Although the king of Qin in the "hero" has no nameless scenes and more broken swords, it is definitely the role that plays the greatest role in promoting the plot, because all the scenes are centered on the assassination of Qin.

The struggle between unknown killing and not killing is also influenced by the ambition of the king of Qin. If the play of the role of the king of Qin can't hold up, then the play is equivalent to losing muscles and bones. It's soft anyway.

Han Fei doesn't have a clue yet. The original king of Qin played by Chen Daoming really impressed him. The sentence: "I want to lead the iron cavalry of the Qin Dynasty and lay a big territory." it shows the style of the eternal emperor incisively and vividly. It's difficult for future generations to surpass, even to get close.

"Let's put it aside and decide on other roles." finally, after a round of discussion, the people didn't decide, so they had to shelve it first.

"Changkong will let Xie buchen come." Han Fei thought. He must find someone to suffer with him?

There are two candidates for Feixue, one is Zhang Yue and the other is Yang Kexin. Considering their temperament and image, they finally chose Zhang Yue.

As for the role of Ruyue, Yang Kexin said he was not interested, and the rest were all unimportant supporting roles. From here, we can see how simple the plot of "hero" is, and the lens is almost around several protagonists.

Soon the media found that a new script of "bird film and television" passed the review, hero? Just from these two words, I can't guess what kind of film it is.

But before long, there was news in the circle that the script that had just passed the review was a new film by Han Fei, and some supporting actors had begun to be selected publicly.

One stone aroused thousands of waves, and netizens were boiling. They originally thought that Han Fei would rest like last time for a long time before opening a new film. Unexpectedly, there was news so soon.

Of course, this is not good news for peers, which means that for a long time after six months, everyone should pay close attention to the schedule, otherwise it will be more or less bad if they accidentally bump into this guy.

Throughout Han Fei's career, this guy is really good at fighting. Not all of his new films may be on the street in the same period, but this guy's new films take more than 40% of the box office of the release schedule every time. So many of the remaining films can only pick up what he eats. It's really sad.

So now everyone is learning well, but if Han Fei's new films are released, they will release some small-cost productions. After all, there are too many appetizers. Do you have to eat some appetizers?

As for the schedule? We would rather fight bayonets with other peers than face Han Fei's long guns. It is not a level at all. Although we are reluctant to admit it, this is the fact. Han Fei's films often lead the trend. Fighting with peers is nothing more than life and death, but the probability is 50%. What if we are lucky?

As more and more film information is revealed, Han Fei's new film has gradually unveiled the mystery. Obviously, it is an ancient costume film, and it is obviously changed from the story of Jing Ke stabbing Qin.

Just, ancient costume films, is Han Fei going to give up the North American market? Did the audience of the previous two films lose so easily?

Not only do netizens think so, but even leaders ask Han Fei to meet in the teahouse.

"Why? Discouraged?" the first words of the leaders came straight to the point after the meeting.

Han Fei shook his head: "I can't talk about it. I just want to make a film that can really represent China."

After listening to the bitter mouth woman, the leader said: "it is normal for young people to experience some ups and downs. Our generations of filmmakers want to go out, but they are finally blocked by the barriers of eastern and Western culture. You have achieved initial results now. Why should you give up your advantages?"

Han Fei was obviously stunned: "leader, you don't think I'm going to give up the North American market?"

Although the leader didn't speak, his face can explain the problem. In his opinion, if he didn't give up the North American market, why should he choose a theme with completely Oriental elements? Can the North American audience understand?

Han Fei was speechless, and sure enough, he quickly explained: "I'm not just aiming at the box office for this film. I'm not afraid to tell you clearly that I'm going for the Oscar for [hero]. I want all the box office and little golden people. Only in this way can those arrogant Hollywood filmmakers face up to our Chinese films."

The leader was still worried and advised: "there's no need to choose such a theme. The western audience can't even distinguish the characters, let alone the dynasty background. You'd better consider it again."

Han Fei still insists that if even "hero" cannot be recognized by North American audiences, can Chinese films find more suitable films? the Great Wall? Come on, what's it like to rush into the street? It's better to use the most intuitive oriental culture to impact the world outlook of North American audiences. There is a saying that the nation is the world.

"Hey, young man." the leader shook his head and sighed.

In the leader's opinion, Han Fei is young and can't swallow this tone. It's good that the boy is still young. It's not a bad thing to let him hit the south wall.

So when everyone is not optimistic about the market prospect of "hero" in North America, Jiang Qinghou has started the preparatory work with the crew.

As an artist, Wen Qi began to study the materials of the Qin Dynasty. The relevant historical records of the Qin Dynasty are actually quite messy. It is a very complicated work to restore the customs and customs of the Qin Dynasty. Fortunately, in terms of military affairs, the terracotta warriors and horses have left the most real historical materials for future generations.

Wenqi directly took people to Xi'an for investigation, and the selection of roles fell into Han Fei's hands. First of all, Ruyue was the maid of Canjian, who loved Canjian beyond the master and servant. First of all, Ruyue needs to be very beautiful, but not too gorgeous, otherwise it is easy to replace the audience into the dog blood triangle.

In fact, there are many actresses who can play Ruyue. Han Fei also has a pile of actor information in his hand, but after watching it for a circle, it's not particularly amazing.

"Hey, Ruyue is easy to handle. The key is the king of Qin." Han Fei has a headache.

Just then, the mobile phone rang. When he looked at the caller ID, Han Fei was happy: "Yo, your father hasn't contacted me for a long time."

Zhao Mengru was impolite and said directly, "how can you say, how long have you been back? Just send me two boxes of American ginseng? Don't say to come and see my old man."

"Come on, don't talk about calves. If you're free, come to my house this afternoon."

Although I don't know why Zhao Mengru is looking for him, Han Fei still agrees: "well, the old man, I'll be there at two o'clock in the afternoon."