Chapter 560

The boundless mountains and seas in the center of Zishui, the glaciers at the end of the mountains and seas, and the red sun over the glaciers... The third boundary layer of Qingchuan, the deeper it goes, the more it is rare and clear, and it just feels like entering a blessed land.

Except that his mana was imprisoned, Luo Chuan didn't feel any uncomfortable. He rode on a white bone Magic pig, hugged Xiaoqing he pasted, and flew between the mountains at the end of the purple sea.

"Xiao Yun, there is an ancient palace there?"

Luo Chuan turned to look at Ziyun.

"Yes... But..." Ziyun hesitated. As soon as he wanted to approach Luochuan, Xiaoqing stared at him with a meaningful look.

Luo Chuan was worried and secretly regretted.

When he first met Ziyun, Luo Chuan was anxious to avenge Ziyun, but he ignored the most important thing, which has always been the top priority - absorbing vitality and blood, neutralizing death and blood! Since he and Ziyun were captured by the White Bone Demon pig, he couldn't find a chance to get close to Ziyun.

If you can't get close to Ziyun, you can't get vitality and blood, and you can't recover your flesh... It's clear that you are close, but you can't get it. This feeling makes Luo Chuan very disappointed.

"But what, but! Two big men have to be tangled all day? What do you want to say directly in front of us!" Xiaoqing crossed her small waist with both hands and was fierce to Ziyun.

Ziyun's body shrunk and his long snow-white hair fell. The young man's face with a bright outline was full of embarrassment and panic.

"It's all right, Xiao Yun. Just say what you want to say. Xiaoqing and pig are not outsiders." Luo Chuan said.

There was a flash of surprise in Xiaoqing's eyes.

The white bone devil pig chuckled and didn't speak.

Ziyun looks strange. He and Luo Chuan have clearly become prisoners. He has also seen the power and horror of the pig monster under him. However, Luo Chuan behaves like a harmless person without any panic and anxiety. He talks and laughs freely, looks calm, and occasionally jokes with the pig monster under him... Wait, does Luo Chuan fall into some kind of magic and become crazy?

Ziyun couldn't help reaching out to Luochuan, gently shook it twice and hesitated, "Luochuan, you forgot, but they caught us."

"So what. Ziyun, you don't need to care about them. Because the more you care about them, the more they will become in your heart. What you really need to care about is your own heart. Your heart is strong enough that you won't be timid no matter what happens or who you meet." Luo Chuan smiled at Ziyun.

Ziyun seemed to understand, silently lowered his head and clenched his fist.

"Luo Chuan, are you reshaping the heart of the strong for him?" the white bone Magic pig asked suddenly.

Before Luo Chuan answered, the White Bone Demon pig smiled and said, "Luo Chuan, you really think too much. Up to now, no matter what you do, you can't turn over. There are only ten miles from the place of origin. In these ten miles, what can you do to make him have the heart of a strong man?"

"Yes, ten thousand steps back, even if he has the heart of a strong man, he will not be the opponent of emperor and me. Luo Chuan, no matter what you do, you will be useless. You might as well accept your life." Xiaoqing smiled aside.

While talking, three people and a pig have flown to the end of the glacier, less than ten miles away from the red sun rising from the sky.

Seeing the red sun, Ziyun's body trembled slightly, and her eyes showed panic, as if she had experienced an extremely painful experience there.

Noticing the abnormality of Ziyun, Luo Chuan squinted forward.

Now he has temporarily lost the Dharma of Tianmen, his flesh collapsed, he can't open his eyebrows and eyes, and can only look at them with the naked eye.

The red sun at the end of the glacier is dense and twisted, circling and rising.

Through the glow of the red sun, you can vaguely see an ancient bronze palace hidden in the halo of the red sun, swaying vaguely, just like a silhouette that does not exist in this world.

In the silhouette, from time to time, we can see broken haze and clouds, as well as blurred water lines.

Somehow, as he got closer and closer to the Taoist palace, Luo Chuan's heart beat faster. He only felt that a cavity of hot blood rushed out of his heart and turned into a torrent, rushing to every corner of his body, as if to disperse his body!

His physical body was already in danger and was about to collapse. At present, it accelerated his physical collapse again.

Yu Guangzhong, Luo Chuan saw that the White Bone Demon pig, Ziyun and Xiaoqing also looked like they were under heavy pressure, but soon, they forcibly suppressed the strange blood with their own skills.

Luo Chuan hung his head, clenched his fist in the long wind, and silently endured the impact of blood.

"Luo Chuan, the blood in your body is driven by the Tao palace in the distance. Anyone who approaches the Tao palace will encounter the robbery of blood."

