My sister-in-law is not optimistic that "happy" can sell well. After all, domestic animation has not been popular for many years. If Han Fei's vision in film and television drama is to be said, she will not doubt it, but the animation market is like a pool of old water, which is difficult to turn up too big waves.

However, Han Fei is a big boss after all, and his decision can only be implemented by his sister-in-law. However, her sister-in-law puts forward: "it takes a lot of labor and effort to do it ourselves. In fact, the cost is also very high. It's better to send it directly to other factories for processing, so that the equipment, plant and management expenses can be born. We just need to grasp the raw materials and quality control."

What my sister-in-law means is that the existing production equipment focuses on the medium and high-end market, and some low-end products are directly sent to the agent for processing and production.

Han Fei thought it was reasonable: "but in this way, quality control becomes very important."

"This is not a problem. As long as our orders are large and the factories outside rush to do it, who dares to neglect such a large list now that the physical industry is so depressed? If it's a big deal, we'll send more quality control to watch the processing factories on behalf of us. There will be no problem." my sister-in-law said confidently.

"OK, then do as you say." Han Fei nodded. Her sister-in-law is worthy of being a professional. She still has a way to deal with the factory.

"By the way, where's my cousin?" Han Fei asked.

My sister-in-law sighed when she heard the speech: "don't mention it. The boy is out of home all day. He said he wants to start his own business and has lost a lot of money. Some time ago, he said he wants to partner with others to build a hotel. He said he wants to go to other places to investigate the market. When he asks me for money, he will come back."

Han Fei didn't ask any more when he heard the speech. He really couldn't do anything about this kind of thing. He stared at the factory for a few days and played with some toy samples.

"It's very good. Make some sets and wrap them for me. Take them back to Beibei."

My sister-in-law said with a smile, "Beibei will be in the third grade soon. Do you still play this?"

"You see what beune, this animation is absolutely unpopular." Han Fei is confident and knows that the time beaming with joy is not what piggy page is.

When Han Fei came back from the factory, he went home and gave a set of toys to the little girl. The little girl looked at it and was not very interested. Then she threw it aside and said, "I'm not a child in kindergarten. Can you stop giving such childish toys?"

Well, you won, but if you ask me again in the future, you can figure out how to kneel down and beg.

Of course, Han Fei didn't forget to send a set to Jiang Qinghou. This guy was so happy that he sent it back to his daughter.

In fact, the production of "Xiyangyang" animation is not complex. The first five episodes have been completed in two months from project approval to production. As long as the post dubbing is done.

When it comes to dubbing, Han Fei doesn't need to find outsiders at all. He directly asked Xu Qingya to find several suitable dubbing actors in the audio reading department and gave them dubbing. They didn't care much. They just thought they simply took a job and didn't give much money. They can record several episodes an hour at 200 yuan an episode. The price is still quite appropriate.

Originally, Han Fei intended to sell "Xiyangyang" to CCTV children's channel at a low price. As a result, the other party was not interested at all. Finally, he contacted a producer of Golden Eagle cartoon through Mr. Wang, and finally sold the broadcasting right to golden eagle card at the price of 2000 yuan per episode.

This price is basically a blood loss. Although the production cost of "Xiyangyang" is also relatively low, it costs a minimum of 40000 yuan for an episode. Of course, Han Fei doesn't expect to make money by selling this. It's not pleasant to say, even if "Xiyangyang" was popular at the beginning, what really makes money is moving picture films.

Because the production company has no supporting peripheral products, when they think of developing peripheral products, they find that the market is basically occupied by piracy.

Therefore, Han Fei will prepare peripheral products in advance from the beginning. Of course, the price of doing so is that if there is no fire, the money invested in the early stage can only be regarded as floating.

Mango station is still very efficient. After Han Fei bought a certain advertising time out of his own pocket, the "happy" trailer also officially landed in mango satellite TV prime time.

Some animation manufacturers are confused directly. What the hell? Advertising animation on TV? It's simply inhumane. Peers have left tears of envy one by one. Why do they even break a dollar into two and spend it? People still have money to advertise?

Therefore, through the early-stage advertising, many parents and children also know that the Golden Eagle cartoon has a new cartoon to go online.

At 17:30 p.m., Xiyangyang officially landed in the Golden Eagle cartoon. At this point, many parents have also picked up their children from school. The parents are busy cooking, but the children have to find something to do for them, otherwise they are uneasy, so they open the Golden Eagle cartoon and play animated films for them.

"Baby, you watch cartoons and mom cooks for you, okay?"

Zhao Xi looked at her daughter with some headaches. Since she divorced her husband, her daughter felt very insecure. She seemed afraid that she would abandon her like her father. She often had nightmares at night.

The girl nodded reluctantly. Zhao Xi hurried into the kitchen to work, but what made her wonder was that a quarter of an hour later, the girl didn't come to her. In the past, the girl would cry if she couldn't see her for a few minutes.

I hurried out to have a look, but found that today my daughter not only didn't cry, but watched TV with interest and smiled.

Zhao Xi breathed a sigh of relief and didn't care to continue working. When the meal was cooked, Zhao Xi quickly asked her daughter to eat. Her daughter's milk voice and milk request: "Mom, can I eat while watching?"

"Of course, come to mom to feed you." Zhao Xi took her daughter in her arms, fed her and watched the cartoon with her.

Gradually, Zhao Xi found that the cartoon was different from what she had seen in the past. How to say, she was an editor and director in the TV station and a part-time self-Media. She had a different understanding of the cartoon from others.

"Hello, everyone, I'm Xichen, an informal film and television up owner. Today, I want to share an animation with you. Yes, it's an animation, not an animation. How to say, this animation was watched with my daughter. At first, I didn't care. After all, it's just a juvenile animation, but after watching two episodes, I found the setting of Yangcun, In fact, it has deep meaning. "

"First of all, the lambs in the animation, including Xiyangyang and meiyangyang... They are all children. In addition to them, there is only an old man in Yangcun. Isn't this the current situation of many left behind children in rural areas?"

"Look at the lazy and boiling children. They all have some bad problems. Is it related to the lack of family education?"

Of course, there are few parents with professional knowledge like Zhao Xi. Most parents just find that their children like watching this cartoon more and more, and often look at it when they eat.

After kindergarten and primary school, the teacher also found that the children seem to be talking about: I want to be happy, you are lazy, and so on. When happy and beautiful sheep, they are naturally happy, and when lazy children are wronged.