... Too weak..."

The next moment, Mr. Yin regained consciousness. Although the golden ape Mingyue has broken through the monarch level, the holy ape stone also has great potential, but they have not excavated all the potential in their blood. At this time, even if they work together, they are not his opponent, let alone break his magic magic net.

Together, the two apes only slightly blocked the magic magic net for a moment. The next moment, the magic net crushed the double ape air machine, destroyed the withered and decayed, and continued to crush Luochuan.

Jin Shenghe's way, Qi machine covers the sky, completely blinding Luo Chuan's figure and breath.

Although Mr. Yin can't see Luo Chuan, he also knows that Luo Chuan is dying and is not far from death.


Mr. Yin was shocked. All his thoughts were on the two little monkeys who joined hands. When he lost his state of mind, he also forgot the cause and effect of the two apes joining the Tao.

The two apes joined the way, not for anything else, just to save Luochuan!

The only common intersection between the two little monkeys is also the key to this cause and effect. It is Luo Chuan!

Although Mr. Yin hates Luo Chuan's occupation of the holy ape and is worried that Luo Chuan will eventually be tamed by the holy court, the opportunity to write an eternal legend now lies in the human monk. Only he can make the two apes live in harmony, and only he can create a prosperous era in the innate vein of the ancient legend!

"He can't die... Temporarily..."

Although Mr. Yin doesn't want to admit it, he can't hesitate now.

Quickly, Mr. Yin opened his mouth and vomited a breath at the risk of being swallowed by the divine power. He quickly pinched the seal method in his hand, stretched out his five fingers to expand again and grabbed the magic power law net!

Although he changed his mind and spared Luochuan for the time being, he was still full of worry.

First, he repeatedly set up a bureau to kill Luo Chuan, not to mention Luo Chuan, a proud son of heaven and a rare genius in thousands of years. Even an ordinary monk with a little temper will not give up. He wants to make up, but Luo Chuan may not agree... No, it should be said that he will never agree.

Second, even if Luo Chuan agrees, he can see his character by randomly naming his name. The holy ape and golden ape might as well be against the Tao as falling into the hands of a human scum. Otherwise, once it is controlled by an ambitious man or handed over to the holy court, it will be a fatal blow to the innate pulse.

Although Mr. Yin has many concerns, the temptation brought to him by the combination of two apes is so great that he is willing to take risks for it.

"Luo Chuan, I hope you don't hate me too much and don't be too bad. Otherwise, I won't let the holy ape fall into your hands."

Mr. Yin murmured in a low voice. Under his five fingers, the magic magic law net finally stopped rolling down.

Luo Chuan's breath is covered by the double ape Qi machine. Mr. Yin doesn't know whether Luo Chuan is alive or dead at this time, but he can know as long as he uncovers the magic magic net in a moment.

But just then, Mr. Yin's heart suddenly jumped wildly, and the uneasy and ominous feeling lingered in his mind again.

Mr. Yin's face changed greatly. He thought he would feel uneasy before because of the golden ape bright moon. At present, he reacted quickly and another person made him feel uneasy and ominous.


The deadly Qi machine jumped from behind. It was extremely hidden and impossible to prevent, just like when Mr. Yin appeared behind Luo Chuan.

The life of escaping from the holy court day after day and year after year has enabled Mr. Yin to cultivate the sharpest judgment in the world. Although the opponent appears strange, he is still included in the Tao by Mr. Yin. On weekdays, Mr. Yin can definitely escape the sneak attack of the other party.

But today is unusual.

What he is doing can't allow him to be distracted, let alone turn around to resist, otherwise he will not be able to set off the magic magic net, and Luo Chuan will be killed on the spot.

The sneak attack on others is not only strange, but also amazing. He takes advantage of Mr. Yin's most critical time. No matter what choice Mr. Yin finally makes, he will hesitate for a moment.

When the strong at the same level fight, every moment of hesitation is fatal.

"Hahaha, holy court running dog?"

Mr. Yin gave a loud drink and used his voice to attack the Tao. Circles of light and darkness gushed out of his mouth like water waves, turning into a huge shield to block the sneakers behind him. At the same time, he used his strength to turn the magic magic net.

At the last moment, he chose Luochuan.

It's not that he has no righteousness, but that he is too familiar with the routine of the holy court. As long as the six people don't do it in person, he is not afraid even if the holy protector comes. In the holy court above the nine heavens, except for the six people, the rest are monks from the nine heavens. They are just more talented, more powerful in Taoism, and higher in the level of magic weapons of skill and method. There's nothing to be afraid of.

In the face of the sneak attack of Shengting experts, Mr. Yin is sure to block or avoid his opponent while releasing Luochuan.

