Titanic salvage personnel explained to Ruth the sinking process of the cruise ship. The cause, process and result were explained in great detail. At the same time, video was provided to prove it.

This can be regarded as telling the audience through the pictures how the great ship sank.

Ruth looked at the wreckage of the Titanic with sad eyes and tears, and her mind began to flash back those dusty memories.

"It's been 84 years, and I can still smell the smell of paint. The porcelain on the ship is new, and the sheets have never been used. The Titanic is called the ship of dreams, which is worthy of the name..."

With the old man's words, we followed her memory back to the original era.

The moment Ruth got out of the car, her exquisite clothes and beautiful appearance surprised the audience.

Although, as early as in the original stills, many people have been amazed by Tao Yaoyao's appearance, but when they watch in the cinema, they are still inevitably beautiful again!

The audience saw that Ruth was full of noble spirit. Her walking posture and speaking manners were very good, which made her more noble.

Around them, they get off the bus, they are all civilians in shabby clothes, and the social background is depicted.

On the one hand, it's very noble, with cars carrying people and luggage, on the other hand, it's only on foot and carrying heavy luggage

It's like people from two worlds, the class formed in this social background and it's briefly depicted by Chen mubai through a picture. Some audiences see it and some don't pay attention to it.

Film critics were acutely aware of this, and they took notes.

After all, the biggest expectation of this film is to impact the Berlin Film Festival, so the meaning of metaphor in every shot is very important.

For film critics, the film will have many elements to analyze, they are absorbed in watching the film, while watching the plot, at the same time to analyze the meaning that Chen mubai wants to express.

As for this film, many critics have bought tickets for the next film and are ready for the second and third brush.

They are afraid that there will be omissions in the analysis after one reading, and they want to avoid omissions as much as possible.

The female owner Ruth and the male owner Jack have already appeared. Jack's clothes are very different from Ruth's.

One is noble and the other is ordinary.

Two people on the ship's situation is not the same, is still two extremes.

One is the unique ticket of aristocracy, or the first class.

The other is to win the ticket by gambling and live in the lowest class. The difference in identity and status is obvious.

Under normal circumstances, these two people should never have intersection, not the same level of people, but the fate is very magical, let two people have the chance to meet.

Although jack is poor, but he is very optimistic and cheerful, his look is very good, there is no inferiority shadow, can see his natural and unrestrained temperament.

Especially after boarding the boat, he waved goodbye to the people under the boat and yelled.

"Who do you say hello to?" The friend asked curiously.

Jack replied with a smile, "I'm just pretending..."

"Goodbye, I'll miss you..."

They parted happily with laughter.

Jack's behavior made the audience laugh.

"The role of Chen mubai is a little interesting ~"

"It's funny."

"We should still share the joy. Shouting is really a way to express our emotions."

After the two boarded the boat, the story officially began, and the audience was looking forward to it.

When the Titanic was sailing, the camera gave a wide space inside the ship and a picture of the machine working.

Although it was only a flash, but we saw the scene and sighed.

"The working principle of this machine has been meticulously photographed. No wonder we spent so much money to build a ship!"

"It's really a luxury ship. I understand the price of this ship."

After getting on the boat, there is a huge gap between Jack's place and Ruth's place, just like a gap!

Nobles enjoy the best treatment and everything in life everywhere.

Although the two protagonists have not yet intersected, through a short period of camera show, the audience has seen the great disparity between the two people's status, they are like people living in two worlds, each other's lives are unknown and touched.

Jack and his friend stand at the bow of the boat and look at the calm sea. They are in a very good mood. It seems that this beautiful scenery symbolizes their lives in the future. Everything is full of hope and light.

"I am the king of the world!"

Jack roared in front of the sea, and they made a gesture of embracing the future, which once again reflected his natural and unrestrained character.

The picture turns to Ruth, who is enjoying a wonderful lunch with the nobles. Everyone talks loudly, showing great self-cultivation.

Ruth's smoking was stopped by her mother, and her fiance Carl took her cigarette and put it out.

The audience didn't notice anything, but the critics remembered the details.

"Ruth doesn't like the life of being disciplined. She is tired of her mother's strict discipline and yearns for a free life."

"Carl is her fiance. He took her cigarettes and ordered her food without permission. All of these have not referred to her opinions. It shows that Carl has a strong desire to control. In addition to his previous attitude, he is arrogant and full of desire to control..."

