"Good looking!"

"Wonderful, this movie not only has a good plot, but also the suspense at the bottom. I really want to see the second one!"

"I also want to see this zombie movie. It's different from the slow style of walking dead, and it doesn't explore human nature. What it pays attention to is a random killing and a violent aesthetics!"

"I never dreamed that Tao Yaoyao could create such a sexy female agent with high skill, which really surprised me!"

"Yaoyao was a beautiful girl when she was a child, lovely ~"

"Yes, the special effects of the red queen can fully see her appearance. It's really lovely."

After the end of the film, the audience is still whispering the discussion, like a tidal wave of praise.

"It's over."

Tao Yaoyao's mood at the moment is no longer nervous. After watching the film herself, she also feels a little amazing. She didn't expect that such a contrasting role was played by her.

Well, when she watched it, she thought it was very good. When she was shooting, she didn't think it was so good. Sure enough, compared with the live shooting, the edited content was still very different.

At least when watching, the plot is coherent, and so is the expression and action. Unlike when shooting, the effect of watching is much worse.

"Do you mind now?" Chen mubai said with a smile.

The startling voice of the audience has proved the quality of the film. Tao Yaoyao has been worried that he can't do it. Now the answer is out.

Not to mention how excellent, but absolutely not bad, as the leading role of the first work, this achievement and quality is absolutely qualified.

Later, Tao Yaoyao and Chen mubai came to the stage to exchange their experience with the audience. Tao Yaoyao was praised a lot. After all, he was the first protagonist of the play and made a great breakthrough.

The general director likes this kind of actor, who dares to challenge himself.

Many actors stay in the comfort zone and dare not come out. First, they are afraid of the failure of transformation, which will have an impact on their popularity. Second, they are more stable, with stable performance and fixed fans and audience.

Many female stars have been playing the role of silly white sweet. It's not that she likes it, but that the outside world defines her as such. When she plays such a role, the audience will pay for it and think it's very suitable for the role.

If she was asked to challenge other roles, she would not dare, because the risk was too great.

Once it fails, the audience's query will come one after another, and it will become very passive in front of the capital. If the later roles fail again, the popularity and coffee position will have an impact. Comparatively speaking, stability is the pursuit of most stars.

After all, how many stars don't want to be popular all the time?

It's not that people without self-confidence face all kinds of challenges, difficult roles, transformation, and then there is no voice.

Sometimes, choice is more important than effort.

Tao Yaoyao is not a poor person, and she doesn't care whether she is red or not. She just wants to do what she likes.

After she was with Chen mubai, she wanted to make some contribution to his career, so her first consideration when she took over the role was not the issue of interests, but whether she was willing to challenge. Chen mubai wrote this script for her, and she would naturally challenge it. Besides, this role was also the type she wanted to challenge.

All along, Tao Yaoyao gives people the feeling of being quiet and gentle, and sometimes she wants to become another person.

Of course, it's not practical in the real world, so it's natural to make a breakthrough in the works, so the sexy, beautiful, but cold and fierce character of Ellie is very in line with Tao Yaoyao's expectation.

In her works with Chen mubai, the heroine's character is not unchangeable. She is gentle and quiet, but also has a strong heart. All these are changes.

However, the change of these roles is not so big. It can be said that the character of Ai Li and Tao Yaoyao is totally different.

Therefore, Ai Li, who is played by Tao Yaoyao, will make the audience refreshing and aware of the huge surprise.

It's because Tao Yaoyao has broken her inherent impression in everyone's heart, which is a very bonus option!


After the premiere ceremony, online comments on the film soon came out, and netizens expressed their love and surprise for the film.

"I thought the end was the end, but it was the beginning..."

"I didn't expect that" biochemical crisis "is not only a zombie film, but also a monster element. No wonder it's a sci-fi work. When the licker came out at last, it made my back cool. This kind of monster is too powerful!"

"Yes, you can't be hurt when you fight with it, otherwise you will be infected and become a zombie. It's a huge monster with quick action ability, and it's really hard to resist. In the end, if you don't rely on the defense of the train, you can kill it. I'm afraid the whole team will perish."

"The steel of the train has been pierced by it, which shows that its power is also very strong. If it is on the flat ground, I'm afraid Ellie and they can't kill it."

In the story, the licker is burned by the high-speed friction of the train track. If it is changed to flat ground, there is really no good corresponding means.

"After watching the first movie in the series of biochemical crisis, I knew that this movie would be the one I have been chasing. I am looking forward to the wonderful performance of Tao Yaoyao in the future. I have to say that Tao Yaoyao's appearance really surprised me!"

"The role of Ellie is really charming. It's beautiful, sexy and wild. I love this role so much. I think it's the best role played by Tao Yaoyao!"

"+ 1, I think so."

Netizens praised Tao Yaoyao's acting skills, and everyone was pleasantly surprised, as did many film critics.