Luo Chuan's ear heard the low smile of the white bone devil pig: "this hot blood can't be suppressed with the help of others, but can only be suppressed with his own ability. The closer to the Taoist palace, the greater the power of the hot blood robbery and the greater the harm will be. Luo Chuan, don't blame the emperor for not helping you. It's not that the emperor doesn't want to help you, but can't help you."

"Luo Chuan, do you know why the emperor never killed you?"

"The emperor is giving you hope! Let you always see hope and think that the emperor will not kill you. You will regard the mysterious road palace not far from the opposite as your last and greatest hope."

"Don't ask me how I know. Hehe, your mind has never deceived me from beginning to end."

"Just when you are about to see hope, you suddenly find that the original hope is so far away from you... Before you really see hope, your physical body can't support it."

"The only thing you can see is your own destruction!"

The laughter of the white bone devil pig changed from low to high, and finally became higher and higher, full of confidence and arrogance.

Will it not hate Luochuan?

He was the white bone emperor, the famous No. 1 figure in the nine heaven world. He was reduced to this remote area. He was calculated by the Dragon King, lost his divine wisdom memory, and became a white bone Dharma frame.

After all, the person who set up the bureau to harm him is Jiulong Jun! The first person in the world of nine days! It is a rare and rare existence in this heaven and earth that can compete with sages!

Defeated in the hands of the Dragon King, he was also recognized by the white bone emperor.

Who is Luo Chuan?

A little monk in the small domain, looking at the nine heaven, nameless and nameless, who knows who he is!

It was such a small man who lured him into the pig and took him in and became his pet... The great emperor turned out to be the pet of an ordinary friar like an ant. How could he give up easily.

The lowest level of killing is to kill yourself.

The white bone emperor had long been separated from this level. He preferred to kill his opponent without doing it himself, and let his opponent see hope first, but finally fell from hope into despair and collapsed in despair.

This way of killing is the favorite of the white bone emperor.

"Luo Chuan, the emperor has to admit that even if you are out of the Tiannan region, you are one of the best talents. If you were not born in the backward domain of the Tiannan region, any of the top ten domains, or Tianchen Island, you would have been famous all over the world."

"Unfortunately, you don't have this life after all."

"Luo Chuan, for thousands of years, there are only three people in the nine heaven world who have survived under the calculation of the Emperor... But not you."

In the laughter of the white bone devil pig, Luo Chuan didn't say anything yet. Ziyun was already anxious!

"Luochuan!" Ziyun rushed to Luochuan and grabbed the tottering Luochuan.

The little green fairy wanted to stop Ziyun, and her hand had been stretched out, but she suddenly thought of something. At the last moment, she hesitated to take back her hand and let Ziyun go.


Ziyun hugged Luo Chuan and looked anxious and nervous.

Luo Chuan was under the impact of blood. His body, which had already collapsed, looked like a city wall about to collapse. It was hit by fierce torrents, and holes gradually appeared. These holes are not flesh and blood holes, but more like turbines formed by the downward depression of the skin.

Although Luochuan's physical body had been collapsing before, there was no abnormality because the physical strength was not completely exhausted.

It's different now.

Luo Chuan's physical strength was exhausted under the impact of hot blood. The physical body began to collapse from the inside, and empty areas were formed between skin and bone. In these empty areas, Qi, blood essence, mana and vitality are gone, and the skin and flesh are free in the bones, just like an empty big cake, shaky and may collapse at any time.

It is also because Luo Chuan's flesh body is too strong, far beyond his realm level. It is like a castle in the air and an earth city on the sea. Once there is a problem of physical cultivation, it will directly lead to the collapse of the flesh body, and it is impossible to return to the previous level.

Luo Chuan's way of practice is to seek wealth and danger from the beginning. If it is successful, it will get twice the result with half the effort and leave the people far behind. If it fails, it will be complete destruction and destruction.

Up to now, Luo Chuan's state of mind has been cultivated to a state of being neither flattered nor disgraced. Regardless of success or failure, he can honestly accept it.

It was his state of mind that turned into a transcendent artistic conception, supported Luochuan's body, and maintained the stability of the last moment at the moment of collapse until the arrival of Ziyun.

Above the glacier, under the dense clouds, on the back of the lightning galloping white bone pig, there was a white robed friar whose marketing bone was about to be destroyed. He opened his eyes very hard, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

His arms were bound by magic tools and could not move. He could barely move except the third finger of his right hand.

At the moment Ziyun rushed up, Luo Chuan drew the third finger of his right hand obliquely and took the palm of Ziyun's left hand.

The last chance to recover the flesh is here! As long as you cut your palm... In a critical moment, Luo Chuan's fingers almost touched Ziyun's palm, but he didn't touch it.

Deep regret rose from Luochuan's heart.

He knew that he had missed the last chance, perhaps his last life.

At this time, Ziyun suddenly stretched out his hand, crossed the distance and firmly held Luo Chuan's right hand.