Compared with the audience, it's a good thing, but the peers are uncomfortable. Before Han Fei's speed of one film a year, we just need to avoid its edge. We can't afford it. Can't we hide it? But now the goods have to be sold twice a year, and the situation is different. What makes the peers most depressed is that several works of Han Fei have directly increased the appetite of online audiences.

In the past, people used to get a script adapted from an online novel. Even if it was a variety of magic changes, the audience could accept it, because good films are too difficult to find. As long as they can cope with it, no one cares about so many details, but now it's different. The audience's requirements for the drama are getting higher and higher.

The audience will vote with their feet when fooling the films made casually, which is clearly confirmed by the benefits brought by the video platform.

Therefore, for the whole industry, Han Fei is like a catfish, stirring up the original backwater. Of course, people are inert. They could have made money lying down. Now let them stand, naturally some people are unhappy. Han Fei, the culprit, has become the target of public criticism. Basically, his peers don't say he is good.

Of course, Han Fei doesn't mind this. He likes the state that his peers don't look up to and can't kill him. He has a special sense of achievement. It's not pleasant to say. If people are too popular in an industry, it means that people don't take you seriously at all. The opponent is often the best praise from his peers.

[tomb robbing notes] once the news of the project approval in the third quarter came out, the popularity of the theme park also increased. In addition, it is a tourism boom. The reception volume of the whole scenic spot has reached saturation for two consecutive months, and the shareholders are happy.

Of course, the biggest benefit is the local economy. Driven by tourists, tourism projects in the surrounding grasslands and mountains have also been developed, and the whole Fengning County has taken on a new look.

In September, the script of [Yunding heavenly palace] passed the review, which made Han Fei helpless. The script still didn't escape the knife of the review department and was overturned three times, which was considered as a reluctantly pass. Some contents in the original book were also deleted a little horribly. For example, the "big head corpse fetus" in the original book was completely cut off, and finally made a visual dislocation before it was cut off again.

After the script is approved, the construction of [Yunding heavenly palace] will naturally be put on the agenda. The construction will be started next to the theme park, phase I and phase II. Even if it is surrounded by thick iron plates, it can not stop the enthusiasm of tourists. One by one, they want to see what it looks like inside. However, the construction site is dusty and full of holes. In fact, it is not good-looking for a long time, Even the staff of the theme park are not interested.

"No, we really want to build Yunding heavenly palace according to the proportion of 100%?" Jiang Qinghou was a little confused when looking at the design sketch. The former seven star king Lu palace and the undersea tomb were all right. After all, it was just a tomb. How big could it be? The Yunding heavenly palace is different. It's the King City of Dongxia, and it's still a city built on cliffs. How much will it cost to restore it all?

Han Fei smiled and patted Jiang Qinghou on the shoulder: "don't worry, this money doesn't need to be paid by our family. These buildings are reserved for the theme park after filming. They don't pay any money, can it be justified?"

Er... When Jiang Qinghou thought about it, he thought it seemed reasonable, but on second thought, he didn't think of today's situation when he pulled people to invest in it before, did he? In the scene of filming, let others pay the bill together. Jiang Qinghou couldn't help but mourn for Han Fei's partner.

Fan pangzi didn't agree with the expansion plan of the scenic spot at first. However, after Han Fei took out a report, everyone shut up. After September, the number of tourists decreased significantly. In the questionnaire survey, 40% of the tourists who came to the park felt that there were few amusement facilities, which can explain the problem.

Although Han Fei has tried his best to improve the surrounding supporting facilities to consume the energy of tourists, he still can't change the disadvantage of too few amusement facilities.

"The expansion is naturally imminent, but do you really need to spend so much money on investment?" fan pangzi has some pain. This year, the theme park has just begun to make a profit, and he has to invest a sum of money immediately, which increases the time to recover the cost.

Han Fei just shook his head: "of course, if you are not willing to invest, I can find others to join, but your shares will be diluted at that time."

No one said a word. Generally, it is quite rare for such a large theme park to start making profits in the second year, which shows that the project must be profitable. At this time, no one wants to see it.

Han Fei saw that the people were still struggling and added a chip: "Oh, I forgot to tell you that the [Yunding heavenly palace] project, the flying bird film and Television Association, invested 30 million to build, and we can divide the rest equally according to the proportion of shares."

All the outstanding people were relieved and said that people were selfish. After all, Han Fei was the first to use the [Yunding heavenly palace] after it was built. If the money was let out together, everyone would feel uncomfortable. Now Han Fei said that he would go out for $30 million, it would be no problem. After all, it is very luxurious to spend $30 million on a show, It's clear to let them take advantage.

Smart people don't do things that suffer losses, and fools do things that take advantage of them. Shareholders have made a 180 degree turn in their attitude one by one, patting their chests and saying that there is no problem, and the additional funds will arrive immediately.

And does Han Fei, who seems to have suffered a loss, really suffer a loss? No, this 100 million real scene is incomparable with the 30 million real scene, and the publicity effect is not the same. In addition, he is the major shareholder of the theme park, and most of the profits generated by the theme park will go into his pocket, so there is no possibility of loss at all.

Therefore, in Han Fei's view, this is a win-win plan. The news of the construction of a real scene of 100 million was soon "accidentally" revealed by him, which detonated the whole network in an instant.

The opinions of netizens are also divided into two distinct factions. One faction believes that Han Fei is trying to confuse the concept of speculation. After all, it seems difficult for Han Fei to build a real scene of 100 million.

However, another school believes that Han Fei effectively combines the advantages of the theme park, and one hundred million is not a fantasy.

Both sides argued and listed a series of favorable data for themselves, such as Han Fei's assets, cash flow, or the shareholder structure of the theme park.

For grave robbers, whether the investment amount has reached 100 million or not, they have seen Han Fei's insistence on not changing his original heart and regardless of cost from this news, and have said that he must see it online.