After the start-up press conference, Jiang Qinghou, as a director, is naturally the first incense, which is also to let the crew recognize who is the leader of the crew.

Then, naturally, Han Fei and then producer LV Ping.

Xie buchen and Qin Ming finished incense one after another. It should be Ma Lili's turn, but she was stunned and didn't dare to go.

"Alas, elder sister, can't you go up? Can't I go up." Shen Weiwei is a little impatient. To be exact, she should be a little upset. What can this female number one compare with herself in terms of appearance, figure and temperament? But in the script, she and Charlotte are a couple.

"Well, why don't you go first?" Ma Lili also saw a lot of news about Han Fei and Shen Weiwei.

"I'll go up and I..." Shen Wei listened to Han Fei's deep voice before her voice fell.

"On what? Are there any rules?"

Ma Lili turned pale and mechanically took over the three incense sticks handed by Han Fei.

"Hum, you know how to bully me." Shen Wei's face was wronged.

Han Fei ignored her. This girl just likes to be a demon. If she doesn't give her some color to see, she won't turn the sky in the future? This scene was seen by the crew, and they probably understood Han Fei's attitude. These people were smart one by one and put down the dishes.

The shooting site is still selected in Fengning County. Now the tourism industry in Fengning County has become the largest pillar industry. Therefore, it is willing to invest in those who can play a publicity role in Fengning County. All shooting sites in Fengning County only need to pay half of the rent, and the other half is paid by the county. Even accommodation is half the price.

Of course, the county did a good job in this business, and the story background in the film moved from northeast to Hebei.

In fact, one thing about "Charlotte's troubles" is more inconsistent, that is, the appearance of the protagonists. Even if they wear school uniforms, they don't look like high school students at all. If they want to see the original film first, they have to accept a group of "old people" to be tender.

However, Han Fei doesn't exist here at all. The stars are in their twenties. They are high school students wearing makeup and school uniforms.

Especially Shen Weiwei, this girl has a special charm in her Colonel's uniform, which makes Ma Lili envious.

What's more interesting is that Han Fei can only be ugly when making up because he looks too handsome. Otherwise, this absurd story can't be played. The protagonist's too handsome seriously affects the sense of substitution.

"Charlotte's troubles, act one, mirror one, action." Jiang Qinghou was excited when he picked up the guide tube. This was the first film he directed, and his dream for many years finally came true.

The first scene is actually very simple, that is, at the beginning of the film, Charlotte's brother-in-law drove him to qiuya's wedding in his "girlfriend's" luxury car.

Brother in law: brother in law, almost. Today is my girlfriend's 60th birthday. I have to go to celebrate her birthday.

Charlotte: come on, drive slowly and make two more rounds. Stop, stop, stop!

In fact, the original play script was that my brother-in-law was a driver and the line was to deliver the car to the boss. However, after discussion by the screenwriter group, I felt that this was more ironic.

"Ka, this one passed, the next one." the first one passed so smoothly.

However, the next paragraph is not so easy. The next paragraph is the first perspective of the protagonist Charlotte, which is the classic narration.

"My name is Charlotte. The person who is praised by the stars is me. However, I have been secretly hiding a person in my heart. Her name is Qiu ya. When I went to school, she was very famous and recognized as the school flower of the whole school, and I was more famous and recognized as a joke of the whole school, but I don't understand why such a beautiful girl would marry a pig in the end..."

Although it seems that the plot is very simple, it is not easy to perform the look of hanging wire, wide and abnormal burning.

"Kaka, still can't, old Han, come and have a look." Jiang Qinghou Kaka three times. He originally designed a lens to the end. As a result, Han Fei didn't insist for five seconds.

When Han Fei came to the monitor, he also saw the problem. How to say, Han Fei's suit was specially made smaller, which seemed very cramped, but his temperament didn't look like a middle-aged hanging wire. To be precise, he couldn't perform the greasy feeling of middle-aged men.

"You shoot something else first, I'll find the feeling first." Han Fei closed his eyes and fell into meditation. The most mainstream performance method of experience school and method school is to imagine himself as the role he wants to perform, then accept him psychologically, get close to him, and finally become him.

Han Fei's original performance of Charlotte has been subconsciously imitating the original Shen Teng's performance, but this narrator makes him find that he is completely different from Shen Teng. Forced imitation will only make a fool of himself.

Having figured this out, Han Fei began to sort out. Charlotte is a typical middle-aged greasy man. He can't achieve anything, and has no talent. He likes to dream. From when he crossed back to high school and thought he was in a dream, he can see that he is an ordinary man with some fierce colors and weak insides.

"Ka, OK, this one has passed." Jiang Qinghou has finished shooting some scenes of Ma Lili. He found that the actress has a very special temperament. How to say, it may be related to her being a northeast sister paper. It always gives people a very "Biao" feeling, especially with the lines of northeast dialect.

In order to make this role stand, Jiang Qinghou even asked the screenwriter to give Ma Dongmei. The native place of this role was changed back to the northeast, an ordinary worker family who came to Hebei from the northeast.

"I'm ready. Let's start all over again?" Han Feichong said to Jiang Qinghou.

"Transition." at the command of Jiang Qinghou, the crew began to transition.

This is Han Fei's only treatment. No matter how high the position of other actors is, it is impossible to say that they can change the scene.


Han Fei held his waxed hair with his right hand and walked to the hotel auditorium. When he passed the registration desk, he threw the red envelope on the table. The whole action was a little natural and unrestrained.

Jiang Qinghou obviously felt in the monitor lens that Han Fei's temperament was different. How to say, he always felt that Han Fei couldn't let go of his previous performances. Now he looked at the whole lens and stretched.

Yes, Han Fei completely left the original Shen Teng's performance behind, because it only belongs to Shen Teng. He is not the second Shen Teng, he is just himself.

How to say, it's like playing a thief. Most actors may make themselves look like thieves and let the audience know they are thieves at a glance.

But in fact, real thieves never let others see that they are thieves. For example, King Liu and Uncle Li, who are no thieves in the world, if they are not from the perspective of God, others will not think they are thieves.

In fact, Charlotte's story is the same. I believe Charlotte has rehearsed many times in her mind to attend qiuya's wedding. He just wants to show his best side to the goddess. In this performance, the more natural and unrestrained he is, the more he can collide with a series of embarrassments such as the master of ceremonies.