Only two shots of the content, the emergence of a few main characters, film critics have written their character characteristics, as well as the situation they face.

"First class dogs come here to poop."

A second class man smoked a cigarette and saw a group of people leading the dog to their deck, and he make complaints about it.

"So we know we're not as good as shit." Jack laughed at himself.

"Don't forget who you are." Young people make complaints about humour.

The film critic wrote again: "Jack can draw and earn a living by painting. This is a skill, corresponding to the portrait from the wreck at the beginning."

Here, Jack and Ruth meet for the first time. Ruth doesn't see Jack, but Jack is deeply attracted by Ruth's beauty.

"It seems that I foresee that I will spend the rest of my life like this, attending all kinds of celebrity gatherings and dances, being in the hypocritical crowd, talking blandly, as if falling into the abyss..."

Ruth's inner monologue once again verified her character as we thought before. She didn't like the life of aristocracy which was bound. What she longed for more was freedom!

Next, Ruth escapes the dinner party and runs all the way to the stern of the boat and over the railings.

Jack appears to stop Ruth from jumping from the boat. This is their first formal meeting and a brief conversation.

Rose was deeply impressed by Jack's humor.

He saved Ruth, but was misunderstood, Ruth explained the reason, she told everyone Jack saved her life.

In the plot here, Carl once again shows his arrogance and contempt for people, but he is rejected by Ruth.

At the same time leads to the next plot, he decided to invite Jack to dinner with them, in order to humiliate jack, after all, their life and Jack's life can be described as "very different"!

Carl wants Jack to show his ugly face and look at his inferiority complex.

The short communication between Jack and Ruth gives Ruth a different feeling. They communicate again and have a deeper understanding of each other.

Jack is a "wandering artist". When he gets on the boat, he shows Ruth's love for paintings, which can be regarded as a further preparation for their future development.

Then, you see the scene of Jack teaching Ruth to spit.

What's more, it was said in great detail, which led to the audience's unconscious swallowing and clearing their throat

Ruth learned this "rude" behavior, which is absolutely impossible among noble ladies. Ruth's mother saw this scene again, which is the most despised "underprivileged" behavior.

"Boy, do you know where you are now?" Several aristocratic women, such as Lu Shi, are talking to Jack.

"I'm not sure." Jack giggled.

"It will be the tiger's den waiting for you." The woman looked at Jack and said, "what are you going to wear?"

"I knew it. Follow me..."

The woman prepared a suit of aristocratic clothing for Jack to go to the dinner party.

This is also a great help for him, so that he would not be too embarrassed to wear his own clothes to the dinner party, and would be ridiculed and despised by others.

It can be seen from this that this woman is very kind-hearted, different from Lu Shi and others.

Maybe that's why Lushi and others dislike her. After all, in the eyes of Lushi and others, Jack is a mouse. He is despised and ignored by them. Nobles should have noble appearance and upbringing. They should maintain a noble image instead of being approachable.

This is the problem of class. What Lu Shi represents is the thought of the vast majority of nobles at that time.

The scene of Jack wearing a suit at the dinner party surprised the audience.

"How handsome

"I'm so cool

"Chen mubai is so handsome ~"

"People depend on their clothes and horses depend on their saddles. It's totally new..."

Tao Qingchao saw Chen mubai's appearance after wearing this suit. Looking at Chen mubai beside him, he praised: "very handsome."

"Hey, hey ~"

Before Chen mubai spoke, Tao Yaoyao laughed happily.

Carl and Lucy come down the stairs to meet Jack. Instead of talking to Jack, Ruth takes Jack to talk to them.

Jack's appearance also surprised Carl and Ruth, which shows that they just didn't see that the person standing in front of them was Jack.

It not only shows that in the eyes of aristocrats like them, it is common to recognize people from their clothes and temperament, which represents the class.

After all, the poor can't afford food, so how can they have expensive and exquisite clothes?

It also proves another point of view, that is, they never pay attention to people like "Jack". Even if he saves his fiancee (daughter), he will still ignore him.

Metaphorically satirized these aristocrats, hypocrisy, arrogance, pride, these pronouns are all labels on them.

At the dinner party, Jack was not timid at all, and he didn't show an embarrassed attitude because of the run by Carl and others. He always behaved appropriately and didn't feel inferior.

