The number of fans of the two people has soared, and both of them have broken 15 million. This is the data that has not been brushed. It's really terrible!

From this point of view, the layout of wechat is very successful, the influence of the network is growing, and more and more people are practical.

Since the broadcast of this program, Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao have become very famous. Many sponsors even invite them to jointly represent their products. What they like is the terrible traffic behind them.

Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao didn't accept the endorsement, because their traffic hasn't reached the peak at this time, which is just a peak at present. Chen mubai believes that they will have higher ratings, so Chen mubai persuades Tao Yaoyao to wait for a while.

In the next two episodes, as Chen mubai expected, the ratings of the program were very high, and even 3.7 ratings just after the program started. All this was due to the influence of the last episode. More and more people saw the "new couple" and liked them, so when their programs were broadcast, many people watched them.

Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao also chose one of their endorsements, which they both thought was very meaningful, the endorsement of Yaoguang diamond brand.

They themselves are lovers in the program, so it's not a sudden thing to speak for diamonds together, and diamonds symbolize love, which is also the object of many lovers, we all like diamonds.

Chen mubai also considered accepting the endorsement. First of all, it's not a fake product. The brand has been made for a long time and has influence. It's also a product that many lovers agree with. It won't pit fans.

The most important point is that the money it gives is too much for Chen mubai to refuse!

The brilliance comes from the brilliant light of the diamond. The diamond will give off a dazzling light after the refraction of the light.

This gorgeous light is in line with the definition of love. It is bright, beautiful and desirable.

Yaoguang diamond is also one of the sponsors of "we are in love". After all, love variety is consistent with the positioning of the brand, and the audience of this program is also the potential users of the brand.

Originally, this kind of old brand seldom uses new stars to speak for it, and generally relies on the reputation and quality of the brand to attract users.

But this time, for the first time, Yaoguang chose Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao as spokesmen, which is also a change.

Both of them are famous stars in recent years. In addition to the rise of Internet in recent years, more and more young people begin to pay attention to Internet information. However, Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao are the stars of popular Internet, which has a great influence on the promotion of Yaoguang.

Nowadays, young people like romance most. Isn't diamond the spokesperson of romance?

More and more young people express their love with diamonds and buy diamond rings when they get married. Therefore, the positioning marketing of the brand should also be light in the past years.

When Yaoguang's new advertisement appeared, it caused quite a stir. No one thought that Yaoguang chose two new people as spokesmen!

"How beautiful

"This diamond on Tao Yaoyao is just like a heavenly daughter coming down to earth. It's so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect Yaoguang diamond to be so good-looking. In my impression, it has always been an old-fashioned image..."

"I want to buy Yaoguang diamond. This one on Tao Yaoyao is very nice!"

After the release of Yaoguang's propaganda film, Chen mubai's handsome and Tao Yaoyao's beautiful and moving deeply surprised the public, which was admiration and admiration at random.

Everyone wants such a handsome (beautiful) boyfriend (girlfriend)!

Just like the fairy couple with dazzling diamond jewelry, makes the charm of jewelry are increased a lot.

There are a lot of love variety shows, among which there are several pairs of more famous star lovers. No one thought that Yaoguang, a well-known brand, would choose unknown newcomers. Although they are a little famous now, fame does not mean influence. High fame does not mean great influence.

Normally speaking, it is the best to choose the old famous stars, because their fans are very fixed, and their purchasing power is not bad. New stars are hot, but their fans are not as mobile and influential as the old famous stars.

Therefore, Yaoguang's choice is really beyond everyone's expectation. Many people think Yaoguang has made a bad move.

However, in the next month, Yaoguang's sales increased greatly, which was obviously inseparable from Chen mubai's and Tao Yaoyao's spokesmen. Their influence was unexpected and attracted many people's attention.

Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao are very popular with young people. They like their love, so the sales volume of their endorsement is very high. Their love has a deep impact on the public.

There is one episode of the program that couples go on a trip, and they take Yaoguang diamond with them. The program of that episode is full of sweet warmth, and Yaoguang's promotional film is also the theme of travel.

Under the double publicity, it has great influence. The first choice for many young people to get married or give gifts is Yaoguang brand, which is inseparable from their beautiful love. We also like that their love can be like the two of them.

Chen mubai and Tao Yaoyao speak for the diamond, which is a symbol of love. They show their love in the program. They get along more smoothly and naturally in the program, just like real lovers, and they enjoy it.

In the previous episode of the amusement park, the last thing that happened to the two people was beautiful and embarrassing. It seemed that there was a gap between them, which was finally covered by a song.

When they met again, they didn't mention it, as if it hadn't happened. The embarrassment was completely buried, and the relationship between them was getting better and better.

But it's only limited to meeting in the program. Although they have contacts in wechat and information in private, they have never met each other. It seems that everything is beautiful in the program.

Both of them have some inner restraint and tacit understanding. They don't make an appointment in private. There are reasons for being busy, and there is a taste of... Avoiding suspicion.

In their hearts, the early stage of each program recording is their happiest moment, because they will meet soon. Meeting once a week is their expectation, and they are looking forward to it.

Because of this, they attach great importance to the time they spend together in the program. Chen mubai is gradually changing his attitude towards Tao Yaoyao, and there is no defense line set in his heart when he first came to the program.

Sometimes they tease Tao Yaoyao, and then they are "bullied" by her. They don't always bully her. They are making programs as a kind of enjoyment rather than work. Their attitude is different, and their mood is different. Naturally, the effect of shooting is better.

Chen mubai's development during this period is very good, far more than he expected at the beginning of the program. He did not expect that the couple combination with Tao Yaoyao would bring such a big impact.

Originally, he thought that with his sense of variety, he could make sure that his shots would not be less. In the program, he would be funny and humorous, and his popularity would always be there, and no one would discuss it.

Tao Yaoyao's appearance was an accident, but the result was so good that it made them the hottest couple in the whole network. The influence and popularity were also very high, and even many mid-range spokesmen came one after another.