Since then, Han Beibei has another vocal music class in the gap between many cram schools. In Han Fei's opinion, the little girl is three minutes hot. It is estimated that she will have to retreat before long, so she doesn't care.

On this day, Han Fei accidentally received a call.

"Miss Han, long time no see."

At the other end of the phone, Mr. Han's voice was a little tired: "long time no see. How are you recently? Do you have time to meet?"

Han Fei knew that the only thing that could worry Mr. Han was the charity foundation, so he agreed.

So, at the capital airport, Han Fei received the singer who just changed himself from a rich man to a negative man.

This time Mr. Han came alone. Han Fei took the suitcase from her hand and joked: "I'm relieved to see that you're not thin."

"Hey, I can't lose weight." Mr. Han smiled and patted his stomach.

In fact, Mr. Han was very slim when he was young. Later, his figure began to lose shape because of his illness and drug reaction.

"Congratulations on becoming the first Chinese filmmaker to win an Oscar." in the car, Mr. Han didn't forget to congratulate.

Han Fei smiled carelessly: "Hey, the best foreign language film is for the whole team. When I get the Oscar for best actor, you can congratulate me."

Mr. Han also smiled: "I'm optimistic about the multimedia. They say you're frustrated and don't plan to make a movie again. What's the matter?"

"Hey, bullshit. If I don't make a movie when, it's like you. I've found something that makes me happier than singing."

"Ha ha ~ ~ ~" teacher Han smiled happily.

First, Mr. Han sent her to the hotel to put her luggage, and then Han Fei took her to the cheap square to eat roast duck.

At the dinner table, Mr. Han didn't refuse anyone. She ate a mouthful of oil. One and a half of the two roast ducks went into her stomach.

"Comfortable, I haven't eaten so well for a long time." Mr. Han patted his stomach and breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Fei was amused: "aren't you? It's a little too miserable to be a charity?"

"Miserable? I think it's very good. Really, I've seen so many human tragedies. I'm very satisfied now." teacher Han said positively.

After eating, Han Fei took Mr. Han directly to his villa. After sitting down, Mr. Han came straight to the point.

"I wouldn't have the cheek to come to you if I couldn't live any longer. This is the information about the foundation's rescue activities. Take a look first."

What Mr. Han said is really not polite, because Han Fei's donation to the foundation has not been cut off over the years. Tens of millions of donations every year are completely unimaginable for an enterprise of the scale of "bird film and television".

Han Fei then opened the first page and frowned. This is a rescue plan for leukemia patients, which contains the details of the rescue objects. Compared with the children in the orphanage last time, the situation of these leukemia patients is more desolate.

According to the data, bone marrow transplantation is the only way to cure leukemia, but the number that can really match the bone marrow is extremely rare. The bone marrow of many lineal relatives do not match, and bone marrow transplantation also requires a lot of money. Most patients can only be maintained through drugs.

"How is the medicine for leukemia so expensive?" Han Fei frowned slightly.

The price of a bottle of medicine is more than 20000, and it is only the amount of a course of treatment. How can ordinary families afford it?

Mr. Han smiled bitterly and shook his head: "these drugs are imported from abroad and cannot be developed at home. Naturally, they can sell as much as they want. As far as I know, the prices of imported drugs from many Western pharmaceutical enterprises to China are higher than those from Japan and South Korea."

"These bastards." Han Fei patted the table angrily, not talking about humanitarianism. It's unreasonable just from the perspective of business rules. How many times the population of China is that of Japan and South Korea? Reasonably speaking, we should be able to strive for more favorable prices. How can it be higher than the drug prices in Japan and South Korea?

"Mr. Han, just say it. How much does it cost?"

Mr. Han outstretched his finger frankly: "30 million, the foundation has also raised some through the society, but you should also know that we private foundations and enterprises will not donate. Without exposure, the power of social fund-raising is still too small."

In fact, Mr. Han's biggest worry is that the foundation has no exposure. Many ordinary people don't know about fund-raising at all, and many official charities can always get many media exposure resources.

