Chapter 1207

The death of the old patriarch allowed his clan blood to continue, which was in line with the way of life and death.

It was precisely because the old patriarch sacrificed his life that a hundred years later, a talented strong man was born in the tribe. Finally, he killed his mortal enemy and saved the whole tribe.

One drink and one Peck is not only God's will, but also cause and effect.

The perfect integration of life and death morality and causality morality is incisively and vividly displayed in the 100 year history of this tribe.

"The way of fusion of congenital Xuan patterns."

Luo Chuan walked in the long river of time, murmuring, if he realized something.

Referring to the posthumous work of Fenghua, the king of Tianmen, he can fuse four congenital dark patterns at most, but he only learned the skill of fusing congenital dark patterns.

At present, Luo Chuan has more insight into the essence of the way of integration of congenital dark patterns.

Time flies. After becoming a strong immortal, the rising tribal disciple also returns to the dust and earth and falls on the road to the Tao. However, Luochuan's journey of Enlightenment has just begun. Following his heart and walking through the long river of time, Luo Chuan confirmed the primitive way, the way of creation, the way of destruction, and the way of rise and fall one by one.

Each witness is a new story in the long river of time. From the beginning of the way of life and death to the final way of rise and fall, they all took place in the same domain, but lasted for millions of years.

But for Luochuan, the long journey of millions of years was just a flick of the finger, and finally Luochuan came to the era of the extinction of heaven and earth. The rise and fall of the whole ancient times confirmed the rise and fall morality. In this rise and fall morality, the other five are linked and integrated with the rise and fall morality.

And above these six, it is time morality.

Time is endless. Such changes as extinction in ancient times have existed before ancient times and will occur in the future.

"So this is the essence of moral integration... This is time morality."

Under the broken starry sky, Luo Chuan had a strong impulse in his heart. He just wanted to do something to save the creatures who were about to destroy and inherit in the great silence.

In the end, Luo Chuan did nothing. The long river of time can not be changed, just like history can never be tampered with. Maybe it can be changed, but it requires cultivation and Taoism beyond Luo Chuan's imagination.

In this time journey, Luo Chuan not only had a further understanding of the essence of the fusion of congenital Xuan patterns, but also found a way to complete the final writing of Shi Jing.

The sky disappeared, the stars fell, and countless broken voids appeared between heaven and earth.

Luo Chuan sat in the void and began to devour the source of the void.

After the Epiphany, Luo Chuan's understanding of the way of rise and fall also advanced by leaps and bounds. A steady stream of void sources poured into Luo Chuan. Time flies. One day, two days... One month, two months... One year, two years... I don't know how many years later, Luo Chuan finally completed all the cultivation of the heavenly realms of Tianmen. The idea of Tianmen Dao radiated out and can cover less than half of the broken continent.

When the cultivation of Huangting and Lingtai reaches the fourth level of the heavens, you can win the second emperor. Only when you break through the four levels of perfection in the heavens can you prove the emperor!

Although the Tianmen friar does not have the threshold of the fourth level of the heavens, under the heaven, the realm is like a chessboard, and the friar is like an ant. Once settled, even the Tianmen friar can't disobey. After the completion of the heavens, the friar of Tianmen directly broke through the heavens and proved the second emperor! It's just that the power of the second emperor of Tianmen is far more powerful than any second emperor. It can directly compete with the strong emperors of Huangting and Lingtai!

Now, Luo Chuan has stood at the threshold of the second emperor of Tianmen! As long as he understands one side of morality and morality again and depicts the mysterious patterns, he can rush out of the heaven!

Looking at the nine heavenly realms, there are only a handful of secondary emperors. On the one hand, the resources required are too terrible. On the other hand, few Tianmen friars can understand the morality of the seven mysterious patterns.

"The way of time, time passes like this."

Luo Chuan took a deep breath, and his memory went back to the sand in front of the white bone prison in Tiannan region. Under the Tianmen gate and above the Nianhai sea, a brand-new congenital mysterious pattern gradually emerged, but it was very vague and almost difficult to see.

"Attack, defense, seal..."

Luo Chuan chose the way of printing and engraving without weighing.

In the broken void, there are countless origins, and there is no need for Luochuan to hunt. Fortunately, Luo Chuan is the only Tianmen friar who takes the source of emptiness as the source of Xuanshen. The higher his cultivation, the more abundant the source of emptiness he can obtain, which is unmatched by the friar of adventure Tianmen. Because of this, he was very smooth on the road of Tianmen friar. Later, he promoted faster and faster, leaving Huang ting and Lingtai behind.

Time flies, Luo Chuan has no distractions, sitting under the silent star sky, swallowing the source of the void.

Thirty years later, the stars are still falling and the world is broken. Luo Chuan opens his eyes from the long meditation. His breath becomes deep and distant. His robes and sleeves fly and fly. The stars fall from the sky. Often when they are about to hit him, they are wrapped in his time. The long river of time is swept away and melted in the long river.