"Wrong. It's Ben di."

The figure said faintly.

He walked out of the ice mirror emitting a very cold smell, but he instantly turned into a column of fire, which seemed to scorch heaven and earth. From ice to fire, his voice always maintained stability and a touch of dignity, as if he was a natural master, full of extraordinary confidence and grasp of everything.

Mr. Yin's face suddenly changed, his eyes were full of shock, without thinking, he didn't want to stop immediately, let the magic magic magic net close and roll down according to the original track, no longer care about Luochuan's life and death, turned quickly, and used his magic power to welcome the man.

too bad!

Mr. Yin's mind is not good. He took great risks to put away his magic power. He was careful before that, but he didn't cause blood turbulence. At this time, he stopped in a hurry, and his state of mind was unstable. He was instantly swallowed by the power of the magic power, his blood fluctuated in his body, and he had been secretly injured.

Damn it! This freak!

Mr. Yin scolded in his heart, and his eyes fell on the flying eyebrows on the temples like a sword pointing to the sky in the shadow of the fire. He knew that his injury was in the other party's calculation.

Above the nine heavens, the holy court is great.

But under the nine days, there are also strong people against the sky, born from the confrontation of each era, who have the power to resist the experts of the holy court, and even try to challenge the sages of the six parties.

In the face of ordinary holy court masters, Mr. Yin sometimes even asks big. However, in the face of such amazing freaks and strong people, Mr. Yin is often very cautious. Out of safety, he even chooses to avoid the war.

Such figures have frequently appeared in recent thousands of years, such as Luocha, the mysterious female emperor of the calendar, and Ru Yin's friend, the scholar who stole heaven. What once surprised him most was the Dragon King who was known as the first saint in all ages!

He thought that after the Dragon King, the nine heaven would be stable for a period of time, at least there would be no such monsters as the Dragon King. But unexpectedly, not long after the Jiulong king, another person appeared in the Jiutian world. This person seems to have been brewing for a long time, successfully avoided the limelight of the Jiulong king, and rose rapidly after the fall of the Jiulong king. It has shocked nine days in less than 20 years.

This man once gave Mr. Yin a familiar feeling - the uneasiness, shock and panic he had when facing the Kowloon king.

This man is standing in front of him right now - exactly speaking, he is just offering an ice and fire separation. But even if it was just a separation, under this simple but meticulous and perfect layout, he already had the opportunity to hit him hard!

This man is the Arctic emperor!

One thought, Mr. Yin already understood. He arranged to kill Luo Chuan, but a big net had already quietly fallen over his head - whether Zhao Ruyi or Guo Wushuang, they were side bait to distract him.

In this game of the Arctic emperor, both Luo Chuan and Dao Zu are dispensable. It's not a pity to miss it.

Hiding apes for others is what the Arctic emperor really wants.

Before today, the Arctic emperor had invited him three times. It is the limit for the Arctic emperor and other heroes in troubled times and unique emperors to give a person three opportunities. After three times, it will not be a polite invitation.

"Just understand. After today, you will be my imperial teacher."

The man in the shadow of the fire said faintly and slapped Mr. Yin, who was full of Qi and blood and disordered in mood.

It's an ordinary palm. It's not high or low. In the face of the innate teacher Yin ape, the Arctic Emperor didn't use his boxing, nor did he use his magic skills. I don't know whether he didn't want to hurt Mr. Yin or despised it at all.

But whatever it is, it shows his absolute strong self-confidence.

The spirit of the peerless emperor spread from this palm. Half recruit Buddha Zun, Xi Tian Bohou, King moye, four ancient Buddhas... All the super emperors and top emperors feel a sense of suppressed frustration. This feeling is like LAN Xiaosheng and thunder emperor facing Luochuan. They are the same people on the list, with almost the same ranking, but the first is like a towering mountain, Hard to reach.

"Arctic Emperor..." half Zhao Buddha stared at the fire shadow, ready to move, and his eyes were full of war.

Different from the half summoning Buddha, the West Tianhou, King moye and others soon turned their attention to the magic magic net on the other side, and their faces were ugly.

At the last moment, Mr. Yin gave up and gave up Luochuan. With the fall of the magic net, Luochuan had no breath. After the appearance of the Arctic emperor, almost everyone's eyes were attracted. The life and death of Luochuan, a little monster, immediately became insignificant.

In front of a more powerful existence, anyone is just a dragon suit and supporting role, even if he was once so amazing that he was about to blind everyone's eyes.


At this time, the North Pole split suddenly glanced at the magic magic net behind Mr. Yan Yin, with a faint strangeness in his eyes.


(this volume is coming to an end, and we will arrive at Xingyuan soon. We should be able to make up for it tomorrow)