On the stage is cruel, one person promotion means another person elimination, some people are happy, some people are worried.

After Qian Duoduo's promotion, he went back to the backstage players' lounge, while Liu Yalin stayed on stage to say his speech.

"I want to thank teacher Li Lu for his teaching. I'm sorry to disappoint you, and..." Liu Yalin said sadly.

This kind of talent shows all have this link. On the one hand, it's not easy for the players to get to this step. They all come from the fighting among thousands of troops.

Their mental journey will be more or less felt in the competition of a few months.

The words they said were almost the same, basically thanks to their parents, the audience and so on.

In fact, some words may not be true, but they must be effective and can win the sympathy and support of the audience.

This is the so-called "sell miserably". The singing of the eliminated people on the program is over, but they continue in their life.

Especially the popular players or those who can get a lot of audience support or attention, even if they are eliminated, they will also be valued by the star scout company, and they will sign up for the company to package as artists.

As long as the ratings of talent shows are high and there is enough exposure, the reputation and popularity of the contestants will not be bad. If they sell badly, it is easy to win the audience's love and support, so as to increase the popularity value and let more economic entertainment companies see their popularity and value.

What Liu Yalin did is just this. The higher the ranking, the more attention he will receive at that time.

Even when signing a contract with a company, the conditions will be much better, and the influence of ranking will have a great influence on the treatment of the contract.

The contract treatment that champion and other place player get is different necessarily.

Of course, there are exceptions, that is, players who are particularly famous, characteristic or popular.

Maybe they lost, and there are still a lot of people who support them. This kind of people's value is not less than the champion, and the entertainment companies will pay a high salary when they sign up.

Qian Duoduo went back backstage to say hello to the players in the same group and cheer for them.

The players in the same group also showed envious smile to congratulate him, congratulating him on his promotion to the next competition.

When Liu Yalin returned to the backstage, he was in a low mood, and the players who had a good relationship with him comforted him one after another.

Liu Yalin can only cheer for his teammates, hoping that they can play well and do not make the same mistakes as him.

Qian Duoduo came to Chen mubai after interacting with the players in the same group.

"Congratulations on your promotion." Chen mubai said with a smile.

"Fortunately, if he doesn't make mistakes, I won't win." Qian Duoduo said fluently.

"That's strength, not luck." Chen Mu Bai shook his head: "you can play the best in the game, and he can't bear the pressure, this is the strength."

"The pressure and control of the stage are the embodiment of your strength. There is no saying of luck."

Qian Duoduo thinks that he is lucky to be separated, while Chen mubai has different opinions.

In fact, what he said is also right. No matter what the competition is, the strength will always be the best. Although other factors have influence, they are not decisive factors.

Liu Yalin lost on the mentality, that mentality is also a kind of strength.

Many people are often able to play 120% of the strength under pressure, some people are usually more powerful, but at the critical moment, the mentality is not good, seriously off the chain.

Sometimes this kind of instant thing can decide success or failure, so this kind of mentality is very necessary.

The reason why Chen mubai told Qian Duoduo was that he wanted to be confident and not think that winning was a fluke. This is his strength.

Only confident people can go further, even if they don't believe in themselves, who can believe you?

"Thank you

Qian Duoduo understood what Chen mubai told him. He was very grateful for Chen mubai's words, which made him more confident.

"You have to come on, I'm promoted, you must be OK!" Qian Duoduo said.

Chen Mu nodded in vain. He was frivolous and uninhibited when he got along with Qian Duoduo two times ago. At that time, he had a second-generation temperament.

Why, since the last time he drank, he told a lot of his own stories, and then changed a lot, and he was no longer as confident as mang Bilu.

Maybe it's because if he doesn't do well in this competition, it will affect his father. This kind of enterprise pressure also comes to his shoulders, which will make his personality change.

In fact, Chen mubai guessed half right. It's true that Qian Duoduo is not as proud as he was when he first joined the program.

On the one hand, it comes from the expectation of his father and the pressure of the company's internal public opinion. He doesn't care about it, but he doesn't want to involve his father, so he has to do well and give himself enough pressure.

On the other hand, it is because the opponent's strength has become stronger.

After the finals of the preliminary round, the strength of the opponents is not bad, but when he comes to the stage of the finals, he really feels the pressure.

Qian Duoduo was originally a three vote contestant in the audition, while all the finals were four vote contestants.

In terms of strength, Qian Duoduo is not as good as them, but he can be promoted every time because of his mentality.

He didn't realize that Chen mubai could see some signs.

Every time he sings a song with a lot of money or plays a key game, he will play it supernormal and never drop the chain.

Many players have poor psychological pressure resistance, and they often make mistakes in the competition for this reason.

In the final stage, a little mistake will be magnified infinitely, not to mention everyone's strength is not bad, they will be eliminated naturally.

In the next competition, the eight players should be seed players except for Qian Duoduo. Their mentality will not be bad and their strength will be very strong.

In the face of such opponents, Qian Duoduo knows that his strength is not as good as theirs, so it is inevitable that he will feel ashamed. At this time, Chen mubai's words help him regain his self-confidence and help him a lot.

This is the reason why Chen mubai gave him songs only after he was promoted.

Qian Duoduo's strength can only go to the top 8 at most, and he should be eliminated in the next game without accident, which is the limitation of strength.

But if he has a surprising performance, to surprise the public, so he will have the possibility of promotion.

At this time, Chen mubai's songs are particularly important. If he can sing well, and the existence of original songs makes people shine, he is not without the capital to compete with others.


Soon, the competition of the players was almost finished. As expected, all the players challenged the opponents whose strength was not as good as themselves or their style was restrained to ensure the promotion.

There are only three people left: Chen mubai, Li Li and Lu Ze.

One of the three will be promoted directly, and the other two will be PK. The big screen is scrolling the number plate, and then it stops at number 5.

"No.5 Lu Ze, please choose the opponent to challenge!" Xu Jie said in a loud voice.

"I choose Li Li." Lu Ze thought about it.

For him, the strength of these two people are very strong, Chen mubai's mystery and Li Li's aura as a rock female singer are the existence of his headache.

But the result is so, he can only choose one person to fight, he chose Li Li.

Because Chen mubai's achievements along the way are too strong, he has no confidence in facing Chen mubai.


"Chen mubai is promoted!"

When Lu Ze made a choice, the audience exclaimed in surprise. They were very nervous when Lu Ze was thinking about his opponent, wondering who he would look for as his opponent.