He talks with confidence and humor. He talks about his life experience and many things. He is optimistic and yearns for a free life.

What Jack showed deeply shocked Ruth. This is the life she expected, the freedom she yearned for, the life she wanted to have!

Karl and others still maintain a sense of superiority, Jack's words look very good, but in fact for them is still a ridiculous situation.

Jack takes Ruth to the lower class and takes her to a different party.

The people here are amiable. They all laugh together and don't care if their voice is too loud. There is no restriction of etiquette.

Contrary to the gathering of nobles, people enjoy the pleasure of life, instead of flattering and polite like nobles all day long.

Everyone seems to be wearing a mask.

Here, Ruth saw people's real faces, and their joys and sorrows were all on her face. She didn't have the attitude of looking down on people from above. This kind of life was a life she yearned for but never had!

For Ruth, the noble life is like the shackles of human nature, while Jack and others' life is not shackled human nature.

Because she is too close to Jack, Ruth has a big fight with her fiance.

Ruth's mother came to dissuade Lu Shi, here to show you the situation they face, this ticket is a great effort to get!

"Your father didn't leave us anything except debt and title. Title is our only dependence..."

At the same time, she tells Ruth her definition of women's happy life, which is the absolute guarantee of material.

Women don't have to worry and work hard for their livelihood. This is a happy life.

Therefore, she chose Carl, hoping that her daughter could marry her, which would solve all the problems, and her noble life could continue.

Otherwise, they will go bankrupt, and she will become the "lower class" she looks down on most. This is something she can't accept. She shows superiority in front of Jack, maintains a superior and superior attitude, and never hopes to be reduced to that point!

Lushi is not completely selfish and hypocritical. She has a lot of experience. She gives Ruth advice based on her past experience, so she hopes Ruth can do it according to her own ideas.

This represents the thinking of some parents, who have experienced too much, will be more realistic, not like Ruth, who has a fanciful idea, adapt to life.

This kind of thought can't be right or wrong. It can only give children a lot of pressure and think that their life is manipulated by their parents, just like a broken line puppet. But the original intention is to hope that their children can live a better life.

At this time, Lushi plays the emotional card in order to make Ruth listen to her words, which means that she is a bit morally kidnapped.

Ruth really wavered. She didn't know what to do. She began to escape her feelings for Jack and his hot feelings for her.

When she saw a girl who had been taught by her mother since childhood, she thought of her own life, even the next few decades

Ruth finds Jack again, and they stand at the stern of the boat, using the actions of Jack and his friends when he first got on the boat.

Ruth's hands spread out like wings, and she stood on the railing without any obstruction!

Jack stood behind her, hands on her waist, to give her safe support.

This action shows Ruth's absolute trust in Jack, otherwise it's impossible to open her hands unprepared, which will make people very insecure!

"Jack, I'm flying!" Ruth was very surprised.

At this time, the boundless blue sea, waves, the sunset red the horizon, but also the sky into a beautiful background, picturesque.

The orange sun shone on both of them and dyed their faces orange.

There are only two of them here. This is the place where they get along with each other alone. There is no one to disturb, no trouble, only sincere love for each other!

The music, the faint sound of music and the beautiful scene made all the audience indulge in this scene.

Especially the girl is full of eyes blurred to look at this scene, too romantic!

The clear and beautiful music rings out faintly. The two lovers embrace each other and kiss each other in a romantic gesture.

This is their first kiss scene.

Everything seemed so natural and natural.

The audience witnessed their love.

"It's beautiful!"

"Wow, I feel this scene can be painted as a picture ~"

"It's a good feeling part. After a hard choice, Ruth finally chooses to be with Jack. Their relationship is as beautiful as the scenery."

"I think it's probably the best love I've ever seen, not one of them!"

"Now I finally believe that it's a love movie. It's beautiful and beautiful..."

The audience were moved by their love, and the beautiful scene lingered in their minds.

"Eh ~"

Qin Qiu is also a woman, she looked at this scene is also very envious.

This is the romance that any woman looks forward to!

Even unexpected romantic way!

"Sister Qin ~"

Tao Yaoyao is ridiculed by Qin Qiu for her shyness, especially when Tao Qingchao looks at her eyes, which makes her eyes hide everywhere.

In front of the elders, when they see her kissing, they are still shy.

"It's romantic!" Tao Qingchao has to admit that Chen mubai's idea is very amazing.