The interpretation and rating of the film has also come out.

Bean sprout website, "biochemical crisis" score as high as 8.9 points!

Finally, the animation effect made by licker surprised the audience, and many people were discussing this special effect.

Licker is a monster made by full special effects. It can't be seen in the movie that it is made by special effects. It is integrated with the surrounding environment, just like a real monster.

Usually, this kind of special effect is put in the movie, we all think it is the special effect of European and American blockbusters.

But this time, we all know that special effects come from Chinese movies, so this is also a hot topic among Chinese netizens.

China's special effects have finally risen!

It's no longer the Wumao special effects. Someone has finally produced the high-quality special effects. This is a great progress for the audience and the industry.

Because of the special effects in biochemical crisis, we are looking forward to the special effects of iron man.

After all, we all see the special effects of lickers. We don't know what amazing effects the special effects will have if we invest a billion yuan in this work!

The public is more and more looking forward to the special effects guarantee of a work. How can iron man be no worse!

What's more, the film is still made by Chen mubai with a huge amount of investment. How to look at it, it will be a blockbuster!

The box office of the first day of the film is as high as 160 million. According to this reputation and popularity, the box office is expected to exceed 2 billion!

After all, whether it's released in the summer or sweeping the schedule as a blockbuster, both the quality and reputation are the strongest in the same period, and the subsequent box office will not plunge, so it will be very stable.

Tao Yaoyao did not stop the pace of publicity, all kinds of programs, interviews, continue to promote the film.

"What's the expectation of the box office?"

A program, the host asked to Tao Yaoyao.

Tao Yaoyao said with a smile: "in fact, before the release of this film, I had no bottom in my heart. I didn't have confidence. It was Chen mubai who encouraged me all the time. That's why I have the present performance. At the box office of the film, Chen mubai's expectation of me is one billion, but I didn't expect that now my reputation is booming and I'm going for two billion. I'm very lucky."


Host speechless, which is also called good luck?

This is clearly sweeping the momentum of all the films. I'm afraid two billion won't stop it!

"How can you think of challenging this role? The contrast is too big." The host asked.

"I think making a movie is to experience different stories of different characters. I always want to challenge the role similar to that of an agent. When there is such an opportunity, I will challenge it."

Tao Yaoyao began to recollect: "in fact, for the shooting of this play, I have made efforts for several months. I have been exercising and learning movements with my martial arts teacher. In the movie, my action plays are basically completed by myself, and I don't rely on doubles, which I am very proud of."

"I know that I am a new actor. If I want to shoot a work that satisfies everyone, I can only redouble my efforts and not disappoint those who support me. Fortunately, I have done a good job. At present, everyone's evaluation of this film is acceptable. This is my biggest affirmation and also a reward for my efforts in this play. I will continue to cheer on!"

Tao Yaoyao told a lot of interesting stories in the program, especially Chen mubai's encouragement. She told these stories happily, which made the audience eat a mouthful of dog food again.

When it comes to Chen mubai, Tao Yaoyao's happy smile can't be hidden. It's happiness that emerges from the bottom of his heart.

"Biochemical crisis" is on the air, and with Tao Yaoyao's constant publicity, the box office of the film is refreshing every day, 170 million the next day, 150 million the third day

The attendance rate at the box office is very high, and because of the box office and word-of-mouth, the rest of the works are much bleak.

The cinema has added many more scenes to biochemical crisis, and this part of film arrangement is exploited from other films.

There's no way. The cinema is mainly for making money. Biochemical crisis is a big hit. The attendance rate is high and the audience is enthusiastic. Naturally, we need to add more film arrangement to improve the box office.

Tao Yaoyao's first starring film can put two first-line stars under pressure, her influence soars again, we have to re-examine the value of Tao Yaoyao.

She has also become another female star in China who has the ability to shoulder the box office independently!

Before, there were only two female stars in China who had such influence, but it was more than ten years ago. Since the advent of the era of traffic, the career and influence of those powerful stars have declined a lot. People pay more attention to young and beautiful female stars, and the elderly are no longer concerned.

The most important thing for a woman is her appearance. So is a female star. Age is a barrier that can't be crossed.

Women are most likely to appear in idol dramas. Once women are 40 years old, how can they fall in love?

Let them play high school students, it's not decent, even if the makeup painting is good, but time still leaves traces on the face, the skin is still not as delicate as the real people.

To a large extent, the influence on them has been weakened, and the capital originally values the popularity of stars. Even if those female stars have strong strength and awards, they will no longer be used when their popularity is low and their popularity and topics are not high.

The most important point is that they are famous in the early stage. They have high coffee seats and high film salaries, but low flow and popularity. The former is the guarantee of the quality of their works, after all, their acting skills are not a problem.

But the latter seemingly unimportant things have a great influence on the influence and popularity of the works. Capital pays more attention to the flow and popularity, otherwise it will not flatter the flow star.

