The cost of living in the United States is very high, especially for some college students who come to study abroad. After all, there is a difference between RMB and US dollars. In the United States, a US dollar is equivalent to one dollar in use. Therefore, when studying abroad, those who are not very rich in general family conditions will choose to do some part-time jobs to reduce the family burden.

However, it is too difficult for Chinese to find a suitable part-time job in the United States. For the same type of work, Americans can get $10 an hour, while Chinese can only get $5 or even lower. They will even be discriminated against. Many dirty jobs will be sent to Chinese.

It's good to get money. Some unscrupulous businessmen even withhold and refuse to pay remuneration. Most part-time workers don't sign any labor contracts and nobody cares if they want to sue.

Of course, many Chinese students will set up a Skype group and release some part-time information in it. Although it is not completely reliable, it is better than many foreign students bumping like headless flies.

Li Yanan waited anxiously in an outdoor cold drink shop. From time to time, he would look down at his watch. It was obvious that he was waiting for someone.

Suddenly he put his hands on her shoulder. Li Yanan was startled and turned his head. It seemed that the man was relieved: "good LAN Qi, stand me up and dare to tease me."

LAN Qi and Li Yanan are classmates and best friends of Qingda. After graduating from University, they were escorted to study in the United States. Li Yanan happened to be in the same school with her when he was studying for his master's degree. Naturally, their relationship is as good as a close sister.

"There's no way. I've just been promoted. I can't run away as soon as I get off work?" Lan Qi explained while avoiding her best friend's salty pig hand.

After they laughed for a while, LAN Qi asked, "didn't you say you wanted to go back to pursue love? Why did you come back after a circle?"

Li Yanan immediately wilted: "Hey, don't mention it. I've been planted in his hands all my life."

"Take it easy. It's good for you to have something you like. Sister, I haven't found any man worthy of my sister's love for so many years." Lan Qi sighed.

"You're too picky. Your suitor hasn't stopped since college."

"No way, who makes my sister so excellent."

"Vomit ~ ~ stink shameless."

After another burst of laughter, LAN Qi remembered, "how did you go back to the United States so soon? Your confession was rejected?"

Li Yanan lay powerless on the table and lamented, "if only I had the courage, I am his interpreter now."

"He? He also came to the United States?" Lan Qi quickly grasped the key point.

"Yes, his new film is going to be shot in Hollywood. Let's start first."

"Oh, it sounds cool. It's worthy of being the man you like. He's quite capable."

"Of course." Li Yanan wrinkled his nose proudly.

"Cut, so?" Lan Qi didn't want to understand what it had to do with her.

Li Yanan took out his mobile phone: "you have set up a Skype group. After a while, people from the domestic crew will come to the United States to shoot. The design needs a lot of translation to cooperate with the American team, so regular translation is not expensive, so..."

"So you started the idea of part-time foreign students. Yes, it will help capitalists save costs." Lan Qi joked.

However, he immediately pulled Li Yanan into the group. Li Yanan thought about it and released a recruitment message.

Then the whole group exploded.

"Is it true? 100 dollars a day?"

"If I wipe, I can still be on the crew? I have to go. I've never seen a movie."

Not to mention the explosion of foreign students in the group, even LAN Qi didn't expect that Li Yanan just told her to recruit translators, but he didn't expect to recruit so many, 30 translators? Is this to move the whole crew?

Of course, the international students in the group have little trust in Li Yanan, a new member of the group. After the initial surprise, they are skeptical.

As soon as LAN Qi saw it, she quickly guaranteed Li Yanan: "this is my best friend. The news she released must be right. If you have time, you can contact her in advance."

As a group leader, Lanqi is still very authoritative. She has helped foreign students find suitable part-time jobs over the years, and has never charged a fee.

After LAN Qi spoke, someone immediately added Li Yanan's friend. After a while, 30 places were set. However, it will take at least a month for the crew to come, and then it will be operated according to the specific situation.

"Hey, I haven't been on the crew yet. Why don't you take me to do a part-time job for a day?" Lan Qi hugged Li Yanan.

Li Yanan said, "you? Then we can't afford to hire people with thousands of dollars a minute..."

Before they finished, they started to fight.

Soon, this recruitment information also spread in the circle of foreign students. For foreign students who did not occupy the quota, they just missed a good part-time opportunity.

Of course, some people have noticed that the recruitment is not simple. The first is the crew. What crew needs so many translators? Secondly, which Chinese crew is going to make a film in Hollywood? Combined with all these, the result is already obvious.

Han Fei is coming to Hollywood to make a film, which is absolutely exciting for some foreign student fans. What "wandering the earth" brings to Chinese foreign students is not just the story told by this film.

After many Chinese students recommended their classmates to see it, these crooked fruit students were shocked that Huaxia's science fiction could do so well. Originally, in their impression, Huaxia should be a very backward country, and news reports have always said so.

However, after watching the special effects of "wandering the earth", no one will think that a backward country can make such a good science fiction film.

This is the case with Waiguo people. They only respect the strong. These Chinese students can clearly feel that the students have a little more respect in their eyes.

Only those who have been wandering for years can realize how rare respect is. This is why more and more Chinese students spontaneously publicized "wandering the earth". They want more Americans to see this film and see China different from the news reports.

Since "wandering the earth", Han Fei has gained a high reputation among these groups of foreign students who like movies. They have always expected Han Fei to come to Hollywood and let the world see their Chinese films.

Originally, they thought it would be a long process. However, to their surprise, he came in just a few months.

Therefore, the foreign students began to tell each other, and even someone contacted Li Yanan, saying that they wanted to come to the crew to help without pay.

Li Yanan did not expect that Han Fei, a "local old hat" who went abroad for the first time, would have such a great influence on the group of Chinese students.