Their actions on the boat, together with the beautiful scenery in the painting, deeply impressed everyone's heart and left a mark.

"I believe that after today, this picture will be remembered by all lovers, and someone will imitate it." Tao Qingchao sighed.

"Yes, I think there will soon be people imitating this action to shoot works on micro vision, and the music will also use your soundtrack." Qin Qiu nodded with a smile.

There is no doubt that it is inevitable.

Look at the reaction of the audience, you can see how destructive this picture is. Even the elite women like Qin Qiu are amazed, not to mention the young people?

The more knowledgeable you are, the more difficult it is to be touched by something. This is a matter of vision.

For example, little girls may like luxury goods very much and want to pursue them because they don't have them, while white-collar women don't. If they see too many of them, there will be no surprise.

This is the problem of insight and the reason why our vision is limited.

It's the first time for anything to appear. It's amazing. It's the same about romance.

Maybe some ordinary romantic behavior will make people feel happy, but it will never make people have such a big sense of surprise.

In Titanic, the romantic atmosphere created by Chen mubai has never been seen before. The beautiful scenes, the actions never appeared, and the hugging and kissing from the back of his fingers

"The music is very nice. It sounds very comfortable and has a lingering sound." Tao Qingchao likes this kind of light music.

The older he gets, the less he likes rock music. He will find it noisy. On the contrary, this kind of light music sounds more comfortable, and his ears won't explode.

"I think so, too." Tao Yaoyao nodded in agreement.

Before everyone was joking about her kissing, she was really a bit embarrassed, just like Tao Qingchao caught the scene of her kissing Chen mubai

Now that the topic has been shifted, she naturally wants everyone to be distracted.

"I have a hunch that this scene and music may become a classic." Qin Qiu nodded.

"The classic of love drama may also be the classic of film history!"

Chen mubai smiles noncommittally, and Tao Qingchao and Tao Yaoyao believe that, after all, they also want this situation.

Compared with Qin Qiu's guess, film critics are crazy at this moment.

Their job is to deal with movies. When this scene appears, they already know what kind of shock this scene will bring!

It will definitely become the most classic shot in the history of film!

No matter from the environment or atmosphere, mood and so on, all the foreshadowing reached the peak at this time, so when this scene appeared, everyone felt that it was reasonable.

Two different world people, because of the meeting on a ship, two people opened a love across all!

Next, it's the time for Jack to paint a portrait of Ruth.

This painting is also a self portrait of Ruth from the wreck at the beginning of the movie. This is her painting with "heart of the sea"!

The lens focuses on Ruth's eyes, getting closer and closer

Until her eyes changed, the skin around her wrinkled, and then she went back to the modern old Ruth.


"This look has a good feeling ~"


"Through the eyes of time and space, after 82 years, Ruth still remembers the scene at that time, great love!"

"Well, I know that the ending of their love is not good. I hope the movie will end at this moment. How nice it is to give me a wonderful fantasy..."

Then came the moment when the Titanic hit an iceberg.

Carl is very dissatisfied with the things between Jack and Ruth, but the noble's self-restraint and etiquette make him hold back his anger and not lose his demeanor. He chooses to frame Jack and let him leave a stain in Ruth's heart, thus destroying their feelings.

For Karl, the noble status of the Ruth family is the title he urgently needs!

So, even though he knows the fact that Ruth is empathetic, he still wants to marry each other. For him, love is not important, what matters is interest and status!

From here, we can see Carl's hypocrisy and arrogance. What he is angry about is not Ruth's cheating, but that he lost to Jack, a "bottom man" he despises!

Titanic is about to sink, and the lifeboat on the ship can only save half of the people, which means that the other half of the people are sacrificed.

In order to protect the lives of the nobles, the crew even locked the iron door of the lower class cabin, not let them come up, but let the nobles get on the ship first!

Once again satirized the sick society at that time, why everyone yearned to become a noble, everyone climbing power and wealth?

Because the aristocracy has privileges, their interests are the highest, which is caused by the society, which is determined by the political background at that time!

At the critical moment of life and death, the aristocratic class represented by Lushi and Karl is still full of superiority. They still don't take the sinking ship seriously. In their view, even if there is a problem, their lives will still be the primary existence to be protected.

Indifferent to civilian life and the ubiquitous superiority and arrogance, Ruth did not choose to ride on the lifeboat with her mother, but chose to find Jack.