Under the Tianmen gate and above the Nianhai sea, the seventh congenital mysterious pattern of Luochuan gradually becomes clear.

This congenital dark pattern was not obvious at first, but it soon became bright. When it finally appeared, it was already above the other six congenital dark patterns.

Obviously, the essence of time morality is much higher than the six ways of life and death and cause and effect. At least so far, the black pattern of time has been the strongest congenital black pattern in Luochuan.

However, its strength also requires Luochuan to pay a high price.


A star fragment came down. Luo Chuan waved his backhand and rolled the fragment over. A dark pattern of time was engraved in it. The star fragment stopped falling and grew larger, as if a broken seed had taken root and sprouted and derived from the complete star.

Until the debris grew to a hundred feet in diameter, it finally stopped growing and fell into the river of time.

This depiction alone consumed more than 20% of Luo Chuan's Xuanshen power, which was much more powerful than any previous congenital Xuanwen.

"It can be used to ripen herbs and other animals and improve the level of magic weapons... Unfortunately, it costs a lot."

Luo Chuan smiled faintly. Although he understood the time morality, the time morality was too profound and could not be used. Just as Luo Chuan opened up a long river of time by virtue of time classics, but he can't control it. In time, he still has a long way to go.

"Anyway, it has broken through the second emperor. Even if you don't need time morality and use other Xuanwen morality to deal with the emperor and the strong secretly, it's not necessarily worse."

Luo Chuan thought to himself and took a long breath. At this moment, he was very excited.

All the way to practice, until this moment, he finally had the power to compete with the strongest in heaven and earth by his own cultivation! Although the identity of the Tianmen friar can't be exposed, if the emperor master comes to the door, and the heavenly snake Zhenjun is not there, it's a big deal to lead the other party to a remote and uninhabited place, and then use the congenital dark pattern to kill him. It's clean!

Maybe one day, when he breaks through the emperor of Tianmen, he will have the capital to officially reveal his identity as a three way fellow practitioner. Maybe that day is also the time when he officially faces the six beings who control the way of heaven.

Before that, he had many opponents and many things to complete.

"Tiandu jade family... FA Tiandao Jun... Whether you want to play bright or dark, I Luochuan will follow."

Luo Chuan's eyes were shining, he got up, flew into the long river of time, followed the long river of time, and finally found the time node where Canghai Academy was located.

Wow... Wow

Over time, he brought Luo Chuan back to his time.

Luo Chuan didn't know that he had just stepped out of the long river of time, and the mysterious air of Tianmen was fleeting. In an ordinary town in a mortal country somewhere in the Ninth Heaven, an old man drinking tea in the back hall suddenly opened his eyes and flashed a touch of brilliance in his eyes.

If Luo Chuan were here, he would be surprised to find that the old man did not have a trace of cultivation and practice, and his body was very weak, but there were seven strange lines in the divine flower blooming in his eyes.

Each of these seven lines is perfect and traceless, profound and mysterious, and implies the upper road.

"Tianmen sub emperor? Another Tianmen sub emperor was born?"

The old man's hand trembled, and in the twinkling of an eye he returned to calm. He put down the tea lamp steadily, and a faint joy floated on his face.

Standing up, the old man walked out of the back hall trembling with his crutch. In the cold courtyard, there was only one servant sweeping the fallen leaves under the tree. When he saw the old man, he put down his broom and bowed to the old man.

"Go, follow me to the Mo building. Something big has happened." the old man said.

"Big event? If teachers can call it big event, it must be a real big event." the servant smiled, his eyes twinkled with light, and there were four congenital dark patterns hidden in the light!

They walked out of the Yuanwai mansion one after another. On the way, mortals greeted the old man from time to time. The old man didn't put on airs and nodded slightly.

Soon, they came to an ordinary restaurant in the west of the town.

"You're here, too, member Zhang."

A sweaty man came over and greeted the old man.

"Zhu Tu, you feel it too?" the old man glanced at the strong man and asked faintly.

"Yes, after many years, another emperor was born. I don't know where the Tianmen friar is. However, no matter which genius it is, it has been recorded for a long time. Finally, another strong man will be added to the organization." the strong man's character and his appearance are generally rough, and he doesn't shy away.

Ordinary people come and go. Naturally, they don't understand what they are talking about.

The servant behind the old man subconsciously looked at the pig killing knife held by the strong man. Every time he saw the pig killing knife, he couldn't help looking more. The teacher once said that butcher Zhu's pig killing knife integrated three congenital black patterns, which can be ranked in the front even in the organization.

Zhang Yuanwai and Zhu Tu said nothing more. After they entered the restaurant, several people rushed to the restaurant one after another. These people are dressed like ordinary people, including fish sellers, pawnbrokers and teachers.

From the perspective of their industry, there should be no intersection, and there is nothing special about their temperament, just like one of the mortal beings in this mortal country.