"No problem." Han Fei could afford 30 million yuan, but a fleeting idea flashed through his mind. Han Fei said again: "Mr. Han, do you think it's ok? In the process of rescue, we'll make a documentary and put it on the video website for publicity at that time. Won't the exposure rise?"

Teacher Han's eyes lit up: "this attention is good."

Originally, Han Fei wanted to keep Mr. Han to sit for a while, but this is also an acute child. If he had to go back and catch up with the plan, he had to let her alone.

In fact, Han Fei is very envious of Mr. Han's attitude towards life. The world is tired of fame and wealth, including him. However, Mr. Han is the only one who lives very thoroughly.

If people are divided into three realms, Han Fei, like all ordinary people, is still in the bottom layer of the real world, and teacher Han has reached the second layer of the spiritual world. What she pursues is universal love.

As for the third realm, that is God.

When he returned to the company, Han Fei paid the money directly from the company's account to Mr. Han's foundation. In addition, if he wanted to make a documentary, he certainly couldn't do it alone.

So I called Jiang Qinghou and they. As a result, these guys were probably bored at home. They promised to come to the company in advance.

For a time, Han Fei doubted whether these guys came back so actively to avoid "paying public food".

After Jiang Qinghou came back, Mr. Han's plan was also sent. After seeing the plan, Jiang Qinghou said: "making a documentary is not enough influence? Why not make a movie? Anyway, we have nothing to do now."

Han Fei rolled his eyes for a while. Look at what he said. It's like beating children on a rainy day and being idle.

However, the speaker was careless and the listener was intentional. Everyone on the crew said that this idea was good. In fact, it was idle. They didn't start work for a month. Their hands itched!

"OK, that's settled first, but we still have to shoot a documentary. Since it involves real subjects, we have to shoot the materials first, and we can't make them up at will?" Han Fei didn't stop them when he saw that they were so interested. As they said, being idle is also idle. It's boring to be alone.

So in mid April, Han Fei set out with the crew. The first stop was magic capital. There were several counterpart hospitals of the foundation, among which many white blood patients were treated here.

When Mr. Han saw such a large group of people as Han Fei, he couldn't help but smack his tongue: "do you want to make a documentary?"

Jiang Qinghou said with a smile, "this time, the documentary has changed to a movie."

Han Fei began to explain to Mr. Han that Mr. Han and the staff of the foundation are all confused and forced. Is it so casual? Doesn't it mean that making a movie is a very rigorous thing?

Because it involves the privacy of patients and the hospital, the staff of the foundation is responsible for communicating with them in advance. Most patients are more cooperative. Of course, some patients are unwilling to appear. Han Fei decided to use close-up lens for all shooting, that is, to shoot the lower body.

As soon as the hospital heard that there was a crew coming to shoot, it quickly reported to the hospital leaders. After understanding the situation of Han Fei's crew, it was naturally full of joy to receive them.

This is the cast that won the Oscar. It's enough to boast for a lifetime. Even the hospital has a dispute over who will represent the hospital.

In fact, the shooting of the hospital is very simple, that is, shooting some scenes in the hospital and asking the doctor to introduce the situation of leukemia and white blood patients.

The whole shooting took less than 20 minutes, which left the hospital representatives with some unfinished business.

"Cough, doctor wrinkle performed very well and perfectly. Thank you for your cooperation. In this way, I'll take pictures of the patient first." Jiang Qinghou said solemnly.

Dr. wrinkle was happy and didn't forget to sell himself: "director Jiang, do you think I have a talent for acting? I like acting very much..."

After getting rid of the entanglement of doctor wrinkle, Jiang Qinghou took the crew to shoot patients. To tell the truth, before coming, everyone didn't expect white blood patients to be so painful.

Every time before chemotherapy, the patients clench their teeth, and some even have the courage to do chemotherapy when their families do psychological construction.

