Chapter 462

In front of the stone gate of the mountain peak, dozens of supervisory friars with accomplishments ranging from Guixu territory to daolun territory were stunned.

Although they were checking the monks and looking for suspicious people, when the target they were looking for, the leader of the group of fugitives, appeared in front of them, the supervising monks were temporarily absent-minded.

The white eldest brother recovered his one foot three foot male martial figure, his curly brown long hair hung on the ground, the looming corners of his mouth tilted slightly, and he didn't know when he had an extra blue Trident in his hand.

Compared with the white boss, Luo Chuan is much lower key. He wears a blue and gray cloth robe, has long hair hanging down his waist, drags a white bone sword in his left hand and a purple gourd in his right hand. His whole body is shrouded in a circle of strange gas waves of half black and half purple, which makes it difficult to explore the truth and very mysterious.

The supervising friar finally reacted and led a small leader of the fourth level of Zhendao to drink with all his strength: "the second criminal Luo Bai is here! Ask for help..."

Before he finished shouting, he was crushed by the White Dragon Emperor with a halberd thunder method.


The whole seven story ancient Tianta, 999 miles away, suddenly fell into chaos and madness!

Even without the call of the little leader, some regulatory friars had found the abnormality here and rushed early.

Countless eyes, from ten thousand prisoners to the ancient Tianta