In fact, this view is not unreasonable. First of all, Han Fei has not won any weighty personal awards. As an "old actor" who has been active on the big screen for many years, it is not incomprehensible to want to be recognized.

In addition, the theme of "I'm not a god of medicine". Leukemia can't be a pleasant theme. It's nothing more than a bitter drama. There is no worst but worse.

Of course, Han Fei doesn't believe that there are no other peers behind this statement. However, he doesn't have the energy to manage these online messages, and the company's publicity department will naturally deal with them.

Han Fei's biggest problem at present is that he has not understood the character of LV Huili. How to say, he always unconsciously recalls the original performance in his mind. For an actor who is keen on methodology, it is undoubtedly a failure to substitute himself into the character.

At the beginning, Han Fei could keep up with Shen Yiming in a certain plot, but the shooting of the crew was not as gradual as the movie plot, but jumping. For example, in the scene of the hospital, in order to reduce the cost of transition, they directly finished the scene of the hospital first.

However, in the hospital, the role of LV Huili has three completely different states. At the beginning of the film, LV Huili's mental state is still good. When doing the examination, he can even talk to the doctor: "don't fuck me, I'm fine."

Later, when Lu Huili had medicine and money to treat diseases, he was in another active state when he went to the hospital, which was a little similar to: you see, I'm very good, just like normal people.

In the end, he was terminally ill and had no money for treatment. It was his tragedy that made the protagonist Cheng Yong decide to give up everything and complete self redemption.

Taking advantage of the gap between the crew's rest, Han Fei moved a small Mazar, opened his notes and began to look for inspiration. This scene was the scene where he saw Cheng Yong again in his hospital bed after he was terminally ill.

Han Fei has been ng for eight times and can't find the feeling. How to say, he can do almost the same in the original expression, tone and body movements. However, he can't find the feeling of the patient.

For actors, acting is to show the character in the lens from inside to outside. If it is only imitation, the character is tangible and godless. Without that appeal, how can we drive the audience's emotions?

The so-called play is that the actor of a certain picture should give the audience the emotion, but he didn't give it or didn't give it in place.

"Yes, that's it." Han Fei suddenly patted on the forehead. He finally knew why he couldn't completely replace LV Huili.

According to his notes, patients will have a very strange psychological state after suffering from some incurable diseases, especially those with poor family conditions like LV Huili. They will feel that they have dragged down their family. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand that they are ashamed of themselves.

The moment LV Huili saw Cheng Yong, it should be like seeing an old friend, but he was ashamed of his current tragedy. Of course, there was a trace of complaint. If Cheng Yong didn't sell the drug channels to fake drug dealers, he wouldn't fall into this field. Therefore, LV Huili would show that kind of complex look when lying in the hospital bed.

At the moment of thinking, Han Fei suddenly felt that the cottage was open, and the fog that had been hidden in front of him disappeared at the moment.

When shooting again, Cheng Yong, played by Shen Yiming, came to the hospital ward and turned his back to the camera. It seemed that he was stunned for a second. Through the lens of another seat, Jiang Qinghou understood why he was stunned.

At this time, Han Fei's expression is extremely complex, with a trace of joy, a trace of shame, and some resentment. Several emotions are intertwined, and the sick makeup on his face makes him look particularly thin.

"Are you coming? Sit down."

Just one line impressed Shen Yiming. The weak voice with a trace of joy seemed to tell the audience that he saw Cheng Yong and saw hope.

The next scene is Cheng Yong sitting in the corridor of the hospital. A long strip of sunshine comes out from the crack of the door. Cheng Yong just sits there, screaming in his ear that LV Huiyi is weak.

"Ka! Perfect!" Jiang Qinghou took the lead in clapping. Both Han Fei and Shen Yiming can be said to be perfect in this performance. This scene has several minutes, but there are few lines and even few body movements. This requires the actors to accurately convey their emotions to the audience through their expressions and eyes. It is not difficult.

The shooting process of "I'm not a god of medicine" is relatively smooth. Han Fei has been completely enlightened since he figured it out, while some other actors are old opera bones and rarely get stuck.

However, for these old opera characters, filming in this crew also has a completely different feeling. What surprises them most is the professionalism of the crew.

All the executive directors and field affairs are very clear about what kind of play to shoot on this day and what preparations should be made. The shooting officially starts at 8:30 every morning. The staff starts the set at 7:30 in advance. All the people are in good order. It's the first time for them to see such a high-quality crew.

After making plays for so many years, they are well aware of the current situation of the Chinese film industry. Most of the crew are temporarily put together. This group of people can't talk about quality and professionalism at all. They are just a group of grass-roots groups.

Film and television companies with a little strength will hire professionals, but most of these so-called professionals are fooling around.

Some big directors will train their own team, but they are only limited to high-end talents such as photographers and artists. They can really keep everyone in the crew so high-quality. They really see it for the first time.

Moreover, when chatting with the executive director and field affairs of the crew, the old opera bones found that the level of these people is actually fully qualified to be a producer. Why do they stay here to do these chores?

"Hey, what kind of producer, that's all empty. Although we do chores here, Mr. Han always gives us a lot. Outside, we don't see that the cowhide and coax are the directors and producers. It's all risky. If you take other people's money, you have to do something for others? We're so tired. How good are we? Take the money righteously and save a little in a year You can still get a suite in your hometown. "

Seeing that they didn't look like lying, the old opera bones couldn't help but smack their tongue. It seemed that they really earned no less than them.

In fact, they don't know that if these people under Han Fei leave, the film and television companies in the circle are eager to ask for them. Some film and television companies even pay a lot of money to dig people, but few people leave. Generally, they leave for family reasons.

