After entering the conference hall, Han Fei and Xi Yao were arranged in. Not long after, Xi Yao held a large number of business cards, and female artists accounted for the vast majority. Looking at Huang Hexiang, it seems that few artists patronized his "business" except for several company bosses who exchanged business cards with him.

In fact, it's normal. There are brokerage companies under the gold medal film and television. Good characters are basically released only after they have been selected internally. Moreover, some of their dramas are popular and some are rubbish. They choose between him and Han Fei. Of course, the artists choose the latter without hesitation.

Although the role of the latter is also digested internally first, other people's dramas are popular. Xi Yao is not the best example. This small role that once could only run a dragon's suit is now firmly in the third tier.

Huang Hexiang's face became more and more ugly. Obviously, he became the one who was abandoned in the multiple-choice question. When did he receive this?

Seeing that his boss was about to explode, the faces of several artists around him were abnormal. On the contrary, Han Fei still chatted and laughed with Xi Yao. The atmosphere was so harmonious that people envied him.

But fortunately, the party also began, and everyone's attention was focused on the stage. From the number of best actors and actresses, we can see how unreliable the award ceremony was. Three trophies were awarded for each award.

Then there were some awards that didn't pay much attention to photography. When it came to the best director, Jiang Qinghou won the award, but the goods were still in production and didn't arrive at the scene, so the trophy came to Han Fei.

"Thank you for giving me this award..." before Han Fei's voice fell, there was a boo at the scene.

The host couldn't help laughing: "no, Han Fei, why did you come on stage? I remember I didn't pronounce my name wrong."

"Ah? This award is not for me. Why did you give me the trophy?"

"It's still my fault?"

As soon as they sang in harmony, the atmosphere of the award party, which was just a little boring, suddenly rose.

Xi Yao looked with envy at Han Fei, who was able to cope freely on the stage. She didn't have this ability. When she got on the stage, she was nervous and couldn't even speak quickly, let alone the humorous ways to resolve the host.

"I'm kidding. In fact, I came to receive this award for Jiang Qinghou. This guy is having children recently..." Han Fei's words again booed the scene.

"Well, to be exact, it's to accompany his daughter-in-law to have children. This award is not only an affirmation of his talent, but also a gift for newborns. Thank you."

Han Fei's speech of harmonizing first and then Zhuang also caused applause from many audiences. When he returned to his seat, Xi Yao couldn't wait to take over the trophy and play, not to mention envy.

"Don't envy, get ready and accept the award." Han Fei really didn't say it casually. In fact, the penguin video informed him what award he would win. Xi Yao got the best supporting actress.

Sure enough, after the host announced the winners of the three female artists, many of the audience were shouting: "Yue qiluo".

The camera also focused on Xi Yao, who was still holding the best director trophy. Her surprised expression made her the focus of the audience.

"Go quickly. There's nothing to worry about. It may become your black spot one day," Han Fei reminded.

Xi Yao wrinkled her nose and made a face at Han Fei: "hum, it won't. this is my first prize. I'll put it in the most prominent place in the living room."

"Just be happy." Han Fei shrugged.

When Xi Yao boarded the podium, he immediately aroused the cheers of the audience and compared the two female artists who had just come on stage.