Han Fei's words made the on-site teachers and students fall into meditation, especially the teachers of the college. It is undeniable that they didn't look at the Hollywood blockbusters at all. All the teaching materials, including the films they shared with the students, are more inclined to art films.

Because in their opinion, these films, whether in terms of lens, artistic conception and actor's acting skills, are far better than those Hollywood blockbusters. In fact, they don't look at Hollywood blockbusters, which often win super high box office. In fact, everyone knows this problem, but not many people really pay attention to it.

It's not nice to say that even Han Fei has made so many achievements before, he has never been invited back to his alma mater to give a speech, and some seniors who have not achieved as much at the box office as him, but have won awards frequently appear in Colleges and universities of major art schools to talk.

Looking at the status of major art schools, it is not difficult to understand why the whole film circle has such an attitude towards Hollywood blockbusters. Others have won high box office. There seems to be no other adjectives except for those secretly despised words such as popcorn movies and special effects scenes.

Han Fei added: "Do Hollywood blockbusters have no advantages? In my opinion, there are many. Yes, the film is indeed an art, but it is also a commodity. For the audience, buying tickets is a way of paying for entertainment. Many people may say that Hollywood blockbusters are always the same rhythm, the victory of justice over evil, and the salvation of Americans The world. "

The students sitting on the playground laughed. Indeed, in their impression, Hollywood blockbusters are like this.

Han Fei nodded and said, "yes, this is the cultural output that Hollywood blockbusters have been doing for decades. Even our professional film practitioners will have this view. It is conceivable how ordinary audiences will perceive it?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a buzzing sound on the playground.

"This is a little too conspiracy theory?"

"I think it makes sense. This is indeed the concept that the United States exports to the world."

Han Fei added: "In my opinion, the complete industrial system of Hollywood films has brought them at least three major benefits. First, the replicability of works. I don't know if you have noticed that in the whole global film market, various series of Hollywood films are robbing the global film box office, and many viewers will be happy to serve the future because they have seen the previous series of films To pay for the sequel, they call this behavior "feelings"

"Second, they have packaged many so-called international stars. As long as they have played a leading role in some series of films, their market is not only in the United States, but fans all over the world will pay for them."

"Third, the output of culture and American culture are actually well understood. It seems very beautiful. The so-called American dream is only the American dream of the American people. The so-called freedom is not open to people in other countries, but they can wantonly beautify themselves in the film. It seems that the whole world is in deep water, and only the United States is the last paradise."

"Ha ha ~ ~"

After laughing, another student asked, "how should we deal with it?"

Han Fei thought, "that's a good question. Weihai, a thinker in the Qing Dynasty, once said: learning from foreigners and mastering their skills to control them. In my opinion, backwardness is not terrible. China is the nation that is best at learning. As long as we can recognize our goals, we can catch up one day."

"The terrible thing is that we have fallen behind for several laps, but we still think that our opponent has only run a few more steps than ourselves."

After a burst of applause, another student asked a question: "senior Han Fei, I have seen the Dragon search formula during the Chinese New Year. The 3D special effects in it seem very realistic to me. If you take the degree of industrialization of this work, how far do you think it is from Hollywood?"

On the playground, many students looked up and waited for Han Fei's answer. Obviously, after being hit, they needed some soul chicken soup.

But obviously, Han Fei is not a good cook. At most, he can only cook dark cuisine. He sighed helplessly: "let's say, the 3D effect of [dragon hunting formula] is equivalent to the level of Hollywood in recent years, and the industrialization degree of our crew is at least 20 years different from that of the professional crew of the real Hollywood giant."

"Ah?" the students were so sad that they almost put an exclamation mark and a question mark on their foreheads.

Han Fei said positively, "maybe you think I'm alarmist, let me give you an example. You should all know the werewolves that often appear in Hollywood blockbusters?"

"I know." the students nodded.

Han Fei made a gesture: "If we follow our existing special effects technology, we can only quickly promote the process of turning people into werewolves in a short time at most. You can't see it in detail, but in Hollywood movies, you can shoot the whole process of growing black hair on people, changing their faces into wolves, and finally completely turning into wolves. I believe you should have seen similar films."

"I've seen it. I really felt my hair straight at that time."

"I've seen it too. The special effect is really well done, but I haven't talked about how to do it in class."

Han Fei added: "In fact, this short picture of more than ten seconds needs a team with a high degree of industrialization. First, it needs some makeup. Well, to be exact, it should be the combination of makeup and prop production. If the lens from human to werewolf is completely made with special effects, it will appear that the whole picture is very fake, but the fur is pasted on the actors from short to long through makeup , and then decorated with special effects, the whole picture will appear very real, which can achieve the effect of confusing the fake with the real. "

"If you look at the slow speed, you can even see the natural shaking of the hair on the werewolf, which needs to be matched by the action capture system. In short, so far, I haven't seen any domestic crew that can do such fine operation, which Hollywood could do more than a decade ago."

"Well, isn't it difficult and tired for us to catch up like this?" someone was a little depressed after listening to it.

Han Fei said, "of course, if you're not hard and tired, how can you have our chance? It's because no one is doing it, so anyone who has a little achievement will be seen. Isn't [dragon searching formula] the best proof?"

For a moment, the applause was thunderous, and Tao Yuehua also applauded for the beloved disciple. In fact, Han Fei's film speech in Beijing was facilitated by her. Yes, Han Fei has really become popular in the film and television industry these years, but because there are no awards, he has little influence in the mainstream literary and art circles.

We should know that these teachers and professors of the art school are judges of various film and television awards all year round. Only with their recognition, Han Fei, including the actors who often make his films, will not be treated differently.

Don't underestimate this. Sometimes prejudice is a mountain. If you don't move it, it will always stop in front of you.

After the speech, Han Fei was inevitably taken a group photo by enthusiastic younger brothers and sisters. Then, Tao Yuehua arranged to have dinner with college leaders.

Han Fei was naturally deeply moved by Tao Yuehua's good intentions, but just as Tao Yuehua never mentioned it, Han Fei didn't say a word of thanks. Maybe this is the tacit understanding between them.