This time, Chen mubai's propaganda is excellent. The play itself is a big production, and the stars are very popular. There are many powerful stars in the cast, so it is not inferior to other plays in terms of production or cast. Naturally, it has the strength to compete with those summer TV dramas.

If on weekdays, with his successful means of publicity, he is not afraid that he can't sell more to the second-line satellite TV. After all, good publicity is half successful, but what he lacks most now is time. He doesn't have so much time to quarrel and just wants to cut the mess quickly.

During this period of time, TV stations have received a lot of TV dramas, but they can't buy too many. They can't arrange the time, so every drama they need to buy is very important. After all, they can't change it after they have bought it. They can only fight with the quality of the drama.

This is also a time for major TV stations to compete with each other in terms of vision. Whoever has high ratings means who has bought a better play.

Of course, because of the type of drama, you will not buy the same theme drama. For example, if you buy an urban emotional drama, you will not buy another same drama. If you want to buy an ancient costume drama, you will not buy another one.

Costume drama has always been a market, but also a guarantee of viewing it!

Compared with urban drama, we are more optimistic about the viewing prospect of costume drama.

Because the investment in costume plays is very large, from actors to directors to scripts and production teams, there is a strong presence. If the investment is large and the production team is strong, the quality of production will not be poor.

Because the costume drama is a historical or aerial drama, it has more requirements for historical facts and costumes. It will test the facts and restore the real scene, and do more work in the early stage.

Urban dramas are relatively fast-paced. Many of them rely on playing tricks or family trivia to promote the plot. Generally speaking, they are not as good as costume dramas in terms of conception and production.

Naturally, the quality of ancient costume plays is relatively higher, and the audience will pay more, so the ratings will be higher.


Nansheng TV station.

Purchasing department.

Yao Yongbo is checking his email. As a special purchasing department of TV station, they watch every movie and TV play they get. Then they evaluate the value of the play and decide whether to buy it or not.

I'm not busy on weekdays, but now it's summer vacation, which is very important.

Every year this time point is the key time for the major satellite TV to Amoy TV dramas. It is necessary to Amoy good TV dramas in order to beat other satellite TV, so as to get high ratings in the summer season and rank in the top few.

At this time, everyone has a lot of pressure, because once the chosen play is not as good as the other party, then we have to carry the pot.

Although the dramas that everyone chooses will be approved by the leaders, if they succeed, the leaders are meritorious, and if they fail, the employees will carry the pot, which is also normal.

Generally, big plays are preferred. Because of the production team and other reasons, relatively speaking, the rate of high-quality plays will be higher, and there will be more grabs.

After all, the film side will not only invest in one TV station, but will test the water in many ways, and then choose one to cooperate.

It is often the case that people pay a lot of money to buy a production with a lot of investment, but the audience is moving. Then whoever buys the play will be in bad luck.

"Well, I don't know if there will be a fire drama in our TV station this year!"

Yao Yongbo said with emotion while checking the email.

"This summer, there are several big productions and two costume plays. I don't know which one is better!" Yao Yongbo's colleagues said.

"By the way, Chen mubai's new play was also completed two days ago. His play is very popular. I think I can try it if his play is good."

Yao Yongbo said, "I don't know when it's going to be released. There's no movie. Besides supporting roles, the actors are all new people. I don't think much of their acting skills."

"Also, two days ago, Taili just bought a city drama, which is still a popular police and bandit drama. If you choose another one, it should be one of the two ancient costume dramas. Chen mubai's is a city drama, which is hard to compete with!"

"That's true. It seems that this year's summer camp is in dispute. The directors of the two ancient costume dramas are all famous directors. They are determined to fight."

The directors of costume plays are not small directors, which involves an investment issue.

The bigger the investment, the more careful the director the film chooses. After all, such a large amount of money is not for fun. It's impossible to film for unknown directors. If the film is smashed, won't the money be gone?

This year, there will be two costume dramas with famous directors and large investment in the same period, which is also a topic that everyone likes to talk about. At that time, the same period will be broadcast, and who loses will be embarrassed.

These two plays are also full of strength, in PK, publicity are very hot, now is a large-scale publicity, broadcast date in 7.1, this is the beginning of the summer vacation.

As for what they call urban drama, the most popular one in these two years is police and bandit film.

Because last year, a "heart of the people" became popular. This is a TV play about checking and anti-corruption. Once it was broadcast, it quickly spread all over the country and became the winner of the year!

It is precisely because of this play that the domestic urban drama has ushered in a blowout, most of which are criminal investigation and suspense dramas. There are also many police and bandit films, because the audience likes to watch them.