Time passed quietly. At the end of November, a new round of new year's stalls had been opened. There were many excellent new year's stalls in this period. A total of five films broke 100 million at the box office on the first day, including the new film "dinosaur era" of Star art media, which broke 250 million at the box office on the first day.

In recent years, Star art media has been committed to large-scale production since it tasted the sweetness in science fiction films, and the harvest of each film is good. It can basically make a small profit in China, and even break even in bad times. It can make a net profit in the foreign market.

Since the popularity of "wandering earth" and "hero" in the overseas film market, many foreign film distributors have also begun to target Chinese films. Xingyi media is the first person to eat cake after Han Fei.

Interestingly, the reason why there are so many new year files is also because of a piece of news. Not long ago, a tabloid reported that "I am not a god of medicine" will be killed in the near future.

Suddenly, the whole film and television industry burst into a pot. Originally, it was thought to be false news. As a result, a week later, "bird film and television" really released the news that "I'm not a drug God" was officially killed.

Suddenly, some films originally planned to be released on New Year's day were put on file one after another. Although there was a fierce quarrel on the Internet, many netizens said that Han Fei's film was aimed at winning the prize, and no one was still willing to fight with this guy. I can't afford it. Can I always hide?

However, some films that have not been finished, or are in the process of post production and preparation for release on New Year's day or Spring Festival, will be miserable. It will take half a year to withdraw the file. If they don't withdraw the file, it means that they are likely to collide with Han Fei.

For a time, Han Fei is in a dilemma, and Han Fei is also catching up with the later stage. It's best to release it on New Year's day. After all, the theme of "I'm not a god of medicine" is released on the Spring Festival, which will certainly have a certain impact on the box office.

However, just as everyone was making full efforts to prepare for the release, suddenly came the bad news, "new crown" broke out, and all the entertainment industries were shut down.

For a time, all entertainment companies fell into a quagmire, the company's business stalled, but all expenses had to be paid all the time. Many crew even announced their dissolution on the day of isolation. The play was no longer filmed and I couldn't afford to play. I didn't play anymore.

"Flying bird film and television" is no exception. All personnel returning to Beijing recently have to be isolated in the hotel. In fact, at this time, the post production of "I am not a drug God" has been completed, but it is useless. All cinemas are closed, and it is naturally impossible to release it.

Originally, we thought it would be a month or so at most, but soon we found that this may be a more terrible thing than hot money exit and the cold winter of the film and television industry.

The crowning calamity of the new crown has brought the industry chain from upstream to downstream. All the practitioners in the film and television industry have begun to cram in their circle of friends, and make complaints about it.

Many film and television companies are also howling. Large film and television companies began to lay off employees frantically. Some layoffs even reached more than 40%. Some small companies directly exploded in situ and announced their dissolution. As for severance pay? Sorry, the company is bankrupt. Who do you want severance pay?

The market value of film and television companies also began to evaporate in a large area, and some companies even fell by the limit for a month, which can be regarded as terrible.

However, in this sad scene, the employees of "flying bird film and television" sent a circle of friends to say that all of them were isolated in a five-star hotel, and the board and lodging were all borne by the company, and the salary was paid as usual. Even the boss Han Fei had said that this year's year-end bonus would be paid on time.

This is so... It's so annoying! For what? All work the same. Why is the boss so good?

Many friends in the industry began to praise and express in the circle of friends of these show off guys.

"Sour, sour, will bird film and television recruit people next year?"

How do you say this feeling? Like many programmers, 996 company is not bad at ordinary times, but when the epidemic comes, they soon find the benefits within the system.

The welfare of "flying bird film and television" is not worse than that in the system. It's even better. They are all working. Why not choose a company that is better for employees?

Does "flying bird film and television" have any plans to expand in the coming year? Naturally, as Buffett once said: when others are afraid, I am greedy, and when others are greedy, I am afraid.

It is conceivable that the entertainment industry will certainly experience a huge reshuffle in the coming year. Some companies without strength and shoddy manufacturing will be completely eliminated from the market, and many unprofessional practitioners will leave the industry. In fact, from the general direction, it is good for the whole film and television industry.

If you want to expand, you naturally need talents. Han Fei's move to buy bones is very effective. Soon, many outstanding talents in the industry passed the online interview. As long as the epidemic is over, you can go to "flying bird film and television" to work.

This can save a lot of money than advertising or hiring headhunters. Most importantly, according to the current situation in the circle, even Han Fei's blatant digging will not arouse the resentment of other companies. Instead, he will thank Han Fei for saving them a severance payment.

"Hello, Mr. Han, the plan you want to acquire the cinema has been sent to your mailbox. What else can I tell you?" Li Yanan's voice is a little excited. In fact, she has made the plan for acquiring the cinema early in the morning, but the Chinese film market was too hot before. If you want to acquire the cinema at a premium, the cost will be very high.

However, the epidemic has destroyed the whole industry, and the cinema naturally bears the brunt, because the cinema is a heavy asset, and the wages of employees and store rents are paid every month.

"Then Mr. Han told me that we must pay attention to our health and take good care of ourselves, you know?" Han Fei said with a smile.

Li Yanan hung up the phone and put his mobile phone on his chest, slightly warm.

"Finally come to this step!" Han Fei opened the curtains. The capital was depressed in winter, and there were no pedestrians in the streets during the epidemic.

But Han Fei's mood is particularly happy at the moment. It is a crisis for the whole industry, but it is a rare opportunity for him with more than 10 billion cash in his hand.

For a film and television company, it is like a rootless duckweed without mastering the cinema line. Only when it has mastered the cinema line resources can it be qualified to occupy the voice in this industry.