Even during debridement, although the local anesthesia, after the anesthetic failed, the patient's wailing still shocked the crew.

"So, leukemia hurts so much?" this is the common idea of the crew.

As the shooting continued, many patients and family members who were unwilling to disclose their family situation in front of the camera began to trust the crew and began to tell some of their stories.

For example, a couple had leukemia when the girl was five years old. Her father drove a van to pull goods, and her mother worked as a nanny in modu. With the couple's frugality, they also saved some savings over the years. However, six chemotherapy alone cost more than 300000 yuan.

The couple borrowed all the relatives they could borrow and owed a lot of debt, but it was related to their daughter's life. The couple gritted their teeth and said in tears, "cure, we must cure. We can't let our children leave with pain before they see the colorful world."

This situation is common among white blood patients. The high cost of medicine and surgery has overwhelmed many families. Even some middle-class families have begun to sell houses and cars, not to mention some low-yield families, and some even go straight back to die.

In addition, as like as two peas, the government has heard a statement about the price of drugs. Some patients said that there were similar generics in India, but the drug prices were ten times cheaper than those imported from the West.

Therefore, Han Fei began to query the information on the Internet and found that if so, he also found a thing. Once someone suffering from leukemia bought medicine in India. Later, when a patient knew it, he began to entrust him to help bring the medicine. With more and more clients, he came to the pharmaceutical company and was detained.

Later, things made a lot of trouble. After going to court, many patients began to plead for him and jointly submitted a love letter.

"Eh, what do you think of the this as starting point of the story?" Han Fei printed out information and showed them to Jiang Qinghou.

Jiang Qinghou and others felt bright at the sight: "this is good. It has drama, contradictions and conflicts, and the collision between human nature and law."

"The only question is, can this thing pass the trial?"

Well, this is what everyone is worried about. China's audit system has been criticized by film and television practitioners, but no one can carry the general administration hard.

Han Fei is also worried. This story undoubtedly reminds him of "I'm not a drug God", but the reason why "I'm not a drug God" can pass the trial is mainly due to one person, the screenwriter "Han family daughter". Yes, this is the daughter of the famous third master Han.

Otherwise, with a new director, wenmuye, he will have his head reviewed for such a subject? Shot directly at the first level.

"Whatever, let's get the script out first!" Han Fei gritted his teeth.

Naturally, his current status cannot be compared with that of Mr. Han, but he can always speak in front of the leaders.

"OK, then do it!" Jiang Qinghou is naturally the happiest. The director has too much room to play this kind of theme, and it is a theme he has never been in contact with.

After determining the main structure of the story, everyone began to brainstorm, and the story of the script was filled little by little.

They shot during the day and rushed back to the hotel to catch up with the script at night. The headache is that they can shoot new materials every day. They thought it was a good story yesterday. When they saw the new materials the next day, they thought it was better to use new materials, and they changed them over and over again countless times.

Finally, at the end of June, Han Fei got the first version of the script. The next day, he went to Beijing to submit the script for review.

Then it wasn't long before the script was called back.

"Leader, you've all called back such a good script. Is it a little too much?"

For Han Fei's complaint, the leader laughed and scolded: "your boy is really thick skinned. Yes, the script is really well written, but the image of the police here is not very good. We dare not approve!"

Han Fei scratched his head: "have you read the script? But how can we change it? If we sing praises, we can't see the whole film."

"I haven't seen any of your boy's plays? Use your brain. It doesn't make you sing praises, but you must at least remain neutral."

The leader said in earnest.

If Han Fei doesn't understand, he's been fooling around for so many years. He's just ready to pack up and go.

But the leader stopped him: "this year's Huabiao award, you should be a guest of honor."

"Do you make complaints about me?" Han Fei Tucao.

"Just be satisfied. Look at those you made. Which one is the main theme? Do you still want to win a prize?"

Han Fei turned his eyes secretly. It's just the main melody. He doesn't know how to shoot, but he doesn't want to shoot for the time being.