In the urban drama, the tendency of the audience is this kind of drama, but the type of life has no advantage, that is to say《 Although struggling is very popular, the TV stations don't necessarily pay for it. They have a good command of the audience's favorite types of dramas, so they will naturally be more rational.

By the way, the scale here is much larger than that of the previous earth, but there is not too strict audit, so the scale of the shooting is very large, and the audience like to watch it.

Following the trend of last year, several police and bandit films and procuratorial films are well received, and other categories of urban drama are also well received, such as doctor's drama and lawyer's drama

This year, another police and bandit film was broadcast in the summer vacation. This film has the largest lineup, and has strong investment in all aspects. It is considered to be the "boss" in the summer metropolitan drama.

In this case, the major TV stations choose to cooperate mainly with the drama "people's police". After all, if they get it, their ratings will not be bad, and they can even compete with those two ancient costume dramas!

First class satellite TV is not bad for money, but for works.

It's natural for us to choose dramas carefully in order to gain market share in summer viewing. After all, a drama is so long that we can only choose (one) or (two) partners in terms of time, and it's impossible to choose too many.

Because there are only two points in the golden viewing segment, one is around 8 o'clock, the other is 10 o'clock.

At other times, the number of people watching TV is less. Even if they buy more dramas, they have no time to shift gears, so they will be very careful in their choice.

This kind of well-known big production is the target of looting, the blockbuster side are doing urgent publicity, just to play in the summer, the other side down a head!

"I hope I can choose a good play, or I will be taught at that time."

Yao Yongbo and his colleagues said.

Just then, he suddenly found the email of mubai entertainment, the attached content of which is the play "struggle"!

I just said it, here it comes!

Although he thinks that Chen mubai and others' acting skills are not enough to support a play, this is his job. He still has to watch it again and make an evaluation at that time.

After all, the leaders of the stage will also be involved. The popularity and influence of this play are not small. We must understand the quality problems, and then they need to report. If they haven't seen it, they are waiting to be reprimanded!

"I won't tell you. I received a play. I'll see it first!"

Yao Yongbo said that he is not going to tell his colleagues that although it is the same department, there are also competitions. Everyone has to recommend the number of dramas. Who can recommend the dramas with good ratings and high quality has a bonus!

"Well, I'm going to watch it too. I don't know how..." his colleagues are also going to watch the play.


Jiang TV station.

"Lao Gu, you are very good. Yesterday, I talked about the play" matchless Tang Dynasty! " Zhang Hui said with a smile.

"Good luck, good luck!"

Gu Jianjun said modestly, but his face could not hide the joy, obviously very happy, not as modest as his tone.

"After work today, treat!"

"No problem. I'll invite you to come tonight."

Gu Jianjun said loudly in the purchasing department.


"Manager, you are wonderful!" All the staff cheered happily.

Gu Jianjun himself is a manager of the purchasing department of southern province satellite TV. The play "matchless Tang Dynasty" he talked about is one of the two strongest ancient costume plays in summer.

So, everyone is very happy, because the audience rating of this play is not bad, the famous cast, coupled with the overwhelming publicity, this play has been widely concerned since the beginning of shooting, and now it is finally going to be released!

Many netizens have been waiting for a long time. Recently, there are many news about the play on the Internet.

No matter whether this play can win the number one ratings in summer, but the top ratings can not run, the only controversial is to see if it can hit the number one!

Everyone envies Gu Jianjun very much. Gu Jianjun himself is very happy, so he invites people from the Department to have dinner together.

When he won the show, the leaders on the stage were also very happy. After all, it was a guarantee of audience.

"Well, let's continue to work, and strive to find more good plays to win, so that our TV station can win the first audience share in the market!"

Gu Jianjun clapped his hands to disperse the employees and let them return to their seats.

Although there are some popular dramas competing with other TV stations, they need good works to maintain the audience rating in normal time. For example, they need some TV dramas in broad daylight. If the quality is good, they can naturally attract a lot of audience.

These TV series are not so big investment production, and the top investment production is for prime time viewing, the price is higher!

Prime time is the best time to measure the strength and ratings of a TV station, and it is also a time point for all TV stations.

For TV stations, the normal time ratings are also very important, but they don't value golden ratings. After all, that time point has the most people watching TV, which is why good programs are broadcast in prime time.

Gu Jianjun returned to his office. As a department manager, he had a separate office.

He opened the mailbox, checked the mail, and looked for good works in other periods.

People in this industry have to watch a large number of works, and then choose the plays that they think can be popular, and negotiate to buy them.

Of course, for a play like "matchless Tang Dynasty", it's not them who pick on others, it's also others who pick on them. The TV stations will compete with each other, and the producers will choose to give preferential treatment to more partners.

Or, if some TV plays are co filmed with TV stations, they will be broadcast on the satellite TV.