Therefore, the female stars who can resist the box office are abandoned by the times, and the capital is more in pursuit of heat and flow.

This situation was much better after Chen mubai's rise. He used real quality works to tell us that it's not that the higher the flow is, the better it is. The audience also likes to see quality works.

Now, as a young female star, Tao Yaoyao has once again proved that she can shoulder the box office independently. The impact behind this can be imagined!

Industry insiders have reassessed the value of Tao Yaoyao. This play can be said to push her position to a higher level!

After the release of biochemical crisis, there will never be less works for Tao Yaoyao to play in. Even many of them are absolute female roles. They are no longer female roles. There is an essential difference.

Although she doesn't have the post movie awards to prove herself, her starring works can get such a high box office. In the eyes of capital, it is more important than those stars who win awards. Compared with awards, commercial films pay more attention to the box office, and so is capital's pursuit of profits.

Every year, several female film queens are born, but not everyone's films can sell well, and the box office can reach one billion or two billion, and they don't have such appeal.

Tao Yaoyao is young and beautiful, and has a huge fan base. There is no shortage of traffic heat. She is almost a perfect female star. It can be said that no female star can match her.

Chen mubai doesn't deny that everyone likes handsome men and beautiful women. After all, he was able to rise because of this at the beginning.

If it wasn't for him and Tao Yaoyao, the influence would not be so great. They were the catalyst for the fire of struggle, which promoted the popularity and influence of the work.

The follow-up quality is indispensable for them to retain the audience.

If the leading role is not the two of them, the quality of struggle will still be popular, but it will not be so fast, and the popularity and flow will not be so high. They still have an indelible role in the final result of the work.

Stars with both strength and beauty are the mainstream, but few people have such conditions. People who can possess these two qualities at the same time are all popular stars.

Chen mubai's appearance, on the contrary, gives the powerful stars more living space, and the capital pays more attention to the quality of works. The situation of stars with acting skills and ability is much better than before, on the contrary, the traffic stars are getting worse.


The box office of biochemical crisis is almost over one billion in the first week, and the industry's forecast has changed from two billion to two billion. The attendance rate is not low, and the film's fatigue is not obvious, so it's not a big problem.

Tao Yaoyao has been actively promoting the film during this period. This is her first masterpiece. Qin Qiu attaches great importance to it and has arranged her schedule.

Seeing the results of biochemical crisis, Chen mubai was very happy.

This movie will be very good in his expectation, but I didn't expect it to explode so high. The box office in North America got $30 million on the first day!

In the same period, this film is also in the top three, the data is very good!

"Walking dead" has many fans all over the world, and "biochemical crisis" has zombie elements, and all of them are Chen mubai's works. Many audiences like this film, so when the film is released, many people choose to go to the cinema to support it.

Even in European and American countries, the elements of the film are still popular, and the special effects are not bad, so the box office will not be low.

However, it also made them realize one thing, that is, the rise of Chinese movies.

In recent years, more and more of Huaxia's works have also won good results and many awards abroad.

When it comes to awards, I have to say this year's Oscars.

Previously, the most popular Oscar best film of this year was "when happiness knocks on the door". This film is loved by many American people, and the box office of the film is not low, which has a great impact, so it has always been a dark horse.

Although Chen mubai shot the most important film, it was released and produced in the United States. Strictly speaking, it belongs to the United States and can participate in the best picture competition.

Chen mubai has won the best foreign language film Oscar twice, so this time "when happiness knocks on the door" is also regarded as Chen mubai's pursuit of the best film Oscar!

Otherwise, why are American social films still being shot and released in the United States?

Isn't it just for the sake of localization and getting the qualification to compete for the best picture Oscar?

After all, it's a localization oriented award. Basically, the best picture will only be awarded to English works, mostly American works, or joint ventures with other countries.

Maybe this restriction will be gradually released in the future, but the current Oscar has not changed.

Bruce Lee called, a little disappointed: "Mr. Chen, we didn't get the best picture."

Chen mubai was not surprised at all. Instead, he comforted: "it's not as expected. I didn't go there."

Yes, "when happiness knocks on the door" and the Oscar best picture pass by, is also this year's biggest surprise!

Before that, Bruce Lee learned in the circle that several powerful American capitals were lobbying people from various trade unions and colleges to vote for local works rather than Chinese works.

Playing cards means that Chen mubai and mubai entertainment are rising too fast, which has a certain impact on the American market. If Chen mubai takes away even the awards, it is the biggest irony to the American film and television circle.

There is no other reason, just because the two TV series of mubai entertainment become popular one after another, and become a hot IP, indirectly dominating part of the TV field.

The box office of several films also broke out. In the past two years, the company name most heard by the audience is mubai entertainment, and several films are examples of small and broad.

For example, "the God of death is coming", "the electric saw is startling"

These two films have won nearly 200 million US dollars at the box office worldwide, and the production cost is only a few million US dollars!